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Not sure where you are in town, but Food + Beers' kitchen is open til super late... I think like 2am on Fri/Sat and they have pretty solid stuff.


Hey thats actually a solid option, im headed there lol Thanks!


Why are so many of you people being ass holes about what time he eats dinner? You wanna decide what color underwear I wear?! What the fuck lol


Brewlands, Lucky's, Waffle house.


No sane person would go to brewlands for food. A prison would have higher quality food options.


Nah they got good wings


You're a brave man


I mean going to brewlands in general could be considered brave. But I know someone who worked at brewlands and he said the kitchen was surprisingly clean


I like it as a bar/pool joint. I dont think I have ever had something come from their kitchen that tasted good, though.


Cob n penn, Applebees, ihop, Waffle House, taco bus


Ihop and waffle house are the way to go after 1 am


cob and pen, food + beer


Im gonna try food + beer Cob and pen has never lived up to the price for me


I agree. They're expensive for what you get.


Welcome to the new world where people actually don't want to be out working until midnight to feed you, and restaurants are not paying enough to convince them to do so.


But what if they do want to work nights …lots of people like working nights. Working nights might make some peoples life easier. I worked nights, long time ago… quiet… less traffic ect. Some places even pay a night differential. They’re not open late because there never was a call for it. This will change as Lakeland grows. Someone will always seize the opportunity. We need a 24 hr greek diner… with those big plastic 25 page menus😂🤣


Some people yes, but the majority want normal hours and to spend more time with their families and friends. Lakeland used to have plenty of places tha5 stayed open until 10 or 1030 every night. That ended with covid. And now people want a better work life balance than they had precovid.


Ok you understand people work in shifts right? No single employee is staying at a restaurant from open to close. Many people rather work later hours than early. Its all a matter of scheduling. You can perfectly have the best work life balance in the world and start your work shift in the afternoon. Every major city in the world has this figured out, its not that hard.


Every major city has started shutting down earlier as workers refuse to work those shifts. Tell me, why weren't you at work at 10pm? Don't like working those hours but expect someone else to work them for your convenience?


Nah dont bark at me. I love those shifts. Worked nights at wal mart for years, i would go back in a heart beat. (To the schedule, not wal mart) Also, this is only for restaurants.  Have you noticed how many distribution centers have opened in our area? Realize several of them have late shifts as well. People all over are out late, theres a market there


I agree there is a market. I disagree that there are people willing to work it, finding worker is becoming harder and harder for a lot of positions. People don't want to work for the wages and benefits being provided.


You should go visit a major city.


Well, I just left Rome Italy, so I am familiar with major cities. And again, it has nothing to do with the business. And everything to do with the available workers.


Maybe you should go google restaurants in Rome Italy. The earliest I see is 10 pm and most are 11pm/midnight. My exact search was “what time are restaurants open until in Rome Italy”. If you want to do NYC, LA,Chicago… have at it. You will probably see a lot closing in the am. Familiar with major city’s huh 🤔.


Oh, I completely agree. But Lakeland is none of those, so what is your point? If you are not working as a waiter in a Lakeland restaurant at those hours, there must be a reason. Maybe because you like your family time and living in a more rural area as well as all those others thay don't want to work there then.


Just like u/Jordangander and many others dont want too. Not working 2 jobs, not working the hours your family grows and you do not. The hours of not getting the time back. Someone will seize the the opportunity, those that have no other chouce. Those will give what they give, garbage.


This makes zero sense. Most Restaurants don’t make nearly enough money after 9 o’clock for it to be viable to stay open. These companies exist to make as much money as possible so if they could make money 24 hours of the day they would


The business does. The employees do not. They have learned to value their time off.


Sounds like we need a microkitchen whose entire schtick is delicious food after 9.


Yea We need a petition to open Walmart back up 24 hrs... It's actually bull crap I can't go get ice cream at 3 am...


I don't control the munchies, they control me...


Groceries, do you have a fridge?




You got yourself one of those micro wavey thingeys don’t ya🫢


OP downvoting the responses in this thread is wild.


Dude you would actually start cooki g at 9 pm?


I'm guessing you get off of work around 9 pm right? How is you making dinner after work any different than anyone else making dinner after work? Because of time? Adjust your schedule. And yea when I was in on a rotating shift, on swings and mids, I made dinner when I got home regardless of time. If I got home around 1 am, I made dinner at 1 am.


Nah i get out at 5 usually, and 9 is when i get to pick up an extra shift and make that sweet sweeet overtime.  If it were everyday i would adjust, but i would still like to eat out every so often.


So you're above cooking at 9 but don't mind others doing it for you?


Ive been working all day at that point.  When i worked nights and that was my schedule, yeah i wouldnt mind cooking at 9.


Winners circle is open I think, some of the best wings in town


Never tried it, gonna put it on the list. Thanks!


This will never change in Lakeland. Majority of business close too early and closed on Sundays.


Moving here is making me get back into cooking, and I don’t mean it in a mean way, since it’s probably a good thing that I’m cooking again 😅


Salems open till 4am.


Apparently, I go to bed so early, I didn't know this was a problem. Harrys, Back Nine, Mojo Federal, Winners Circle, Food+Beer, Barside Ford's, Glory Days, WalkOns Chili's, Bone Fish, Carrabba's, Applebee's, Buffalo Wild Wings.Olive Garden, Mellow Mushroom, Cheddar's, Longhorn, Mr and Mrs Crab, Chain Diners: Waffle House, Denny's, IHOP


Maybe enough people will have a problem with the lack of close and convenient late night entertainment and eateries and they'll move out and reduce all the heavy traffic and problems that are plaguing this town now.


Cookies. I'm with you. The number of times I've had a dire pizza or wings craving at 11 and everywhere is closed is a lot. To tide you over, make these: 1/2 brown sugar 1/4 sugar 6 tbsp butter (melted and cooled) --mix those 3 together-- add 1/2 tsp baking soda 1/4 salt 1 egg 1 cup flour 1/2 chocolate chips combine but don't overmix. Bake at 325 for 12 minutes. Enjoy while bemoaning the early closing times.


There is so little business after that hour that restaurants start losing money so it doesn't pay to stay open. Learn to eat earlier. Eating after 9 is awful late for dinner.


This will change. Lakeland is one of the fastest growing cities in the country. More stores/restaurants popping up everywhere. The plans the city has for Lakeland are huge. It will start to grow exponentially. Download Lakeland will be expanded up Massachusetts ave. All they want is bars/restaurants/and shops. I know this because I couldn’t rezone a business over there. Briteline will become a commuter train to Orlando and Tampa… lots of hungry people coming home late. Look along Kathleen… you see how much land is for sale. You think locals are buying it?


Even in the bigger metro areas, restaurants end service by 10ish for the most part.


NYC(born n raised)… always somewhere to get food. Go to r/nycfood. It’s not what it was in the 90’s… we use to go the Papaya hot dog at 3/4 am when the bars closed or diners …a lot are 24/7. Double turkey burgers with a side of couch potatoes and gravy after a night a drinking🥳


Maybe tampa cause it sucks, but miami you can find good stuff until midnight


Its not about learning to eat early. People that work need options. I cant tell my supervisor im gonna leave early for dinner. Either way i always see people when im out. Im certain that if they were open, people would come.  Have you ever been to salems at midnight? Thing is packeddd. Youre not gonna tell me all those people actually want salems... they had another option they would be there.


Lots of people do meal prep on the weekends and then reheat dinners during the week. At midnight, I'm in bed sleeping. I wouldn't go to Salems at noon time. That place is sketchy.


Lol salems is super sketch but it saves the night being open until 4 am


I can't imagine ever being desperate enough to go there.


I hate the ignorance from people, like, all the businesses in town are closing and allllll those employees are likely leaving hungry. With hundreds of businesses closing at 8,9,10 in Lakeland, and most of them having at least 3-6 employees working, that can quickly turn into a good few thousand hungry people, but yeah, they should all "learn to cook" and learn to eat earlier 🙄


Who eats dinner at 9 PM? Maybe try cooking at home. Problem solved.


You would start cooking at 9?  We get busy sometimes or i eanna get dinner with friends. What about second dinner? If i get off work early i might eat at 6 but then ill be hungry again by 10. Any other city there would be plenty of options.


Second dinner = Taco Bell. I don't make the rules.


So true


9p.m is kinda late for dinner actually


Yeah a little bit, but not really if youre gonna meet friends


Yes it's still late for dinner, not late for drinks and such but don't expect something above fast food or bar food


Im fine with bar food. Its having no options that sucks. The pandemic is long gone and theres people that work until late.


There's certainly a few good restaurants that are open til 10 or even 11 on weekends, try googling or looking on Google maps. I personally recommend Harry's in downtown.


I think you had the wrong impression of Lakeland when you moved here


Lol ive been here for years but ill never get used to everyone being in bed by 7 pm


Well I've grown up here born in 93 and sadly it's always been that way and will probably stay that way because of the senior population. It's pretty awful to be under 55 here lol that's why everyone just goes to Tampa to do stuff


Tampa is so lame to me. I love the places we have in town at least. I do feel like if there were stuff to do, people would come.


Oh people are coming just for the medical facilities and 55 and up communities