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"metaphysical" means it's a scam lol




it can be done. Faith groups can be genuine, but anything ambiguous with money attached can become a scam


Collaborations aren’t a scam I think they just did what they tried to do in the best faith they had because currency isn’t just money QT gave them less than 5 days to get their stuff out after illegally subletting anyway


Metaphysical - transcending physical matter or the laws of nature. I don't think someone making 30k a year "telling fortunes" is breaking the laws of nature. This leads me to conclude that metaphysical is fraudulent.


Okay Shanice…


Only a buisness owner would know about the buisness contract. So is this account Shanice or Jonny?


That’s crazy, I know people who have worked with them and quit because they never got paid for items they sold to them. Apparently someone didn’t get paid for almost 3 months? They’re such shady people. I’ve been to there shop like three times and each time they were pushy and rude. The tarot readers they had were kind though so I guess that was a plus. Yesterday was their last day having a shop right?


yeah man, they never paid their people right and would complain when they had to pay their people. and yeah yesterday was their last day open so they’re going to start vending again .


They don’t need to be vending again! Also i heard their personal tarot readings suuuucked 😂😂😂😂 they need to move back to New York 😂😂




This sounds so mean spirited…


Op deleted their comment: “The tarot readers shouldn’t of gotten paid they were all awful anyway and babies” Dirty deleting doesn’t hide your unkindness


They claim to be “ metaphysical “ and “ spiritual “ There's the first two red flags already. 


Yeah they’re not good people, I’ve worked with them and begged to get my money. Also a lot of garbage that was in their shop was from Amazon/temu. Good riddance, they’re bad people and I feel bad for anyone who has the misfortune to work with them.


Not temuuuuu lmaoooooooo.


It’s true though! Some of their stuff was handmade but they wanted to buy temu stuff lol. How much of their vendor items are “handmade” too 👀👀👀 crazy


Here’s something funny they’re now vending places and vending out of a place called Blangelikas boutique in Auburndale. Be aware of them


That's a damn shame. I know those people personally. I used to stop by Quinteassence and I would buy from the food vendors they had out there. Haven't been there in months.


Quintea is great you know. The people at Calypso tried to talk shit about people who work there but everyone sees right through it lol.


quint is still great and the food vendor still sets up i think it’s still a nice place to go and hang out


“Callll me now”


Evil hippies


My issue was that the two owners talked themselves up as shadow workers (integrating parts of yourself you reject) and portrayed a kind of warmth that to the untrained eye looked like they "do the work", but some ppl call it "shadow work" when they repress their awareness of the harm they're doing, convincing themselves of their spiritual integrity. But they would have to be extremely repressed to not realize how much they were failing in their role as established spiritual guides for a community (which they emphasized in every speech before every event). The "light" was a coverup, the "love" was plausible deniability, and the "shadow work" was handwaving away their culpability in how many ppl they screwed over. The better angel of my nature wants to believe they're just so high on their own supply that they don't know what irresponsibility in a leadership role looks like, but if that were true, that angel would be grossed out bc it takes so much negligence and arrogance to be that unaware.


Thats my soapbox. I almost trusted them.. :/


QT is to blame as well…the tarot readings were awful anyway and shouldn’t have been paid imo They needed more technical training before making it a career. Everyone deserves to be paid, BUT if you’re in the metaphysical field you should know your shit before getting paid. It’s disrespectful to everyone on every plane when people are just picking up books and deciding they’re psychic and can make money from it.


People don’t deserve payment for work?.. what?


“ everyone deserves to be paid, BUT “ no lets stop their, Shanice. If you ever had an actual issue with the tarot readers, you, yourself should’ve stepped up and let it be known. There is no “ technical training “ for tarot 💀 You have to pick up a book and actually train and read. You are ridiculous.


Currency comes in many forms. It’s important you establish that upfront and take responsibility as well.


Why we hard on them but not QT lol they’re horrible at business obviously if they had this the fish stinks from the head down


People aren’t hard on Quint because they were upfront about what happened. Calypso isles wasn’t, they hid what was actually happened. It’s ridiculous how you try and comment on this as if you didn’t know, Shanice. Lmao.