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Went to Salem UCC on Marietta Ave for a few years. Nice congregation that would fit your needs. The former pastor said one Sunday “when I feed the hungry they call me a saint. When I ask why there are hungry to feed they call me a communist”. I’ll never forget that.


“The rich exist for the sake of the poor. The poor exist for the salvation of the rich.” — St. John Chrysostom


Lancaster Friends Meeting (Quakers) is off Columbia Ave. There's a meeting in York as well. Generally pretty left-leaning.


Which is hilarious because if a brown, sandal clad Jew walked into any of those churches and said we should feed the hungry, heal the sick, and take care of the children, they would laugh him out of the building and call him a liberal.


Yeah, the whole "Jesus is my personal savior" thing that evangelicals are so obsessed with has, IMO, ruined the redeemable parts of Christianity. It's not about working to create a global community that supports the poor and oppressed anymore. It seems like it's about hastening the end of days and keeping the Pearly Gates shut to specific groups that evangelicals hate.


They skipped to the end because the “begat” parts were boring. The issue comes from them honestly believing that what they do on earth is not important to go to heaven. They believe in “Jesus” so they get a pass at doing any garbage they want. Misinterpretation is the whole thing.


I’m not paying Reddit for awards, but I was close for this comment!


I've been on this earth for a long ass time, and I have learned time and time and time again, that the least Christlike people I've ever met, are the most vocal Christians, and the most Christly folks usually want nothing to do with the church.


Completely agreed, as someone who grew up in a religious family. Many modern churchs resemble more of a physical business selling “salvation”, instead of a family helping you to it.


Humility is the virtue that is least compatible with dominionists


Our thoughts *exactly* at that moment... smh




Big sighhhhhh....


Not a Greek Church though


I know it’s a little farther east than you were looking but St. James and First Reformed UCC in downtown Lancaster are both open and affirming churches with very good reputations for being apolitical and inclusive.


Quaker meetings may be what you're looking for.


Community mennonite in Lancaster city has been my home since I transitioned. Lgbtq friendly, come as you are. We have a few people who are not specifically christian or who journeyed through other religions to get there and we welcome them to fellowship with us too. We do have some political views, but they are things like campaigning for peace, helping the homeless and needy. The good politics.


Blossom Mennonite church is also a progressive Mennonite congregation in Lancaster!


Yup blossom, east chestnut and grand view heights


That's pretty amazing that *Mennonites* are that progressive. Us older folks remember when the Moral Majority got into politics with Reagan. Look, you people win. You destroyed womens right to choose. But you've allowed horrific treatment of humans being cited as "Gods ideals". The radicals have not only overtaken the GOP, but Christianity as a whole. Congratulations. Nice work.


My congregation had been pushing the conference for 13 years on lgbt affirmation and we finally got 80 percent support from the mcusa conference 2 years ago, right after i came out. Having a standing ovation of the whole congregation for several full minutes is something that still gives goosebumps


That just gave me goosebumps! Christianity could really take a page from your churches position. You would likely have a lot less atheist, who turned away from religion due to ultra conservative Southern Baptist parents. (Or I may be projecting here, lol).


As a product of southern baprist missionary parents, later attended Lancaster Bible College, I totally agree. My quarrel was never a faith thing as much as a people’s perception thing. Remove identity hurdles from religion and just call people people, see what happens


Look... good luck, but also if you want to have a little fun and maybe make some money.... When churches start getting political, you can fill out form IRS13909 and report them, making them lose their tax-exempt status. In addition, filling out IRS211 for the same church can earn you a whistleblowers reward


Who wants to fill one out for Lifegate church???


Ohh gosh, I forgot about that mess of a “church.”


James Street Mennonite church in Lancaster city! Pretty left-leaning but not a-political


We have Unitarian Universalist churches in Berks County. I’d look into that. There may be one in your area. They’re accepting of all faiths and do a lot of volunteer work for progressive causes.


There’s a UU church on West Chestnut Street in Lancaster. Accepting of all denominations (even atheism) and lifestyles. The stained glass windows in the church depict great moments in scientific history like Darwin’s voyage.


Yup, if you are agnostic and your wife is more spiritual, UU can be a good fit.


I was also going to suggest UU, as an atheist who grew up in a terrible, terrible evangelical church in York. P.S. fuck Grace Fellowship, if it still exists!


The Episcopal church is left leaning. A lot of their churches have the added bonus of being beautiful inside too. Saint James in downtown Lancaster is stunning and has an active congregation (far drive for OP though)


I'm not a Christian, but if I by some stretch have what I'd consider "my church" here, it's St James. They also have a lot of programming that is more spiritually inclusive under their Urban Well offerings. They are a little "high church" in their aspect, which I adore and is probably why I dip my toe in there from time to time. OP, if that is something that appeals to you and Lancaster is not too far, then, yeah, check them out. They have a wonderful clergy and a fantastic music ministry, everything from traditional liturgical music to world music to rock and pop.


St Andrews on Harrisburg Pike near Centerville is Episcopal, I think, and OP would have a bit of a shorter drive and easier parking.


St Johns in Lancaster city is great too. Really accepting and was a good community back when I went years ago


Back home in Upstate New York, some of the kindest, gregarious, most upstanding people I knew in town were members of the local Episcopal church. So that is certainly on my list.


We would love to have you at Elizabethtown Church of the Brethren. Feel free to message me if you want more info. I’ve struggled with de-constructing for years and found the perfect fit there


I’ve also heard good things! But, haven't been to this one yet. Not ready to go back to one, though. 


Lancaster BiC is pretty moderate, or left-leaning. The pastoral staff preach against Christian nationalism. Women are intentionally in leadership roles (which shouldn’t be be counter-cultural, but it is).


Great rec! Also Branch & Vine from the same denomination. Probably not a good fit for OP based on location, but if someone was looking for people doing their best to follow Jesus, minus the Christian nationalism/Trump politics, these might be good options.


Do you happen to know their views on lgbtq?


This is the denomination’s stance: [link](https://bicus.org/2024/03/leadership-council-endorses-wesleyan-paper-on-homosexuality/) The Lancaster BiC church members have a range of beliefs, not necessarily aligning with the denomination’s. The church isn’t as affirming as Etown CoB, Grandview, or Blossom Hill Mennonite would be. Edit to add: would love to have you come visit! We have outdoor services over the summer on the first Sunday of the month, bring a lawn chair.


Thank you! I will consider it!


As someone who grew up in the church but now can’t stomach most churches/christian groups, this thread is really helpful and encouraging! Feeling inspired to look for a faith community and I haven’t felt that desire in a long time!


As a Christian who no longer goes to church, this is why. It’s hard enough to find a church you actually feel is right for you and you feel totally comfortable in, there’s all these people who think if you believe in God, you also have to be a gay-hating republican who is apposed to abortion. You should start by trying to find churches that have rainbow flags outside. There’s a handful in Lancaster city but I don’t know about many outside of that.


Grandview Church of Lancaster just started services in York. Here’s a link to them. [Grandview York](https://www.grandviewlancaster.org/york)


Didn't scroll the comments and just posted the same.


That just means they’re a good environment then!


I would also say Grandview - I don’t even go to church, I just went with a friend who does to help set up at a church sale, but I met the pastor, Liz, who is genuinely wonderful. I felt very included despite not being a part of the congregation/uninterested in joining a church, and I think that speaks volumes, and I know they do a lot for the community.


Another vote for Grandview, I no longer go to church, but went to grandview when I did and it’s phenomenal


This is what we all need!


We are members at Grandview and love it


Came here to say this, the new York satellite should be exactly what you're looking for. We plan on becoming members this summer of the Lancaster congregation. One of the warmest most genuine churches we've been to and started attending right after covid.


I would second Grandview!


[Grandview York](https://www.grandviewlancaster.org/york) This might be exactly what you're looking for


Second this


I haven't been to the UCC Church in Elizabethtown but, based on their signs and the pride flags they might fit your needs.


Church Clariy is an organization that has a database of most churches in the US, along with their stated or unstated positions on LGBT people. This issue neatly divides the progressive and non-progressive churches, so I think this would give you some leads. https://www.churchclarity.org/find-a-church


Try ChurchClarity.org. You can put in an area or a church name and see where they stand publicly on various things like women in leadership, LGBTQIA+, etc.


West End Mennonite Fellowship in Lancaster City is non- political.


Mountville, or rather, between Mountville and Columbia; had a UCC called Trinity. The only down side, if it is a down side, is that they used to have an older congregation, so there wasn't a lot for younger people to do.


Can second this one, they’re open and affirming. They’re a pretty small church, which could be a plus or minus depending on what you’re looking for! I will say that if you’re coming from York, this one is conveniently located near Route 30.


I have friends who enjoy grandview umc. They’re queer affirming and very active in community events. I’ve been a few times and they’re good people even to non-Christians like myself


Grandview Lancaster and a new congregation just started in York at the Belmont Theater. Liberal church that broke away from the United Methodist. LBGTQ friendly and very accepting of all.


Try an Episcopal church. Friendly on the liberal things like gay marriage, allowing gay clergy, etc.


This website usually has pretty helpful info https://www.churchclarity.org/


I have heard good things about Life Church (but not in your desired area).


Second that. They evolved from "don't ask don't tell" a few years ago and came to be open and affirming, which used to be code for, well, open and affirming.


LifeChurch Lancaster is definitely not in the area you're looking for, but match up with what you want out of a church. They've had Jared Byas of The Bible for Normal People podcast and had some speakers in to talk about the dangers and how to defend against Christian Nationalism. Also very outspokenly LGBQT+ affirming, attending Pride events for the past couple years.


Lancaster Friends Meeting, it is a Quaker church


Unity Church of Palmyra is about a half hour from Lancaster City. I haven’t been to any in PA yet but they are all over the country and me and my fiancé used to go to one in West Palm Beach, FL for the same reason that you are looking for a politics free church. They are inclusive to everyone and very welcoming. Their whole philosophy is based around the principle of love and acceptance.


Come to Heidelberg UCC. We are downtown york on Philly. Everyone is welcome.


Start with BEMA Podcast. I've been listening to them for a few years now, and they teach a non-agenda bible in its original context. They won't tell you what to think, but how to think/wrestle with the text. They're accused of 'deconstruction' and 'heresy' by right-wing and fundamentalists, or perhaps liberal if you choose certain black and white labels, yet is some of the best Jesus centered bible teaching I've heard in a while. A breath of fresh air for sure. Words of wisdom: You'll never find a church, or any people in general, who agree on everything, (and I even say this about the church I'm a part of).


UUCY in York.


I love Unitarians but they're not Christians if that's what the OP's girlfriend is looking for. Certainly inclusive of Christians, but the New Testament is not the exclusive foundation of their faith.


I used to go to punk and metal shows in the Unitarian Church basement in Philly for what it's worth hahaha. No, we *are* looking for something a little more traditionally Christian, for her. Nothing wrong with the Unitarian Church or traditional Christianity in my/our opinion. We just want the traditional experience either sans politics, or with a dash of leftist ideals/philosophies. She's very apolitical and I'm a moderate leftist.


Funny I left the Philly area to move here and am actively working to move back up there. But the UU Church of Lancaster has what's called the Open Table which is more like a Sunday school esque gathering before church services and it seems mostly Christian focused.


THe so called pastor that the OP spoke with isn't Christian either.


I don't know about the specific UCC congregations you mention, but in other parts of the country UCC sounds like exactly the kind of church you and your girlfriend are looking for. That's where I'd go looking first. Those congregations are typically really the most wonderful sort of Christians, true to the teaching and modest in their aspect.


UCC in New England states were amazing and the most wonderful sort. For that reason alone, I'd give those churches a chance.


I'm from the west coast and the UCC churches I've been exposed to there are the same as your experience. Really a loving, sweet, progressive, humble church. They are a little bit expressive in their left-leaning politics, at least where I've encountered them, but mostly focused around the teachings of the New Testament and keep the raw politics-of-the-day set to the side and focus of the progressive principles of the NT. There are rainbow flags and messages of love and inclusion and being of help to those in need, but not often the names of politicians spoken.


Not sure if this is what you are looking for, but located in Mountville... Vision of Hope MCC https://g.co/kgs/8yo1qrC


Thanks for the shout-out.  Vision of Hope member.


You know it's illegal for pastors to talk partisan politics. You could file a complaint and they could lose their tax-exempt status. A lot of these Trumpy preachers don't seem to care about that these days cuz they don't face any consequences.


I thought about this. I will clarify (not excusing their behavior in the slightest) that A: the couple was attending the church picnic, however in their own free time. It's not the church they personally preach at. And B: it was the pastors wife who (absolutely unprompted, we made no mention of politics) went into the unhinged tirade. The pastor himself merely nodded in agreement and was silent. I'm not a confrontational person, so I will absolutely let it be. It was just... a wake up call to us both. That if we are going to attend a Christian congregation, it needs to align with our own philosophies and morals. Which are simply: be kind, give back, do unto others as you would have done to you, live and let live. Also, I'm firm that religion does not belong in state or federal politics, public schools or peoples bedrooms.


I see. Well, you seem like you'll make an excellent addition to whatever church you happen to join. Good luck 👍


Any church with a pride flag probably leaves politics out of their sermon. They are probably the most excepting of all people and therefore don't try to connect the religious texts to American politics.


Yes I’m sure a church that flies a pride flag is not political even through they’re flying an inherently political flag. Being political in nature goes both ways.


LGBTQ+ rights aren’t political, hope that helps


Unfortunately, I think most people would disagree with you. I agree that who you love shouldn't be political, just like any other human right. We just have to settle for it being political.


The topic very much falls into the political sphere whether you’re for or against it.


2397 N Sherman St, York, PA 17406


I’ve never went but I always settled on Utilitarian “churches” being the answer to this


I can’t find a church with 40-50 year olds in if.


Check out a PCA church. I’ve been to several in Lanc area and elsewhere in PA and have never heard a political statement made at a service or had any members bring up politics.


Had the opposite experience at PCA churches in Lancaster and Mechanicsburg. 




Akron Mennonite church


In York, right near the York Hospital is the Unitarian church. It's definitely not culturally conservative.


think you guys need to cross the river...


LCBC Church is very purposefully apolitical if you wanna give them a try.


Yeah, any megachurch is gonna be political. How do you think they got to be a megachurch?


Hard Nope. They appear that way. Under the covers. Much like Hillsong. Unless their new pastor really changed the culture.


I recommend Lancaster Free Evangelical Free church. Excellent and vibrant community for all ages. Their sister church is in Hellum but is not as large, Immanuel Evangelical. Here is a link to their websites: https://www.lefc.net/ https://www.iefcyork.org/


My friend goes here (I visited once), I also think the OP would like this church it’s pretty solid and balanced, nothing too far one way or another.


My uncle is part of the leadership at this church so it may color my opinion, but as a "Christmas/Easter-only" kinda guy I've always felt welcome there. The non-Christmas services I've attended have always been New Testament focused which is nice as well. Music's a bit too modern for my taste but I grew up going to a very small, very old church lol.


I will look into this for sure, Hellam is VERY close to us (Craley-ish area)


I’m a little hesitant to throw this out there with the general sentiment of Reddit towards Christianity, but I’m one of the Pastors at LEFC - if you want to ask me any super blunt questions or meet up for coffee if you’re curious about anything I’d be up for it! It is an Evangelical church in Lancaster County, so a fair amount of the congregation is gonna lean politically right wing. I grew up in the DC area so that’s still a little weird to me…but I’d be happy to share how we think about the church’s relationship to politics and people.


I would've thought an EFree church would be conservative.


No political discussions at all in my experience (3 years)


Good luck dude. Theres outliers for sure, but on the whole christianity is pretty synonymous with bigotry, and as of lately, maga.




Veritas in Lancaster on Prince Street may be what you're after. Smaller church, discussion after preaching is a nice touch where you can freely ask hard questions. Non political in the two party system sense, but political in the "Jesus was political against Rome" sense. It's my recommendation for anyone exhausted from "my team is best team" American politics and/or despises the concept of Jesus siding with an American political party. Website: https://veritas.community/what-we-believe


I don’t know if it fits what you’re looking for but we left where we were for similar reasons but have been enjoying LCBC quite a bit. Much more Bible-centered and purposefully non-political.


Yeah... Good luck. You're going to need it


Maybe it’s time you and your fiancée thought more about the purpose of this so-called “christianity” in your/her life. if it is purely“spirituality” you seek, transcendental meditation would probably meet your needs and is a lot healthier. Does it seem odd you have to go online to hunt for bigotry-free options? At the end of the day, you are who you roll with. Good luck finding a Christian church in central Pa that is not full of maniacs.


TM is a straight up cult 🙃


Not disputing that. It’s just a healthier alternative to church.




Your post has broken rule 2 - Be Civil. Don’t attack folks’ character - but feel free to criticize a viewpoint you disagree with.




You live less than 20 miles from where you were born, don't you?




You're no dullard, though, right? You alone see the "satanic cult" for what it is? Seriously, please share more about this supposed "satanic cult" that runs Lancaster. I'm all ears, Snowflake.




Thank you for confirming that you're just an average conspiracist simpleton.