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https://lapfox.bandcamp.com/ https://heckscaper.com/backcat.php https://lapfoxarchive.com/


thanks for the help


start with lapfox era stuff since it’s easier to get into, n move into newer stuff over time. to start i’d recommend Because Maybe (Renard), Squaredance (Kitsune2), Torpedo Torpedo (Mayhem), and Brutal Rhythem Rider (The Quick Brown Fox) (I forgot a FIAB album! try The Best! The Best!), those are good introductions to some of the most fundamental LF aliases. I personally listened to Nerves Ending (tqbf) a lot when I was first getting into LF, and would also recommend Ancient Artifact ARGÓS-CCCIII (Rotteen), The Monarch Of Death Rave (Rotteen), and NEVERLAND SOUNDGIRLS (KitCaliber) despite being a bit newer since they have a similar vibe to the other recs. When you wanna listen to newer stuff my best rec is to listen around on Ems bandcamp, everything that’s currently up is something that they’re proud enough to keep up, just check tags first to see if you’re clicking on a gabber or ambience album lol. all of my recs are albums btw


Genuinely i really recommend the older album since they hit the best… you might have even heard some of them anywhere before like The Big Black, Rubber Band, Happy Rave or I JUST CANT STOP THINKING ABOUT BALLS. If you were in the animation meme community im sure you will recognize some of lapfox songs!


If you dont know where to start theres a lot of lapfox reuploaded albums on youtube! There’s basically no actual start, you just get into emmas music the way you want


thank you, I will listen to those first


Tbh it depends on what music genre you like to listen


anything goes really, there are so many albuns that I got lost thinking about what to listen first


In that case, I would recommend The Best! The Best! and Atomizer by Furries in a Blender and Speedkore for Kidz by tqbf


So when I read "anything goes", what that sounds like to me is "I have a ton of curiosity but not a ton of experience," so I'll give you recommendations based on that. * For starters, pick any of the [early Kitsune2 albums](https://heckscaper.com/backcat.php?sort=date&order=asc&search=kitsune), probably IKoRWtMLtY, Squaredance, or Star Road. Chiptunes has a lot of nostalgia baked in, so it's pretty easy to get into, and that helps you get a feel for one alias who will show up in other albums as well. * Then any of the [early Queenstons albums](https://heckscaper.com/backcat.php?search=queenstons&sort=date&order=asc), probably Sensorium followed by Figurehead. This will give you a really strong feel for Emma's overall stylistic approach and sensibilities, and even when you're diving into other genres it'll be easier to keep your bearings. * After that, give Mayhem a try, probably [Torpedo Torpedo](https://lapfoxarchive.com/albums/Torpedo_Torpedo) since it has original tracks plus a bunch of remasters. Mayhem staaaarts to push into harder-ish territory without going too off the rails, compared to some of the wilder aliases. * Now that you've got a foundation, it's time to branch out. If you like when things get a bit harder, then [YRAS](https://lapfoxarchive.com/albums/Your_Roots_Aren't_Showing), [For Crossdressing](https://lapfoxarchive.com/albums/For_Crossdressing), or [PiaKS](https://lapfoxarchive.com/albums/Poison_in_a_Killer's_Sketchbook), while if you want to go REALLY hard then [PAPG](https://lapfoxarchive.com/albums/Post-Apocalyptic_Porn_Groove), [D Freq Crush](https://lapfox.bandcamp.com/album/d-freq-crush), [AoLM](https://lapfoxarchive.com/albums/All_of_Life's_Mysteries), and [Nerve's Ending](https://lapfox.bandcamp.com/album/nerves-ending). If you're preferring the bright rave sounds, then [Storm World](https://lapfoxarchive.com/albums/Storm_World), [FIVE](https://lapfoxarchive.com/albums/FIVE), [Breaking Boundaries](https://lapfoxarchive.com/albums/Breaking_Boundaries), or most of the multi-alias compilations or [remix-y projects](https://lapfox.bandcamp.com/album/dethrone) will do ya. If you're liking when things are a bit more contemplative, then [Turn Back](https://lapfoxarchive.com/albums/Turn_Back) and [Heartmender](https://lapfoxarchive.com/albums/Heartmender) are good early picks but later on we see things like [can't wait...](https://lapfox.bandcamp.com/album/i-cant-wait-to-be-sad-and-alone-on-the-edge-of-the-universe), [state of dnb](https://lapfox.bandcamp.com/album/the-state-of-dnb-2020), and [more adventures](https://lapfox.bandcamp.com/album/more-adventures).


#Based Shark by Mayhem


I'd like to recommend Everything Is Better In Color by Emoticon aka Cedar d'Moon too. And also Carbonate, also made under his name


Everything is Better in Color and Figurehead are good ones


here’s some starters albums i fell in love with when i first discovered the label. .WAV SLAVE, Squaredance (2009), Monarch Of Death Rave, Deadly Operating System, I Kind of Really Want to Make Love to You.


Because Maybe (Renard), Rainbow Dash Likes Girls (Renard) Squaredance (Kitsune²), Speedkore 4 Kidz (TQBF), Unrealistic Project Roadmap (K²), It's Murder (Mayhem), Trauma (Renard), Full Techno Jackass (Renard), there is way more to listen to, but these are the first ones i thought of