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This one hurt so fucking much. I had just found out about the streams and tuned in. Enjoyed the whole thing…then got immediately sad the next day. What really hit hard was that his young son was asleep inside, and his wife came home to find him.


Damn I’m so sorry, it sucks how you just discovered the streams and then got hit with this massive loss When did you receive the news? Like at what time?


Honestly, I don’t recall exactly. If I were pressed I’d say early afternoon. It’s wild too because I’d just watched Miss March for the umpteenth time and was like…man, what’s this guy up to? I had completely missed out on most of the specials releases, the trevathon, everything. I did, however, make and sell three Trevor paintings and sending all the cash to Mars.


Damn my dude I’m so sorry you found out just as you were getting back into his stuff, the timing of all of this is so tragic


I never understood when people got genuinely sad when a celebrity died, but when Trevor died I seriously felt like I’d lost a friend.


It’s a weird mix of admiration and just how goddamn beloved he truly was/is. That shit is so rare in that “world”.


The what really happened to Abe Lincoln skit to this day is still one of my all time favorite tv moments.


Live it was amazing too. All lights out in the theatre, and then the lights come on and Abe is in the crowd with us, just shouting his ass off. One of the best comedy shows I have ever been to.


I saw them in Lincoln and was invited to the bar nearby for the after party and my friend at the time made an idiot of herself in front of the dudes. Wanna see me distance myself from that person pretty darn quickly?


Now ya fucked up


You have fucked up now


Kitty history still makes me laugh my ass off.


I wonder if he’d chuckle at people citing that as a reason why they think the CIA offed him 😭💀


It’s super super illegal to say: I want to kill the president of the united states of america - but it’s legal to tell you right then since I was just informing you. But its not illegal to say, with a mortar launcher. That’s legal because it is it’s own sentence.


*shows graph* You see that? Extremely illegal!! Very incredibly illegal!


The Civil War on Drugs is an all timer. Would love for that to be released in a special screening at a theater


Edit: I received some backlash for posting this and talking about his death by a particular user and now I’m questioning the morality of all of this. They described me posting and discussing this as “inappropriate and parasocial”. I’m not sure what to think. Maybe they thought I was karma hunting? Which I am not. I simply saw someone post that on the WKUK subreddit and I was inclined to post it here since I believed it was the last image of him. I wanted to use this as a way to honor Trevor and also gain some insight into his final hours alive. I’m wondering what you guys think, as I could really use a second, third or even fourth opinion. Celebrities and celebrity deaths are always a very touchy subject, and I’m afraid I may have crossed a line here. I want to be respectful and I’m afraid I wasn’t. Please give me your honest input.


There are 7-8 billion people on the planet. They all have opinions. For every person making you think this was inappropriate there are 1000 who don’t think it’s inappropriate and appreciate the post. At the end of the day, if you have solid morals then your gut instinct will usually be correct.


Thank you 🙏🏻 I was so scared of disrespecting Trevor 😭 I kept thinking “what would Trevor think of me doing this? What would his loved ones think of me doing this?”


His close WKUK friends literally went on a livestream after his death and joked that the cause of death was that Trevor had actually died in an attempt to suck his own dick (“he came and he went”) I don’t think you need to worry too much about disrespecting Trevor. He had a great sense of humour and was very open to talking about death.


Yeahhh I saw that, they’re fucking troopers for handling it with humor like that I seriously can’t imagine the pain they’re in over losing him though, he was the leader of their group and the foundation on which they built their comedy empire. Without him they’re basically done. I can’t imagine going from chatting and having a great time and having so many plans for the future to losing him and having all those plans go unfinished. I just joined this fandom a few weeks ago and I feel sick thinking about it so I can’t imagine how much more awful it is for them. Needless to say their therapy bills must be high 🥲😭💀


I think finishing and releasing MARS has been a wonderful way for them to say goodbye to their departed brother.


I had never heard of this person before your post. Now, because of your post, I can appreciate this guy and send my condolences. Imagine how many people will see his face. Read about him. All because of your post. I think his family would be ok with you making the post as it spreads awareness of their loved one in a positive and respectful way.


Thank you 🙏🏻💕


Normalize talking about death and causes of death. Especially accidents, suicide, and overdoses. We all die, it’s the only guarantee in life… your time will run out. Telling peoples stories up to and including their final one is the deepest honor 🫶🏻


Thank you so much for being so supportive, I was just afraid of coming across as exploitive or tabloidy 😭🙏🏻 I’m glad people are being so welcoming to me 🥺💕


Since you seem open to discussion, do you personally think Trevor’s death was a suicide? I know it was officially ruled an accident and I highly doubt Trevor planned to leave his family and friends behind but I just can’t seem to shake the idea out of my head. I keep thinking about how much he talked about death in his final months, almost as if he knew he was going to die. Not only that but according to someone in a Reddit thread I saw, he actually left the residence and jumped rather than fell according to a report. I tried looking for said report but the only reliable report I could find was from the Los Angeles county coroners office, and it is behind a paywall, so I’d have to purchase it to get the details. The commenter provided a link but that link just led to the Whiskey sketch, which is quite odd. My personal guess is that he was spiraling and knew he was at risk but hid it from everyone, he didn’t want to die but was afraid he would eventually snap. And then it happened. He snapped and threw himself off the balcony in an impulse-suicide. Again I could absolutely be wrong but this to me makes sense as it would explain why he jumped when nobody else was around. Other users in the thread suggested that it was some sort of drunken party trick, but I highly doubt he would do it without anyone there, afterall the whole point of a party trick is to get a reaction from others, and he was completely alone. Somebody on a YouTube comment stated that they saw his streams and learned that he had a history of falling while drunk, and if he had fallen rather than jumped then it would be an obvious accident, case closed. But this directly conflicts with the user who stated he intentionally jumped. Something else this youtuber user stated is that he leaned forward to grab his phone after he dropped it. He didn’t state “I think he leaned forward to grab his phone”, he stated it like it was a fact. Given these conflicting accounts, this is all so confusing and mysterious. It feels wrong of me to speculate on the death of someone that happened nearly three years ago, but it’s just so fascinating and disturbing that I feel like I can’t not talk about it to someone.


I wouldn't put too much stock in the random user saying he jumped. I remember when it happened, police reported there was surveillance video on his property, and it caught him falling. Link: https://deadline.com/2021/12/the-whitest-kids-u-know-co-founder-trevor-moores-death-ruled-an-accident-1234899712/


It was absolutely in no way a suicide. He was known to be a furtada daredevil, and I believe the guys even mentioned he regularly locked himself out and would have to jump to the first floor. Before anything was even talked about, like within 48 hours, on the WKUK sub people were discussing all the possibilities. Someone asked if they thought it was intentional, I think I responded saying I sure hope not, later Sam messaged me asking me to edit the comment because he didn’t want that kind of rumor started. I don’t react well to being asked to censor myself, but in that time I understood and I obliged. While it’s fun and certainly in the spirit he exuded, he wasn’t killed by the government either for songs like Kitty History or Pope Rap. He was just a lanky dude prone to clumsiness that likely misjudged a jump. RIP local sexpot GFYDL


I just read it was only the second floor he fell from??? That’s not very high at all, brace with your extremities and you’ll have some broken legs and arms - but be alive. Makes me wonder if he passed out drunk (very high BAC) or fell drunk and didn’t brace himself from a shallow fall


Weirdly, I've always heard you get injured way less from falls when you're drunk because your muscles are relaxed. Source: a friend in college was very drunk at an apartment party and fell from a 3rd floor balcony. She literally hobbled away from it with a broken wrist and ankle but was basically unscathed. The doctor in the ER told her that without a doubt the only reason she wasn't dead was because she was so drunk she basically fell like a crash test dummy.


It actually makes it [much more likely](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8401155/) to be involved in an fatal accident.


alcohol was stated as a contributing factor


I don’t think it was suicide. Evidently he did some daredevil type stuff a lot like climbing on railings and balconies. That night he was drunk on moonshine and climbed on the railing and fell. It was actually captured on like a ring cam. His wife’s sister had to watch it. Horrible.


Out of all of the celebrity deaths we had over the years. This is the one that hurts the most. He wasn't any A-lister or anything, but he is who I grew up watching and was excited to see how his career would grow and excited for his new content. That is the one show I can quote completely and do nearly daily. I feel terrible for Sam, Timmy, Darren, Zack, and especially Trevor's family. But, I got to remember him for the good times. I poor one out for this dude every August 7th. Happy to be reminded of this guy ever once in a while. Thank you for posting


You're fine, Trevor was awesome and deserves to be honored. Whoever's giving you shit forgot what subreddit they're in


I saw nothing wrong with it. I think it’s important to make sure people like him aren’t forgotten to time.


RIP local sexpot


This was terrible. The Whitest Kids U Know was the greatest and so was he.


I literally didnt know one other kid who watched it and I still sing “And if you dont wash your handsss,then God will kill Bill Bellamyyyy” til this day😭😭


I was rewatching the getting high with dinosaurs video the other day and that line about “He's tryin' climb out the window and we yellin' stop 'Cause I'm on the fifth floor and it's a heck of a drop” Really hit different :(


The part in the Whiskey sketch where he’s like “do you guys think I can jump down these stairs and land on my side?!” Especially eerie knowing he (allegedly) jumped from his balcony rather than simply fell


Wkuk was an absolute staple in my group of friends in high school. My friend's ringtone has been the Happier With Your Mouth Open yells since like 2009 or some nonsense. RIP.


Same. There were so many quotes that were in constant rotation. One of my faves was always "My dick split open and *locusts flew out!*" "You already said that one" "YEAH WELL IT HAPPENED A LOT"


The delivery on that "lot" gets me. "IT HAPPENED A LOAWT"


Maaannn he was so funny. WKUK was sooo fantastic.


He was drunk apparently. Sad


I didn’t know that, I was wondering how he managed to fall. I thought maybe suicide but that’s also terrible.


He was 6’6”, I imagine that must have played a role? A much higher center of gravity than average combined with intoxication


I commented on a similar post a while back saying that a very tall person could fall off a balcony more easily than a short person because the railing is lower in proportion to their body. Does that make sense? If it doesn't, then imagine how much easier it would be for a tall person to lean further out over a railing than a short person. The further you can lean, the easier gravity can getcha.


Yeah I too am wondering if it was an impulse-suicide. At first I got the impression that he had fallen but in another thread somewhere (I took a screenshot but cannot post it here cuz my app won’t let me post images without a link) someone mentioned that a report stated that he actually jumped, that combined with the fact that he was talking about death A LOT in the months leading up to it, and he had a history of mental health struggles. I don’t want to jump to conclusions but this is such a mind boggling death with so many different accounts as to what happened. It was officially ruled an accident but I’m not sure.


Supposedly the coroner used security footage of the event which is why it was ruled accidental.


Yeah his BAC was 0.23, legal limit is 0.08.


wtf does the legal *driving* limit have to do with this? He wasn't driving. He could be as drunk as he wanted.


It’s a reference point. People use it all the time even in non-driving scenarios. Basically it’s the limit to how much you can drink before you are legally considered impaired. Applies mostly to driving but can be used in other contexts such as this one.


Yeah that’s the limit for anyone to drive any vehicle in any weather day or night. Not really applicable to bumbling around the house activities. Hell the FAA says you can fly a plane at 0.04.


Sorry i have not really seen it mention unless it was something referring to someone driving drunk. Which is why i thought it odd you mentioned what the legal driving limit is for someone drunk at home. Personally i don't think it's a very good way to reference how impaired a person is solely based off BAC, as it varies wildly from person to person, like say from someone who rarely drinks to someone who is an alcoholic.


Yeah true, some people are total lightweights whereas others need a fuck ton of liquor just to get tipsy. That being said though, 0.23 is still quite a lot so I can guarantee you he was likely at least tipsy when he died.


Yeah definitely.


It’s a reference point that indicates he was pretty drunk.


I would hope so. People don't generally just fall off balconies.


Russia has entered the chat.


I'm going to guess the guy in the American flag cowboy hat didn't die in Russia, so yeah I'm sticking that bring drunk is the most likely explanation.


Someone on Reddit stated that according to a report they read he actually jumped rather than fell, but his death was officially ruled an accident so I don’t know how someone could accidentally jump off a 20 foot high balcony Either way it ended in the tragic death of an incredible comedian, and resulted in one of the most mysterious celebrity deaths I’ve ever seen.


I feel like being drunk makes falling always easier and a higher chance of happening no matter where you are but definitely on a balcony too with limited space to catch yourself if you trip and start to fall.


Yep, that’s a gallon of pcp.




Really? A whole gallon?


I’ll never forget the stream that the other guys did after he died. I’ve never laughed and cried so hard


i’ll never forget the photo of the 4 others from the funeral…poor darren and timmy looked like they had been balling for days, sam kinda looked dazed or still in disbelief…then zach looking like nobody told him yet


This broke my heart. He was so funny!


Pretty sure he died from jerking off too hard


I'm pretty sure it was from sucking his own dick


This is one I'll never get over. Happy birthday Rick 😞


What is going on with celebrities falling off a balcony. There has been three this past year. How does that even happen. Are there balconies out there whose rails are too low or something?


Well apparently Trevor actually jumped rather than fell, at least according to someone on Reddit. They said they saw a report stating that he exited the residence and jumped. His death was still ruled an accident however, so if or why he jumped is unclear. Also he was a very tall guy, like 6’6 if I remember correctly, so it would’ve been easier for him than most people to step over a railing


He fell. No part of me believes he jumped. There’s surveillance footage to back it. Dude got locked out.


Wow I had no idea! WKUK was one of the funniest shows. Man that’s super sad.


This was the first celebrity death to really affect me, I grew up on the whitest kids you know, and after his death I went back and binged his show. RIP Trevor Moore🙏🕊🕊🕊


Wow, I’m just finding out he passed. I watched WKUK religiously growing up. What a loss


Yeah it happened in August 2021, sucks you just found out now 💔


It was one of the worst birthdays of my life.


Yeah having a beloved comedian suddenly dying on your birthday is a pretty terrible gift 😭💀


It was a sad day. No way to celebrate after that news.




Pretty sure he died from being hammered in the ass.


What’s a balcony fall? How did he fall off a balcony?


Woahhhh, I did not know he passed from a fall like that. I swear, when it first happened, people were reporting that he died in a car accident


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