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Asking for the perspective of an attorney: I've asked this in a few threads now, but haven't gotten a definitive answer. Engoron's order enjoined Trump from applying for loans from any financial institution registered in New York for three years. Wouldn't this make securing bond from a third party in New York virtually impossible?


IANAL, but if it’s similar to bail bonds maybe they aren’t considered loans, with the additional costs being a fee not interest. Not sure if that matters


No bail bondsman would have this kind of money. They would need to borrow the money, and insure it themselves.


Plus who is on the hook if he loses? Not the same as breaking bond where you have to find his ass.


The state would execute on the bond. Whoever put up the bond would then go after trump. If it was insured than the insurance company may go after trump


Exactly and then have to... sue him again? Who in their right mind would insure that? E: I just noticed I wandered into the law sub


No idea. I wouldn’t. That’s probably why he’s having trouble coming up with the bond.


As in the article who would take that chance, $540 M and interest adding every day, Trump fails then they have to spend time and money chasing him, they would be fools to trust him.


Putin? China?


Yes but they can probably get a pretty good interest rate. Trump also has a lot of property so he’s good for the money. It’s not like Alex Jones’s who doesn’t have anywhere close to $1.5b


He likely does not own the properties outright. Any recorded liens (aka mortgages) on the properties would be paid first as a first in line creditor if the properties are seized and sold. Which becomes a huge problem as the case which garnered the verdict was about obtaining loans against properties based on inflated values. I.e. property x is seized and sold for fair market value of 100m, mortgage holder must be paid back first, mortgage is for 175m based on inflated value, lien holder gets 100m, nys moves on to the next property and starts the same process ending with same result.


20% is the stated standard on this but could vary greatly I think. Somebody bonds him and he would probably leave them hanging and then trash talk them. Send Dog the Bounty Hunter after Trumps. Rough him up a little when you shove him in the wagon. Maybe a black eye and busted up orange nose.


He only owns 3 buildings in Manhattan and a couple of apartments and a parking garage https://nypost.com/2024/02/16/us-news/a-look-at-trumps-lavish-nyc-real-estate-portfolio-he-may-lose-control-of/ Outside of Manhattan he owns a couple of resorts and golf courses https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Residences_of_Donald_Trump The question is what sort of loans/leins might be on those properties


I forsee a crossover from his who's the boss show and Dawg the President Hunter.


A bail bondsman plans on getting their money back whether you’re guilty or not guilty. If Trump loses, they don’t get their money back unless it’s from Trump…which would defeat the entire purpose of a bail bondsman.


Yeah if he’s successful they get the money back plus their fee. If he’s not successful they’re getting their money back plus fee one way or another, probably by suing trump. The risk here is, given the amount of money, trump can afford to spend a ton of money on lawyers trying to push the bondsman away.


Not a lawyer, but in New York specifically, if he found a bail bondsman to front him, he loses, and refuses to pay them for services rendered, in addition to the inevitable civil suit, wouldn't the amount of money that would have to be in play here AUTOMATICALLY result in a criminal felony charge?


No, they don’t get the money back if Trump loses. That’s the entire point of a bond for appeal.


Yes they do, the agreement will specify how trump will pay them back, probably by selling a bunch of his assets. They won’t get the original bond back of course, the government keeps that.


Yeah, right. If he can’t get the money for court, why would anyone think he can get it for them?


It’s not like he’d lie about being able to pay them back…. Right? /s


100% This kind of money is extreme money. BIG MONEY. A regular bondsman just doesn't have that kind of cash. It's gotta be a BIG bank. But those banks are all going to be registered in NYC.


If he has a rich buddy that’s willing to put up the money, is that a campaign contribution?


There are a lot of very specific campaign finance laws and if he does this it will be reviewed. It would be a risky move seeing he’s being looked at from every angle.


His main problem is that his rich buddies with that much cash are foreign heads of state.


Andrew Weissman and Mary McCord have a podcast called Prosecuting Trump, and on the latest episode they discussed Elon Musk potentially paying the bond.


After throwing away $40+ billion on twitter and having his $39 billion Tesla "bonus" revoked by Delaware courts, I wonder if Musk has the stomach to throw away another half a billion dollars on a guy who managed to lose the White House, Senate, and House of Representatives for his party while President.


To generate that much cash (and enough to pay the resulting cap gains tax) he’d have to sell even more stock than that (maybe $600M?). Not sure whether he has to post the amount owed for interest or just the principal amount. Edit to Add: and I dunno if his stock is too tied up right now to do that, given the massive devaluation of Twitter (a bunch of Tesla stock was used to pledge to the banks that loaned him the money for that transaction). Also, this appeal is a loser and there is no way that Trump is paying him back, so does Elon effectively want to give him $500M when Fanni just confiscated the bond?


I think it’s a matter of if he’s crazy enough.


The wealthy have already paid a company to start 12 “grass roots” goFundme campaigns to cover this bond. I’m not sure of I’m joking.


That's fine with me. That's just that much less money going to the RNC or their candidates.


I think there are likely significant campaign finance ramifications and tax issues including even if it could be a gift the limit is approx 13M w/o tax.


Not to mention on top of that unless someone just GIVES him briefcases full of money, a transaction that large would automatically be flagged and have to be investigated to make sure there's no links to terrorism or banned foreign entities


Getting a half a billion dollars from a friend (or more likely foreign interest) seems like it should be disqualifying for a political candidate. Is this possibly covered under the emoluments clause?


No. An appeal bond is not the same thing as a loan.


Anyone can place a bond for anyone. As long as it’s liquid cash. An appeal bond is just money. Source: I use to work in the courts processing appeals and taken in many bonds. Though nowhere near this amount.


To my knowledge any bank registered to do business in NY is off limits. Which is almost any US bank you’ve heard of, any many from other countries as well.


Like...even Canadian banks lol


He's seriously going to have to go all the way to Mosciw to borrow money.


"I could have a Saudi buyer for that tomorrow" What if he got them to overpay for one of the properties he overvalued? That would even set the table for the appeal...


The appellate court will not examine extrinsic evidence, such as a properties sale price after the case was decided, in deciding the appeal.


That is my understanding as well. But there's nothing stopping a Russian oligarch from funding him....in exchange for (enter top secret/classified secret here).


>When a loan is from a foreign person or entity, there are tax withholding and reporting requirements associated with the repayment of that debt by the U.S. person, whether that U.S. person is an individual, corporation, partnership, LLC, or trust. However, in our experience, the party repaying the debt is frequently unaware of their responsibilities. [https://swcllp.com/tax-implications-of-loans-from-a-foreign-person-to-a-us-person/](https://swcllp.com/tax-implications-of-loans-from-a-foreign-person-to-a-us-person/) So at least he'll have to be upfront about where he's getting the money.


Trump is nothing if not a notoriously fastidious rule follower.


Right? That's why he was found innocent on all charges in all cases and even is owed money by the court stenographers for libel.


This is only a tax filing, so it isn’t public. Also, it only applies if interest is paid. Finally, I don’t give Trump a lot of credit, but he and his minions are smart enough to direct any offshore loan through a series of cut out entities that mask the true beneficial owner. 


>This is only a tax filing, so it isn’t public. Never said it was. There will be records though. ​ > Also, it only applies if interest is paid. Right from the article, the IRS requires interest be imputed for interest free loans. Damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. ​ >Finally, I don’t give Trump a lot of credit, but he and his minions are smart enough to direct any offshore loan through a series of cut out entities that mask the true beneficial owner. Perhaps. I'll confess that I don't know the ins and outs regarding the reporting requirements here. I'll note however that this kind of situation was specifically called out in Steven M. D'Antouono's statement before the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee 5 years ago. The laws have been updated at least to some extent since then. ​ >This hearing is an important step forward towards developing the laws needed to effectively combat illicit financing through the use of anonymous vehicles, such as shell companies, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) appreciates being consulted on these incredibly important matters. [https://www.fbi.gov/news/testimony/combating-illicit-financing-by-anonymous-shell-companies](https://www.fbi.gov/news/testimony/combating-illicit-financing-by-anonymous-shell-companies)


A lot of Russian oligarchs are on the U.S. sanctions list. Those on the sanctions list would be blocked by the Treasury Department from conducting any financial transactions with U.S. entities.


IANAL, but from my understanding not just in New York but anyone who is licensed in New York. However, there is a 30 day stay so Trump has 30 days until that goes into effect.


Basically, yes. Look before Trump was President, the only bank that would loan him money was Deutsche Bank because he was so shady. Do you think they're going to lend him any money now?


There is an extra dimension to this. If he, God forbidd, gets elected in November he will probably use the DoJ to get out of every paying back anything to anyone. Anyone willing to secure the bond would take a bigger risk then just lending money to a "normal" fraudster.


And only the side of DB that handles the risky accounts. 


Those stipulations apply to his business dealings, not meeting the obligations of the case. No judge is going to prevent him from obtaining credit to satisfy a judgement.


You’re ignoring the “in New York” bit. Might be a bank in Russia willing to bond him.


He lives in Florida. Couldn’t he get the money there and send it to NY?


It’s any bank licensed to do business in NY, which is pretty much any of them.


Well if the judgment is stayed pending appeal, he should not yet be enjoined from getting NY loans


It's stayed for *30 days* pending appeal. It's only stayed during the appeal if he comes up with the cash.


Interesting that Habba said he plans to post a bond but not that he's secured a lender to do so - you'd think if he'd found one we'd be hearing all about it.


Interesting that she said they HAVE to post the bond. Trump might not be as liquid as he claimed. Shocker. > “We have to post the bond"


He has to, even if his claimed liquidity is true, his existing loans require him to have X amount available or he goes into default. So he may have the cash on hand, but can't use it or his loans come due. 


Well... the banks can call them in. They're not required to. It would be fun to see a reverse bank run, where multiple banks rush to pull their money out of Trump.


That’s what I was thinking… If Trump had the money he’d be bragging so hard about it. If this sale of Truth Social I keep hearing about is bringing him billions he’d be screaming it in all caps daily. He cannot keep his mouth shut. So what’s keeping him so quiet about his fortune?


Trump posted a bond for bail in Georgia too. In theory, if you have your money working for you than it’s probably better to post a bond than to put up the whole cost, depending on the terms. I think generally trump puts up as little of his own money as possible. That’s why he’s had many companies go under but he’s never declared bankruptcy personally.


The thing is, the timing might work out rather poorly for him. I believe the DWAC merger vote is still 1 month out. The appeals clock for this started a week ago. I think the appeals window is 30 days? If so, DWAC won’t play a factor.


Also, he is not allowed to sell his DWAC shares for six months. He must put up the bond for the Carroll 1 and NY fraud judgments five months before he can access the DWAC money.


That’s likely how things would go based on those types of deals in regards to public trading of shares - but honestly there are no guarantees, and he could strike a private deal for them as well. All in all, best if the merger doesn’t happen until after the bond due dates. This is probably good for EJC too, because let’s say somehow he could get his hands on $500m. That won’t be enough to appeal both the Ny fraud and the EJC judgements so he’s going to have to pick. He will pick his shiny buildings.


We have a bingo!


lmao he is gonna sell TS to elon? fucking hilarious


> sale of Truth Social I keep hearing about He did meet with Elon last week. If Elon absorbs Truth social and secures his bond, he's set. Goes back to posting on "TruthX"




If they had one, the bond would be posted to stop the interest from accruing.


Maybe he has a patsy create an entity that then issues him a bond, then it folds as soon as he is required to pay it.


The bond is cash.


Many thanks. So someone must pay the it in cash at the end of the line. Makes sense.


The lender(s) will probably be various shell-companies of foreign powers interested in leverage, so Trump probably *won't* want to brag about it. Normally in that kind of situation I would assume he would pretend he's fronting the money himself, but the Trump Org is under an independant monitor now so we'd know he was lying ...not that everyone knowing he was lying has ever stopped him in the past


No way can he keep that secret with the monitor in place. I assume he’d also be on the hook to pay taxes on it too


But the monitor is for the company not his personal accounts, right? Or does she get those too?


"Russia, if you're listening..."


I’m curious to see the details of how he posts the bond. I’m sure it’s going to be super sketchy.


I kind of think someone like Elon is going to announce that’s he’s posting it.


Whoever does it is going to lose most of that money.


Ya that’s why I think Elon. Clearly doesn’t care about money at all considering his Twitter/X debacle. What’s another $500M after losing $25B. He would just be stoked on the attention he would get and the buzz on Twitter would generate. I mean shit, Super Bowl commercials cost more and get less attention. These people are so rich that these huge fines seem minuscule.


Contrary to popular belief, people who hoard vast amounts of money do not typically like throwing away money on lost causes. Musk was more or less forced to buy Twitter at an elevated price. He painted himself into a corner while trying to manipulate the stock market. But... He has done some inexplicably stupid stuff lately, so who knows?




Superbowl ad is about $7M for 30s, and usually the goal is not to make the investor look stupid. That said, I wouldn't put it past Elon to do this, because he is, well, stupid.


Hello, this is Russia. Sorry I can’t come to the phone right now. Our banks are sanctioned to shit and we are in the middle of something with a neighbor. Please leave a message with you handler Ivan. Good bye.


Elon? Jared’s Saudi fund? American Ethane? Where are you guys? I thought he testified he had $400m in cash. It feels like I can’t trust what he says or something.


It's tough times like these where a man can learn which foreign governments and oligarchs are his true friends.


Who's going to do that? In Trump's own words, "Russia, Russia, Russia" Also, if Trump is going to appeal the E Jean Carroll verdict, which has an earlier deadline, he'll have to bond that as well. Elon Musk apparently took a little trip to Palm Beach recently, we'll see if he comes into play. He's become a Russian asset as well.




Just waiting on that hostile takeover of the RNC so they can post his appeal.


If their latest FEC filing is to be believed they have enough cash on hand to cover about 10% of the *interest* on this judgement...


RNC has $8,000,000 cash on hand according to their Feb filing. DNC has $24,000,000 in the Feb filing. Love to see it.


Is this that “fiscal conservatism” that Republicans have been swearing is their bread and butter for my whole life and beyond?


I’m actually all for him taking controls he’ll run it into the ground like everything else he’s ever touched, and we’ll finally get things done in this country


I actually love the fact that he’s draining his PACs with legal fees, and pretty soon will be draining the GOP as well. He’s gonna sink the entire party with his narcissism.


One can only hope


There's always the California bank that refinanced his debt a couple years ago. Remember, winning the election was directly tied to his ability to refinance some huge payments coming the year after the election. We were supposed to feel sorry for him. Didn't work!


​ https://preview.redd.it/wzp4lvibo0kc1.jpeg?width=576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6062a1032ba02cc09cc76d7c3665db7fa126cf3d




I’m sure an arch-villain billionaire donor will front him the money on extraordinarily generous terms.


I don’t think so because they know that in reality trump *isn’t* one of them.. they don’t really like him pretending to be in their club and if they had a good excuse and way to push him out they would take it. I wouldn’t be surprised if the sharks aren’t circling…


Oh, I don't think they care about the club - they care about what he can do for them. And he obviously has immense power over a percentage of the population, and has a shot to get back in the Oval Office. They know that if he loses the election, they likely aren't getting their money back (and might not, if he does win). So I'm not sure it's going to be super easy for him to drum up the funds outside of liquidating assets.


If he can lower their taxes and cut regulations more than the cost of the judgement, it’s a worthwhile investment.


But my point is that he's no slam dunk to get back in office, far from it. Maybe if we're talking $10 million, it's worth the risk. Just not sure many are going to see it that way when the number is closer to half a billion.


Elon's Jet landed in West Palm earlier this week.


Surely an old tshirt with his signature is worth the $360 million? The Trump Brand is just that valuable right? More seriously, can someone who practices in NY clarify: I think I've heard the appeals bond is only if he wants to stay enforcement of the judgement, like it is in some other states, right? He can appeal without posting the full amount, but collection can proceed during appeals? I'm sure he'll drag collection out in court for years to come.


Appealing it stops collection but not the accumulated interest. Nobody in their right mind will finance an appeal bond for someone with 91 felony charges and a half billion in fines SO FAR. Don't forget that the 1/6 lawsuits haven't even went through yet


Realist-Fantasy timeline: SCOTUS outlaws homelessness (which is imminently possible), and then Trump loses everything, his family abandons him and so do all his sycophants, and he winds up homeless, only to be arrested and jailed for being homeless.  I'm tired of popcorn, something this cathartic needs to happen. 


Have you tried sneaking your own food and drinks into the theatre?


Yeah, I'm going to bring my own snacks, full up on popcorn at this point. 


Whoever it is, they will expect to own and control him. The public needs to know who covers his bond.


It will be a Russian oligarch or Saudi prince bonds company. They already own him.


Only if they like their chances of him getting reelected. He was a risky bet to begin with, now he's like a mangy 3 legged dog.


If they already own him, why pay his debts? That sounds an awful lot like a Trump problem, not a Russian Oligarch or Saudi prince problem


Then they would publicly own him and that would be a different thing.


The chickens are coming home to roost.


# Trump faces hurdles in securing appeal bond __________ Raise your hand if you would lend Trump more than a dollar.


Oh God don’t give him any ideas. I can just hear it — “if every American would just loan me a dollar, I promise I will pay you back 10 times once I defeat these cases, win the Presidency, and demolish the deep state once and for all…” Honestly if he solicited his base with some stupid promise of returns (that he’d never deliver) he could probably get part of the way there.


Can someone answer this? WHEN is the money due (regarding the judgement against him.) I get that if he wants to appeal, he'll have to come up with all of it plus extra.. BUT - is the original money (from the judgement) due.. Now? A month from now? A year from now?


I believe it is thirty days. So sometime the middle of next month.


payment. “Who ever is going to bond [Trump] is committing that they’re going to make good on that judgment,” said New York business attorney David Slarskey. “Who’s going to do that?”


I’m sure he will find an amusing and creative way to not pay.


He has this guy named Ollie Garch that has deep pockets


Would a private equity firm be able to put up the money? I’m sure they’d want a healthy vig, but since they wouldn’t be a chartered financial firm (I believe) under NYS banking department, they wouldn’t be barred by the order.


Could multiple firms join together to create a super pac, then hide their corporate identities to bail him out hoping on a Trump presidency for repayment?


A hedge fund probably has the liquidity to put up the cash, yeah. Some hedge fund managers are trump megadonors like John Paulson. Not inconceivable someone like that might bail him out.


Let's say that someone does give him a bond for this... What if he wins the election? The bond company will have one hell of a time to get their money if he doesn't pay or worst, make us tax payers pay for it...


Elon Musk maybe?


Fake billionaire…


My guess is Elon Musk steps in


My guess is Putin.... he has to look after his "asset"....


Elon? The Saudis? Putin?


Well his usual way of getting a loan is by fraudulently inflating the value of his property so its kind of difficult in this situation to use his old fallback there....


What’s to keep Elmo or some other fascist billionaire from just fronting him the money?


Well, one, they would likely understand they aren’t getting that money back. And two, with everything that Trump is going through right now, I’m pretty sure even people like Putin recognize that he’s no longer a useful idiot. Why would someone want to front this much money when Trump barely even has a chance of winning the presidency again? At this point it would be like throwing money away… there’s shady people that would 100% give Trump a ton of money, but they would likely only do that if he was the actual president to get something in return, not to front cash for a fraud trial he lost where he is slowly losing all the power and pull he once had


With Trump, it’s always is he lying now or was he lying then when he said he had in excess of $400 million in liquid assets. Reality is that he’s always lying.


MBS or some oligarch buddy of Putin will pay a hugely inflated price for some Trump property to provide the money he needs.