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(NAL) So does that mean his hush money trial and this payment due date are both going to be on March 25th? If so it’s going to be a Very Bad Monday for him




Oh darn. I’m sooo sad for him and his fragile ego.


So sad. So so so so so so so sad.


Tears in my eyes


The likes of which I’ve never seen before …


I'm marking it on my calendar! Good thing the judge put a monitor on his finances. Otherwise, he would mysteriously come up with the money, either from Putin or the Saudis. Or from some US criminal. Maybe Ivanka and Jared will bail him out. They made out large in the grift family business while Trump was soiling the WH.


Maybe that's why Ivanka and Jared have distanced themselves from him. They know they will be put under more scrutiny if they help him. Someone does need to investigate them and that money.


Trump sued Jared. Did you see that family reunion? I’ll look it up and edit this post. Donnie was **bigly** peeved that Jared got that $2B, and sued him—**while he was married to Donny’s squeeze toy, Ivanka**. I shit you not. Now, onto my mission … bbl


Missed that somehow.


Good gawd, what a field of rabbit holes with my search terms. I can’t find it, but it happened. In fact, I may have seen it here on Reddit. Trump was pissed off at Jared for the $2B, and thought that he—Donny—shoulda gotten a cut. I remember thinking, “so, first he schtupps his daughter as a kid, and now he’s fucking over her and her husband. Otay, Spanky.” Edit: I can’t find an article about this. Trump sued Jared over the Saudi $2B that Donny felt was really **his**.


If you saw it on Reddit, add The Onion to your search. It's believable enough but would be much bigger news and there should be a public record of some filings.


**”Donald Trump is suing Jared Kushner over the $2 billion in Saudi funds he got, with Trump claiming he deserves half due to executive privilege.”** You were right, and I was just a gullible, low reading dupe. It **was* on Reddit, in the sub “political humor”. It’s just that, considering these strange daze, I didn’t recognize that it was a joke.


Thx. I guess I should keep going. I remember thinking “holy sheeyit, he’s suing his daughter’s husband” Have a nice day, friend. Get outside and inhale if you can. I’m here in CA and it’s beautiful. Gawd knows why I’m on my damn screen in the sun.


$454M would create a lot of gift tax


Jared made out with frickin’ $2 **Billion**


Orange? Overweight? Hates Mondays? Trump is Garfield confirmed.


At least Garfield was loved by some normal folks. This POS is only loved by his zombie cultists.


The physical appearance of Garfield, the popularly of Nermal.


Ok Garfield doesn’t deserve that much hate


Except Garfield didn't owe anyone 454 mil


Gee, that makes me nostalgic for the good old days of cutting out cartoons from the newspaper and putting them up on the fridge or in the office. Garfield would make one of his silly old jokes about wanting to sexually assault an underage girl, and we'd cut the comic out and put it on the bulletin board in the break room and it would give everybody such a giggle. Good old Garfield. Hates Mondays, loves lasagna, wants to fuck his daughter...


Not so fast. How does Trump feel about lasagna?


Probably too healthy.


It sticks to walls nicely...


Slap some ketchup on that bad boy and he’s ready to go to town


Lyin’ Lasagna! That **LYIN’ Lasagna”!!! Everybody sees it. We know it—that lasagna, it’s, okay—it, we see it. Greatest economy under me. Gas. Groceries. So cheap, the **cheapest**. Whaddaya want? You guys, it’s. That, that’s what? Tomato sauce, cheese? Like nobody’s business. Lyin’ Lasagna”


Little Donnie is having a no good very bad day


Question is what delay tactic would he take or would he just rob the RNC and also take from the 2 billion Jared got from the Saudis


Jared got to be the spokesperson for the Saudi sovereign fund but that doesn't put their entire fund in his pocket for personal spending. I honestly doubt that the entire Trump family has the money liquid and available for the fines here without selling off property.


Ummm even if thin man is only getting a 1% investment fee or commission, that is 20M a year!! Pretty sure skinny and Ivan could live on that per year with whatever additional grift they have!!


No doubt, I'm just saying that he didn't get the whole fund for his own pocket. People misconstrue the deal there, but it stinks either way.


Everything I’ve read indicates Trump intends to post the bond and appeal. No question he’s going to have to liquidate assets to cash and this is going to be expensive. You can’t liquidate real estate in a fire sale and expect to get market value, liquidating real estate will be expensive


Not if the DWAC board vote goes his way.


I think it's only jury selection on March 25 for the hush money trial.


He’s a multi billionaire idk what the big deal is




Sounds like somebody is going to have a case of the “Mondays”!


Let's ask Eric if they can still get all the funding they need from Russia.


Yea… Mar-a-largo is worth at least a billion…. Right?!?


And the sneaker business is worth at least $100b.


Hey, according to Fox News the sneaker business will lead to black people siding with Trump because "they love sneakers". That has to be worth a couple hundred billion


Yep it'll make them forget all about the time he wanted to shoot BLM protesters. /s because it's reddit


He has a great relationship with 'The Blacks'. Just ask him.


Delboy is not happy he missed out on this trick


Just put up the courtyard and swimming pool as collateral! Easy!




Why would he not be allowed to borrow it from Musk?




There is nothing to stop him from taking security in the equity in his properties. Not saying he would do it, but there is nothing the monitor could do about this.


They will start watching where musk's money comes from, not sure musk wants that.




That could be, but nobody (outside of a few insiders) really knows what his true unencumbered wealth is. I personally hope that the emperor has no clothes, so to speak (and that he is exposed for the failure he is).


Musk is on it.


The GOP might block funds for Ukraine, but perhaps this unforeseen expense for Russia might have some impact.


Money gone, wife AWOL, lawyers racing to cash checks, GOP broke, donors gone. Shades of "The Jerk".


*All I need is the ashtray, the paddle ball game, and the remote control... That's all I need!*


The RNC isn't broke! They have $8M cash on hand. That can fund, like... 1.7% of this judgement against him!


Yet there is a very high probability that he wins. Sadly.


It's not exactly looking good for him at the moment. Between record low fundraising at the RNC, which may get drained to pay his legal bills anyway, all the negative press from his court losses, and the upcoming felony trials, it wouldn't take much to permanently break bad for him and crush his chances. Right now I'd put his chances at 1 in 3. I'd say the most likely outcome is a Biden second term, a small majority in the House, and a 50/50 split in the Senate. Things can change a lot between now and election day, though.


Biden should win, Dems should have a House majority (especially with redistricting wins in breaking gerrymanders in a few states), but I don't think there's much chance of keeping a Senate majority. 23 / 33 seats up are for Democrats (or independents caucusing for Democrats). The WV seat is almost guaranteed to flip from Manchin to Justice (R). TX has to work hard to kick out Ted Cruz to have a shot to retain the Senate.


A 50-50 tie in the Senate would still basically constitute a majority, given Harris' would be breaking ties in that scenario. I don't think Democrats have to flip TX to retain a "working majority" in the Senate, but Democrats would need to run the table of seats that are up for re-election.


Right. Assuming Justice flips WV that puts the Senate at 50 Senators caucusing with the Democrats. The Democrats have to win 22/22 if they're unable to flip a seat. Which is why I say it seems unlikely unless Republicans get hit really hard with negative voter turnout.


If the GOP keeps going after suburban women like the latest IVF stunt, a 50/50 becomes more likely!


I live in Nashville and he had very low turnout for his rally Thursday


Wins what?




This far out don’t look at head to head poles, look at the trend of other elections that have actually happened over the past 1-2 years. The GOP is shrinking and losing ground in every contest just about. Trump will be a MASSIVE net drag on the GOP come November. The issue is, without him they also lose all the hardcore MAGA. The trend is clear outside of some big changes the Republicans are gonna be in for a bit awakening in November.


The courts are definitely tired of his delay tactics. I really like seeing them put the screws to this PoS. It's about time.


Only took how many decades compared to a normal person?


Tick Tock Trump! Pay your bills bitch!


NATO is waiting to see if he pays


Also every day he doesn't pay, he owes another $112k.


This made me smile. (I am not a good person)


The Bible says “When it goes well with the righteous, the city rejoices, and when the wicked perish there are shouts of gladness.” Proverbs 11:10 I’d say you are a good person by that standard.


Yes, you are a good person!


The media keeps getting this wrong. He can still appeal even if he doesn’t put up the money or a bond. It just means he won’t get a stay of execution and the DA can start the process of getting the money. But that will take time.


Also interest continues to run.


His Gofundme has, for the past 7 days, covered roughly 200% of the daily interest amount.


I'll only take then a decade at their current rate to cover the entire thing!


Idek if that's allowed. but that is not going to continue, people are not going to get subscription to pay, and even if they do the 454 is still there. And this is just trump bankrupting maggats, a win win


Agree, just putting out the data. $1.2 million raised in 7 days is about double the daily interest.


So they need to step up the donations 3.5 x and then everyone needs to re-donate the same amount every week until the appeal is heard in a couple of years? Doesn't sound very likely to me. tRumps best hope is some crazy billionaire NOT from Russia stumps up for him. Not many people would love Smelly Donnie to the tune of half a billion $. Maybe Elmo, but Elmo's already bled a lot this last year or so, maybe he keeps his hand in his pocket this time.


IIRC $112,000 per day.


As I understand things, he has two choices: 1. Pay up. 2. Appeal, but post a bond in the next 30 days. >The action starts the clock on the amount of time Trump has to file an appeal and to post a bond for the award. If he does not do so, the New York attorney general's office will be able to begin collection proceedings against Trump and his co-defendants in the civil fraud case. ([source](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/judgment-trump-civil-fraud-case-officially-entered-464-million-rcna140256))


No, he has another option: 3. Do not pay up and do not post a bond, but appeal anyway while the DA begins the process of enforcing the judgment.


I also think it's possible that he goes with option 3.a, which would be something like "Do not pay up, and do not post a bond, but appeal anyway. As soon as the DA gets _close_ to effectively enforcing the judgement post the bond"


So how is it we’re not hearing about Option 3?


Seems like option 3 is another one of those "unthinkable" things that shouldnt happen. Option 3 is the way he will go.


I've been privately calling DJT's legal strategy the "kicking and screaming" approach.


Now you are publicly calling it that. And I like it.


I am thinking this may be the way he goes but it is a strategy with great risk to it. I am skeptical that he can pay, and almost as skeptical he can find bond. His gamble might be your Option 3, and hope the DA does not pursue enforcement for fear of the judgement being overturned. I do not know the legal ramifications attached to have seized and sold assets and then the judgement reversed by a higher court. Are they less or negated when it is the state that undertakes the enforcement on its own behalf? If he pursues Option 3 and the DA commences enforcement it may be an indication they feel they are on very solid ground should an appeal happen.


It makes my head hurt how many times this has been misreported. That and the confident ignorance of those who keep repeating it.


But that IS how they are reporting it everywhere I'm reading.


Stay of enforcement? A stay of execution is what someone on death row gets.


https://thelawdictionary.org/execution-of-judgment/ PS -- I've actually worked on death penalty cases, so I'm familiar with legal terminology here.


User~~name~~ flair checks out. \*edit


He’s cooked both ways . He has the fine which he has to pay or appeal it and put up the same amount. Either way he has to pay. I for one am glad


I'm crossing my fingers for an asset seizure.


Pay up Orange ass clown.


As a registered ass clown, I find this very offensive


If you aren’t orange, I wouldn’t take it personally


Stormy Daniels is planning to testify can't wait for the defense to ask her how does the jury know your not lying."Well your honor he has a pee pee shaped like a mushroom and he wears diapers"..


I read somewhere he has to be served first before the countdown starts


They can just send it to his attorneys.


In his new addresses in FL? What a bunch of clowns. I think they were hoping for a FL judge to stay the judgment.


How would a Florida judge stay a ruling from a New York court?


They can’t, but their legal papers listed 6 trump NY LLC’s as FL addresses. AG shut it down fast.


That's a lot of sneakers.


He’s a billionaire, he can just pay it easily right… right?


“ Once Trump and the others are served with the judgment, the 30-day clock for them to file an appeal starts.” How do we know they’ve been served?


The appeal process for this judgement is almost non-existent. He's going to be paying the money.


In New York, a third party must be employed to serve legal papers. The deliverer hired by the NY Attorney General, or "process server", will serve the papers, after which the process server will file an affidavit of service with the court clerk to confirm the papers have been served.


Thanks. That’s exactly what I wanted to know but couldn’t find in any article


Does NY law provide any sort of penalty for the filing of frivolous appeals?


Appealing a trial verdict within 30 days is a right in New York State... Of course if the appellant and his lawyers misbehave in court, the appellate judges can always impose sanctions :-)


“Daddy Poot-Poot, can I have some monies? I’ll let you do that golden shower thing again.” I’m guessing we’re going to watch the clock run out on any appeal, and then he’ll somehow claim unfair treatment and “election interference.”


I don't normally drink alcohol, but I just put a six pack of alcoholic Ginger beer in my fridge. Should be nice and cold in 30 days, because I sense a celebration coming on.


I was having a shot for every lose he times but drink I can’t fuck any more no


Tick tock MFer!


Only $452,880,000 left to raise on that GoFundMe!


If he were to appeal to the SCOTUS, would his appointees have to recuse themselves? Assuming writ of certiorari would be certainly be granted. 


It's NY State Court so I think he can appeal through the state system, but not to SCOTUS in this case.


He can appeal to scotus if he can frame this case as a federal or constitutional issue.


Appeals for adverse decisions from NY's highest court (NY Court of Appeals) goes to SCOTUS, so he can try to appeal to SCOTUS as a last resort but only after exhausting all appeals in the NYS Unified Court System. That would take a long, long time though for his case to go through all that. Both NY Court of Appeals and SCOTUS picks and chooses which appeals they will hear and it is exceedingly difficult to get them to approve to hear an appeal. So I think trump's chances of being "granted cert" for this case at either court is about that of a snowball in hades. :-D




Smartest guy in the whole world and he didn’t see it coming? Supposed to have all kinds of simple answers for all the world’s problems. Just judging his performance handling his own problems, and how damned little he did fixing world his first go-round, call me doubtful.


OMG why can’t I post a comment to 8,625 reasons I should choose a Kohler Smart Toilet in the **sponsored ad** to this very particular sub???😂 Are these ad guys feckin’ with us?


Don't forget Carrol is not done suing him if he can't keep his mouth shut


Fire Sale! Chump Tower, 40 Wall! Must sell, Huge discounts, no reasonable offer turned down!