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You only hear complaints from northerners. Bermuda is a fine grass and looks good with only minimal care. When reel mowed at less than 1 inch and properly fertilized, it looks like carpet


I don’t know about minimum care trying to reel mow bermuda at less then 1” lol you’ll be mowing multiple times per week unless you use pgr it seems.


Pretty much every 3-4 days.


If you want a golf course looking lawn, you need to mow a few times a week.


Those were two separate sentences/ideas. It looks great with minimal care. AND it looks phenomenal with moderate care such as mowing every 4 days at 1” for hybrid Bermuda or 1.5” for common Bermuda. And then with intense care for use as a sporting turf, hybrid Bermuda can be said to be the best-performing grass species in the world.


As a Bermuda lawn owner what’s a good fertilizer? I live in Phoenix and have never fertilized it. Seems to be doing fine though. Comes back every spring. Our soil is natural very alkaline so never had to use lime or anything. Using the mower on mulch setting.


The highest N fertilizer you can find realistically. Lesco 32-0-10 is my go to.




I’ve been getting it for $25/50lb this year. Was $46/50 last year. Go through a decent bit on an acre and a half


I bought two bags of that at Lowe’s. Normally I use Milorganite. I want to try the Lesco on my cool season grass. Im a bit nervous tho. Do you have any advise you can give on putting this down?


I wouldn’t be able to speak to cool season fertilizer habits. Reach out to your local university agricultural department or a place like site one and they can help guide you through best practices. My advice if it’s Bermuda is put down at bag rate plus a little more and just make sure to give it a long, deep watering. I’ve yet to burn my grass doing this. I’ve done the lesco and a 10-0-0 natural fertilizer (I think it’s a corn meal alternative) as a supplemental fertilizer with no problems. Bermuda is a hungry grass to say the least.


It’s so damn hot in PHX I don’t suggest a strong nitrogen in the heat. Half the bag rate or a lower nitro liquid fertilizer will work well too. Bermuda will explode if you feed it right and just mow and water regularly


I’ve saved a lot of peoples lawns, yards, trees, shrubs after 3 really bad years of freeze in TX & can bring back basically dead house plant with rabbit fertilizer. (The quality depends on their diet & there are different grades) Our lawn ppl said everything was dead & gave us a quote for a entire new front & back the past 3 winters. And the other houses that I did are the only ones in our neighborhood that haven’t had everything dead & replaced during the spring. You get the best soil if you keep a compost & do it right with your yard. I know people that pay the most for it are people with tomatoes or W. Not sure how it does with different types of grass, but if you use a liquid person on grass it’s come back form almost all dead during the summer for us & other ppl I know with land in Texas. I know we have Bermuda which I hate & trying to get rid of it. And I know from the horses & rabbits it’s one of the cheapest hays & hard to store bc it’s the easiest to get infested with mites if not stored in a certain way. And it’s also the least healthy for them…. Rabbits wouldn’t do well with only Bermuda. Irs usually just a cheap option to have on hand just in case you’re out…. Or I’m super allergic to 2 types of grass that’s popular for rabbirs & horses & so we’ve tried to cut those out. That’s at least been my expericence. Def. not going to be the most popular product that anyone will say, but from personal experience it’s kind of an all natural potentially free fertizler than I don’t see much about. And depending on where you live you can prob. get it for free. Or research it if you’re curious. Just thought I’d drop an unconvential vote into the mix for some variety 😊 (We don’t use a lot or chemicals in our yard & house bc we have animals like tortoises & Uromatxys & other animals that live outside during the summer & eat grass. Plus most things are harmful for some of the animals we keep so we have tried tons of different options.


I second this, I’m in zone 6b and my backyard is slowly being taken over by it and I’m to the point I’m going to start embracing it


I’m a northerner and I much prefer warm season grass. The house I bought already has zoysia otherwise I would put in a high end bermuda




I’m a northerner who currently lives in the south


I couldn't disagree with you more.


Nice username 😆 👍


Exactly. There’s a house in my neighborhood with a Bermuda lawn (in KY), and their entire lawn basically looks yellow/dead in colder months. It’s pretty striking next to the rest of the lawns. It’s not a good look.


Idk, I have a bermuda lawn and don't care at all that it's brown in the winter. I mean ... it's winter, most trees in the neighborhood aren't green either.


I like Bermuda for my golf game. Most of the courses I play are exclusively Bermuda aside from the greens and the better courses will either paint or mix grass to keep fairways green in the winter. Hit a good drive and you're right on a bright green canvas. Miss the fairway and now you have to battle tan grass and leaves.


I hate Bermuda greens. There too hard when you have to deal with slope, speed, and now grain! Ugh… Jk - my home course has Bermuda that rolls fast and grainy all summer. They overseed in the winter and it’s definitely much easier to putt.


Man give me bent or early morning poa. F Bermuda 🤣


But we don't have to have a brown dormant lawn in the winter. We can have green grass year round except HOAs and obsessed people luuuuurv Bermuda. It really is terrible. You can't have any other type of landscape either, it constantly invades everywhere. You have to cut it short or it won't outcompete the other grasses. And short grass means so much more water. But if you cut it high it just interferes with other plants so that the lawn just looks stressed. It is the ignorant person's version of the most popular lawn type. Bermuda is a cheap to grow sod and invasive weed.


Not to mention the dubious practice of spraying green dye on dormant zoysia or bermuda lawns


Dubious? Would it be *less* dubious to overseed with actual rye grass just to have it die in the summer? Green dye is the least dubious option if making it green is a requirement.


I’m actually surprised so many people on this sub don’t overseed another grass for the winter months. I guess it’s probably a regional bias I didn’t realize I had because I’m in Arizona so winter is when we spend our time outside.


I have about 2800 sq ft on tahoma 31 that I plan on winter overseeding with potentially Kentucky Bluegrass, zone 5b.


I live in the north and for some reason the previous owner put in zoysia grass. It dies in November and turns brown and gets real brittle and it’s not until about May before it’s all green again. But goddamn it looks good when mowed real short on the summer. And feels amazing too.


Me too. It looks so good in the summer that I don't care about the dead look the rest of the year. In New England everything else looks dead all winter anyway. And it's so thick that it crowds out a lot of the broad leaf itself for the most part.


How does it look in the summer though? Who needs a green lawn in the winter?


I’m jn Tennessee and my neighbors with Bermuda have the best lawns right now. I’m switching from fescue to Bermuda next year.


Also in TN. Bermuda is the way.


Looks totally fine in the summer. The yards don’t have to look great during the winter, and the rest of the fescue/cool season yards don’t necessarily look great, but it’s pretty dramatically different


And if you want it to look good in the winter, just overseer it with winter rye


It looks amazing. My zoysia lawn is dark green and growing right now in the 97 degree heat. All of my neighbors have fescue and their lawns are brown


Yeah my zoysia looks great other than a few pee spots. Know anywhere I can find seed? They only seem to sell KBG around me (Colorado)


Don’t use seed. Buy a pro plugger and transplant zoysia plugs where you want the grass to grow. Zoysia is notoriously difficult to grow from seeds.


It's extremely difficult to grow zoysia from seed unless you're in a hot climate. The seed takes a long time to germinate so weeds can take over really quickly. Most people use sod.


Just around the holidays is nice that yard is green being cool season grass. Instead of dead looking grass


I prefer lawn dormant in winter so I don’t have to do anything to it


Cool season lawns are dormant as well, they're just green and dormant and not yellow and dormant.


Thank you, was gonna say the same. Even around thanksgiving it can look pretty good. Leaves cleaned up, and maybe one last cut albeit how mild it can be. Sometimes. Bermuda just straw by then.


Exactly. If it’s cold you’re unlikely spending time outside.


I’m in GA so it will vary but my tif419 didn’t go dormant until late January and my TifTuf went dormant late February. Both started waking up again mid March.


I’m in Upstate SC that’s interesting about your Bermuda going dormant in February!


I live In Utah where it snows and you can't see the brown grass anyways in the winter


So then it must be rock solid in Florida?


I’d think so. The intramural fields where I did grad school in Florida were amazing. I assume they were Bermuda.


Don’t have to mow it during the winter! If you prefer to mow you can overseed with perennial rye during the winter.


What happens to the rye when summer comes back around?


The June/July heat in the south kills it. You can also use herbicides to transition it faster if you want. Rye can’t handle the heat.


But only now half the year


we are in nc so we got lots of warm and cool grasses all mixed up next to each other. winter you got half looking green and the rest brown except the two dudes who paint thier bermuda. Summer half are struggling and trying to keep water on the grass and the bermuda folks are chilling with green happy grass.


Compare that to my TTTF looking brown in August, and it's pretty much a wash.


> You only hear complaints from northerners That is definitely tracking in these replies


It's the other way around. Southerners hate it.


Thats how my neighbors describe my bermuda lawn. I reel cut at about an inch 2-3 times a week. Hell its half common and half hybrid on the slope they can see clearly and they still think it looks great. I cant unsee the common in there.


Who has the time to mow 3 times a week? That’s crazy, can’t wait till I retire and all the kids are grown and moved out to be able to do this


I’m in my mid 30’s with 2 kiddos. 6.5K sqft so it takes about an hour to finish. It’s good exercise.


I am a northerner so this is a legit question. Isn’t Bermuda grass just crab grass/invasive? That being said, if it’s green and it’s in my yard, I’ll mow it and be happy!


Crab grass is an annual, Bermuda grass is a perennial. Crab grass will have extremely shallow roots. It’s also a darker shade of green than Bermuda. While Bermuda goes brown and dormant in the winter, crab grass will just simply die and leave exposed dirt with dead grass in its wake till summer kicks in and new crab grass seeds have sprouted to replace it. Before that, you might have other weeds try to fill the gaps; for me this year it was lots of Canadian thistle.


Can’t this be combated with preemergant laid down in the fall and spring?


From my understanding, most northerners are fighting against common Bermuda which is not as nice as your improved common and hybrid varieties. Most people in the south have hybrid varieties, specifically tif419, that has a smaller blade profile, better drought and disease tolerance, and can get to a deep rich green hue with a good dose of iron.


Is there a great robot mower on the market that can keep Bermuda cut looking like a golf course?


Yes. There are a lot that are good for cutting Bermuda height. Most aren't made to cut high enough on fescue.


Bermuda is an issue when your grass isn’t Bermuda. At that point it’s a weed, and a very hard one to kill at that.


Can you just start seeding your grass with Bermuda and will it take over the grass you already? Sounds low maintenance and I would love to find an easy way to convert it.


That’s what I’m wondering as well. Bermuda has taken over my yard so I’m just gonna roll with it.


You don't want to do that. Bermuda really should be sodded. It doesn't grow great from seed, I think all of the desirable varieties are grown from sod or plugs.


There are several new seeded varieties that germinate well and are nearly equal to sod. Monaco and SunQueen are names that come to mind.


Regardless, you're not just going to seed over fescue and expect Bermuda to take over and have it look good.




Is there anywhere to go that explains the different weaknesses of all the grass types, such as, don’t plant burned a grass next to at Augustine grass because at Augustine will take over?


Not here in Fl. Aug can’t handle the Bermuda here.


Grasses with a wider blade will eventually take over those with smaller. IE St. Augustine and zoysia overtaking Bermuda


Really the best time to seed the Bermuda is in the spring. You'll want to start cutting your fescue at Bermuda height 2 1/2 inches or less. Start fertilizing for Bermuda, which will use more nitrogen. When the Bermuda goes dormant in the fall and winter, you can start spot spraying your fescue with Roundup to help promote the Bermuda, it will not hurt the Bermuda. Then you want to aerate and seed in the spring


That was me. My grass was originally centipede but apparently I’ve got a full Bermuda lawn now. I’m located in South Carolina btw for context.


This right here. It is a weed up here in Maryland.


Nothing wrong with Bermuda at all. It chokes weeds out better and you don't have to seed every year or worry about drought and heat stress nearly as much


Tell that to the sedge infesting my yard


I said "better". Nutsedge is definitely a little different. It attacks all turf types. If you compare Bermuda vs Fescue and take care of them with the same frequency bermuda will hold weeds off better. If you let nutsedge take over then you aren't properly treating it if it has gotten bad. You can't let nutsedge go untreated for long or it will expand like crazy. The "nuts" in nutsedge can last 5-7 years in the soil before it germinates


Not to mention there are more herbicides for warm season grasses and they tolerate (even overdosed) treatments better. Hit cool season with a slightly overdosed treatment and boom dead, brb have to reseed.


My neighbor is in lawncare and treats my yard when he treats his. I have mine under control, just sucks to see it sprout up in the middle of summer.


Definitely something you have to be diligent with. Most lawn care companies charge extra for nutsedge control which sucks. Being he is your neighbor means he is probably saving you mucho dinero


I tried my luck with sedgehammer, whatever he’s using does the job more effectively. Love my Bermuda lawn.


I seem to have the best luck with Vexis (granular). Still takes years to fully eradicate if there is a decent amount




Can't disagree on that. A lot of folks will use the metal edging to help hold it off better


For real. I live in north Alabama, and only water my lawn when I put down a granular. Has stayed golf course green all year. Much prefer to the st. Augustine I had in Florida.




Yeah well if you had fescue it would be in there too. Healthy Bermuda cut at the right height should be pretty weed free. Usually just takes random spot spraying here or there


What’s the right height


I have found that 2 1/2 inches seems to work best if you do not have a reel mower. You can train it to 1/4 inch if you use PGRs and a reel mower


Bermuda is one of the most beautiful and durable grasses there is. I live in North Texas too and Bermuda handles our hot summers well. The only people complaining live in Connecticut


Northerners would freak out with St Augustine.


Been to Florida, that chunky St Augustine grass is trash to walk on barefoot.


It's not so much a problem with a Bermuda lawn. It's people like me that live up north and have cool season lawns being invaded by Bermuda. It's a royal pain to get rid of.


Great grass, but when I've invested in a TTTF lawn and Bermuda is invading I'm not a fan


that pretty much sums it up. Fine as a lawn, but when common Bermuda gets in a cool season lawn, it sucks to get rid of. I have found that pulling up the runners without removing from soil, placing them on cardboard and painting with glyphosate is pretty effective for a few years. If I was in the south, I would definitely favor Bermuda over trying to keep fescue alive in the summer. I do like having a green lawn until about mid December, but my climate is quite perfect for that.


Up north it’s Fescue. I love my Fescue lawn. It’s tough as nails, doesn’t need a lot of water, and looks like a thick green carpet. Yet Fescue gets all kinds of hate too. So much so that Fescue is now being bred to try and be KBG.


It’s a fantastic grass, especially for lawns that get a lot of foot traffic from kids/pets. It can also go completely brown from drought and bounce right back.


Grew up with St. Augustine, have Bermuda now. Much prefer Bermuda. St. Augustine isn’t super pleasant to walk on and doesn’t handle extremes well at all. I also recall having a ton of weeds with St. Augustine, not so much with Bermuda.


St Augustine is very course. I hate it.


Had a place with a native plant garden that we learned had apparently been Bermuda before. Bermuda would pop up everywhere and wouldn't die. Roundup would kill one shoot but it would pop up elsewhere


Most of the hate for Bermuda is when you don't want it in your yard. Its a pain to deal with and remove. Yet, if my neighbors didn't have fescue yards, I'd give in to bermuda.


You don't do bermuda because you are afraid of it invading your neighbors lawn, or because it does not match/look the same as their grass?


More on thr side of I wouldn't want it to invade my neighbors grass. Both of them have fescue sod and do their best to keep it clean. We're all on good terms too.


I find fescue too much work to maintain. I am in the SE. I want to sod tiftuf and share 30 or so feet w my neighbor's fescue lawn. I may put up a little stone or mulch divider or something, but I am not going to do fescue just to keep my neighbor happy. You are a better neighbor than I am.


the only downside is it’s invasive - hard to keep out of beds but that is what makes for a good lawns as it fills in places - plant what u like


(1) It's non-native invasive grass that chokes out native species. That alone makes me hate it. We spend crazy resources for "lawns" using up massive amounts of energy and waste while destroying local native species of plants and animals. If you don't care about the environmental impact of the lawn on killing wildlife and native species... (2) Forget controlling it, it will win eventually. Over, under, through, it gets frickin everywhere. They put it in all the new houses here and it sucks. That wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't also for item #1. Combine the two and I hate Bermuda, wish we could destroy it all in the neighborhood.


A lot of houses around me in the Mid Atlantic have crappy cultivars of Bermuda that thrive when our cool season lawns are getting beat down by the heat. It looks bad, grows fast when it's hot and then turns brown in the fall/winter/early spring. Also invades nearby flower beds and seemingly grows out of any crack in your driveway.


It’s ugly. Harder to make look nice vs St. A. Feels like crap under your feet. Easier for pets to burn it or kill by walking on it. List can go on and on honestly.


I’m on the TN/GA. Bermuda FTW as far as I’m concerned. I’m fine with it going dormant in the winter. I struggled to get grass to grow. At some point I noticed my side yard was 100% Bermuda. Grew over from my neighbor. Decided to sod the other part of my front yard. Glad I did. I use a regular mower and probably cut it around 2” or so.


Til that people out there hate Bermuda. I love mine. Looks great, easy, low maintenance, it choakes out almost all weeds and doesn't need watering. It might be that I live in a good zone for it with the right hybrid variety though.


Living in N Texas I will take Bermuda over St Augustine any day of the week.


Because the maintenance is easier or do you prefer the look/feel of bermuda?


Chipping in. St. Augustine stolons like to sit on the surface once it gets REALLY hot unless you water a lot. We live under persistent water restrictions. You can quickly observe who doesn’t follow the rules LOL. Plus it’s awful to walk on barefoot. Looks decent if you like “longer” grass in your yard.


Look and feel. St Augustine is very corse.


WeLl ThIs BlEw Up


DFW here and the majority of my yard is Celebration Bermuda and I love it.


My father taught me that “wire grass” was a weed. Old beliefs die hard.


Bermuda is a beautiful southern grass


I hate Bermuda grass because it dies with the slightest amount of shade. Here in Atlanta with all the dense tree cover I have patches of dirt in several areas because the grass doesn’t get enough sun.


The feeling of common Bermuda grass is terrible in bare feet. Don’t know about the better grade of it.


Am northerner, Bermuda is pokey.


You may be thinking of common Bermuda, which is a little bit pokey and doesn’t look as nice. It’s also what typically invades northern fescue lawns. The hybrid Bermuda lawns that are intentional aren’t pokey at all, and I believe most people would prefer to walk barefoot on a Bermuda lawn over any type of tall cool season grass.


My zero knowledge is showing. That is exactly what it is.


My backyard is half bermuda/half weeds. If I were to seed with bermuda next spring what variant should I go for? I'm in Dallas.


Getting Bermuda to grow from seed is pretty tough. If it’s already half Bermuda, just fertilizing and treating the weeds should allow it to fill in nicely. And that is something that can be done now either by yourself or professionally. As far as the hybrids go, the 419 is probably the most popular.


You got that right. I had seed put down in the spring and despite keeping it watered now sure how much of it took. I didn't realize it would be a tough grow.


Just put down pre-emergent right before things start greening up in the spring to keep the weeds from popping up. If the existing Bermuda gets plenty of sun it will fill in all the bare spots very quickly.


My FIL has a wonderful fescue lawn which he maintains very well. Has had for years at his house. About 3-4 years ago his neighbors Bermuda started to creep in to his yard. Started as a small strip about 10ft long along the fence. Now it’s a half circle that is maybe 20ft in diameter. It’s slowly taking over his yard. It’s that not super green variety too. Sucks


This is happening to my small lawn. While I do not hate Bermuda, I prefer a cool season graas. Since we live in a transitional zone, it's hit or miss, which grass will thrive in your yard. I have KBG in our backyard but our neighbors seeded Bermuda a couple of years ago in their backyard so now i have about 50/50 Bermuda/KBG. My only issue right now is that KBG should be kept longer so it can retain more moisture but the Bermuda is supposed to be shorter. So i have some low areas or Bermuda, tall odd looking Bermuda, sprinkled in wirh some KBG. On the plus side, it's all grass and all green.


Ever heard of bluemuda? KBG planted into existing bermuda does wonderfully in the transition zone, as does fesmuda. When the temperature is stressing one the other takes over.


How is Bermuda Pro 87 turf? My contractor said he will be using it for my backyard and available for a good amount. Do you all recommend? Location: Phoenix, Arizona Sq ft: 250


Its the rapid creeping into other flower beds that keeps me up at night.


I don’t necessarily have a problem with Bermuda, but my neighbors with tall fescue certainly will given we butt right up against eachother. My only gripe with Bermuda is that, having grown up in the northeast US, it doesn’t FEEL like a lawn, even here in the south. I’ve already had snow and pretty fall trees taken from me, at leas t let me keep my deep green, pillowy lawn until the 4th of July at least!


Why would you want a pillowy lawn in the south. Short and tight grass keeps the bugs and snakes away


It’s fair. Nostalgia mainly. I’d also like to keep the peace with my neighbors, who have well maintained fescue lawns. If I plant Bermuda I’d surely be scorned


Ahh you may be right about that!


I would be happy with Bermuda if not for my dogs. Bermuda's dormancy cannot withstand the weight and pressure applied by two 40 to 50-lb. dogs over the course of a few months.


What do you mean? My big dogs don’t kill mine.


I don't know what to say. I'm in Oklahoma, so it's hot, but it's not the heat that gets the Bermuda but the cold. It goes dormant and then it just sort of withers away under the weight. In places that they don't go in the yard, it stays. This is all why I have to switch to fescue over time and hope it survives the heat.


Oh, I follow. Yeah, I get a couple of dirt tracks in the yard but they’re gone by May every spring.


It’s high maintenance.. grass. It needs to mowed tight with a reel mower to look good and the fertilization required is also more than typical . it grows fast.. it’s suck in the summer because the tips will grow even with lack of rain.. and it looks like crap unless ur mowing it right and fertilizing! It spreads. e-v-e-r-y where.. it’s a nuisance. Landscaping beds. Across the driveway.. and it goes dormant in the winter. Not just the winter. But first frost. Gone.. October thru May nothing.. unless you over seed it with bluegrass. And then you have to water the crap out of in the summer and the Bermuda will also grow insanely high. That’s why I don’t like it. Zone 6b.


Because their fools, it’s literally the best grass you could ask for. People just cut it too high.


In the winter if you have a long haired dog that likes to roll in the grass that shit will be all in your house if you don’t brush and use a blower to clean off your dog every time…


Born and raised in north Texas and being somewhat allergic to most grasses I felt like bermuda made me the itchiest lol I remember visiting family in Colorado as a kid and loving their cool season fescue. But now I have both st Augustine and bermuda lawns and I love how easy bermuda is to maintain.


Great grass if grown in warm season areas.. a joke if not. In my area(zone 6) bermuda only grows 3 months out of the year. The rest of the year it's an ugly brown turd. Plus no one ever talks about freeze and thaw. In the North the constant freeze and thaw makes it near impossible to keep your yard level. A good looking Bermuda yard needs cut low. Put 2 and 2 together. Grow a grass appropriate to your area


I’ll tell you from my experience as a North Carolinian. I have a Bermuda side to my property that I have actively encouraged. It has some natural boundaries as well as a driveway to contain it and keep it away from my fescue lawn. It is a beautiful sight to see when I’ve got it low low and I’m leaving in the morning for work. There’s dew on it, it’s uniform and fairly deep green. And then again in the evenings I look at it and want to go chip golf balls in it. I get this peak Bermuda for about 2 months. 10 months out of the year it’s either a complete eyesore or making it’s way to the 2 month prime time event. I have overseeded it with rye the last two winters for color but it’s lime green and comical compared to the other side of the driveway deep rich green TTTF. Tldr version: it looks bad in transition zone most of the year.


I’m in NC with Tifway 429, pgr iron and nitrogen will get you deep green April-October. Pgr is tnex at half rate twice a month tank mixed with southern Asg chelated iron. Nitrogen is 1-1.25lb/1k per month


Bermuda is fine, especially south, unless you have large shade trees, which will eventually kill it off. I saw a lot of people in N TX (myself included) have to go to zoysia once yard trees get too large.


I unfortunately have zero shade in my backyard right now. It gets the full sun for like 80% of the day until it falls behind my neighbor's 50' tree.


Zoysia probably the nicest of the 3 main options in TX in my opinion. It will go dormant in winter as well but tolerates shade or sun well.


I was seriously wondering what's bad about the Bermuda Triangle until I saw which sub this was. 😂


bermuda rocks in north texas


I live in the south. I have a shitty, Bermuda lawn. It was the cheapest contractor grade crap they could find. I wasn't given a choice. I'm just hoping it gets better, but I despise it.


Same. Really debating overseeding with a better strain of Bermuda. I know it won’t match, but the contractor stuff sucks and I’d encourage the new seed to overtake the existing.


I haven't had luck seeing Bermuda. But maybe you will. Or maybe I didn't give it the effort it needed.


If bermuda could survive the winters I'd be using it up here in MN lol. Don't get me wrong, I love my lush soft grass, but bermuda seems to be the most tenacious out of all the grasses with the least amount of work. I appreciate lawncare and dominate my neighbors as much as the next r/lawncare faithful, but that doesn't mean I'm not open to lazier routes if available. The less finnicky the grass the better.


I have Bermuda and love it. I would expect people would hate common Bermuda if they do not want it and they are trying to kill it. Bermuda is very hard to kill in a lawn or to keep it out of garden beds.


My Bermuda was fine until some trees matured it got a little shady. Then the Bermuda struggled year after year until it was nothing but dirt.


Bermuda is by far my favorite sod. Least amount of work, it likes to get beat up, grows like a fucking weed, requires nearly 0 maintenance outside of water and mowing. When mowed properly it looks as good as any other warm weathered grass out there. And I live in AZ and it is about the only grass the will thrive in our heat. ​ People are just fucking morons.


The triangle


Nothing, in warm season areas. It's a good grass. If you have a KBG or TTTF lawn you fucking hate it with a passion.


I personally hate St Augustine, I hate the thick blades of grass and the strong framework of the grass. It deals with foot traction better, it’s way tougher. Bermuda is soft and has a great color.


Not to hijack your post, but you said the heat killed off your St. A? I think that is what is happening to mine in this heat dome madness but wasn't sure heat could kill a warm-season grass. Been frustrating.


I got a lawn guy to do fertilizer and all that for me this year and he didn't see any evidence of fungus/bugs/whatever. I saw people on NextDoor also say their St A was decimated. My front yard is heavily shaded and it did fine and came back so I am assuming last years heat got it. I also just did not water enough. It was my first year owning a home and in all my rent houses it was St A and it did fine with me watering like every 2 weeks. Lesson learned.


Bermuda grass will also invade St. Augustine when the St. A is cut too short. I’m having that issue right now. We’re trying to do a big overhaul in how we cut the lawn to combat the Bermuda grass. I’m finding out from all these articles on the internet that St. Augustine does better when it’s 3 or 4 inches tall. We’ve been scalping it without knowing any better.


Wife? No seriously, your describing my yard and home location to a T


Bro that triangle scary


My front yard is full sun so I seeded Bermuda! I use MSMA because it kills everything except Bermuda! Easy care! Feed, water, aerate, ! Repeat!


Here in zone 6b that means my lawn would be brown almost half the year, so I have to actively seek it out and get rid of it because it’s stronger than fescue and will outcompete it every time


I'm switching next Spring. To seed or to sod, that is the question...


In the Midwest, Bermuda is green at the end of spring, and turns brown by September. So your lawn is green for 3 growing months out of the year. Fescue extends that to almost all year unless we have a drought or heat wave. Most years the grass is still green deep into November. I live in Missouri and have a constant battle with Bermuda trying to overtake my entire yard. Over ten years, I've managed to push it all to one corner, but just can't eradicate it completely.


Texas? Bermuda is fine. Here in northern Utah it waits until mid-may to green up, then starts browning late September. The color is also a mintier green than a deep green. Most people don't want a yard that's ugly brown two-thirds of the year. It also has a knack for growing into landscaping and flower beds.


My only complaint is if you are in the north or close to the north it is an ugly brown half the year.


Maybe I have a bad version of Bermuda but it spends about half the year looking horrible. Its yellow basically regardless of rainfall. It also cant be striped.


In truth nothing is wrong with the grass itself. The problem for most folks is they don't want it in their law that is another type. St aug and Bermuda make great full laws!


It's a real pain around the gardens and landscaping but here in TN makes a great lawn. It can easily take over so you have to be diligent around boarders, etc. If that's not a problem for you then Bermuda isn't a bad choice. edit: spelling


In the north we only get 1 maybe 2 months bermuda grows really well. On the other hand kbg, fescue, rye will stay green 9 maybe 10 months out of the year. And if you're growing a cool season grass Bermuda is the 2nd most difficult weed to remove from your lawn.


There's a pretty dangerous triangle down there as i recall


https://preview.redd.it/j5bxoy3xuqjb1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e875c1976f0921a82c1342edbc0e5bcfd9a38482 Only thing bad about bermuda is all the jealous cool season grass guys commenting about how we cut too low...


Bermuda expert YouTube How To with Doc


I seeded with Bermuda. It's that damned ornamental monkeygrass bullshit that spreads like the plague


Northerner moved to the south… Kentucky blue grass is beautiful year round. Bermuda turns brown in the winter. I deal with Bermuda now because it’s so invasive and too hard to fight on 3 acres. It took 4 years to take over after my neighbors sodded their yard with it.


Yankees, primarily. Our turf grows in their weed beds. Totally kidding but it's grass in the south and a weed in the north


Valid question. This man deserves an award


I’m in DFW and am seeding Bermuda within my St A. The winter was brutal to my St A and drought has been tough on it too. Texas Bermuda is hardy, drought resistance, and low maintenance.


Just go zoysia and it's not a concern 👍


The triangle


I still don’t understand the issue in the south. Since seeing it talked about on this sub I’ve paid more attention and I see it often times mixed in places with centipede but it never overtakes beyond just random patches. I made that post the other day about the baseball field and since then I found a neighbor with a Bermuda lawn done low like a golf course. He replaced the centipede that all the homes come with and it butts right up to his neighbors on both side and hasn’t taken over either of them. It must be more of an issue in a different region than the south. I have it popping up in my yard so that’s why I initially grew concerned due to the sub harping on it so much but it doesn’t seem to do much beside random patches here and there mixed in with my centipede https://preview.redd.it/mgqm8v7dzrjb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68b11995e2923ee87b4f4276767b023eb914ecef Here’s the neighbor’s Bermuda lawn


I wish I had it instead of this weak ass fescue that is constantly beset by weeds


Yall talking about tiffway right .., Right !?