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I have one and this hasn’t ever happened to my lawn. Edit: I must say I also have Bermuda and don’t ever spread when the grass is wet. A lot of variables here.


This guy walks fast


I think you’re more likely to have an issue walking slowly? The faster you move the further it slings the granules.


Got to set the spreader setting in half then walk North South & East West Takes time, but works fine


This all day! I divide the bag rate in half and then round up to the next whole number on a Scott's edge guard.


This same thing happens with professional spreaders. You just need to maintain a constant speed


I've used one for 15 years and never had this problem.      A lousy craftsman blames his tools.


I have used a Scott’s mini edge broadcast spreader for 10 years with zero issues.


I use the same and get stripes. Can’t stand it. How far apart do you make your passes?


I follow the instructions on the bag. If it’s Scott’s it usually says about five feet apart for rotary if I am remembering correctly


Just threw down again a week ago, this time about 3-4ft passes and still stripes. It’s apparent that it throws Down harder directly in front of the rotary/bucket. That’s what’s making the stripes.


Yeah, I did a couple passes on the street right in front of my house first to understand how it would come out. As I’ve never had a lawn before, so I never used a spreader. I’ve had zero issues, and did also notice that walking speed determines how this stuff comes out.


Me either.


Yeah, you gotta power walk that shit if you’re gonna go cheap. I get out there when the grass is bone dry and book it across the lawn. No issues so far. It’s not ideal. It’s still a shitty spreader, but it does work.


For a yard that size just get a hand spreader and walk it. Problem solved.


I was all about walking spreaders until I used a hand spreader in my yard and realized how easy it was to evenly cover my lawn.


It’s so easy. I have like 5000 sq ft of lawn and it takes me like 15 min from opening the shed to packing up.


I’m a little above you with 6k sq/ft and I agree it’s very easy.


Question regarding the hand spreader - how fast do you turn the crank? Since there are no wheels, the rate of application is not correlated to reality.


You use your eyes and watch how much comes out.


Okay done. Now what? Have I put too much or too little?


You do what you should do regardless of the spreader type: apply a known weight of product to a known area, evenly distributed, until you hit the recommended rate. Don’t go by spreader settings.


The man fertilizes.


Get out of here with your math and reading instructions... this is America.


There was a good post a while back where someone complained about their hose-end product not covering the advertised area. They couldn’t accept that it was their responsibility to cover the correct area, instead of just spraying it all into one spot.


It's kinda like baking or cooking. There is a bit of wiggle room to get the desired finished product. As a general rule always follow the application rate on the packet but you'll also figure out the areas that might need a bit more. Lawn care is like a relationship but more confusing and frustrating 🤣


Those are correlated to reality at least


Definitely one of those know what it should look like when you're done and do that kind of things. It's getting it right the first time that's tough.


I go at a pace barely slower than my natural walking speed to make sure I’m not missing any areas. Some fertilizer bags will tell you the appropriate setting for optimum application based on the granule size, but I’ll admit a lot don’t.


Battery and trigger


I hardly know er


I have the manual version. So far have just been timing right steps with the crank being at the end of a rotation.


Oh sorry I read that as how do you not how fast do you. Ignore my previous comment


Hand spreader also works great for people like me whose gait is slow & uneven (thanks, MS!). I do the back lawn 1 day, front the next & sides the 3rd.


Maybe they’re not great but all you have to do to compensate for flaws is turn the dial down a few clicks, walk fast, go around in multiple directions.


I didn't know they had a flaw but did as you suggested as a precaution (before reading your suggestion). I did passes left to right then front to back. Walk fast so it throws well.


And fill in the inside of the wheels with cardboard, foam adhesive, or something. Otherwise your material will kind of accumulate in the space then get dumped out in little patches here and there. Very easy to get burn spots


Am I the only one who just throws granules by hand?


I did that the other day on the light spots .. lime and fertilizer. My neighbors were looking at me like I was crazy. Probably didn’t help having a beer in the other hand.


Where’d you put the bag? Next time just use one of those hard hats with the dual cup holders and hose that goes in your mouth.


Put the bag next me on the ground and one hand slinging one hand beer holding 😁


Damn. That’s either a lot of bending over or a lot of squats. I’d look at you weird too. Beer helmet is the logical solution to stop your neighbors from giving you strange looks.


Were you wearing an Elsa costume slinging that spring fever around?


No .. a Joker costume and laughing really loud at nothing


I used a solo cup to scoop it. 2 for 1.


I just measure out the amount for the yard and toss it by hand as even as possible


Skill issue


Just tossed my 14 year old Scott’s rotary that I leave outside under a tree…the wheel pipe decided to no longer exist. They are really good for the money.


Quite possibly. My first lawn.


Respect to your efforts OP. That's a nice yard you have there, and your lawn is good looking, even if you feel it's flawed. I'm quite envious of that fence tbh




You, like me have a small lawn. Turn down your spreader and make multiple passes in different directions. It’ll only take an extra couple of minutes and even if your spreader is uneven or getting in the wheels it won’t make a difference. I’ve used Scott’s spreaders for years and have zero issues.


Likely different SGNs in the fertilizer. Inconsistent size of fertilizer granules. Happens a lot with the different raw materials that go into a blended product.


Halve the rate and go two different directions. Twice the work, ten times the result


That’s nice lawn I like it.


Thank you! From ground level the stripes aren’t noticeable. https://preview.redd.it/v4kn4auldoxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2068b72529977edbedadb8c6812cfcc2ff1e4349


I really like it. I think you are little too hard on yourself. Well done 👍. Let it grow and you will see how nice it will get.


Lawn goals!


Dude I’d kill for lawn this good.


I would totally be happy with this lawn as well. All I am asking for is green grass and no weeds, a feat that is challenging for me in Texas.


I’m just asking green lol. I don’t even care if there are weeds and shit in it. Half my yard is covered in dirt and dead spots. It’s getting better (I’m a baller on a budget) last years I focused on the part closer to house ( kids play there the most and shorter hose) this year I bought longer hose so working my way out.


I’ve also never had this problem before with mine. Lower the rate and go over twice at least horizontally/vertically.


I do the same thing. Also make much closer passes.


What is it we are supposed to be noticing here?


Stripes from a concentration of fertilizer due to an inconsistent distribution from a cheap Scott’s spreader.


Took me a while to see it. Even then, it kind of just looks like a striped pattern growing back in.


I hate their spreaders, all but the Deluxe. But a good fix is to cut the rate by 50% and do perpendicular passes. Or do what I did and switch to almost exclusively liquid with a pinch or marker dye and surfactant. I find it's cheaper, spreads more even, and less walking overall. If you just love spreading, upgrade the Deluxe to pneumatic wheels or buy one that come with them. The design flaw is those wheels and dips causing the tires to come off the ground.


I just got a backpack sprayer. What is a good liquid fertilizer?


I just buy a 16-3-4 or an N-0-0 product. Currently, I use Ironite when lazy. Right now, I've using CoRon and TurfgrassPro since they had 30% off when I bought it. My CoRon is 18-3-6. I tend to believe gas doesn't care a ton. I micro dose what I can get cheap 150 bucks lasts me about 2-2.5 seasons in fert and humic. Another 60 bucks for iron and surfactant, and since I go light, lasted me 4 years so far. I only add extra iron when I need a green pop


I forgot SimpleLawnSolutions and LawnStar is something I used in the past. Below is before and after for one of my properties. https://imgur.com/a/Dt8uoZg


My lawn did this all year last year, I hired a company to do it this year and the same thing happened, they use their own spreader. I’ve used 3 different brands. Is it possible there is another problem in the lawn? Or is it the spreader?


I’m pretty sure it’s the hollow wheels of the spreader causing fertilizer to drop in a straight line.


Hollow wheels that trap fertilizer would cause spots, not lines. A solid wheel that blocks the spread would also cause lines. The issue is the actual guard blocks a large portion of fertilizer and drops it straight down coupled with the fact that the spreader doesn’t spread far. I sawed the guard off mine and literally jog when I spread.


The Rb-60 is the way to go


Anything under $200 is junk and wont calibrate. Cheapest I would suggest is the Earthway with the 40lb bucket.


You've done a good job just need to go over in multiple directions to ensure you get complete coverage.


They sure are!! Happened to me, upgraded to the esrthway no complaints.


Did the same. Earthway broadcast is so much cleaner.


OP you said it was a mini. Did you forget to turn the edge guard feature off?


r/scottsspreaderssuck Go get an Echo RB-60.


I got the Scott’s elite spreader for like $60-$70 on an Amazon Black Friday deal (cuz who’s buying spreaders in November). I love mine


Looks better than my lawn.


Scotts gets a lot of hate but the sta-green spreaders have the exact same wheel design lol. Never seen anyone complain about it.


I have a little Scotts Turfbuilder Edgeguard Mini Spreader. It's actually pretty bad. Not even close to spreading evenly. I don't recommend their spreaders to anyone.


Hey man, I'm Scott, and I spread very evenly I was told.


That's tough. I've used Walmart's Expert Gardner spreader last season and didn't have any problems like this. I dont know what the deal is with Scott's. I now have an Echo RB-60. A quality spreader is something to appreciate.


Man I wish we could fence in our front yard where I live :(


Yea it’s the Wild West here in Austin


Try perpendicular stripes next time.


https://preview.redd.it/f45ayvne5pxc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f25ddd07fe9c4f289d18fcdfdbb6773ccae73f13 Same


IANAL but I worked for Scott’s recently. Any of the ‘projector’ types r kinda trash. Look for the dropper style instead.


You're supposed to go up and down, then left to right.


Work at a golf course and use an Anderson. Never had issues and covered 100 acres. Also put a roller on your mower for those really deep stripes


I worked for Scotts and Trugreen and now I own my own landscape company. Some spreaders, not just Scotts spreaders suck. Never, EVER but a drop spreader unless you’re only doing a parking strip. Broadcast spreaders are the only way to go with your yard. There are tricks to edging (tilt the spreader towards the lawn to spread from edge to inward). Don’t come at me saying it’s wrong to do that. Unless you have an edge guard tilting works. Also walk about 3 1/2 miles per hour if you can at about 3 pounds of fertilizer per 1000 sq ft. This all depends on where you live, I’m in the Seattle area. Also, if you happen to “stripe” your lawn fertilize the opposite way to fill in. Be consistent too. Don’t expect your lawn to be green all year round with one application. My customers get minimum four apps a year in our yearly maintenance


Also, when buying seed look at the back of the bag. There is a label that breaks down the types of seed by percentage. Look at the bottom of the list for; weed seed and field seed. Stay away from these unless you’re seeing an area you don’t give a sh*t about. Seed isn’t cheap but cheap seed isn’t good


Great advice!


Granular gets trapped in poorly designed impeller, guard, and wheels. Lesco makes the best spreaders. Spend the extra money if it's worth it to you.


What’s the issue?


You should see my lawn…


Yep! They are


As Allyn Hane says, “you have to put some ass in your walk” If you aren’t out of breath at the halfway point, you probably aren’t moving fast enough.


Has anyone tried replacing the wheels with rubber ones?


I’ve read that spray foam in the wheels might be a solution


Oh ok, I was wondering if anyone had tried some from Harbor Freight or something like that. Spray foam is a good idea too.


Just did this this weekend, $5 can of spray foam. Waiting for results now…


I did this with mine immediately. Took the wheels off, sprayed the foam in, let it set, cut off excess with a drywall saw, sanded it flush, put the wheels back on. Have never had lines or splotches.


https://preview.redd.it/mbd6gcrxzoxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d2bbe0e01f034602733e359a93c00d0b7f378d2 I’ll give you one guess what spreader did this 😂






You should go tell them, or maybe type really really loud


That's terrible, I'd nuke the lawn and send Scotts a bill for the repair.


No offense, this seems more like user error.


Could be, my first lawn.


Well overall it looks great. Nice work.




look at the fence like look at the grass. It’s just shit mowing


I have a Scott’s spreader and just laid down a bag of lesco. I did my passes a little bit closer and hope to avoid this


I went through a few Scott’s spreaders and at first they didn’t have a spread pattern issue but they all eventually developed one leaving very noticeable fertilizer lines. Cheap plastic components must have worn down over time. I had the drive axle snap on me halfway through fall seeding day. They were good for the price though. I upgraded to a Lesco 50lb spreader. It’s really nice and seems like it’ll last forever. $300 is a lot to spend but I use it often throughout the season on a 10k sq ft lawn and enjoy the hell out of it.


Can't use a drop spreader, need a cyclone spreader


Very nice fence and gate.


Thank you!


That's not even bad compared to mine. The parts that didn't get caught in the wheel aren't greened up but the wheel marks are. It's horrible.






That looks great!


I'll be honest, my lawn looks like garbage this year. When I moved in here, it was lush and green and thick. Three years later it looks like this.


This is what just happened to me. I've used milorganite the last 2 years because i was afraid of burning the lawn. Got some normal fertilizer this year and now I've got the same stripes. Debating if i need to replace my edgeguard thrower or if i can be cost effective and fill the wheels




Twinsies! LOL


Turn the dial down by 50% and do the yard north to south then east to west. No chance of lines.


My two cents - anything with plastic wheels is going to be a bit rough. I have a 8 year old Scott’s Pro (don’t think it’s made anymore) with air filled tires and it works great. My beef with plastic wheels is that they can slide instead of spin if the hopper is low and the terrain wet (like when spreading weed and feed granules on wet grass). As others have mentioned you can get replacement wheels or just walk a bit faster and do a second pass across the grain of your first pass. Scott’s isn’t perfect, but they are the cheapest way to get started. They sell coated and uncoated seed (sold as Scott’s Heritage). Before I start sounding like a shill I just want to point out that the seed tag which details exactly what seed you are buying is far more important than the brand. Knowing exactly what product you are using from seed to chemicals is far more important. Mix and match is always an option.


Please share details on your gate opening system. Looks very nice, I'd like to replicate something like this on my home.


It’s a LiftMaster LA400PKGUL. A local welder made the frame in one day, and the cheap fence guys put wood on it the next. It’s 6’x12’


A drop spreader works way better


My buddy lent me his Scott’s with the edger.. edger was on … need I say more about how my yard had pin stripes lol




Check your spreader and make sure it does or doesn’t have the edger if so make sure it’s off


I would fertilize it again like a regard and pray it does go up in flames lol 🙏


Halve the application amount the fertilizer requires. Walk it twice in two directions. Once long way, once short. Or live with stripes.


Set the spreader setting to half of what it calls for and then cover it twice, the second time perpendicular to your first pass.


Need to criss cross apple sauce at 60% rate


Did you go back at a 90 degree angle? It’s crucial if you didn’t


Drop spreaders are much better




Come on don’t blame the spreader. Too quick to judge. Everyone goes through an adjustment period with their equipment


So how soon after this can you try it again?


I already hit it again at 25% strength with an echo spreader. I’ll do it again in 2 weeks the opposite direction.


My backyard using the spreader is fine without issue, the front suffered lines. Thankfully, they are starting to become less and less noticeable.


This looks like user error. Every spreader is different it takes a few tries to get everything dialed in right. 


Is that a 750il?




Then try a different brand...or complain.


For that size lawn just use a hand crank one.


Is that an e30??




Looks clean my friend!


My Scott’s spreader has plastic hollow wheels. When I’m putting down weed n feed, the wet grass makes the product stick inside the wheels and clumps drop out and kill the grass. Scott’s spreaders are junk.


I have a broadcast spreader and a drop spreader and I still end up with stripes. So, I’m hiring a service this year.


I honestly never knew some people paid this much attention to their lawns. Don’t get me wrong, I’m here to learn how to take better care of mine, but yours looks great to me! Maybe that’s an indication of how sad mine looks?


Broadcast or drop?


I found mine throws seed faster than I imagined, so i turn it down, but it throws fert too slow, so I crank it up


Get a Lesco spreader


Operator error. Spread less, walk more passes. And, walk faster.




Just go hard on the overlaps


Are you using a drop spreader?


Scotts mini broadcast


The handheld version is not bad, the other ones all suck, yes.


Fill the inside of the wheels with spray foam




I guess you’re going to have to buy the Andersons model 2000— don’t bitch about the price.


Holy shit! $1100 spreader?!


https://preview.redd.it/456doaeecqxc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3edf9f6c20d7a403d29b6a3f6421317b9c11bc9a First cut, had to re sod last year after a massive Reno eliminated all life in our backyard. My yard too small for anything with a spreader so I just used my hands and took my time. Really happy with how it turned out so far. Soil and seeds coming soon! \*worth noting I cut it with a weed whacker because my lady tossed the mower last year lol


Which old 5 series is that?


It’s a 94 535




Not if you clean out the wheels


I love my Scott’s spreader. I haven’t ever had this issue. What would you say the reason for the pattern is?


Your compound looks pretty good to me.


Please tell me you just walked in one direction up and down. If so, operator error… I usually do three different paths set Scott’s to a lower rate on it. Going over three times makes sure it’s an even coverage


I just pick it up with my hand and toss it around.


It looks fine to me. Compared to my lawn that is an A++.


Nah I’m with you Scott spreaders are trash. My lawn isn’t super huge either, but once I got the RB-60 my Scott’s spreader went straight to the dump.


Seems like user error. No problem with mine unless I’m not using it correctly. But hey do what you got to do.


I do lawn care and this looks like you weren't walking in straight lines. Then, at the end you slowed and went to heavy on the spread closest to the house. You always want just a small overlap on the edges of your spread. Honestly we would charge like 40 bucks to do this professionally l l


My pro is pretty good


I literally bought mine, got it home, filled up fertilizer in it. And the first 5 feet one of the wheels broke off. Took it back immediately. I'd take my chances on dog piss over this.


Mine does the same. Will eventually purchase something else. A lot of fertilizer falls off the back of the spreader. I’ve tried lower setting and I agree, I think moving faster would sling the granules farther and minimize the issue. Nope.


I have no problem with the lawn actually. I am more curious why they left the power line pole in the yard instead of running it underground the extra 20 feet or so. What might help you out is a combination of granular and spray based. For instance if you just go with the standard 10-10-10 for slow release and also do a low nitrogen spray for fast release it might help out. Also if you go that route, the Anderson’s has a 10-10-10 with 2% iron and micronutrients which I think is pretty good. Good luck. Love the lawn.


Thanks! Yeah it’s building code unfortunately—the city made us put the supply there.


Oh man that’s a bummer. Not sure it is worth but you could always ask for a variance to get rid of it. Maybe if you could site some type of hazard because of it. Best of luck.


Yeah Scott's are infamous for that. Doesn't sling properly bouncing back in from the wheel dumping in a line. Solution: buy better quality like Chapman, lesco or Agri-fab.


Yard looks good, you will master it soon enough. Also like the macan. Is that a e30 up front?


I have one and I ducktaped the spaces within the wheel. That helped tremendously have the spreader not have it get stuck there. Also, I’ve found you have to do cross sectional with the Scott’s spreaders (go one direction, then perpendicular).


Looks like user error


Looks more like the operator, mine works fine.


User error