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Nissan sent me an addendum to my 2016 Leaf Owners Manual. It has adhesive on the back, and I am supposed to use said adhesive to affix the addendum to the front of my original manual. OR... If I can't be fucked to do it myself, I can set up an appointment with a Nissan Authorized Service Center, and THEY will affix it for me. I almost want to do this just because it's so ridiculous. Also, I know the people at the Nissan Authorized Service Center, and I think they'd get a kick out of it. (If I do wind up doing this, I'll be sure to post pictures of the professionals removing the adhesive backing, and placing the addendum onto my manual.)


I got one, too. So silly!


lol, nice of them to offer an update to the manual at least! I guess that's one advantage to how more software-focused cars like Tesla do it though, it's just an auto-updating PDF


>I almost want to do this just because it's so ridiculous. Almost? This is amazing! I wish I had a 2016 just so I could get someone to do something so trivial for me. I'd wear a Burger King crown and speak to them like serfs. >Also, I know the people at the Nissan Authorized Service Center, and I think they'd get a kick out of it. I'm sure they would also get to charge Nissan like 0.1 - 0.25 hours labor for it, whatever the minimum increment is.


Got mine today also https://preview.redd.it/bij8cdc2n6ad1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=fda224627d086f56f788ec89c0fb073b76218ec6


What's in it?


It's cold weather procedures. It's only two or three pages (for English, then several more pages in other languages). It is very basic - it foes over proper windshield defrosting, charging when it's super cold...just stuff we all already know just by being human beings who own cars in areas prone to cold.


I'm in central CA... I got one (I get it everyone with an affected car should get it) but it will literally never apply to my car in the location I'm at.


I just got one of these, for my 2015 that I traded in for a 2018 almost a year ago. I guess at least they are trying?


I got a similar "recall" for my 2023, with the same instructions to add a page to the owners manual and keep it in my glovebox. Trouble is, the glovebox is so small that the owners manual doesn't fit inside it anymore. Thanks, Nissan.


I have a 2016 but no Nissan dealer in my country :-(


This is how silly people can get. Gotta play at all levels