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I mean. He did physically have the chance to blow the whistle lol. He just didn't. Idk man.


"Sorry officer, I physically had a chance to stop at that stop sign, I just didn't" by NHL logic it should work


It’s an absolutely insane rule and I’d say that if this happened to the Panthers instead of us. With a loophole that large they can just say the ref meant to blow it whenever they need to retroactively have the play stop and no one can say otherwise.


He was literally hanging over the net, looking for the puck.


Pretty convenient excuse. "I blew the whistle in my mind"


Seriously though


At least this one isn't Leafs specific (a la the suspensions). This was first an issue when the Pens won a game against Nashville (2016 final) where the ref didn't blow the whistle and the puck went through Murray's pads. Ref argued he wanted to blow the whistle when it was in his pads and therefore it didn't matter that it wasn't stopped five hole.


It’s like if Trump was an NHL ref.


The NHL got what they wanted. Toronto is gone. Choke on a bag of dicks,Bettman. Edit: stupid autocorrect




It really feels like they hate the Leafs but also I’m a huge Leafs fan so my perspective might be warped. Why would Bettman and the NHL dislike the Leafs? What’s the point?


Toronto winning means all the big US eastern cities, especially in the southeast, are not. That means a ratings disaster. It was refreshing to see different fan bases who weren’t totally blinded with Leafs hate chime in this morning and say that the refs were total shit last night and it wasn’t just us.


The puck was in the fucking net before the play was dead


100%, that play was still going. Refs just going off that other replay showing it being kicked over the net after the play "died", just ignoring the part where the goalie was still moving, still making a play, like less than a second after the shot was made, showing it clearly over the line. This is bullshit.


Play until the whistle!!! One of the first things you learn in hockey. It doesn’t make any sense


I'm glad the league is officially saying it fully crossed the line. Way too many people that just dislike the Leafs talking about how it's never clearly in even though theres the angle of it fully over the line with the defenseman stick fishing it out


As a Canadian guy who played a lot of hockey as a kid and now just tunes in for playoffs hoping to see a Canadian team doing well, this is super fucked. I really can't imagine being invested in the sport with refs like this.


It’s been slowly killing me on the inside. I went from watching 82 games a season to just post-season. Now I question that. What’s the point in watching a sport if the rules are made up and change game to game or even mid-game?


Not just that, but the rules are being applied worse and worse with every season


Yeah I’m 43 and the officiating is draining all my fucks to give from the sport. At least if I go fishing and don’t catch anything I’m still not disappointed.


even before the play was dead it was in. and the ref did have the chance, he just didn't


check the zoomed in video from the front of the net, it was clearly in.


But Perry doing the same thing is fine


Bull. S**t.


So I guess refs can blow whistles in their mind and the play is dead lol


Lol that just makes everything even stupider. So a ref can make plays stop just by thinking about it? Okay. Sure.


Bobrovsky never had it covered, the puck moved continuously into the net. This explanation confirms the puck fully crossed the line, but the referee decided that he wanted to blow his whistle prior to the puck crossing the line, even though it was unwarranted. So essentially this goal doesn't count because "the referee decided he didn't want it to"?


The worst call I’ve ever seen in sports


[Wayne Gretzky high sticking Dougie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UqGFFEc6Bng) in the 6th game of round 3 in 93 and no call. Even though Doug is bleeding in front of ref. Not sure if they reviewed it. Toronto was up 3 games to 2. Then it went to OT and the lost.


This is the most BS explanation ever. Ref: "I felt like this play should be stopped a moment before this chance even though there was no reason to stop the play. And oh yeah, I didn't blow my whistle, but trust me, play was stopped." This is like a kid having a really crappy excuse for why they didn't do their homework.


The puck crossed the line from the initial shit there would be no chance to consider the play dead. https://twitter.com/dutchmatrix6ix/status/1657195856745955333/mediaviewer


Will be really shitty if this game comes down to this goal.


So they can call it any way they want, depending on which team they're pissed at.


Either way though. This wasn’t 8 seconds later. This was during the actual movement within the play. Why the f would a ref “blow the whistle” before this point?


How many times do I hear "play to the fucking WHISTLE." Suddenly it's subjective to the referee when he intended to stop the play?


Totally rigged. Can’t watch anymore of the playoffs this is a disgrace.


Leafs should just withhold revenue sharing at this point. Why should we pay for 1/3 of the league when they actively screw us over.


They got robbed time for the boys to come back out after the break and take this out of the refs hands


Nah fuck you NHL


Guess there is no point for a whistle. Just have the refs hit the ice each game and have them think what they want and let that happen.


Fuck this league


Something has to be done about these refs. They need to be held accountable.


Tl;dr fuck the leafs - the NHL


Bullshit. He didn’t blow the whistle therefore Play is alive


but why would he have even blown his whistle?


Because if he didn’t then the Leafs get a goal and ties the game


Rule created: Friday May 12th a microsecond before the incident happened.


So using that logic, every goal could be called back depending on the ref's feelings regardless of instant replay.


Such a joke.


So we all agree it went in.


I don’t get it when the fucking goalie is in the net pulls out to try and make it look like him and the puck isn’t in the net yet the puck clearly ends up visible past the line with no clear whistle and they still screw the leafs? Fucking dog shit


As soon as that goal came Back I knew that’s how we were getting fucked this year


When the referee dreams the play as been stopped…. Ftfy


Intent to blow the whistle should NEVER be in the rulebook, its whistle or no whistle. Ughhhhh this is killing my interest in this league man. Might as well just watch European hockey or olympics


Why would they possibly tolerate this level of ambiguity in a rule?


What the hell is this league lol. This is why you're behind the WNBA, bowling, fishing, and MASH reruns in the ratings. And you deserve it


Whether the puck originally went into the net was extremely difficult to tell. That being said, it was never going to count when it crossed the line as the goalie was getting up.


There's a replay from the front, it went in right away


Rigged. Cool. Good to know.


Can someone explain why this rule is needed??


I feel like a lot of people are purposely misunderstanding what the NHL is saying. The 'play was dead' when Bobrovsky was getting up, and you see the puck morning backwards across the goal line. They are not saying it was dead when it 'first' crossed the line. So, the 'First time'. Can you say with 100% certainty that it completely crosses the goal line? None of the angles can show with 100% certainty that there was no paint underneath the puck. There is one view that looks like it could have, but others that say it might not have. With this, they aren't saying the play was dead, but that they can't confirm that it crossed the line. What they are saying was dead, was when Bobrovsky was getting up, and kicked the puck back into the net. If you look at the other videos, all of the players on both teams had stopped playing. No, the whistle hadn't gone, but the play was dead. Yeah, it's a fuck up by the ref for not actually blowing it, but come on... You KNOW it was a dead play, the players knew it was a dead play. Stop pretending. How pissed would you be on the other side if a clearly dead play had a goal allowed because "Oops! I guess I didn't blow the whistle, so it's good!' The situation sucked, but in the end, I think they made the right call with the information they had. And yes... I am a leafs fan. I'm disappointed they lost, but really, they didn't deserve a cup this year. They were outplayed in more games than they dominated. They won games they didn't deserve to win in the first round, and the opposite happened last night. That's what happens when you go down 3-0 in a series...


Is this not definitive? No hostility just honestly wondering because you can see the gap of ice between the puck and the line when you punch in (which any competent individual employed to look at AV can do). https://twitter.com/DutchMatrix6IX/status/1657195856745955333/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1657195856745955333¤tTweetUser=DutchMatrix6IX


Definitive, I'd say no. If I'm not wrong, the rules say that the puck must be 100% over the line. That shows the puck is at least 99% over the line, but it's so blurry that you can't say with full confidence that it's 100% over. I do think that it did cross the line. But I fully understand the ruling, and can't argue with it. Again, there is only 1 angle where it seems like it probably went it, but that's not enough. I'm watching the Steve Dangle video about last night's game, and he has exactly the same view of it as i do. Check it out if you have the time.


Fair enough. Here it is blown up, saturation pushed all the way and with a guideline for the line based on measuring across. The pixelation is definitely present so I see how it’s borderline + it’s off my phone. That said with the software the NHL can more than afford this wouldn’t take a pro more than 2 minutes to line up and sharpen. Not saying anyone is wrong here but there were ways to see it. Even if the rendition is 1cm off the guide is still not touching the puck. Just my 2 cents for what it’s worth. https://ibb.co/4RXWCxG


Are you serious? Do you actually expect them to go through all their video footage, change the colouring, all in real time, while other games are happening, and the teams are waiting for a quick answer to the problem? You are over simplifying things. The time it takes millions of viewers to go through the footage, and edit it, is not something you can reasonably expect from a handful of people who just need to judge if something happened in a sport. It already took them 7 minutes, how long exactly do you want them to spend Examining footage? This isn't an episode of CSI.


I did this in 5 minutes on an iPhone lol. They have the technology to grab this angle and adjust a slider. This is quite possibly the most simple thing you can do if you have any kind of video editing software available. When it makes or breaks a team moving on it’s more than likely worth it considering millions of dollars are on the line from both advertisers and ticket sales. It’s what the people who pull video footage are paid to do. You can’t fix everything like an episode of CSI, but yes, for someone likely making mid 6 figures for sitting in a booth reviewing footage and already cutting together the highlight spots I’d expect them to be able to do this at the very least.


And it still isn't conclusive. Look at how pixelated it is. That is not a reliable view of the puck. And again... You can't expect them to go through and edit the footage to check. It's not a realistic thing to ask. If it can't be seen by the normal camera angles and colouring, then it isn't conclusive.


Like I said that’s fair enough, but this is on an iPhone. The shots they have available are at minimum 4K if not 8k with what they spend on those cameras. Do I expect them to do it? Probably not. Should they do it and release a high resolution image? Yeah, probably. Does it take that much time? Not if you’re competent at what you do. Rectifying this and giving a definitive answer with evidence is not a difficult ask. A subjective take on it being conclusive or not shouldn’t be left to interpretation in a game like this when the tech is available. I’d expect the diligence for any team, whether I’m a butthurt Leafs fan or not. No use crying over spilt milk here though. Not like the game is going to be played again because of some revelation. Just think the NHL should do better.


🤡🤡🤡 League is a fucking joke, absolutely horrible call.


official excuse.


Is this one of those situations where “No” means “Yes” and “Yes” means “No”? I guess rape is back guys?


Bettman called the situation room and told them he's moving their office to Columbus if they call that a goal.


Cope out...


Imagine Florida scored that exact same goal to win in OT. We would be screaming if it was allowed. The Leafs still tied the game, we are overreacting to this call..


What time line are we on that this is a legal and good argument, the ref can just say fuck it. Right now is when the play is dead but i have yet to blow the whistle to stop the actual play.


I think you just have to accept that some refs, ref teams differently or the current rules are too vague and/or difficult for the refs to call consistently. Leaving too much opportunity for the refs to have their fingerprint on the outcome of each series.


Seeing this as the official explanation from the league just confirms what we all knew. That the refs are being told how they want the games called to ensure certain teams win. Is it really that shocking that its Florida vs carolina and most likely Vegas vs dallas/Seattle. Wjich markets have to win in order to draw fans. Edmonton and Toronto or south Miami and Las Vegas a fucking desert of all places. I'm done with this league. It's all bullshit and I'm over it.


What is the point of a whistle if it's not to be blown?


It was a rush play it's not like 10 guys were digging at the goalie that's a joke