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They want a top 5 pick in this years draft. Even if we could afford that I don’t think we should.


Given what Ullmark and Markstrom went for I think Askarov may be cheaper than we think.


Any trade the leafs make is never cheap. They GMs like to fuck us over


So we have a question mark in goal already, and you want another one to round out our goaltending? Having young goaltenders with potential is actually not an issue with this club.


The closest equivalent we have is Easton Cowan, then add some more.


God no


Not sure why I'm being downvoted. I'm not saying *I would* trade that, I'm saying if the ask is a top 5 pick or equivalent, Cowan is the closest thing we have to that. We're not getting Askarov for something like Jarnkrok + Robertson.


Because only Raymond Ballard and a second for premium asset many teams want is ever up voted on a team sub.


What they want and what they can get is a different story. They aren't getting that pick, so we simply have to give them a solid offer otherwise.


Same logic goes for them though, if they don’t get what they want they can just keep him.


Not really, because you can’t have two really good goalies long-term, it just doesn’t work. One of them, or both, will not be happy with that situation.


Saros and Rinne played together for 5 seasons. Started with Rinne being the guy and slowly moved over. They could do that again


Askarov is also not "really good" yet. He's an exciting prospect who has played three NHL games. Even if it were a problem it wouldn't be for a while 


This was the same example that popped in my head when I saw OP’s comment. It’s damn good one, two.


I know sports fans are notorious for their lack of short term memory but have we not experimented enough with making trades involving goalie prospects?


Memory of a goldfish here but when’s the last time the Leafs made a trade for a goalie prospect?


Rask for Raycroft Edit. I guess that was the the way around but same difference


Seemed like an excellent trade for the future for someone.


It’s our best option. There’s no way for us to get an established star goalie.


Woll and Hildeby have both provided either equal or better numbers in the AHL and for Woll the NHL.


Established star - 1 NHL win


They’re not calling Askarov an established star. They’re saying we can’t get one, so we should go for a high end prospect.


Then why not say that? Exact quote "It’s our best option. There’s no way for us to get an established star goalie."


If they had said “there’s no *other* way to get an established star goalie” then your interpretation would be correct… but the part you quoted is exactly what I said, lol


I think you missed the point. I'm bothering people intentionally.


Hmm > Says "We need unproven Russian goalie" > Name is I_Am_Vladimir_Putin


We have been living near Milwaukee for 9 years now and go to about 15 Milwaukee Admirals games per year including the playoffs. I would not bet my NHL franchise on Askarov …


Actually it's pronounced Milwaukee


Does this guy know how to party or what


Tbf Askarov has had his fair share of injuries too. He missed half his games in the AHL playoffs two years in a row due to injuries.


Don’t really get the hype around him.  Yes outstanding goalie prospect but at the end of the day he’s still a prospect with 3 NHL games under his belt. We’re going to go into next season with Woll (39 NHL games) and Askarov (3 NHL games) as the two guys?  The Leafs HAVE promising goalie prospects that’s not really the need right now. The need is somebody with experience who would be a safety net for Woll. 


I see parallels between Askarov and Samsanov. 1st round pick, good stats in Russia, good international stats, but then the hype stopped matching on ice performance after coming over to NA. Two years in the AHL, and while Askarov hasn't been bad, he hasn't been great either. If you ignored everything except the last two years, you'd think he was a decent but not fantastic goalie prospect.


Sammy was a train wreck coming to NA. Not really comparable to Askarov, who has played well but not at the level expected.


Until Askarov has a full NHL season under his belt there is nothing anyone can say that will convince me he's going to be better than Akhtyamov, who is already in our system. Goalies are like scratch cards. You don't know if you've won until after you've paid.


dont we already have 2-3 kinda promising goalies in the pipeline? I get Pogge flashbacks if we trade one


Why MUST we have him, especially at a STRONG offer? He's an unproven-in-the-nhl goalie. Our resources are better spent elsewhere considering the Leafs asking price and the rest of the league asking price will be different as always.


He’s literally the best goalie prospect in the league. It’s the best thing we can do, considering that there is now way to get a proven star goalie.


Draft pedigree shine wears off when you underperform for 3 years straight. Leafs have better goalie prospects.


That’s a pass for me personally


Woll >


Nah, thats not the move to make. Either get an established starter or make do with a Talbot type plug


Meh. The ask is too much for the uncertainty. We already have one goalie who has never played a full season. Bringing in a second one who has barely played in NHL games and then tasking that tandem with attempting to win a Stanley Cup is a very risky proposition. I’m a believer in Askarov, I think it’s more likely than not that he will be a solid goalie in the league, I just don’t see how his timeline lines up with that of the leafs, especially as a tandem with Woll.


The leafs have committed 4 years to Woll, have two strong goaltending prospects, and limited trade assets. The ask will be big. The leafs just have too many other holes to address to be using it’s limited trade chest on an unproven goalie when you have potential solutions in house already. Would be poor asset management. If they’re going to make a trade, it should be for a 2C in my opinion given the winger and defense options in FA.


If your number one prospect is available for a trade 2yrs in a row somethings wrong


He will be better than Saros.


We have 3 goaltending prospects that have had better seasons as a pro than Askarov ever has. Why waste your limited trade assets on a goalie prospect that has performed worse since his draft than 3 goalies in your organization when your D-core is a tire fire?


He’s played 3 NHL games. Lol


I’d trade Marner for him and Fabro and picks


Would Nashville accept Tavares in return? 


Trotz said the ask is a young #1C superstar prospect or a top 5 pick


Is he even NHL ready?


I want a southpaw goalie on the Leafs so badly, I don’t know why. But I think Thomson would come way cheaper.


I’ve been saying this for awhile, Marner and Liljegren for Theodore and Thompson. We finally get an elite D man in Theodore and we have a great tandem in Thompson and Woll. Also, will gain cap space to go after a UFA forward as well


I’d hope they’d get more than that if Lily was involved too but yeah, that framework of a deal would be great


I think it’s worth it to upgrade to Theodore and the cap space that we would gain from not resigning him and losing Mitch we could make a run at Guentzel or Marchessault. Get one of those guys, resign Domi, and resign Edmundson and that’s a very good summer for the Leafs


Minten one for one


Serious question, would you trade Knies for him? I would. They want a top 5 pick, that’s not gonna happen, but maybe they would fall back to a young roster player with a lot of upside and Knies is a Preds style guy. It might not be enough. I’d do it though.


I definitely would not tbh. Goalies are voodoo don’t trade significant assets for them pretty much ever.


Hell no. There are a handful of goalies on the NHL that have been consistently good for several consecutive seasons. I'm not giving up a prime prospect for a wild card, especially not with Woll, Peksa, Hildeby and Akhtyamov already in the fold.


Knies is a relatively proven commodity. He still has potential, but we know what he brings at the NHL level. Askarov is a mystery box. That’s a trade with a huge downside. If the Leafs didn’t have young goalies with potential, then maybe, maybe, they would think about it, but they have 3.


No offense brother but that's patently insane.


I’m choosing to only respond to you for some reason. I don’t think it’s insane. A bad idea? Probably, but insane? No. If you’re looking in 2-3 year chunks, Knies right now is a middle 6 winger who is an RFA at the end of the year. Depending on your opinion of these guys, you have Knies, McMann, Jarnkrok, maybe Robertson, maybe Cowan and then depending on re-signing them, domi and Bertuzzi. That’s 7 guys for 4 spots. If you’re planning to re-sign Bertuzzi and Domi, at least one of Knies, McMann, Robertson, Cowan, and Jarnkrok will have to be moved or won’t make the team. If McMann and Jarnkrok slide to the 4th line, now your wingers are Marner, Nylander, Domi, Bertuzzi, Knies, McMann, Jarnkrok and only 1 of Robertson, Cowan and Dewar, with no other spots to upgrade. Trading a guy like Knies because of a log jam is a bad idea. The only reason you would or wouldn’t do it is if you were getting a semi-guaranteed significant piece of your future. I could easily be wrong about Askarov and I trust someone in the Leafs front office to know the percentage chance that he’s a starting goaltender long term, but someone like him, or switching routes, someone like David Jiricek who could play in their top 4 immediately is worth considering if Knies is the most valuable part of a surplus. To combat my own argument, this is the same argument I’m sure Ferguson used to trade Rask for Raycroft. So it’s probably a bad idea.


If you're looking in 2-3 year chunks, you have 22 million dollars coming off the book at the end of this season in Marner and Tavares. You don't trade a 21 year old power forward that just had a stellar rookie season lol. "Knies, McMann, Jarnkrok, maybe Robertson, maybe Cowan and then depending on re-signing them, domi and Bertuzzi. That’s 7 guys for 4 spots." Knies is the clear priority out of that group of players. The kid is a horse and unique in what he brings. Not a player you trade away. All of that is also belied by the fact the Leafs having 3 goalie prospects who have had better pro seasons than Askarov ever has. David Jiricek is another caliber of player that Knies could not fetch you. Your valuations of players are way way way off, not trying to be a dick.


Askarov is projected to be the next Carey Price. We should trade for him.