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Send him to New Jersey. Heard the coach there really likes him


Robertson for Nemec since apparently NJ’s GM giving up on prospects lol


Do you think he will take Holtz spot in the lineup?


that would be diabolical 


Unlike some Leafs fans, I am not happy about this. The Leafs need cheap depth scoring and Robertson provides that. Nick Robertson was scoring at a 20 goal pace last season while averaging just 11:22 in ice time. He's also only 22 years old. Some prospects don't see their first NHL ice time until 22 or 23 and here we have many people writing him off already. This fan base was in love with Robertson only a few years ago when he scored 55 goals in 46 games in the OHL. Injuries and Covid have delayed his development, but I'd say he is still at a good spot being a 22 year old scoring at a 20 goal pace. Wish it didn't have to come to this. I thought he had a better chance this season with a new coach.


I agree it felt like he was never really given the chance in Toronto full time and this reeks of one of those come back to bite you in the ass moves.


I think he blows up this season and either they work it out or trade him around the midpoint or trade deadline I don’t think they get any value right now


“Has no intention of signing” means there is no mid-season trade possibility unless he sits at home for months. His only value is what it is now.


That’s not what it says. It says has no plans and requests a trade. He’s not going to sit if they don’t find a trade partner that would diminish whatever it is he hopes to sign for next. But they have his rights next year so he plays or he sits of his own volition


They can take him to arbitration and force him to sign.


He was also very to watch. Dude would get off the bench and go on a tear. Didn't always work but was always fun to watch.


Ya true he was extremely to watch no doubt


I can't remember the last time I saw a player who was so to watch the way that Robertson was to watch worthy.


He was also very to get hurt.


It was just utterly to see. So very.


I was really looking forward to a full season of Nicky Bobby. I hope this is bullshit


Agreed. This is not a good thing. He is great cheap depth - something the Leafs need - and it was clear that without Matthews and McMann, the Leafs have no shoot first players.


I’ve got to agree, he’s developing well and this may bite them


I'm afraid I have to disagree with you. Robertson is a very one-dimensional player who has a great shot and not much else. Despite injuries, he's had years to think things through, watch games and successful players and adjust his style. He's stayed one-dimensional. He'd be awesome on the Marlies or any other AHL-level team. He isn't NHL calibre. I wish him good luck.


He’s a complete and utter liability outside of the offensive zone. In the offensive zone I’d trust him with the puck as much as Matthews. Dude knows how to score obviously but there’s more to the game. He doesn’t have the other parts


Friendship ended with Nicky Robby, now Domi is my best friend


bad timing too, i mean Domi got everyone fired up with his return video and this just duped cold water on it


Seems weird after the coach change, but hopefully we can get something back of value


An equivalent value right shot d-man would be music to my ears right about now


Equivalent value RHD is probably a young tweener D with the excess value placed on RHD now a days.


I'm good with that


I'm a RHD. Put me in coach


Louis Crevier from Chicago, 6’8RHD played decently when he was up with the team Hopefully they want Kampf back too


Liljegren? 😏


I hope we can flip him for another younger player. Lapierre outta washington would be nice. They have enough centers


I'm guessing there's been no attempt to extend him and he's taking it as a sign of where management sees him fitting in.


He's a an RFA with no arb rights and 34 points in 87 games.


He's arguing he's better than that. That's up to him to do.


The point is with those numbers, he has no leverage to ask for a trade. He can refuse to sign if he wants but the leafs can refuse to trade him if they don't find a deal they like and him sitting out will hurt him more than it hurts the team. There's the offersheet route for him, but I don't think he has the numbers to get one that will stop the leafs from matching.


>There's the offersheet route for him, but I don't think he has the numbers to get one that will stop the leafs from matching. Frankly, there's no reason to match. Do you really want a player who doesn't want to be here? There is only one reason to match at this point: to sign him and use him as a 13th forward and give him minutes on the fourth line when someone takes a hard hit. If he wants a trade/release, let him have it. It's better for him and better for the team.


Why does it have to be from leverage? Nicky is a human, capable of complex emotions and feelings. Perhaps he just doesn't want to play here or because there's been so much back seat grinding that he wants to just do something different. That's ok for him to want that. It's ok to want change. He's an RFA, his agent has clearly informed him of the outcome of doing this, so he's obviously ok with it. The only ones that have a problem with it are some fans because everything is $ value and not self worth.


My thought are he didn’t like how he was treated here(he was a spare part and that isn’t changing). He probably is worried that if this pattern continues he won’t get the opportunity to prove himself after his next contract. He was also probably upset/bitter over being demoted etc because of logistics. He probably knows the leafs don’t really have a role for him outside of being a 4th liner. He would work well as a top 6 on a bad team in need of scoring depth and probably understands this. A team that would play him because they need offense so much they can forgive flaws In his game.


4th line should be 2 young guys and doubleshift one of the big guns. Staple Reevo to the bench until it's time for the Jims. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.


Sign and work in good faith that the team will trade you. Publicly coming out and saying you refuse to sign as an RFA is a shitty move that puts the team in a choke on their options… on top of all this, he hasn’t even been good when in, so the audacity to loudly say you refuse to sign is why ppl can be pissed


That's the strangest part for me. I understand his frustration and every player wants to play more. But this year, with a new coach and a cap strapped team he might actually get more playing time.  Then this drops publicly. Makes me wonder if this isn't the 1st time, and he's requested a trade already that the leafs didn't do. Because now the leafs have no leverage and will get peanuts for returns from other GMs. Weird


Exactly. New coach, GM has only been here one season. Why not give it a shot and sign; request the trade internally with the understanding that you’ll check back in with eachother around December and talk about how things are going…


I didn't say isn't ok for him to want to go somewhere else. I just don't think telling the team he won't re-sign will help him acheive that. Maybe he and his agent think it will help, we'll see how it plays out for them.


I think it's fine to express that to the team, he isn't the first to do so. It's unfortunate that this became public.


While all that is true, Robertson's problems are, in no small part, his own making. His play in the Leafs's end is terrible. His actions suggest he thinks he can just park himself on the blueline and wait to blow the zone. And this is while playing on the same team as two elite defensive forwards who show him every game what he needs to do to be a regular player.. Now he sees a defensive minded coach coming in and rather than try to be the kind of player he always should have been, he throws a public tantrum and demands a trade. He can want what he wants, but the Leafs aren't in anyway obligated to gift him what he wants, when he never delivered what they wanted.


He hasn't been healthy enough to prove he's better than that. I don't understand why he thinks he's been mistreated.


I understand why he wants out but hate that it got out publicly and made the Leafs lose all their leverage. It’s ruthless but I would really consider holding on to him if you can’t find a trade of full value and let him decide if he wants to try and earn more opportunity by rounding out his game (like Knies or McMann as the season went on) or go play overseas The Leafs should only get rid of him if the trade makes them better and not do it cause Nick wants out.


34 points playing 10 minutes a game, usually expected to offensively carry a weak line. Don’t blame him, he was utilized poorly in Toronto.


Poorly utilized? They couldn't even utilize him if they wanted to with the amount of injuries he had. Kid is just made of glass


How many times was he a healthy scratch after putting up points the previous game (without any noteworthy mistakes to justify a benching)?


Half this sub wants to jump on Campbell on the waiver. Don't waste your breath.


people don’t type with their lungs


His defensive game was justification enough


Gotta make your minutes count… he was playing against weak competition as well, not against teams’ top lines


He did make his minutes count, he scored at a 20 goal pace playing 10 minutes a game. He scored more goals per 60 then Jake Guentzel.


Shows how knowledgeable our fan base is. Robertson did all he could this year. Could end up stinging us. he never got an extended look.


Solid cherry picking there


Agreed but when he does have good looks it does look like he has the ability to finish at this level. Not sure if his points production will linear scale with an increase in minutes played. Having said that, he didn’t get much power play time (even on the second unit) which was a bit surprising. Even when they had him on PP2, They liked to use the core four for a better part of the 2min PP. second Unit didn’t get much of a chance


Oh please, get off his dick. Nicky Bobby is mid at best.


He had 27 points in 56 games this season averaging 11 minutes a game. And we've never played him with any regularity or consistency and you're all talking about him like he's a wash out. On the other hand, Max Domi only had 47 points in 80 games playing between the first three lines and we're talking about how incredible he is and his re-signing is some stroke of genius.


Essentially what you are saying is that he should have gotten McMann's minutes and that's really the choice that was made... Leafs chose a bigger, more mature player that could provide secondary goals - even though he doesn't have the 30g potential of Robertson. Trade the guy to Anaheim for another young player and he can play at home.


Bah gawd that’s Pontus Holmbergs music


K bye


Lol I had a similar viscerally negative reaction.


Yeah, for real. Dude is good for 1 period every 5 games. What's hilarious is that the coach who (deservedly) wasn't playing him is now gone, so he had another chance at a fresh start with Berube. Oh well. I've been saying it for a couple years now. Even when healthy, I don't like his game, and he's never going to be what we wanted him to be.


Or just leave him unsigned, pretty much no value there


scores at a very high rate in admittedly soft minutes but he's a real guy


Or we “Jonathan Drouin” his whiney ass and let him sit


That’s the problem in that Keefe did sit him too much last season


He was giving ultimatums at the beginning of last season. Get this dwarf whose only talent is an above average shot off my team. Sick of these overrated one trick ponies who give up more than they get trying to run rough shod over the organization. If you don't get the deal you're comfortable with he can sit this year and go to Europe if he wants


Get ready to learn German buddy


The conversation with Berube didn't go well, my guess.


"I have a great shot, you're cool if I don't put in effort on defense, right? ... right?


Just tell him he has to sit or sign. I’m not moving him unless we get great value back. Leafs need to be more ruthless.


My thoughts exactly. His trade value is low. Play well, stay healthy and maybe get your trade. Or you can sit.


Exactly, considering that the team can function without him, he doesn't have much leverage. Don't sign, make no money, and waste away for a year. Or more, how long do we have his RFA rights for? Seems silly to not sign, especially under a new coach. Keefe may not have liked him, but Berube might've wanted him on the second line.


Agreed. I’m not a Dubas hater but his constantly “doing right” by players really hurt the team. Do what’s best for the team. Not the players. Robertson could easily break out next year. He has no leverage.


Good. Never understood why this sub was so high on him, got downvoted every time I brought him up.. I cannot stand him as a player. Someone here best summed it up that he was a "Deer that played like he was a bull" or something to that effect.


Someone said he skates like he's being chased by bees lmao


Damn. Really felt like this was gonna be a great season coming up for him. Oh well.


It likely will be, but it'll require a team that'll give him a full season of ice time. 


Also requires a team that likes him so much that they’ll pay up to trade for him. Good luck to him.


Well yeah, the guy played like a 20 goal and 40 point scorer and they refused to play him almost half the year. Unsurprising.


He’s just far too inconsistent. He plays well when he first gets in then tails off and can’t get anything going and is terrible defensively


Yea this doesn't shock me at all, he's been battling way too long to be given a legit roster spot for a full season. He deserves to have that somewhere else


Yeah absolutely, then get injured 15 games into a season with his new team


He couldn’t be trusted defensively and at times showed minor league level hockey sense. I fully believe he’ll improve massively with the right direction however. The shitty part was forcing him to play a 3rd line shutdown role where really he should’ve been on the 2nd line but it was tough to justify at times. I don’t want to see him go but I’d also love to see him do well on another team.


I mean if he can't be trusted defensively, neither could Reaves and the other 4th liners this year.


That pace is fine, but he’s so bad without the puck and his decision making with the puck in the D zone is so bad too. So he’s just not good enough for a top 6 role, but also plays the wrong style for a bottom 6 role. If he wants more ice time he needs to go to a bottom feeder team


We have a new coach. Sounds like the conversation with Berube went badly for him.


Requesting a trade is no problem. Clearly not in their plans to get an expanded role. That being said no plans to re-sign? Give me a break. What are you gonna do if they don't trade you? One of those situations where the player for his value has no leverage whatsoever.


Yeah the whole no intention to resign rubs me the wrong way. Bro you’re an RFA and you never managed to take anyone’s job in the top 9. I’m here for the argument that Keefe should have given him more runway to play this season but it’s still annoying.


I mean I understand. He's a young player who probably should have been given more consistent playing time over a few of the options who've been given opportunities before him. He seems like he's the type of player to get traded and thrive with opportunity.


This past season was also his first healthy season in years, he had some clear deficiencies defensively to work on. I don’t think he should have been given anything higher in the lineup yet. 


Soft injury prone player. Good luck on a new team.


Well, that's disappointing. I don't think he's exactly been set up for success given how he's been utilized on the team , but I hoped he would push through and earn a full time spot at the top of the lineup next season. Also disappointing that this is coming out in the media.. probably lowers the trade value. Unrelated note: Just realized the kid's birthdate.. ouch.




Honestly he could use a fresh start. I was looking forward to a full season with him but honestly I’m surprised it didn’t happen last year


Trade him to the Devils so Keefe can fuck him some more


You diabolical bastard.


Lmao, too bad for him. Prior to this year dude was too unhealthy to even surpass 20 games in a season. I don't know what his problem is. Let him sit.


Yes he scores, but I personally did not - and do not - trust Nick Robertson with the puck on his stick in *any* scenario besides him actively shooting it. This team already has too many players that they need to shelter defensively for him to raise a stink like this. Skill issue.






Trade him for a defeseman of equal value


Nick Robertson is a defenseman of equal value


This guy only knows how to play one direction, and erratically at that. I was pulling for him but watching him play in his own zone something else. I understand why he was never given chances over other guys playing defense the way he does.




I genuinely don't blame him. The guy has proven he can put up points, even with limited minutes. It's just unfortunate because the guy who was really holding him back isn't the coach anymore.


That actually sucks was looking forward toward to see how he faired this is probably gonna be his breakout out year, well another prospect we developed and now have to give to another team to help them


Every time he was scratched he came back and scored goals. I don't know what was Keefe's problem with benching him so many times. He played with more heart and grit than Marner and also played in the dirty areas.


I know people like to spew hate on these types of scenarios, but... ...I dont really blame the guy. He was simply not going to get much of a chance here with Cowan and Minten coming in and the higher utlization of Knies and Domi. Of course a lot of that is on him as his play was inconsistent when he had his chances. He has talent, and I think he could even thrive on a team like Chicago or Utah. Perhaps with his brother in Dallas or even on one of the California teams where he grew up (San Jose would probably take a flyer on him). I know he is getting lots of slack here (and that is fine), but I wish him the best and hope he does well in the NHL.


I mean if he can’t beat out rookies for lineup spots…what makes him think he’ll do better elsewhere? Find a team that wants to pay serious value for him and doesn’t have young players or top 6 forwards? No idea how good he’ll be in the future. But if he’s not willing to fight for a lineup spot and thinks he’ll be gifted one elsewhere he’s pretty naive.


watch him go to Dallas where they actually develop/play their young players and put up 60 points


See ya, careful in the corners Nick


Why's everyone kicking this guy out the door man? This guy was never given a proper opportunity and now that he wants one you guys are telling him to pound sand? Guys gonna be a 30-35 goal scorer one day dont be shocked. He's powerplay one material with that lethal wrister/one tee he has.


If he's gonna be a 35 goal scorer then why would the leafs not keep him. He's an RFA has no leverage and no track record other than some good stretches. He can request a trade or not sign but the leafs are not obligated to trade him for some low level asset. If we can get fair value back then trade him but they don't have to rush it.


“30-35 goal scorer” thanks for the laugh


Damn, people are taking this so personally.


Don't blame him.


I’m sorry but we mismanaged this asset. You can’t play him inconsistently and throw him under the bus every mistake. Mistakes are how you grow as a player. We treated this guy like shit!


Being waiver exempt also hurt him, he was the sacrificial lamb to be sent to the Marlies whenever they needed roster space.


he got injured all the fucking time it’s not like they control his health


?? The guy was constantly injured, he mismanaged himself. You have to be available to play in order to get consistent minutes. When he did play he was a complete defensive liability out there but wasn’t putting up enough points to counter that.


Get ready to learn Belorussian buddy.


Honestly that’s surprising and kind of sucks to see.


This isn’t the Do Right By The Player era anymore. If there’s not a good trade out there then tell him it’s the Leafs or Eisbären Berlin. His call. No arb rights either so it’s a fair deal with the Leafs or pocket money with Porin Ässät.


dubas said pay dem kids. brad said fuck dem kids.


Ok bye! Leafs should have traded him when he was on his upswing for value. IMO Robo, Timmins and a pick for a RHD or Goalie would be ideal?


He’s a top 6 or nothing player. Complete liability in his own end but can’t stay healthy enough or put up the points to justify being in the top 6. He’s made some really strange comments over the years as well. The writing has been on the wall for a little while now.


Good I’ve been asking for this all along. He’s useless to this team. He’s a lite version of everything this team already had too much of. I just hope his value isn’t completely deteriorated given it’s clear he has no place with us


Deport to Winnipeg


Guy plays like a chicken with its head cut off. See ya bud.


I hear Pinto wants out of Ottawa…might be a good swap opportunity


Meh, Pinto comes with enough baggage to fill a truck bed, no thanks


I'm fine with robertson leaving. he's got good shot and a good motor, but most of the time he's skating around like he's being chased by bees, getting nothing done. and he's about as smart as kasperi kappenan, so he can't play with really good players. isn't built for our bottom 6... best of luck to him.


His talent is clear, but he’s never been healthy or consistent enough to earn a regular spot. Tough spot for him too given his RFA status. All that said, I don’t see him blossoming into a top talent at this point.


He’s worth at least a 2nd right ?


The guy is not a bottom six guy. He can't find a spot in the top six. Writing is on the wall. He thinks he's better than what he is. Trade him and move on. Simple.


Such a waste of talent... 30 goals within a year or 2. Watch...


This one stings for me. I’ve always been high on him and I think he’ll develop into a consistent 30+ goal scorer elsewhere under a different system playing top 6 minutes


So he wants a trade…good for him..he has no leverage…sign or fucken sit. Enough coddling these fen guys.




Hopefully they can get a good return for him. Oh well.


I stuck up for this kid for the last 5 years, I too am also tired... Be free Nicky Bobby, be free...


Gotta figure he can see himself about to be superseded on the depth chart by Easton Cowan…


see ya kid


I don’t blame him. Was never utilized correctly or given a good shot. He’d have a real good stretch, then immediately see a decrease in TOI or get sent to the press box. Yet we saw fucking Gregor and Reaves given a longer leash and more opportunities. He got crucified for every mistake in his first full healthy NHL season.


Y’all are so toxic wtf? Came here expecting people to be somewhat disappointed and everybody’s just shitting on him? Jesus Christ.


Are you new here?


I'm looking forward to watching him establish himself on another team so that we can all watch him show up clutch in the playoffs and curse our dogshit management yet again.


see ya. Won’t miss him one bit. I tried to get behind him but he doesn’t look like he will amount to anything higher than a third liner on a good team. Easily replaceable


Well we shelter him and villiafy him on every mistake. He deserves a chance somewhere else


But I already wanted you traded


Wasn’t given a fair shake here. He can easily be a 20-20 guy for us on the 3rd line. I hope he sticks around and plays the third line with mcman.


Fuck off


Sorry we already have your name written on our depth chart and it’s in pen. You can leave but we require a different Robertson in return


Let’s just qualify him and see how the new coach uses him


I really hope he is traded for another disgruntled player and not a pick


Add to him and swap for McGroaty


First leafs game I ever attended was April 1 vs Florida and Nicky opened the scoring with a nasty breakaway.. I was right on the corner where he scored with the usher and two beers in my hand waiting to head back up to the nose bleeds. A moment I’ll never forget as long as I live. Good luck Nicky Bobby wherever you go. Kids got loads of potential but I understand it not being in Toronto. Go Leafs Go.


Fuck it. Reunite him with Keefe in Jersey


He's always a healthy scratch, can't blame him for wanting to be somewhere, where he will get minutes.


There are guys on this roster that I tried to imagine playing in the third and fourth rounds of the playoffs. Robertson is one of the guys that I just couldn’t see on the ice at that point of the season. Time and space disappear. I just don’t see somebody like Robertson on the ice especially in the later rounds.




Don’t blame the guy. I always thought he played great for the Leafs, but was always treated like a marginal player. His points/min played were pretty good.


Brutal. I think he could have been a solid contributor if given the ice time. Where ever he ends up, I'm sure he will turn out better than the leafs return will suggest.


Good. Senseless to keep him. Made this point during the Boston series. Small, skilled perimeter player who somehow plays even smaller than he is. I wouldn't have made the qualifying offer. This is not the sort of player this team needs. He's like a much, much, much, much wussier version of Marner.


Too bad. Love his attitude and reckless abandon for his body. Not sure if his body and stature will hold up to that motor and style of play. But kids got skill. I’m not really on the hype train but he’s not a wasted roster spot and this team REALLY needs a couple more guys that aren’t afraid to shoot the puck on its PP. Could see Domi-Robertson being a thing on PP2 if they can make this work on a 1-2 year bridge deal.


Love the player but there’s not really a natural fit for him in the lineup here. He needs a second line scoring role but the Leafs have that covered.


Other teams will trade for him and hope he becomes verhaege 2.0


It’s not the end of the world. Young guys have requested trades outta teams and then rescinded before. It could absolutely be a tactic to get what he wants, consistent playing time. People saying he doesn’t have value or leverage need to remember he’s only 22 and scored at a 20 goal pace playing half the minutes of a top line player. They should work out a bridge with a promise to trade him if there isn’t a spot for him just like with Sandin. Trading him could be a disaster and he will absolutely come back and light it up against us. On the other hand if a trade is a must maybe Dallas will give up stankoven for him (I’m dreaming).


smart kid


I get it, honestly. He was frustrated last season at being moved up and down. He played like hell when he got the chance but it’s about time he took charge of his own career. Any team would be lucky to have him and I for one am excited for Nicky Bobby.


I’m hoping there’ll be a way to mend the relationship


Good for him. He’d do well in Chicago or Utah


It’s u fortunate but I don’t blame him. He produced in his limited roll and Keefe didn’t really give him a better chance in the line up. He scored that goal in the Columbus series and we all expected a big season soon but injuries derailed that a few times. Still he deserved more of a shot especially in the playoffs when we needed some fucking secondary scoring.


Manlets, when will they learn?


2. Bad he's finally trending up


Poor asset management to not trade him last year but they better get something for him


Honestly I assume he wants to play with his brother and maybe doesn’t see a light in TO. Leafs need to make changes and can’t keep everyone from last year. Smart move to let him walk


Honestly, it's such a fucking travesty that he was scratched over guys who were net negatives. Robertson has been great in limited minutes.


But but he plays bigger than his size….,,.


This is very disappointing. I really wish they could’ve found a path to success for him in Toronto.


Sign Alexander Nylander. Problem solved


I get it...Passed by Knies, passed by McMann, and likely passed by Cowan next. I hope they are able to trade him for another young player who may require a change of scenery.


I’m going to miss his almost goals


He'll do well in Europe but is a bad fit in Toronto, which does not need one-dimensional wingers. I really like the kid but Bobby McMann took his job (bottom six wing who the coach might throw into the top six on a night when he needs a change of pace) and he's not going to take ice time away from Marner, Nylander, Domi, or Knies. A year or two getting big minutes to polish his game in Europe might be great for his career.


Dude scored at a higher rate than everyone outside of the core three this year. Never got to get settled Keefe fully mismanaged


I hope the boos are loud if he sticks in the nhl


People are treating this guy as if he is what he is. He is still developing. It would be a mistake to trade him before giving him a long try out with good players with a new coach. Defence can be learned when players have the will. He has the will, you can see him trying to be more aware. If we can’t get something back of good value we should keep him.


At the end of the day it doesn’t matter what he wants he’s an RFA match any offer and then work out a trade, dubas isn’t here anymore we don’t have to “do right” to our guys all the time, time to start doing right to the fans and the team