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So far we’ve heard they’re most likely out on Bertuzzi and Zadorov for cap reasons. They reportedly squeezed Domi hard. That doesn’t sound like a team that’s about to open up $11m in cap space.


Why get tanevs rights when you can't afford him? Lol the leafs can't afford tanev and filling out their roster with marner and tavares still playing here Watch Steve dangles breakdown of the cap It's the only thing he's ever done worth watching.


I’d jersey you


Sure you would bud...you're probably 5 foot nothing


Relax man - it was a joke bc your username


Aren't jokes supposed to be funny?


Keefe went to ugh nvmd


The joke doesn't make sense...I got the new jersey connection Work on your jokes mate...that was a -1/10


Brutal showing in this thread for you


Lmao touch grass kiddy u/fliw how did you make it so I can't even reply to your comment? Did you figure out some way to be the ultimate coward? Edit: he did lmao dudes scared of a response on reddit...explains why he thinks I care


Lol imagine still watching Steve dangle in 2024.


Pops up despite me never have watched anything he's done on my yt feed I was curious what our cap situation was but guess what? You're the first person to actually acknowledge what I wrote in the thread...this sub is regarded


Not happening. At this point, we haven’t heard a peep from anybody credible about any discussions at all around trading him. Even if it all came together remarkably fast, starting now, there would be very few players left to spend the cap space on.  The Leafs are already out on a lot of players they were previously in on because they can’t afford them. It’s too late. 




And there’s no point trading that late in summer because good FAs are gone by then. It would then have to be a player for player trade…which again points to Vegas


It’s happening. Only a matter of time.


What would be the point after all the big FAs are signed by other teams? 


If it was happening it was always going to be tomorrow, no sooner and no later. That's because tomorrow his bonus will be paid and he'd be eligible for an extension (for a sign and trade).   That's not to say it will happen, because I doubt that myself. But if it were to, discussions would already have been well underway with a theoretical deal in place by this point, leaving their cap situation clear for the start of FA.  So you're probably right, but 1 day early on being assuredly right. 


Yeah I just think if a deal were close enough to being in place for tomorrow we would have heard something …. anything … from one of the credible insiders that talks were at least happening. But everybody is saying basically nothing is happening. 


I would agree, not impossible they were able to keep it under wraps though either. 


Cap space.


If Marner was going to get traded, tomorrow would make the most sense. The leafs owe him a big bonus as of July 1st so trading him after paying the bonus makes the most sense. I don't think it's happening though.


Don’t think he’s getting moved. BUT, if it were going to happen, I always thought it would be after the signing bonus gets paid tomorrow. Then someone could get him for full cap hit but less actual money.


Yep, it makes the most sense to move Marner after the bonus gets paid, and after he can sign-and-trade. He was never going to be moved before July 1.


Marner’s current contract is incredibly valuable for a team that doesn’t actually like to pay money for their players and instead get a high cap hit to reach that sweet, sweet floor


IF Leafs tried to trade him, the news will leak out today.


Keep dreaming


He gets his bonus payment today, another team still has to take the cap hit but that’s a big chunk of real cash they don’t have to pay out, he was never getting traded before today because of that. Now we’ll wait and see…


Which move made or what thing have you heard that would indicate Marner is being trade? None of this makes sense


I've resigned myself to next off season since him and his agent will do the most dickish thing possible I'm sure


That’s just it. Unless he finds insane bargains, this team really can’t get better than it was last season. Just by keeping Nylander and Matthews and liljegren, we’ve spent nearly 3.5 mill over the cap increase. Add Domi and now we have the exact same core signed with about 4.5 million LESS room than we did last year, so all the guys who left: we need to sign replacements that are all significantly better but also several million cheaper


This year is tight. Once JT’s is gone in a year however there is significant money to play with


Steve Dangle said it best. There isn’t. You still need a legit 2 C which costs about 6.5/7 million. So you gain 4. Only you don’t. Guys like knies, wolls new deal and marners new deal and all the savings are totally gone and maybe more just on the same team again.


We’re not moving Marner lmao


Everyone’s entitled to their opinion but why does everyone talk about Marner like he’s a scrub? Looking at the return players like Ullmark, Sergachev and Markstrom fetched, Im coming around to the idea of keeping Marner and seeing what Berube can do with him.


What would you think he can do with him though? He's entering his 9th NHL season with his 3rd head coach. Berube won't add 50lbs and 4 inches to him, nor will he instill a killer attitude. Mitch has done well, but I just don't see a switch that can be flipped to make him any different than what we've seen the past 600 NHL games.


Could be a better system fit, could be a kick in the ass that Keefe never gave him without crossing the line into Babcock territory, could be Marner going into a contract year trying to prove people wrong. Smaller and worse players than him have figured out how to elevate their game in the playoffs.


> could be a kick in the ass that Keefe never gave him I mean, Keefe had to walk back a pretty pedestrian "our elite players didn't play like elite players" comment the other year. If Marner stays I really, really hope Berube turns into a miracle worker, as I have not seen any evidence that this player won't get shambles in their brain the moment pressure rises and the prospect of listening to the Darren Dreger+Ferris Cafe all season does not excite me.


If anything, I think the loss of Bertuzzi and probably Zadorov indicates that they probably can't trade Marner. If they were going to, they would have been able to afford those contracts.


Those contracts would make up basically all of Marner’s cap hit. Call me crazy, but I’d rather have Marner than Zadorov and Bertuzzi.


nah youre not crazy, the hate train on marner has gone off the tracks in this sub. you arent finding 10 mil worth of UFAs and/or realistic trade targets that replace what marner offers offensively and defensively


lol ya ok. It’s worked out so beautifully the last 8 years or so in the playoffs. So much value there….


True and i guess washington should have sold out all their players after underperforming in playoffs for 10 years. and edmonton should have ditched draisaitl before this season. Marner is only PPG in the playoffs what a bum


They however did change players, we haven’t, just fringe players…worked so well


Freakin Marner man…why he still here.


You'll spend then next 20 years trying to find a 99 point two way forward the moment you trade him. It will go down as an all-time mistake in franchise history


We won’t have a cup but at least we will have another forward with 99 points a year 😌


who knows the team could even miss the playoffs and avoid that pesky first round.


Please baby Jebus, please!


we're not handicapped lol if tanev joins for 5 mil we will still have about $10 mil in space for 1 goalie, 1 Dman, 1 forward pretty much. and thats just for this season then tavares 11 mil comes off the books


Listen people don’t like dangle much but he broken this down on his channel, that simply waiting for JTs contract to end won’t help much. Watch the clip, JTs contract will get eaten up by raises and another 2nd line centre, mean while we still have a shit defense


I don't think any team is considering a Marner trade with free agents costing significantly less and potentially coming to their teams.  A Marner trade feels like the thing you discuss with teams who miss out of the high end free agents and still need an upgrade at wing.  After noon today, those teams can also discuss extensions with his camp if given permission, which increases his value if his camp comes to a contract decision.  At this time, I would assume that he's plan C for a number of teams.  With Guentzel and Reinhardt out already, the market for top line forwards is already drying up


Not really up to Brad, it's up to Marner.


Tree is not in charge


Only one person running this show and it’s Shanny dangling from the strings that MLSE holds. 


Crab people have taken control?


Lol Oh shit, it's HAPPENING!!!!


I hope you’re right but I don’t think you are


Highly doubt it.


Marner isn't being traded, he's much more likely to be extended


You're gonna be real disappointed when they extend him for 8 yrs at 10m


My hope is that we snag debrusk and oel tomorrow on fair contracts. And that marner is moved. But i just dont trust his agent like more than anything else i just keep circling back to that aspect. I am trying to be glass half full but thats a pretty big obstacle.


They will should refuse to do more work either that agent. Honestly I was so tired of it in baseball as well. Can’t remember the name but there was that one agent I wish the jays just refused to work with and never did


I agree, and have long thought this was happening. But, what if Tre tries to keep Marner for a year knowing Tavares comes off the books after next year?


We’re probably not cup contenders next year so this is the most sensible solution.


Yeah they will have more free cash next summer but the issue right now is the mix — Do they feel they can win with the core four.


I do think they can if they solve the defensive issues. Which can happen with Tavares gone.


They won’t really have more free cash. Dangle has a clip breaking it down. Should watch it. JTs salary will be eaten up by a 2nd line centre replacement and other raises (like Knies earning a few million more)


Highly doubt it. Considering Mitch would need to waive, and hasn't even been asked to, and it would make the most sense to immediately do it tomorrow so they have maximum cap for free agents. It's not happening. Enjoy the season and the 1st round exit.


Eh his moves appear to signal Leafs are freeing up some cap but not sure it's 11 million worth. Leafs haven't been in any rumors about big forwards this off-season either. Of the Leafs dump Jarnkrok and Kampf that might be enough to fill the rest of the holes honestly. Tanev +Zads leaves you with 3mil ish. Kampf+Jarnkrok than replacing then with Dewar +toffoli/Perron/skinner might just barely work.


My god Jarnkrok can play in all situations that is not a guy you dump.


Dude is vanilla as it comes it’s no loss


You always need guys like that. Kampf is a different story. You dont need a 4th liner who is a faceoff specialist. Thats a luxury.


If you are not trading him then sign the extension at a reasonable price. It seems like Marner is gonna walk or make us pay him 13-14 mil.


With all the great playoff success we’ve had, I’m so glad they are running it back again for the 8th or 9th time? I’ve lost track.


The leafs are handicapped because they want to waste money.