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Shouldn't even need to vote. The first time a jg or support steals cannon, the game should terminate automatically, with swat teams heading to the domicile of the offending player. Make it so Rito Games.


I see you don't get the point but ok 3 justifies it being a team decision. It's no different than having teammates who are less skilled than the enemy. In fact it's exactly the same.


i genuinely thought this was satire til i read your replies


Why stop at 3 votes.... Make it so the game is arbitrarily surrendered by one team chosen randomly with no input at any moment.


3 because it justifies a team agreement.


They already do 3 votes in quickplay, and you rarely even get to leave laning phase. Most people just ff immediately. Half the time you are just finishing your first item, heck some laning phases you havent even started playing, just doing CS simulator.


Each team should just vote for which comp realistically wins and the majority takes the match. That way we don’t even have to play the game anymore


This would be so much healthier for so many people.


Not really what I'm talking about but ok.


its actually A LOT closer than you think. Many games that people say are "unwinnable" are actually very winnable. You saying you want to FF, when you agreed to play a full game when you queued up is horrible attitude. You are saying you only want to fully try you are ahead.


If there's such an agreement, then blame Riot for implementing a FF at all. The existence of FF actually proves that there isn't an agreement to play a game until Nexus blows. Not denying 'unwinnable' are actually winnable, that's a qualitative statement that depends every game to game.


Yes, But FF culture validates people giving up. even when the FF vote doesnt go through, many players still give up. I'm saying that making the ff vote take less people is putting more ownership of the loss on peoples mental instead of the actual game, because often time FF'ing teams are completely blind when it comes to win%


The way I see, mental is part of skill thus also part of the actual game. Not that different from map reading or CSing.


the way i see it playing the game is a part of the actual game, not that different from wanting to finish a game that I queued up for


Sure, and I fully support your desire to do so as long as the team agrees. It's a team game.


Why don't we just flip a coin in champ select so we don't have to play the game? Seems like a waste of time


Closest scenario I can think of is ff vote passing right after game loaded . If majority of my team wants to quit at that point, sure I will respect that as a team decision. Just go on next, one game isn't a big deal.


It wouldnt be just one game, u would face constant ffs


It will be a process but people who constantly ff will climb down in rank rapidly, people who don't will rise or at least stay. Heck, I'd even advocate for those who actually click 'yes' lose more lp, and if you click 'yes' in successive multiple games, you lose even more lp.


Riot as a company have to see the big picture and in reality most of the playerbase is low elo gold and below, so they would cut out and provide a bad experience for most of their players it rlly would be constans ffs and 0 gaming or real playing experience This thing that u propose just cant work out


as a ranked player i don't care about casual game in normal games. do what you like as long as games are enjoyable for the majority of the players. but in ranked games when ADC is behind he will get emotional and spam FF. if top gets counterpicked he will spam FF. and if there are 2 good players like mid and jg who are fed, they have the right to hold the game till they win (or at least try to win). at the same time if you are behind and see that your teammates want to win and try to do so, you should swallow your ego and help them carry the game. you queue ranked to WIN THE GAME not to have good time in the rift.


And I agree. You play ranked to win the game. Weak mentalled people will ff more often and will see constant drop in the rank. Vice versa. Eventually people will learn that to rise ranks it will be harder if you ff easy. It works for everyone.


it's not like he alone will drop in rank. the 5 members will drop in rank due to the weak mental of few players.


That's part of RNG. You can't control what teammates you get. But people who ff more will drop more, that's for certain.


ranked games are not meant to be that easy to play, you stuggle and puush the limits to win. if you want to win/lose every game by 3/2 surrenders at 15 mins you can stick to normals


These days I do. I'm talking about how it will benefit ranked players, however. And it's not 'supposed' to be anything but placing you where you belong, period. Weak mentaled players will eventually get harsher placements.


Please tell me this is bait


What makes you think it is?


Because no way someone would genuinely post something this stupid


Consider the other side of the coin: if you can end the game when it goes down for you, your opponents can end the game when it goes down for them, aka when you're winning. As a result, you never truly win a game because the second you're starting to enjoy your game for having outperformed your opponents, it ends. Where is the fun in that? ​ >Yes, I have that 1 comeback from seemingly impossible conditions every once in a while. Was that worth it? It's just another win. It's a win you worked for. It's a win where you gave everything you had and it was enough to outclass opposition against the odds.


Winning is fun for me. Sure I might not get to the point where I'm just shredding their frontline but I won, that's the best thing. Also the enemy team doesn't owe me anything, and vice versa.


You should only need one ff vote tbh


The game should be decided at first blood ngl


OP approves


Putting words in my mouth lol 3 votes justifies a team decision


Here’s the reality: you can wish this all you want, but practically nobody agrees with you. That includes every Riot employee. Maybe you could do this for normals or for-fun game modes at most, but not ranked. Any pro player won’t agree with you either. I’m saying this as someone who just today had an infuriating 3-2 vote when we were in an unwinnable game. Could’ve saved 10 minutes of our time. But I’d still much, much prefer that over losing 20 minutes all the time because some salty losers didn’t stomp their lane.


Enjoy the downvotes


Idc about random online strangers' opinions on me really, but sounds like you do


adding this to my “ff culture is stupid” collection 


You realize this will actually work to reduce ff culture?


No. I have plenty of won games thanks to a 3-2 vote. I’d say it happens once every fifteen games, minimum. So many people are just upset they’re losing and want to move on from a winnable game just because they don’t want to play. Some people want to forfeit because of one tilting play despite being in a winning position still. When I queue up, I queue up to play a FULL game of league of legends. If you don’t want to play, don’t play.


What's hard to understand about, make ff easier and consequences stronger, then people will eventually ff less?


What stronger consequences? People with weak mental are already lower ranked. People with weak mental already run it down. They don’t *care* about the consequences, they’re just done. This would do nothing. End of story. 


This change makes it even harsher for them to rise. People play ranked to raise their ranks. Pure trolls are rare.


This change makes it even harsher for them to rise. People play ranked to raise their ranks. Pure trolls are rare.


You actually force people to be punished twice by their team ff‘ing against their wishes. Once by not playing and once through harsher consequences. And no, you won’t get harsher penalties for people asking to surrender only and no penalties for no votes because that will just lead to people flaming/trolling whoever performs worst because they should take the penalty because it is their fault the game is lost.


Tell me you are new to league without telling me you are new: this post


Been playing on and off since Brand came out


Then you should know better, you play normal cool, you want this feature in normals? Acceptable, but don't try to change a community you are not part of in the ranked department. I'm your opposite I only play ranks because normals don't feel rewarding/I don't feel motivated to win. Now most of my games are won due to 3-2 surr votes that fail. This is because I play scalers and late game champions I know my win cons my team doesn't if you would allow a surr with 3 people, my win rate would go from 60% to 20%. You don't play ranks therefore you have no idea how bad it is. I can safely say that in all my games this season I have had at least 1, 3-2 surr vote. If it was to go through my 78% win rate on Seraphine would have literally been zero because in every game I got premature surrenders. Now you say, "oh poor mental players go down while food mental players climb" you just forgot something, if 2 good players with good mental health get matched with 3 bad mental players it's bye bye and I can assure you, this happens many times and many games in a row. So no I do not agree with you on the rank games you are utterly wrong, I play 500 or more rank games a split, and I would argue you should change the surr vote to unanimous only so if 5 players agree, it's a surr, if 1 player thinks we can win then no surr. This would massively increase win rates for actually good players. Who are good at the late game.


Nope. Play a different game please. Hate you quitters wanting to ff every game. It's annoying. Comebacks are fun and happen a lot. Get mentally tougher.


Not worth it. Go next.


"An ally has been slain" "An ally has been slain"


Norms sure, idrc. But ranked? No. It's part of the contract that you are here to play a whole game of league of Legends. It's a competitive game, not tiktok scrolling. If you can't mentally handle playing from behind, then play a different game or stick to norms. In fact why just play coop vs ai? You can fit lots of victory screens in a limited amount of time.


Bot games are too easy.


You prioritize victory screens over game quality, you should be loving bot games


That is the condition. An adequately challenging game is the minimum premise. I'm not into smurfing or stomping.


Maybe, just maybe, if the game was not snowbally and not completely miserable when behind then people would maybe go the whole distance more often.  Think of a basket ball game whenever the team that scores gets permanent buffs. That shit would not fly but somehow everybody is ok when it is like that in league.


If it wasn't snowbally, you'd always just pick late game carries though


i feel you man, all these hardcore challenger players on reddit wouldnt understand, but it really does suck that a duo can just grief your game and then hold you hostage the entire game


I think the point you're missing is that for me (and I'd imagine a lot of people), most of the fun isn't in winning. I don't even keep track of my record at the end of a session. I have fun in actually playing the game. I'll take a fun loss over a stomp win, and that's coming from a ranked player.


People got too used to FF. If it never existed, a lot less people would have this bad mentality. I played during the old WC3 DotA days, there was no FF option. It was so rare for people to give in actual normals lobbies or some of those implemented ladders However if you would play a random lobby, it happened that people simply left, but this would be solved in LoL by default.