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Looks like you've trolling. You applied exactly zero pressure and surrendered each trade in lane by baiting your ADC into it by randomly walking up. As a rule you should never be behind your ADC in lane, even against two ranged champions. Stay on the same line as them to create pressure if your enemies overextend. Each time you created a perfect triangle for enemies to win the lane for free.


MF is bad too but you are absolutely no better. Full hp hiding behind your adc. At 1minute you engage on Kali, fire two spells and... Walk away at full hp? Without autoing or igniting?  MF can't follow up if you walk away like that and force them back.  She tries to follow your engage but you walk away in the opposite direction leading her to lose the trade. This was a free kill or she has to blow flash if you stay on her. Multiple times you q Kali to safety instead of into danger. Then the rest of this clip is just showing your mf dying lmao.  You have a vision score of 13 to Swain's 40. You straight up griefed the early game, stopped supporting, and want to hear that mf is bad.


Yup, my eyes were bleeding watching this game. Baited MF so hard like you were gonna all in, then immediately backs out and she takes the brunt of everything, I don't know how her mental didn't break after laning phase, let alone leave the game.


I didnt want to hear that mf was bad, but that is what we(my friends and I) just thought at the time. If its wrong thats fine


She's bad but I cannot stress enough how poorly you played the first 3 minutes of this clip.  She has no excuse to walk into melee range of Swain like that...   But in general you played those first 3 minutes *very* poorly.  If this wasn't silver, yes I'd say you trolled her hard. To add: Swain is also playing really poorly. This is where as support you have the opportunity to take over the lane and bully kalista.


This is by far the worst part of playing ADC. Sometimes you get supports that (unintentionally) grief the lane, but still feel justified flaming because you're the one under farmed and dying, and they're sitting at 0-0-0 because they've never even begun to put themselves in danger.


I don’t think it’s even fair to say MF is that bad when she got behind in a 1v3 bot.


You took ignite on an engage support and you are playing so scared.


Is ignite a bad choice? I understand the scared playstyle part but i dont like playing aggressive if i dont see the value of doing it (if you know what i mean)


No. He means you set yourself up to be aggressive but were passive.


For me its not that much about playing passive or aggressive, but matching your adc. If your adc steps up and you are standing behind him as an engage support, you really cannot do anything to help your adc. Even if it is wrong to step up in the situation, it is still better to step up together than to do nothing. If you'd rather play behind your adcs, I would recommend enchanters as they can do something in those cases.


>Even if it is wrong to step up in the situation, it is still better to step up together than to do nothing. DOUBLE KILL


Not necessarily, if they're entering a situation where you know for sure they're going to die and you can't stop that or at least get a trade it's better to let them die than to go down with the ship


Well yeah thats true, there is expections. But for example in any situation where MF stepped up before before her first death it would have been better to step up


It's good, but you need to actually use it. Are you saving it for next game or what


Don't you get kited if you don't have the damage to burst one of them


I'm afraid it's both mate.


i am just going to mention what I think you and MF did wrong. First for MF. She lost lane before laning phase by being a level down to everyone. She then trades into a level 2 Kalista, had the swain followed up, the lane would be even worse. She cancels an auto attack that would have killed Kalista. She walks into a 1v2 and dies. She gets chunked to lethal range, sees master yi ands still sticks around and dies. She doesn't flash Swain root, then flashes afterwards only to walk up to swain again, stand still and die. All in all, a perfectly good adc performance for wood tier. Now for you. You are far too passive, didn't swap trinket for sweeper and are too stingy with ignite. Use it, it will come back. But I would blame you not for this, but for not abandoning MF on your own. As a support, it's your job to set up objectives with vision and act as a secondary jungler to your team. But you for some reason were cosplaying Trynd, running bot every time to split push. If you realize the lane was doomed (which was doomed when MF dies 1v2), leave and go look to generate advantage elsewhere. Your mid jgl were gapping the enemy, just shadow your jungler or your mid and make plays with them. As an adc main, let me tell you right now, adc will whine. Whether it's your fault, or his or anyone else's, adcs will whine. But as an adc I can tell you right now, my support sticking with me in a losing lane where we are just getting chunked under tower isn't going to accomplish anything. Leave your adc alone to farm under tower safely or hell retreat to tier 2 if they can't. There was nothing to be done in that bot lane without getting Jungle or Mid's help. Sure in this elo, mf would have died 6 more times and whined a bit more, but this way as a support you can help other people who will be much more useful to the team.




So it was good for mf to go mid later on?


Later on, yes. Once the laning phase ends, which is when either tower falls, the adc is moved to mid lane. But this is a high elo concept, as having an adc in mid generates pressure on the map and is safer for the adc in general as mid is a short lane. The Mf moved mid, on her own, without any towers falling and tried to trade into a level 10 Trist as a level 6 MF, I shouldn't have to tell you why this is wrong. Also for low elo, my suggestion for an adc will be to keep going bot as the whole concept of adc being mid isn't common and the team's can't capitalize on the pressure to take objectives. So more often than not, both your adc and your mid will get into a shouting match over who gets to go mid. Especially if it was your tower that fell to end the laning phase, sitting under tier 2 as an adc on bot and safely farming is usually better than splitting farm mid. Although that will require patience, a concept foreign to us adcs.


both are not good but i can say if you play close or behind adc as maokai then its not the good way. adc will be focused 100% of the time, need space for aa, dodge skill shot from both enemies and you need to walk to help adc. you have no pressure to kalista at all except the fight near tower but MF takes two.


You are bad, don't pick maokai if you want to stand behind your adc, playing with supports who do this is one of the worst feelings in the whole game


well i will not look at what mf can do better since you can't control her. i will just be looking for what you can do better. at 3:00 in game time you just kill if you ignite and mf heal even if she does not take the tower shot. at 3:28 you can flash ignite and trade kills, it the first time you lost hp, so mf have played 1 vs 2 intill this point in the game. at 8:19 you could had konq her into the tower and ignited and trades kill, fyi ingite only has a 180 sec cooldown no reson to hold it, and since you are support you don't want the kill so you should more or less use it every time you w on moa, since gives healing reduc you wanna use as early in a all in fight as possible you reduce the summor spells heal and pot and base healing. at 11:30 you ulti late and don't ingite at 11:56 mf starts running mid, my guess is that just mad, she get to be part of the void grub fight. i don't think she does this with intend, but if she run there surly the support does too. the best way to play the his as a team is ahri goes bot and cover with her wave clear since she has tp. hard to make this work in this game. at 13:03 you probly should had gone mid and force ahri to go bot here since plates fall soon and it does not matter that you are there the tower will fall. at 15:07 you run bot to no one, and just sit there and farm 2 waves, this is really bad as supp, since you have so much farm and mf has been mid for 3 min i assume you farm penalty and only gets exp. but you solo lane exp in this game don't know how.. side notes you use ignite like 3 times the whole game and flash once from what i can tell. you just don't use your buttons. you make her play 1vs2 the first 3 min at least, you can walk up and just dodge a skill shot, tank a swain q. it give so much space for mf to poke and farm. why do you win this game, you win this game because you are just more players on the game, your team win the void grubs and trade 1 for 1 with mf dying giving no gold, you win the fight at enemy blue buff 1 for 2 because enemy use alot on getting the mf. and xin and ahri gets really feed of it. if I had to rate it both of you play a 2/10 game, vary much equal to eath other. with her boderline running it down but getting a good state for you team, and border line afk in the bot doing nothing unless you have to and joining the game at 18 min + this just my thoges as a e1 / dia 4 player


I agree, especially on 8:16 Maokai missplays completely. You W in, then use the root time to walk BEHIND Kalista, Q her into turret, ignite -> kill. You could even ult north to guarantee the kill, though it's probably not necessary. MF is extremely bad, but Maokai isn't very good either.


Imagine the “confidence” of this guy to post this thinking that he played well. My gosh.


>Am i bad (I am bad) or is the Adc trolling? ...


Both of you just seem to be genuinely bad, nobody's trolling. Keep playing and improving, that's all.


Yeah thats the plan


Great to hear! Try to focus on what YOU could do better in this or that situation, because you can't physically improve your teammates. The time is always better spent on reviewing your own gameplay 😊


00:50 - Instantly ignite there and you win the fight. 00:53 - Why did you run away to the bush at full HP when you can keep autoattacking or move to your tower? 00:56 - See how low Kalista was? Ignite to reduce the Heal would have made a huge difference. 01:22 - MF got caught AGAIN, but your map awareness was also not great. 01:48 - MF pushing without vision - her fault. 02:37 - MF WALKS INTO Swain, you also had ignite and didn't use it on Swain with his ulti active. Other than that, the rest of the game you dont interact with MF at all, so I cant tell you what mistakes you did. MF was a bad player, with bad positioning from early game to the late game, which is to be expected in Gold. You made some mistakes, but you were mostly playing it safe and Swain with Kalista got free poke on MF due to her bad positioning (But also, you did nothing to protect her). I would be more aggressive so they have to focus me and my ADC can do damage but that doesn't always work out. If you play Maokai support you cant hide behind your ADC, you HAVE TO be aggressive. Zone them with E, W+Q does a ton of damage and then your ADC can pick up the kill. At level 6 you get one of the best engage tools and you are also un-gankable when your ulti is up.


thanks for your review


Supports like you are why i dont ad anymore 💀


You just dont know when to do what, but MF is a literal piece of bread


You should‘ve flash ignited when you saw the towersgot going off on Kalista at around 1:00. MF should‘ve healed when she saw Kalista behind herself. MF doesn’t flash the Swain hook when she gets caught 1v2, you then walk up and waste your ignite for no reason. For the „gank“ and skirmish where Ahri throws the charm behind herself, you don’t ignite the Swain ult, and you knock the Swain into two low hp teammates at the end, killing MF. Idk, just from watching the start without paying super much attention it looks like a normal silver game to me where everyone’s making a ton of mistakes so nothing special. MF should‘ve just stayed in lane, it‘s not like Kalista‘s gonna scale well and it‘s a Gold Kalista on top of that so she‘s probably gonna fall off even harder. Just my opinion. And I watched on mobile so probably didn‘t catch a lot of things. 




You back off and play scared. Stay closer to your adc and the wave. Unless you want to set up a play in the bush, don't dandle around and be ready for action


Hi I sent you a message since my message was too long to format here on reddit. I would highly encourage you to read it since it looks like you want to improve and my biggest tip is to have intent behind every action and click you make. I sent a rundown of your lanephase in the message and pointers to take away from this game


I’ll throw in my two cents on you pile of change from this post for what it’s worth. Adc main here so I love to help the supports know what I need in a matchup. First is vision. I need to know how much pressure I can apply without overextending and vision is number 1 for that. You should be keeping an eye on where their jungle starts and have vision appropriate to provide warning. Second is understanding the adc win condition and making sure your helping set that up. Zoning the enemy so you push them into your adc strike zone or deny the enemy control as much as possible. If your mf isn’t hitting her shots or applying any pressure just do damage control and wait for your jungle. Harrass the enemy so they should be scared of over extending. You should also keep a line between you and your adc so you are both equisitance from the enemy so you can always react to anything and if you go in your adc can too. Kalista has a very short range so shutting her down before she stacks her rend is big. You see her try to harrass punish her especially if the swain missed his skill and kalista moves too close boom big value and that swings the control of the lane in your favor. Adc tends to relay on those big control plays from the support as they are focused on cs and wave control and harrass while positioning away from the support harras and being close to follow up on your harrass. Anyways I hope you get some good not toxic adcs in the future and have some fun games


Also I don’t think I answered your questions. But adc should’ve done better In the lane instead of trying to find the easier space. Every adc can mop up kills when it’s easy and he was being toxic. He didn’t do better than you in lane he should’ve been cracking some big qs and outtrading kalista. He was bad and he acted like a baddie. I’ve have plenty of supports who do the same too they rush the tempo fail and rage. Just make sure you ward and apply pressure as best you can. What would be broken is when you see the the enemy move into the a q strike zone as a minion is about to die you root them into place and boom mf hits the empowered q and they are gonna be shitting themselves instead of trading they gonna be flaming their support


No autos. Half assed engage. MF first death, you completely ignore Kali attacking her and you have full HP. Playing behind your Adc as a tank engage. Yeah that’s just not it. Constant pressure on the enemy Adc, don’t let them free farm. They’re waking up for the cannon? Don’t throw your shot in the bush, throw it at the Adc and make them trade health for that canon.


I also play the same way, when i am trolling on my alt acc lol


Others have pointed it out. MF played at a level I would expect from a gold player, but you did far worse. You are probably at bronze level. When playing support you need to stand in the same line or a bit in front of your ADC at all times, to exert pressure and relief pressure from the AD. You need to bait skillshots, but not let yourself get autoattacked for free. You need to control bushes if possible. In this particular match up, as soon as Swain throws E and doesn't hit MF you are basically in the position to flash W on kalista if she moves ever so slightly forward and doesn't have cleanse and all in her, she has to burn F in order to survive. MF is just that strong. You are a new player, that is fine. But if you want to learn LoL fast you mustn't play scared.