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Every single game, a botlane dies 20 times.


Lucky. Mine is at least 25


Double the number of people in a lane = double the casualties


With this statement, you assume people just run around and die 10 times per game lmao.


I believe it's a people thing, but I can see why someone would think that about top lane. If the opposing jungler decides to sit top in a volatile matchup, you will not be able to play the game and that's not fun, pair that with the average league mental and there you go. But this happens in all roles, jg goes for objective without lane prio, dies, blame laners. Bot has 5 kill advantage, gives double kill after jg gank because of cocky play, blame everyone else because they are not doing too hot etc.


Nope. ADC is still the king on that.


It’s still bot. Top comes in a very close second though


I main top and the number of games that my winning bot lane doesn't do dragon while their support and jungle are in my lane with prio is staggering. I have legit gone 1 for 3 top and my team won't 4 man an obj.


>26M Stopped reading


Imo feels like 3 out of 10 games are impossible tô win, 3 out of 10 i dont even need to play to win and 4 out of 10 are my responsability só as long you are not the troll its pretty easy tô maintain the +60% winrate needed tô climb


As another jungler main in emerald, it's relatable lmao. I love it when they cry for a gank but dragon is spawning and their lane is pushed with no wave anyway


Literally had a top laner int yesterday 5 seconds after asking for help; when our jg was at dragon




I like giving a lead to champions who supposedly should auto-win their lane like Darius, Illaoi and Morde. Sometimes I get them ahead early game, I leave for 3 minutes and come back to them being 3/15


Always have been.


not sure about the "new" in the title


IMO adcs used to hold the title for biggest whiners.


Yea, but after crit items buff they stopped.


Crazy how that works


Only if they're new to role. Seasoned top laners know that they won't get help and them or their lane opponent will suffer no matter what and deal with this peacefully. Autofilled top laners, Irelia main, Broken Covenant Riven one tricks and 40 level smurf accounts on the other hand have the weakest mental fortitude and demand ganks at all times. If you refuse their minuscule heads explode and they grief the match People need to suck it up and let themselves get carried. Learn how to play when behind. Definitely not a lane for people with anime main character syndrome.


Always was. No other role in the game call the game over if they don't get R5 pick so they can counterpick themselves and then proceed to blame the jungle for either ganking too much or too little, and then get mad their bot lane don't hard carry them to a free win when they can't even spell "peel".


I just feel like the mentality was different in the past seasons up there. More often than not it seemed like tanks were just playing safe and farm.


I didn’t get last pick 😡 I got ganked 😡 Enemy has ignite 😡 Enemy has range 😡 Enemy true damage 😡 Enemy %hp damage 😡 Enemy freeze 😡 Enemy got drakes while I refused to tp 😡 Enemy got plates while I did drake 😡 Enemy only split push 😡 I lost 1v5 against enemy team 😡 Top lane weak 😡


I mean, if the enemy jg ganks you top, No matter if you survived or not, and your jungle does absolutely nothing, they have a right to tilt. Also, toplane 1 kill basically ends your laning phase unless they fail a dive, get hit by tower shots or you’re darius with ignite ghost.