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just the opposite of trying to win. It's going to depend on your level of play what that consists of


i generally think of it as somebody who enjoys creating grief for their own teammates. It isn't just being bad at the game and causing your team to lose, it is enjoying your teammates losing and often deliberately trying to lose.... but I don't know if that's right that's just how I've seen it used over the years.


Example of griefing: - You pick X top laner - Your mid laner says it’s a bad pick in the pregame lobby & wants you switch to Y champion - The game starts and they go top to try and steal your CS and your team has mid lane empty - They didn’t intentionally feed, they didn’t harass, but they are focused on intentionally causing grief instead of winning Example of something that isn’t griefing but people say is: - Despite your best efforts you got crushed in lane which causes your team to lose - Being the reason your team lost is not inherently greifing


Yeah those are pretty good examples, but it can come bit more uncertain in some situations and especially in higher elo brackets where people "should know better" For example is it griefing if * You try to fight enemy laner who is 4/0 while you are 0/4 instead of playing safe and allowing your team to carry. * Not rotating to objective your team wants to take * Trying to get youtube montage 1v3 while fed and instead giving enemy hypercarry 1k shutdown. * Not covering a dive/gank when its obviously coming * Not backing out from dive/gank when its obviously coming and your team cant cover you * Not participating level 1 instant from 15 seconds and instead being afk under tower till minions arrive. Almost all of these actions are obviously making your teams time harder to win, but at what point can you count it as griefing and in which elo brackets. Thing that is obviously griefing in Master+ might be just players skill level in Silver.


None of these are grieffing in my opinion. Playing poorly isn’t grieffing, even in “high elo”. The closest might be the first if the fights are intentional feeding (a form of grieffing). But that can be hard to determine honestly.


If you solo lose the game for your time cuz you just can't stop egoing that's griefing


Yeah level of play is also really big factor here. For example I can tell situation that happened in my recent games. Our team gets 3 picks just before baron spawns and 4 players ping baron and walk there. Our teams top lane GP walks midlane to hit tower and deals roughly 3k damage to it before getting instantly popped by fed enemy top/jungle who were rotating from bot lane. Now because GP didnt hit baron or slowdown enemy top/jungle they are able to rotate to baron and stall till spawning teammates kill us and they get the baron. Now was this GP griefing yes or no? Its really hard to tell if you dont know is this game played in bronze or in challenger.


Causing Grief to your team mates, the way I see it is Negative attitude: giving up Griefing: following your jungle around taking camps or intentionally feeding That's just me tho, don't know the official stance


Sounds accurate enough. Griefing I associate with direct action/sabotage.


In the past if there was someone saying slurs in pregame chat I'll lock Anivia and ice wall their recalls a few times throughout the game to cause them minor inconvenience (plus I really like Anivia)


Bruh... You're only adding to the fire 😂


Good thing there's all this ice lying around!


My favorite is going syndra and picking up and running away with the junglers buffs until they Regen


That was so hard to deal with, still won through sheer mental fortitude


I'm afraid you were with someone else, the game where I did that we lost hard


Be more original next time


Is accidentally running over my teammates dog with my car griefing?


No that's assault (I think) and independent from league guidelines


not against the league rules you say?


You heard it here first. It's okay to drive a car over Nasus, Naafiri and Warwick.


Corporate Mundo buff


now all we need is a champion driving around in an SUV who can one shot any dog champ: Nasus, Naafiri, Warwick, Pug'maw and Shen. I bet riot could make a fortune on branded skins.


There is one Sion skin where he turns into a truck in his ult.


Kda Evelynn?


Shen is a dog/has a dog skin?! I know that blitz has a skin where he’s piloted by dogs, and there’s the Corki on a Corgi, but I haven’t played recently…


it's a reference to soaz complaining about shen way back when, apparently my referential league jokes are too dated https://twitter.com/sOAZ/status/883387896006397952


I'd be surprised if physically assaulting a league teammate player's pet (without affecting their connection to the game server or their gaming setup) is in rito's list of no-nos. Of course they reserve the rights to ban anyone they wish, but wow. Edit: maybe it counts as a way to greatly distress a player to the point of impairing their ability to play the game, and in that case it would make sense to be ruled as bannable


It’s actually a felony punishable by no more than 10 years, or a maximum of $5,000. Or no more than 500 hours community service.


>Or no more than 500 hours community service. Feeding the enemy counts as community service btw


Oh so I can decide to kill somebody's dog for 5 grand? Interesting.


I think your teammate might be in a state of grief afterwards, so yes.


No that based and warranted (as long as it’s ur jgl’s dog)


The jungler is the dog


~~He's talking about the jungle pet here for anyone downvoting~~ Just kidding, I followed the wrong chain, this guy kills dogs irl fr


Pretty sure league players would kill each other irl if they could get away with it


Adc mains


I mean probably, but really I just misattributed the comment to the one from the Rioter or something. I didn't see anything about this comment that they actually replied to until you commented, so thanks!




Report: Sabotage. Detail: This guy ran over my dog with his car, played nunu and ran it down mid with speed boots.


Griefing is the word we use to encapsulate a specific set of game actions that boil down to "making it hard for your allies to play the game" Here's some examples of griefing: Using anivia wall or trundle pillar to block off your ally. Using Tahm Kench/Kalista ult to interrupt your allies or try and kill them. Following your jungler around and trying to take last hits from them. Pointing out ally positions Buying a support item just to reduce an allies gold income. Definitions change from person to person, but these kinds of actions are generally what we're trying to capture with that report category.


I'd like to throw in "being way too aggressive as the ADC, tower diving level 1, deciding the support who didn't follow into certain death was the problem, and then never returns to dragon lane the rest of the game"


No offense, your description is accurate. But there is no punishment for stealing camps in my experience


there is no punishment for any kind of griefing, because riot's systems aren't advanced enough to detect them. riot only punishes flaming and EXCESSIVE intentional feeding


There’s no punishment for anything but saying slurs. You can get banned if you int several games in a row and your scores are all like 0/10 or worse and everyone reports you but other than that gameplay-wise it’s next to impossible to get a punishment.


I will now post a cropped screenshot of your comment out of context in an attempt to back up some horrible take I have.


I think any form of sabotage though, like even if you're not flash stealing camps from jungle, if you're just rage pushing down a lane refusing to help even though its passive you're trying to lose


And just wasting cooldowns such as flashing or ulting nothing is griefing.


Nah that's not griefing. Just because someone doesn't know what to do is why they splitpush


I play in masters+ mmr, these aren’t new players who are confused. They’re just people with shattered mentals who know typing = ban.


Is that what were calling split pushing now. Naming it something else to make it seem negative.


There is split pushing as a fiora, and running down a lane at 30 minutes alone as jinx while they push inhib.


Hmm I see, trying to get gold by other means is griefing, but the midlaners going 1vs5, 8 times in a row is not. Alright I see.


Rage pushing =\=split pushing.


I report people for this all the time and never get feedback though, what prompts a manual review?


Not trying to win. Simple as that,


I think griefing is sort of the blanket term for “intentionally harming your team’s chances at winning” that isn’t covered by the other options.


Would be awesome if we had some comment with a Riot flair confirming this, especially at the top comment


Would be


Since it's under Negative Attitude, I've always found it to mean any behavior which, while not actively sabotaging the game, is directly conducive to making the game unenjoyable for other players or meant to spread negativity. As an example, calling "GG" within the first three minutes of the game and hounding teammates to Surrender ("ff15" "vote yes" "get me out"). Since active sabotage is a gameplay-oriented offense meant directly to impact your teammates and reduce the chances of success/guarantee a loss, I find that best reported as Intentionally Feeding.


My personal definition has always been centered around playing to win. Someone consistently making plays that are unjustifiable from any perspective when looking through the lens of, "is this person playing to win?" is griefing. Not just a difference of opinions on how to win but the majority of their plays or actions are detrimental to themselves or their teammates. To me this also includes someone that had a disagreement with a single teammate and ruin their game by taking a little too much farm, or something akin to this. The act in a vacuum is fine but when you add the human aspect of a teammate trying to purposefully upset another teammate then its not done in the pursuit of winning. Even if the rest of their plays are, it's just not trying to win. I wonder how well a neural net could map out a definition of griefing in league and automate the punishment system. Punishments would probably vary a lot more because of the ability to detect griefing on a wider spectrum. It's a matter of time before some game company does it imo.


Not a game company, but probably a research team. Idk how that's monetizable though so it's hard to imagine it outside of a passion project. Perhaps as a tool leading up to FDVR/next generation games?


taking anivia or trundle just to follow and wall/pillar your teammate all game


Had some wanker in an aram roll Anivia when I had Nunu. He walled my Q over and over again until it wasn't even funny. Pretty much the only hard griefing I've seen in a game


Taking actions in which the primary intention is to damage the mentality of your own teammates.


bard ulting my team so enemy can steal baron is my favorite grief


I qualify griefing as actively trying to piss off your own teammates. It's one thing to blunder and lose a lane/game because of it. It's a completely different thing to do it on purpose.


first timing a champ in ranked which for some reason is allowed.


Ok but I'd bet my life not a single player was banned for following jg and stealing camps.


Intentionally feeding is inting. And it has its own report section.


> Negative attitude: giving up how can you rationalize this while giving uses the option to surrender, shouldn't everyone who votes yes be reported for this?


If the vote is 3-2 in favor of quiting. But 4 people are still trying to win. And someone is just afk in base, ignoring the enemy team pushing to end, purposely pathing away from an objective your team needs to contest (i.e. support zyra pushing bot lane while the team is trying to stop the enemy baron) those are examples I would use of "giving up." Voting to surrender, itself, is not the same.


Counterquestion; if using the Surrender feature to concede a match to the enemy (which requires majority vote) is a reportable offense, why would Riot keep it in the game? The obvious answer is; it isn't. "Giving up" is something outside the bounds of the majority of a team conceding to their opponents.


that's not a counter question, that's the same question. and the answer to why surrender exists it as a tool to counter greifing, not a tool to enable your victim complex.


>that's not a counter question, that's the same question. Your question was why the report option has "giving up" as an example when the Surrender Vote exists, with the implication that by that logic, Surrendering should be a reportable offense. The counterquestion is; why would they have the option to Surrender if it was a reportable offense. If that's the same question, then the English Language has reached the point where words have no meaning. EDIT: To be more precise; What you are asking: "Why is 'Giving Up' a reportable offense if the Surrender Vote exists?" What I am asking: "Why would they keep the Surrender Vote in the game if using it is reportable?" Your question implies a connection between the Surrender Vote and the report option, my question puts that implication under scrutiny. >and the answer to why surrender exists it as a toll to counter greifing The Surrender vote exists primarily to allow a team to vote on conceding the match on the basis that they cannot win under the current circumstances. If it has any benefit towards countering griefing, they are just a pleasant side benefit, but not the main purpose of the feature.


you have no idea what im asking then LOL.


Then you should probably rephrase the question to better articulate it.


i did, you didn't wanna hear it.


> Griefing: following your jungle around taking camps or intentionally feedi What if the junglers do to the laners? Is it reportable/punishable? because Ive seen more of this, then what you posted as an example.


Regardless of which you’ve seen more, they’re both still forms of griefing.


Yeah I dont report people for griefing usually. I only do it when the player blatantly trolls the game (dying repeatedly, telling enemies what we are doing, refusing to play position).


What about people making blatant mistakes in relatively high Elo. For example what if a toplaner stays pushed in the enemy tower while the enemy jg is spotted near him on a ward? Sure that's an honest mistake if you are bronze,but when u do that in diamond,shouldn't there be repercussions? The same way a 6 yo may kick the ball in their basketball game And face no repercussions,but if an NBA player kicks the ball he gets a tech and a fine.


That's not griefing. That's inting.


It doesn't seem like players get banned for this. Had a flex game recently where our ADC went "afk" (stood still flashing emotes for around 90 seconds) and then farmed every jungle camp for the next 15 minutes or so. Reported her, nothing happened.


Selling all your items and buying tears 😥


Rioter knows about griefing, yet doesn't do anything about it. There's a streamer that ints every game in D2+ with multiple accounts and multiboxes inting with copypasta scripts. Nothing's being done.


Damn you almost got me with that one, skipped right over your name


Does being forced to run a kernel level anti cheat from a %100 chinese government owned company which doesn’t solve the problem also count as being griefed ? If so where can I report riot? Thanks in advance.


tell me what info they can get that they can not get with the basic client.


If you used your time to do a Google search instead of typing this comment you would know.


no, im asking you to tell me what you know, not what google knows. the point is to prove that you are making a baseless uninformed argument that doesn't hold up to objective facts. were you aware that riot can access your entire appdata folder from the base client?


I’m not interested in entertaining you. It would be like talking to a wall anyways.


> I’m not interested in entertaining you. It would be like talking to a wall anyways. The hardest part of this particular comment for you must be looking in a mirror. Vanguard doesn't do shit that owning tech at all doesn't already do. Unless you live a life free of literally any technology whatsoever, your data is out there, and people can do whatever the fuck they want with your devices. Don't like Vanguard? Don't play the game. Simple as that. You have every right to be concerned - but if people simply ask you why you're worried, you can choose to not answer them/let them down instead of being a dismissive asshat.


i wasn't asking you for that, i'm asking you to enlighten the community with your clearly very damning evidence that riot has somehow gained additional abilities to harvest our data and access our systems that they did not have before.


Griefing is a term that has been around as long as World of Warcraft (if not Everquest, or sooner). It applies in any multiplayer game where you've found a way to troll, frustrate or cause grief to other players outside of the expected behaviour patterns. What distinguishes it from merely being bad at the game or playing in an unusual way is that you're actively trying to upset other people by breaking the game itself, usually by breaking the social rules that hold it together: work as a team, play to win, don't help the enemy - that sort of thing. Griefing is the deliberate intent to ruin the game for someone (or everyone!).


I like this answer, and this is one of the reasons people created the "1v9" concept, your own team can help the enemies, thank you rito.


Realistically, it means purposefully sabotaging your team: Literally running it down mid. AFKing in fountain, but hitting a minion occasionally so you don't get an afk penalty and your team can't FF as 4 instead of 5. Anivia walling your teammate so they have to flash or die. Tahm ulting your teammate into the enemy trundle. Like there are thousands of examples, but it boils down to purposefully helping the enemies and purposefully sabotaging your team.


Some other classics: - Trundle Pillar to stop allied recalls - Bard ulting an escaping ally - Blitz pulling someone into a low hp ally & running away (without knock up) - Running to body block Cait ult & using zyonya’s last second


[This one always makes me laugh](https://youtu.be/vJN3Q5JOmLE?feature=shared)


[My favorite LoL meme of all time. ](https://youtu.be/_UBYgQq0nxw?si=sx_VfEa5vXXCTjqW) Can't find one without the shiity music, but Cait ult gives so many opportunities for amazing skill and impressive griefing.


i prefer bard ulting my jgl so enemy can steal baron


Your support farming your wave...


You can get a 2 for 1 special when your Anivia support walls you off from retreat so you are killed by the enemy, while farming the wave with her ult!


Sounds about right


Afk has its own report option


Actually disconnecting is for afking. If they are essentially afk, like never fighting and perma farming at 50 minutes, that's griefing.


I had a player go Teemo support with smite, and they then proceeded to follow our Jungler around and steal their camps. So probably that.


I’ll never understand why people downvote posts of beginners or foreign language speakers asking questions. This game is difficult enough to pick up as it is, and we ought to foster a more welcoming community


Because the league community considers it cool to flex on new players.


Gotta justify all that time wasted somehow


Because this is the internet, the only place some people will ever have a sense of power in their life


I down vote if it's something they could've googled.


I'm guessing you downvote close to every comment on this website and others? Remember that if you found it on Reddit or any message board, or even Fandom/Wikia, remember that you can find it because somebody else asked first and an answer was given by somebody who did know.


Grief is the the feeling you experience when you lose something or someone. In video games, griefing designates everything made by another player (in LoL it mostly applies to teammates) to cause you harm. Trolling or inting are synonyms.


Inting is not a synonym for griefing


It’s a subset of it. Griefing is purposely taking actions to anger teammates and affect them negatively. Inting is short for “intentional feeding”. Intentionally feeding is one of many ways to grief someone.


So for example when your wife dies you grief for a year then you can marry again? Is it the same? English is not my language.


You grieve, yes, for how long is for you to decide.


This word grief doesn't really translate to my language well. You can't grief in video game. It is reserved for real life situations. That's why I was confused first time I heard it on league stream. Thank you for explaining very much. Edit. Verb is to grieve and noun grief?


yes, grieve is a verb and grief is a noun if this helps, people using "grief" as a verb (like "being griefed") is really only a gaming/online thing in real life situations noone would ever say you "were griefed", the accepted way would be to say a situation "caused you grief", which are generally only serious situations, usually around people dying hope that helps!


According to this sub, it means playing at any level below lpl/lck.


This sub (and people in game) call anything you do that causes them to not win griefing. What it actually means is someone deliberately and constantly doing something the entire game to try to make your team not win the game. Not hitting a hook or making a bad gank is not griefing. Sitting in a bush all game and not participating is griefing. Running it down mid 30 times is griefing. Playing badly and having a bad kda is not griefing.


I’d say that it’s not necessarily anything that causes them not to win. You play the game correctly, do the right things and you will still get someone accusing you of griefing just because you did something that they didn’t like or because you don’t play the way they want you to.


I would say playing the game to the best of your ability automatically disqualifies as "griefing", even if the best of your ability is sub-optimal. For example, I'm a J4 one-trick. If I'm forced to ADC (like in blinds, for example), I might pull out the J4 ADC, especially if my support has hard CC. One might thinks I'm griefing, but I genuinely believe that my pocket Tristana/Senna is unironically worse. Yeah sure, I can learn meta champs for this role, but being unable to play something up to par is not a crime and shouldn't bar me from queuing up.


Running it down mid is intentionally feeding. Griefing is doing things to intentional ruin people game expeirence. Example: following the jungler around and taking his camps or even making him compete for them with u. Standing in mid lane and doing nothing just so tour mid laners exp is nerfed. Playing Syndra support and using w on every cannon minion and taking it away from ur adc so they cant get the gold. This is greifing. Those are just examples. It intentionally doing shit to piss off and annoy your teammates and waste their time and ruin their game experience.


Griefing IMO is purposely making bad/risky plays or game-changing plays that help the other team. As far as I know it's mostly bad offensive plays. Three examples of griefing: 1. You are in top lane while your team is taking dragon, you see the enemy JG and top taking grubs at the same time as your team is on drag. Knowing that you will lose a 1v2 if you try to contest grubs, you proceed to do exactly that and die without stealing any grubs or killing anybody. 2. Initiating/forcing a team fight you know your team won't win. 3. Stealing camps early in a game as a laner or stealing minions early as a JG.


Griefing basically means "ruin" or "sabotage".


Actively and intentionally making it more difficult for your team to win 


Intentionally taking actions against your own teammates and/or not in the best interest of winning the game.


yea, it means not trying to win the game


Playing yone


It means whatever my favorite streamer says it means 🤓


When someone sabotage their own team


It's just a generic report option for any kind of unsportsmanlike conduct. It could include, but is not necessarily limited to: CS-stealing, troll-picking, intentional feeding, kill-stealing, intentional non-participation, baiting allies & so on. Frankly speaking, there are too many forms of toxic behavior to list individually in the report menu, else it be a very long scroll bar. Thus the report options are made intentionally generic. In theory, you're meant to write a note on what exactly you're reporting & a Ritoer is sposed to read it, but Rito's player management is largely automated at this point. Even if you go through the process of filing a support ticket, Blitzcrank Bot will answer it first, a bumped ticket will still likely get a scripted response & further bumps still only have a CHANCE of a hand-typed reply.


Literally, it means causing grief to your team because you are actively trying to lose/sabotage your team Metaphorically, it just means your teammate is bad


Griefing is INTENTIONAL sabotage designed to cause a game to become hard to play or unplayable for your teammates. Literally causing them grief, hence the name. Griefing is NOT: - Going 0/1. - Losing lane, especially not to a matchup that is difficult for you to win regardless of skill. - Your teammate making a play you don't like the look of. - Your teammate locking in a champion you don't want them to play (within reason, i.e. it's not griefing if they locked in diff champ, correct role) - Your teammate making a shit play. - Your teammate talking shit to you (if it's bad enough that's verbal abuse and a different matter, at least in this game) - Trying out a non-meta build/role (again, within reason. If somebody is building a certain way to spite somebody, that's griefing. If somebody merely wants to try Brand Mid, or Lucian Top and it's not ranked, get a grip.) Griefing IS: - Running it down your lane, repeatedly, as to give your enemy laner a massive advantage on purpose (read: NOT dying to them over and over by circumstance because of fighting, I mean giving them kills for 0 effort) - Playing a champion that is downright ineffective at the given role, having picked them deliberately to spite your team (Yuumi/Enchanters in the Jungle, for example) - Taking Jungle camps in the Jungle during early game by following the Jungler around - Conversely, a Jungler staying on a lane and taking all of the farm so that the XP is split and the gold lost, thus putting your laner(s) at a disadvantage - Giving your enemies info that they wouldn't already have (like saying your team is doing Baron, who's there, when there is 0 vision and everyone's alive so they have no true clue what's going on) - Egregious kill-stealing on your ADC as a Support (accidents happen, but if it's intentional, constant and you're not Pyke, there'll come a point where it's griefing. No, one or even two kills taken is not griefing.) - Splitpushing to the detriment of your team (i.e. you're not a Toplaner or Jungler designed to do it and you're doing it to blatantly keep teamfights for your team at a disadvantage rather than as a tactic you all agree to) - Running off-meta stuff or trying stuff out for the first time in a Ranked environment where the aim is to play with champions and concepts you are already familiar with. There's lots of ways to grief in any game, and Mobas are no exception. The reason this game is considered so toxic is because Mobas have more ways to grief than most game genres, if not more than any other. Dota, Smite, HotS, Bang Bang and even Pokemon Unite have this problem too, so did Newerth, Paragon and Monday Night Combat. Mobas are inherently toxic by design as there's no way for them not to be and to mix that they attract among the most competitive of gamers, which often comes with hot-headedness and "heat-of-the-moment" reactions. The Moba genre overall really should have a proper, research based behavioural study conducted on it.


Does ffing a game 4-1 fall under this definition? Ffing is literally just intentionally trying to lose/sabotage the game for your teammate. I don’t see how it is much different from any of the more traditional behaviors that people associate with griefing/trolling. If the argument is that ffing happens when the chances of winning a game are almost impossible, like less than a 5% chance of winning, well the problem is that players are not very good at evaluating the game state, so there ends up being a significant amount of games that aren’t impossible to win but are ffed anyways.


I wouldn't necessarily call that griefing, the FF culture in general is something that would need further discussion even separate from the griefing argument. Forfeiting in any game is controversial, but none more so than League. I've seen opinions as wide as being stricter than Dota (zero chance for FF and if you leave even after somebody else has AFK'd you also get punished, unlike Dota where if there is an AFK after a certain timeframe you can leave with zero punishment), and ones as lax as 3 man votes should go through even in Ranked, or FFs should be available from moment 1. It's a contentious point, and while I don't consider a 4-1 vote griefing, or even a 3-2, unless people do that solely to stop an individual/a duo from winning by doing it right before your team destroys the Nexus, everybody from the first to the last will have a different view on that.


being detrimental to teammates on purpose but sometimes people take the "griefing" word to certain levels like for example you're trying to get Level 2 spike with your support, but your support decided to leash instead of heading to lane immediately. most streamers would say "ahh, but this Thresh griefed the lane a bit" or something like that, even though said Thresh didn't mean it


What my last shaco jg named "Feindster" said in champ select: "I'm gonna leave half way through the game. Enjoy the loss. This is one of my alts just lost on my main." And we won anyway, lol. Everyone had him muted and reported I hope


Anything someone doesn't like is griefing. That's at least the way it's used in common parlance.


People will use it to just say you didn’t play perfectly as this point really.


Here’s a fun one. My mid laner wasn’t having fun while everyone else was doing great. So he claimed we were griefing by not surrendering with him.


Another box to click when reporting, make sure you click all the boxes to have the best chance of ruining someone's acc


basically being on the enemy team instead of yours


Usually people mean “not doing what i want” or “not playing perfectly”


Just happened today : ADC starts fight/got jumped, me as a jungler engaging to have a 2v2, then ADC leaves the fight immediately and I’m dying to them.


Griefing is an art that takes many forms.


Running it down. Inting. "Pulling a Hylisang." Etc...


Intentionally cause grief, usually by directly interfering, like stealing cs and xp in laning phase


I mean, I don't think Riot cares about griefing reports


Imagine eating your low health adc as Tahm Kench and spitting him right onto a coming Jinx rocket or pretending to block a Caitlyn ult ok on a dying teammate and then flashing at the very last second so it hits him anyway or hooking the full hp fed Irelia into your squishy team. That's griefing.


but most of report feedback i received is toxicity , please punish harder feeder player


to try to lose


Using Trundle E on your teammates Vel'Koz ult lmao


Intentionally refusing to play with the team. Unsportsmanlike conduct, comments, and gameplay. Feeding. AFK.


Intentionally making mistakes or causing harm to teammates by certain troll actions. I consider it the highest level of trolling.


Griefing used to mean that you intentionally troll/ruin the game for your teammates. Nowadays it means that you played badly. (at least that's how people use it) You had a bad game? You are a griefer.


Intentionally attempting to make your team lose. Jump into tower without doing anything and letting the enemy kill you for example. Do differentiate griefing from just playing badly though


Causing other people misery for your own enjoyment


Doing anything according to the modern community Doing anything is also inting and trolling


Sabotage your team, taking camps when you are not a jgler, deliberately leaving a tower undefended or not participating in team fights, etc, iirc it's an old ass term coming from Minecraft, if not MC players adopted it from some another community


Doing your best to lose the game


Ruining the chances of winning I guess? You can honestly use it for anything, when something goes wrong.


Basically trying to sabotage your teammates to make them lose. Stealing CS, throwing teamfights on purpose, etc etc.


Your gameplay


Today I went 10/0 on xerath and my ADC was overfed aswell. We lost because our toplaner got made for no reason and stop playing his lane, came mid and bot effectively losing us the game. This is griefing


Saying hi in champ select apparently


Griefing is defined as: anything your teammates do but nothing you do.


In reality, it’s stuff like fucking with your team to ruin their game. Stuff like taking jungle camps while your jungler is right there. Or roaming to another lane just to take their farm and leave. Or pinging for a gank and then going b right when they initiate it. Some tilted people will say most anything is griefing. Just like having a bad game is inting to some.


Purposely assisting enemy team whilst sabotaging your ally team in a match. That's griefing. Some examples that each lane is common in doing: - Top laner rage splitting after blaming or flaming their teammates for a bad early game. Never recalling or using teleport exclusively to go back to the sidelane until the game is over. - Jungle purposely forgoing every objective and farming jungle camps until the match is over. That includes not hitting an enemy tower. - Mid laner following the jungler and purposely stealing camps from them to put them further behind. - ADC going afk but using summoner spells offcooldown repeatedly whilst flaming. Some walk around in jungle and type the location of their allies in all chat. - Supports roaming as soon as they or their ADC die once. Never returning bot lane and being incredibly behind in levels. Holding their key abilities until allies are dead and then wasting them to put it on cool down. E.g. Soraka ulting a few seconds after their teammates died or not using W in team fights despite being able to.


Writing "ez" or "x9 xyz" after a game is griefing


Lol no


https://support-leagueoflegends.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/201752884-Player-Reporting-Guide-and-FAQ But maybe reading can help


Then you have no idea about report system, sorry


But dont worry, you are part of the main player base that doesnt know this. Just makes me even more happy when the report feedback drops


LEAGUE OF LEGENDS CODE OF CONDUCT [https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/event/league-of-legends-code-of-conduct/](https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/event/league-of-legends-code-of-conduct/)


according to streamers though, it's anytime you make a bad play or stand in the wrong spot.


1st timing a champ in ranked. get that ass banned


When my team refuses to give up out of spite of my or their poor performance. Just move onto the next one.


Report does nothing, the only thing that can get a player punish is if they themselves type anything that is punishable base on riot Automatic system that is trash Riot do not punish inters, trolls, griefer, anything you can name.


Laners taking JG C's before 20 min for one


Since I’m not seeing many examples in the replies, I’d say it’s the difference between saying something like “this game is terrible, we are going to lose. We should just forfeit now.” And saying something like “Goddamn it (jungle), why are you such a shit player? **** (ADC) could you pull your head out of (supports) **** for 5 seconds and actually secure a MF’ing kill?!?”


Yeah the first is griefing, attempting to cause a loss to your team. The second isn't, that's just flaming.


Disagree, but your opinion is valid.


Anything that means preventing your team from winning. Like sabotage and the likes. Some examples would be: Typing in all chat if your team is doing baron. Annivia walling your team in base to stop them from going out. Feeding intentionally in all lanes. Stealing jungle camps. All of those puts your team not only 1 man behind but also negatively contributes to your team.


Griefing is trolling people. Harassing someone for a bad play, stealing jg camps (or cs if you’re the support), etc. It’s a bit different from verbal abuse (self-evident) I assume and negative attitude. You can have a negative attitude by being overly pessimistic and refusing to fight as a team, but that wouldn’t be the same as griefing. More examples: Eating your adc as Tahm support and walking him under enemy tower or spitting him on fountain. Bard ulting your team’s tower during an enemy tower dive because you don’t like your teammate. IMHO banning the champ someone hovered, though I’m not sure that’s reportable. KSing - especially flashing to KS. Intention is important there - if someone is ignited or has Brand passive on them or something and you’re not sure they’re going to die so you flash kill them, that’s securing a kill not griefing… even though it may have also been a KS. (As a Brand main it’s frustrating, but for the first 20 minutes no one but your adc honestly knows your damage).


Example: You die twice in lane pre 10 and your team starts flaming you, being toxic, threatening to report you for feeding etc. So you start tilting and decide to flame back and you run it down mid. Thats an example of everyone griefing. Very common! League community sucks


A lot of commenters have given a direct answer to your question but I want to also point out that a lot of these words have a two different meanings in league. While the actual definition of griefing is when someone intentionally tries to make your game worse, I think for instance if a player intentionally steals a monster from a jungle camp from the jungler could count as griefing. But its not a bannable form of griefing. But if you follow the jungler around the whole game and try to fuck up all their camps, that's bannable griefing. Like stealing a single chocolate bar from a store probably wont get you banned or arrested but shoveling a whole aisle into your bag definitely will have some consequences. I hear that a lot of players get legitimately griefed in league, but I don't see it much - I don't really play much ranked. So actually the more common definition I see of griefing is when someone has a bad game, a toxic player will say that they're griefing and running it down. A lot of these terms that I see used to describe someone intentionally ruining a match are more often levied against players who just have had a bad game.


it means creating unncessary griefing reddit posts, which might or might not be under close inspection to be a penalty.


anybody who plays Yummi


Following your jungler around the jungle. Standing around in someone’s lane for whatever reason Playing yuumi Those are three examples.