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Skarner, K'Sante, Dr. Mundo


I think I may have played K’sante. Try those.


Hecarim for big centaur runs fast.


He wants to play top not jungle lol. Some junglers are horrible in lanes due to mana


Hecarim's Q is also hard nerfed against minions, making him literally unplayable outside of jungle.


I actually didn’t know that lol I just knew he’d be OOM in no time spamming Q like jg hec


That too, I tried hecarim top once and it was the most miserable experience imaginable, you just can't start tear in top :/


It used to be meta in like season 5 or so, but got nerfed out of existence due to being really uninteractive (Q spam without nerfs let him waveclear fast, W heals sustained all lane).


OOM is not really the problem, you can start Doran's ring after all. Q is mostly for trading early, not for waveclear.


OOM is a massive issue on hecarim in lane, you run out of mana after 1 wave no matter what item you start.


Gameplay wise not even close though.


K’sante is a good pick. He’s one of those, always in the pro meta, champs


I haven't played DotA in years, but those used to be the tanky iniciator kind of champions, that go for dagger, get tanky with auras n stuff. So to my mind come Malphite, Ornn, Ksante, Skarner. In LoL top is a 1v1 lane and it is really counterpick heavy and can be frustrating or unfun when playing tanks, because tanks play to be even in lane and win teamfights later.


Yeah. I mean the role has been pretty flexible over the years. You don’t necessarily go tanky, you mix it up depending on the draft or the way the game pans out. From the league streams I’ve watched, i’ve noticed there’s a lot of variation within the roles.


Yep and some champions can be played at multiple roles. In pro play these are called flex picks because they can be played in different positions, changing the lane dynamics and potential counterpicks.


Yeah. Lane swapping is common. It’s nice to see the general “rules” or macro of Dota and League are fairly the same.


https://www.championsimilar.net/similar-to-garen#dota2 use this website it's helpful




no # Kumbhakarna For gragas it's a steal.




Did you even look up the champs it recommended??? That's just what it says, I looked it up for Katarina and kassiadan and it was the closest that I could get the champs they recommended. Garen and juggernaut are similar as well, of course it won't be the exact same but it's close.


> Beastmaster : Basically has summon units you can control, throws axes and his lvl 6 is a stun. Doesn't exist > Tidehunter : Basically a big fish that is tanky as shit, has armor reduction and a massive AO stun. Ornn. Big stun ult. Cho'gath and Malphite also have aoe stuns and are tanks, but they're way smaller. > Centaur Warrunner: Big tanky horse that returns damage passively if someone attacks. Has a reliable stun and burst damage ability and his 6 is a global escape which amplifies everyone's movement etc There's no top lane equivalent I think. Hecarim and Rammus in jungle are a bit closer. > Elder Titan: Has an ability that sleeps enemies in a micro ao, a passive that removes all magic and armour, a spirit that you can run over creeps, heroes on return and then gives you insane right click physical damage and an ultimate that splits the earth and does 50% of your enemies max hp. Definitely doesn't exist :D It's pretty hard to find equivalents because it's such a different game. Might just be easier to try something new. Like e.g. Camille doesn't really have a Dota equivalent at all.


I’ve been playing some ARAM just to get the feel of champions and it’s been pretty fun.


One thing you probably will have to get used to is that there's some more mechanical outplay in League due to no turn rate of champs., so dodging skillshots is a much bigger part of the game than it is in Dota. Also stuns especially are noticeably shorter. Usually around the 0.25s to 1.5s range. League has a bunch of CC, but usually not nearly as much and as heavy of insane CC as Dota has. In general, most of Dota's hero abilities and items are considered stupidly overpowered by League standards. Also, if I recall this correctly, you can buy many small items in Dota if you are behind to get back into the game. In league, really only the BIG components and completed items really give you an edge.


Yeah you'd usually build smaller items and later on transition into bigger items. I've also noticed there aren't many items that have active abilities. (from the recommended builds I've had so far) Only thing I've noticed is there's an active on a an item that basically makes you immortal for a few seconds and then it's done. So yeah, two wildly different games but with the same moba style game play.


Riot recently has pruned a bunch of actives on items to simplify that aspect of the game. You usually only have 1 item with an active on your build. Zhonya's Hourglass is still insanely powerful by League standards. Others are "1 burst of AoE damage". Items like BKB would probably break the game as some champs turn into such hyper carries that this would just turn them into the ultimate team killer with no counter play. Same goes for items like Silver Edge. A 17s invis with 25% increased movespeed would be terrifying on many champions in league. Also Blink Dagger. Flash has a 300s CD in league... I can't even imagine the amounts of insane engages I could pull off with a 15s flash CD.


Yeah the examples you just mentioned would definitely make League busted. I take it you're also not limited on what items you can build on specific champions, cause I remember playing a champion that had a guide that said just build shit loads of armour but a guy I was playing with told me to build AP items on it and basically I just ended up running in and one shotting certain champs. If that's the case, I think that's also pretty cool cause you can find variations between builds if they're nerfing and buffing certain items.


The limiting factor really is if you champ either scales with AD (attack damage) or AP (Ability Power). Many champs that are not pure mages have dual scaling on some abilities (i think you can enable advanced tooltips to show you the % scaling) but they are pretty much always niche. There's only very few champs that do somewhat equally with either AD or AP. So an AD carry like Kai'Sa actually has dual scaling and her builds and playstyle are very different depending on if you go AP or AD but usually there's only one real build path when it comes to AD and AP. Besides that, many tank champions also scale with max/bonus health and armor/magic resist. The champ you are referring to sounds like Malphite (big rock guy with an AoE dash/knockup as ultimate). AP Malph can just click delete champs with his ult if he goes full AP, but is also squishy AF of course :P


That name rings a bell haha but yeah, I get those concepts. I think that may be something Dota implemented with what they call Universal heroes where you can build pretty much anything and the hero scales, so it’s not limited to say full magic or full physical builds. I guess I’m just gonna have to play a load of different games and roles to find something to gel with.


The thing I like about League is that it is a bit more forgiving in some aspects. Mana costs for example. You get to use your abilities more often. You don't lose gold on death, the CC is not AS insane as in Dota. Still you can express your skill in a lot of ways. Both games are great, but I feel like when I log onto Dota, everything in that game just hates me :P


Haha I think that's just the part of MOBA's in general. You don't know if it's gonna be day of good games or bad games.


That has been an intentional design choice in LoL. There's even fewer actives than there used to be. The idea is that they want you are playing a champ with items, not a chassis for the items. (Obviously a bit of hyperbole.) Neither design path is WRONG - just different. It does allow you to have a better idea of what opposing champs can do since their active items don't overshadow the champ.


I think the main reason Riot stated was that 99% of people outside of the higher ranks never used actives. People would buy items like BotRK and then never use it because they're too focused on using their own abilities they've used the entire game to remember the new active they bought.


That's true with the occasional active since people forget about them. If a high % of items had actives (like DOTA) then fewer people would likely totally forget about them.


Some beastmaster mechanics sound similar to shaco, but I would assume completely different playstyles


Even that's not that similar. Dota has RTS-like unit control, not whatever the League distance limited thing is. Beastmaster's units can be used as wards and for split pushing


So not even like Rexxar in heroes of the storm? Funnily also a beastmaster in origin.


Its because both of them come from Rexxar in Wc3


Yes, that's what I meant.


Actually the closest to elder titan would be trundle -> ultimate that steals mr and ar, q steals ad, hard cc on trundles pillars


You won't find most champs to be similar due to the different balance between games. The effects of most champs in Dota would be ridiculously op here in league. Suggert just trying some new stuff to see what u like or not.


Fair assessment. Thanks :-)


Go rammus top


Will check it out.


Dont, not beginner friendly. You have to proxy to pull it off. (Killing the minions behind turrets)


Sounds like typical Axe gameplay cutting waves from behind towers and all that fun stuff.


Pretty much, but there are better champs to do that with. Same as in any dota game, if you can cut the lane and get away with it the lane is basically won. Theres not a complete axe passive equivalent tho.


i would recommend watching bausffs rammus


Ahh I watched his video where he was rocking that int sion haha, he's a pretty chill dude


As a dota and league player. If he hits high mmr in Dota there's nothing on league that will make him feel frustrated enough. OP, you dota playstyle tells me you're going to like hecarim jungle and ksant


I play both games interchangeably but the really fun thing about league is playing girls champs with over the top pink skins. If it’s cute I want it 😮‍💨 I usually play dark willow in dota. I suggest you take in some of the razzle dazzle of the pink skins and girl champs in league it is addicting to kill a really big manly champ and just emote on their corpse. Just a girlie being a girlie.


bro is deep in the Gwen sickness


\*Googles Gwen\* Oh shit, chick with a large pair of scissors. Kinda reminds me of my ex.


merciful hunt forgetful impolite office north command light deserve flag


Pretty much. Also took the dog. 😭


liquid command sand lip hospital live shrill silky frighten exultant


Don't google briar feet


Of course I’m going to google that now.


Why does it show up as a recent search 🧐


To be fair, Gwen is worth trying as a toplaner player, don't let her scissors deceive you


Don't googe futa gwen


Does he know gwens secret ?


I think you’ve just sold that concept to me.


Riot is never beating the "weebified dota" allegations




What the fuck are you okay?


I don't think any of us are truly okay. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Try: Ornn, Mordekaiser


Yorick is a decent replacement to BM. Both are lane bullies that can take over the lane, pushing it until the throne with lots of minions. Malphite is like tidehunter, tanky, annoying, big teamfight ult. Centaur has no real counterpart in top. Hecarim and Rammus are his gameplay similars, but are played jungle. You could maybe play Orhn, which is similarly themed, his ult is very poweful in a teamfight, good cc too. Elder titan is very unique, but if you want a strong anti armor champion, with teamfight setup, you probably want Camille. Alternatively, titans powerful ult has no real equivalent, but if one is to come close to the concept of getting multiple people dragged, its Skarner.


Thank you sir.


played both and my personal recommendation? dont get constrained by only playing specific champions that are similar to Dota 2 heroes my most played hero in Dota 2 is Marci and Muerta but in league, I found myself enjoying champions like Azir who plays nothing like Dota 2 heroes so just try em all bro, try all the 167 champs until something clicks


thanks homie.


Yorick would be the closest to a summoner you describe, but still not really.


Man you really sent me back. Bring back institute of war and summoners lore rito


I still remember Jax story and why he fights with a lamp post. That was definitely a nice story.


I’m still not sure why sona speaks in the current lore lol


There's no one super similar to those heroes, kled ult is sort of like centaur, try tanks.


Thank you.


Dota's characters are so overtuned (not a bad thing) you'll probably be disapointed by the average power of the league champion. Also Mordekaiser is very easy to play and as soon as you get the edge its joever for the enemy


So far from this post I've got loads of champ recommendations, so I'm just gonna go play through 'em all and see what's up.






As a league player who started dota , i can honestly say that it wasn't worth for me trying heroes simillar to the champs i play in League. In League i also play Top(offrole) but mostly champions that are ranged or are a bit "off" meta for the lane(Basically most champions streamer Drututt plays). In dota i found out that tanks are much more enjoyable to play , for example i love spirit breaker, abaddon, earthsaker and similalr heroes. What im trying to get at, is that you should just try out random stuff and see how you like it , League is a different game with different playstyles and therefore you might enjoy different styles of Heroes, have fun!


Yeah, I'm gathering it's just a case of jamming the game and seeing what works and is more enjoyable. At least from all the suggestions in here I've got a few champs unlocked now that I can mess with.


As a person that plays both games....from the picks from dota you gave i presume you like tanky position heavy bruiser/tanks that can both be fightturners with controll and tankyness....i would reccomend ornn and ksante as said before, i would also add renekton as amth with more early power (you basicly go in and full send it with healing and aoe dmg/controll) and, even if its offmeta...give j4 toplane a try....i think you would like his controll and playstyle


Sounds like my kind of style. Cheers.


I've played both and play bruisers/tanks in both, on the tank side Id recommend Ornn and Ksante (Makro has an Ornn matchup spreadsheet and Aatreus has a few good vids on Ksante to learn from). For more bruiserish I'd recommend Darius and Mordekaiser as both are pretty simple to pick up and deal good damage while being reasonably tanky.


Ahh yeah I played Mordekaiser and was fun as hell.


Good to hear, I'd also recommend Malphite for a more brain dead but useful experience. I've done the opposite (transitioned from LoL to Dota), hope you enjoy your experience <3


Thanks dude. Appreciate it :-) I'll still play Dota, just it's nice to play something different haha.


Tidehunter = amumu Centaur = none, probably mundo skarner as the closest, with damage scaling with HP Elder titan = ornn Not a 1-1 replica, but they work really similar


Well, i think top lane is the role that you would like the most. I recomend trying allot of diffrent champs until you find out what champs click for you, use sites like u.gg to check who is meta aswell. Good luck bro


Appreciate it. :-)


Yorick, he is a necromancer that relies 70% on minion damage. He has 2 kinds of minions, small zombies and one big mist maiden (like The reaper)


There was one I played against that summoned spiders or whatever it was. That, or I was on drugs.


Arh, that was Elise, she is jungle. Her spiders are not permanent, unlike Yoricks zombies.


Cheers dude!


My pleasure


YORICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also maybe olaf for axe throwing, rammus returns damage but is more of anjungler. And tahm kench is defo the big tanky fish with aoe stun


Loads of recs to try Yorick here, so just gonna look up a few vids on youtube. Cheers!


Here player coming who played league and now also plays DotA. Was GM in league and DotA I am already above 5k. You will not find anything similar to beast master. I would also not try to copy DotA champs to much and just test out what you like and play that. League is a different game and champs works difference than DotA. But If you want something similar to tide hunter, then tanky toplanners would be similar. Orn, sion maokai, malphite. In general bruiser are more common and meta in top though but you can always play tanks of course. Or tell me what you enjoyed about off lane. Maybe I can find similarities in some roles cause for example off lane in DotA is a lot about stomping lane and then being active in the map(atleast what dota palyer exspect, i play it personally different) while league toplane js very isolated. If you wanna be more active and have tank or at least not squishy champs jungle or support might be good for you. If you just wanna be active Midland could be great. If you enjoy laning and outlaning other by winning 1v1 toplane is great. It really is different so knowing what you enjoyed about off lane might help or just test out stuff.


I mean I used to spam meepo/tinker/arc/storm mid and just crush games that way, so transitioned to offlane purely because a lot of the games I played were lost cause our offlaner couldn't bully the carry. Obviously I know that isn't the same in league, cause the lanes are mirrored essentially. So basically anything that just has potential to take over a game if you have a good lane phase etc.


I think toplane is your role, then but i would rather go for bruisers than character similar to tidheunter. toplane is all about winning your lane and then trasitioning your lead into the game by splitpushing, or being a fed bruiser. adc is probably not for you, cause lane can depend a bit on support and adc is really bit yikes if your team is behind, atleast in teh current meta. Midlane is also a good possibillty, midlane can play for lane stomps, but it is alot about simply pushing in the lane and being present ont he map and good scalling characters. so tldr, it hink top or mid is your thing. Top is harder the lanning phase, but you can really hard diff opponents with no counterplay if you are better, while mid has bit more map impact and play alot together with the jungler. But it hink you should just try different characters. and see what you like or what fits you. If you goal is to reach high rank you gotta simply find out what you excell at, all lanes can get you high elo.


Thanks for the wisdom :-) Yeah. I figured it's just gonna be a play and find out scenario


Hmm, if you wanna play League and are looking for similar champs try: Beastmaster - Yorick (Toplane) Tidehunter - Malphite (Toplane or Midlande) Centaur Warrunner - Hecarim (Jgl or Cheese Pick top, although not really good [anymore]) Elder Titan - Maybe Maokai or Mordekaiser (Toplane) Although, if you want to learn league, since it is still a very complex game and very different from Dota; and you wanna play Toplane i would recommend Garen, Mundo, Nasus. All of them are mechanically easy, but require the most important skill for a Toplaner: Wavecontrol. Also, if you wanna try Champs there is a practise tool and you can refund up until 3 purchases per Acc, even Blue Essence buys. But maybe keep them for RP buys


thanks for the tips man :-)


If you are from EU and you actually wanna go for a high rank fast I can help you out with learning the basics. As for champions I suggest picking easy mechanically champions so you can focus on learning the game ASAP.


Appreciate that man, yeah I don't think the mechanics of the champs are going to be difficult to learn, it's more so the macro of the game. Laning phase feels a bit weird in comparison to dota. The fact that you've got an active jungler who often ganks in between jungle camp respawn and the warding/support stuff is little strange too.


If you swap often champions you'll end up in a situation where you don't know how hard to commit to fights. Having lane pressure is very important especially the higher elo you go, and you can't have lane pressure unless you know where your power level is. That's why I say stick to a few champs you enjoy and focus on learning the macro. You'd be surprised how easy it is to track the enemy jungler/support if you pay some attention to them. Obviously in the beginning you have to adjust to a new enviroment so your mental capacity will be overloaded with new info and changing variables, so try to minimize those.


Why are you making the switch?


When you're hovering around 10k mmr the immortal draft phase is the most obnoxious and throw-y bullshit ever since Valve allow party queue. So if say 2 people are playing together and yet the drafter separates them in the game. Then generally they just feed non stop and it's basically like playing 4v4 except the stronger team is going to win. It's just unbearable at the moment and the meta is fairly stale. Nothing major has changed in over a year. So I just need to learn something new to keep my brain occupied haha.


I have over 20k hours in league, so i support your decision 100%. I just always thought Dota players had a negative opinion of league. I always thought league was more fun to pick up and play and felt snappier in the combat. Enjoy the change in pace, i think you will really enjoy it.


From what I know it's only the low-skilled Dota players who have negative opinions about the game. They both have a place in the same genre, it depends on the pace you enjoy. So I might just set a few small goals for LoL and see what happens. :-)


I play both dota and league alternately whenever I feel like it. But atm I feel like Dota is not in a good place. Both pub and tournament games are plagued with one-sided games that just wont end due to high ground mechanics. The game is won after 15-20 minutes but just keep going on for another 20 minutes wasting everyone's time.


And the glyph mechanics is just pure aids


I was a Dota player myself, and looking at the heroes you played I'd say you might enjoy Ornn ,Sion or Udyr. Also maybe the new Skarner. Edit : Tho I must say that LoL is way more fast paced that Dota 2, and relies a lot less on utility (There is only one supportcompared to having a hard and soft support), and something I loved about League is that champions give you so much more skill expression compared to Dota. So my advice is to watch some gameplay or play some normal games to see what champs seem fun to play. I was an Offlane Pudge/Kunkka main and became a Midlane Zed/Yasuo main, so you could always switch roles since the game is very different.


Appreciate the advice. Yeah, I've been watching doublelift and it's wild how the support in his lane often transitions and opens up the map for some crazy plays/pushes. Definitely a lot more expression in regards to champions and all that fun stuff.


Beastmaster: Gnar. Throw shit and stun the whole team on ult. Tide Hunter: Hecarim built drain tank or Galio for a more consistent aoe cc Centaur: Also Hecarim Elder Titan: not as direct correlation but Lillia, fast as hell. Percent max health. Stacking move speed. Team wide sleep.




Also used to be ranked quite high in this game but now just play for fun, mostly arams with a few other high elo Aramers. Happy to play some games with you.


Appreciate that man, it's funny how everyone says league players are so toxic haha, the people on this thread have been pretty chill.


They will be haha, my friend group are long time players who are good but not ragers. But you will find people who make it their personality to rage you for their mistakes. Best thing about this game is only positivity in the chat, don’t give them a reason to blame you.


Ahh yeah. Those types of players. Good times. They are plentiful. Like when your whole team decide it’s a good time to dive tier 3 towers, they all die while you told them 10 seconds before to get back. Obviously it’s your fault they all died.


Beast master: Olaf. Tidehunter: Maybe ornn? Tide kit it's non existent in league. Amumu has some DR but Ornn has that big ult AOE. Also Malphite offers CC and ULT AOE. Centaur: litterally hecarim, but there's no one similar to centaur in league. "Passively returns damage" either Rammus, with w which is the Centaur passive scaling w armor, OR singed dealing Q "passive" damage. (Stretched for singed) Elder titan: Nothing in the game like that. Multiple units as Meepo are not present in the game, imagine multiple casting unit. You can sleep with Lillia ult and Zoe E.


Thanks man. Yeah. I’ve already got a pretty sweet list of champs to focus on.


From tanks: Ornn,Sion and K'sante. Juggernauts: Yorick(scary man with army of ghouls and ghost wife) and Olaf(beast master... But without beasts)


long time dota and league player here I'd say you should just try the typical "bruiser/tank" toplaners since a lot(if not most) of them do have similar feel to the usual offlaners. Try stuff like ornn, malphite, darius, ksante, olaf Other than that As for playing league itself, I just want to give you a heads up to know and get used to the fact that some games will be ENTIRELY out of your control. Dota is way more flexible in that regard since no matter how bad it goes you always feel like there is something you personally can do about it, but not in league. You will get a bad toplane matchup, your jungler won't help, and thats that, absolutely nothing you can do other than try to just lose the lane gracefully. You can't just TP scroll somewhere else or take some camps or try to group early for something. Or if your botlane is losing then thats that, there is nothing you personally can do


I'm surprised not many people seem to have said Amumu as a Tidehunter analogue. He's more or less what you want there, with built-in Blink Dagger.


Ahh. I managed to play him last night. Little bandaged mummy dude. He was tanky as hell.


Just relish the fact that your character doesn’t have to turn around


You mean there’s no turn rate or the fact that people just full send in most cases? :D


No turn rate, so range carries (adc) can kite you a lot easier.


Ahh that's pretty wild. Definitely abuseable.


Yes and no. The game is designed with it in mind, so it's a feature, not a bug. If you were to port it into DOTA it'd be abusable because the game was balanced around it. In League all ADCs would be terrible if it was implemented. They're only viable due to kiting.


Eeh kinda, but you can't but deadalus and other stuff aren't as effective and a tank can one shot you here anyway


Yeah that's why movement speed is a really OP stat in league. Tanks and tankier bruisers don't have much reliable CC so the only way to not get kited by carries is to run at them fast enough. This fact is made even worse by the fact that carries have more access to movespeed items. So unless you play something like K'sante or Mundo you will find it hard to be impactful in the late game.


Thanks for the heads up! :-)


Try out Ornn, is big tank with a bunch of shit in his kit including giant teamfight ult, unstoppable, mobility, damage...  Tahm kench is also big tank but a bit more single target, again has initiation, disable, super durable, saves and can diff the enemy.  Theres no good summon character in this game, even though controlling multiple units was solved in warcraft, we dont have that yet they think league players are too brain dead for that. Try out Yorick as a summoner, he can summon a bunch of shit and can splitpush which you should be familiar with. He is more of a bruiser/fighter.  You may like Malphite as well, very simple hero but is super tanky with another big AoE teamfight ult 


There was this one dude I played and his Q looked like a wheel of cheese, W gave some mad resistance and his R basically got him to charge into the centre of the fight and just did so much damage. If only I could remember his name haha


Galio or Warwick.


I'll just add them to my list.


is he the wheel of cheese? It's Rammus does he throw a wheel of cheese and is he a rock? It's Malphite does he throw 2 stuffs that become a wheel of cheese and is he a rock with wings? It's Galio


Just gonna do the sane thing and add it to the list






You're going to find that a lot of normal abilites from dota will at the power level of long cd ults in league.


I'm surprised no one spoke about tahm kench for the big tanky fish, his w is an aoe stun Also why did you move from dota to lol ?


Just a bit of change of game and learning something new is always fun. The current state of Dota is just meh with nothing being changed in over a year, so you're seeing the same stupid heroes, builds and passive gameplay if people aren't getting the heroes they want.


No items allow you to directly mitigate some effects, no character can control unit, I prefer DotA as well, but yeah you seem to like tanky but you will not have "offlane" experience as there is no softsupport here ,nor the abilities you are looking for honestly, just go something tanky and hope? Malphite maybe? Amumu jungle maybeee for tidehunter like damage reduction aoe stun ult


I'm not looking for anything specifically tanky cause I can see that top and mid are the 1v1 lanes essentially where the jungler may often come and distrupt top. I was just looking for something similar-ish. I guess I just need to put in the games and see what champions fit the style I want to play.


Yorick is really good for 1v1 split pushing and summoning idk why no one mentioned (BM), ornn for general tankiness and similar to tide, heca for centuar, olaf that is similar to troll warlord and throwing axe is also gr8 If other rolls like support you got braum and nami and for bot ADC(hard carry from wish) draven These are the ones I can think of from my mind but if I open my pc I could get more recommendation.


Try Skarner. He is very similar to PB. Throwing rock, charge, stample and immobilized opps.


You might wanna consider turning off your ingame chat for good


Yeah, I don't have it enabled in Dota either. Just don't see the point tbh.


As a league player that has been dipping my toes in league I call tidehunter “Fizz on Crack” os Fizz would be pretty interesting for you. Center warrior is easily Hecarim is another guy on a horse with good escape is R is like a dash/charge with this horse and his W heals and is fairly tanky if played correctly. Lastly I would say Zoe she had an E that makes champs fall asleep and when they are asleep they take extra magic damage and your passive is a boosted right click when you use spells and summoners.


I have a lot of hours in both games, I think Udyr should have a similar playstyle to Centaur, but the problem is that the games are fundamentally different so even if you main offlane any pos,that doesn’t mean you have to be a toplaner.


Tahm kench, yorick, volibear


Dota is so complicated. It's intimidating


Rammus returns damage when you attack and has melee-range point and click CC


Beastmaster -> yorick Tidehunter/centaur -> malphite (or ornn but ornn is not easy) Elder titan -> lillia


Tryndamere’s ulti is pretty much like Abbadon’s, minus the heal. Other than that, you won’t find many similarities between the heroes of the 2 games.


Dota is a significantly better game than League. I would recommend not playing League.


Tahm kench also a big fish




Cho’gath is the answer


try tahm kench i think he suits you well


Kled has similar r to centaur


Yorick. Feels similar to bm in a way


I think you should play Mordekaiser.


Not really on the subject as those heroes definitely don't exist. You can't find even close to 1:1 comparisons but wanted to comment on your "AO". You've played dota for years... It's AoE - area of effect. Yorick is a split pushing units champ but you don't really control them and he doesn't have an initiating. Skarner and ksante are CC bulky fighters.


Yorick seems like your description of beast master.


Beast master ref maybe Olaf throws axes until 6 his ult makes him unstoppable unstoppable.. mechanically probably closest to huskar Tide equivilant maybe Malphite pretty tanks by design specifically against physical dmg, reduces attack speed, which is again specifically good against physical DMG and his ult is an aoe knockup Nautilus throws an anchor around, tanky, lots of cc Centaur maybe rammus, one stance makes him tanky as hell and deal DMG according to his armor when he is attacked by auto attacks also does DMG according to his armor on his own attacks, has point and click CC, his ult flings him across a bigger distance For the elder titan I have no fucking idea... Moving through creeps is almost exclusive to 1 champion, removing resistances might be trundle like, he chomps the enemy transfering AD from the enemy to himself his ult as said drains resistances and health


tide hunter is basically nautilus but the tidehunter ult would be single target and going in a line not a huge aoe


Turn back


Are you the real chilongqua? If you are, you’ll fit right in with the community


Yes Sir, however I'm not about dumpstering the shitstains anymore. Prefer more chill games.


I miss the dota psychology series


If I get in to LoL like I did with Dota. I might revive the CLQ persona. The downside is that there’s no in game voice chat. So I guess I can just commentate on the game as I play or off of replays. New player to Challenger would be hilarious.


Dr Mundo


Stay on Dota mate it's the better game by a mile. If I hadn't chosen LoL first then I would play so much more DOTA.


I've had a few people say don't play LoL cause it's going to consume your life.


Ornn, K'sante, Skarner, Mundo, Cho'gath, and maybe Hecarim (Jungler, can be played Top though but is on the weaker side) seem to be the champions you're looking for.


Few people have mentioned Ornn and K’sante so I’ll unlock those two and give them a go.


I would't recommend playing Hecarim top at the moment. His mana problems are severe even with corrupting pot start. His lane is already weak already, there's no chance you get away with building tear. I tried making it work, not saying it's impossible to climb with or anything but a really miserable experience overall, especially for a new player I would imagine.


You have to understand that abilities are critically different in league than in dota. I think (not sure) that most of the abilites are way more simpler and straight forward. It is really hard to compare borh games when it comes to gameplay but people gave some insights that might help you out. Im convinced that you will find what you’re looking for by trying out champions. Also, I’ve tried dota and the synergy in one’s spell kit never struck me. I wish you luck


I’ve notice a lot of the skills are vector based and you can get punished if you don’t land them correctly or you can put yourself wildly out of position. I think the general mechanics of how to play will transfer easily. Push lanes, gank, make sure you’ve got good vision etc. I’ve seen there are also a of people who main a specific champion or two, so is there not so much hard counters in League or am I mistaking?


People tend to play the same champion because abilities are simpler but can be used in various ways. You discover a lot of « hidden » mechanics and learn the matchups better. There are some champs that hard counter you but u can adapt most of the time


Malphite is an old league champ when designs were more similar. Point click R fast charge with aoe knockup. Sort of similar to blink stun,like centaur or slardar. Garen is fun fighter with jagger q and necrophos r. Mordekaiser mage tank with ult close to mars. Edit: Overall, there is lot less point click stuff in lol, as well as basically no fun active items with high skill expression, like manta or lotus orb.


Fair! thanks :-)


malph R is no point and click ability like jarvan/vi R for example. you can dash out of the hitbox and he is not targeting a champion like jarvan or vi


There's a website for this! https://www.championsimilar.net/


Go and play azir roplane


U ever consider just playing the game and figuring it out


Thank you captain obvious. I am playing but I can't go through 160+ champs, so asking seems to make a lot more sense.


Teemo. The only champion you need right now.