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Let's say there are four members of the enemy team pushing mid and Illaoi/Yorick in the side lane. As a mid laner with tp and good wave clear, you should leave mid and get to the tower being pushed in the side line right as the wave is getting there. Instantly clear the wave and look at your minions to determine when the next one is crashing. Hover a little behind the tower until you can clear the wave and now you have 30 seconds. Look to rotate is a fight is imminent in mid or tp if you can't get there in time. By this time either the jungler or support should be headed your way if there's no fight. If you two can burst/kill the pushing laner, do it. If not, push them back and clear 1-2 waves. This buys your team about 2 mins until the scenario will repeat itself. The entire goal is to delay until you and your adc get to late game when the split pusher is a mere distraction rather than a threat. During this time, objectives are essential. Your team will have to posture for a good 4v4 while you prevent side lane towers from falling. Always clear waves at your tower, maintain a safe distance, ward up the bushes where the split pusher can hide. If you see them leaving to join their team, walk forward in lane to clear the next wave if it's close and then tp to your team for the fight. Otherwise, spam ping danger and let the minions/tower hold while you stay safe and join your team. DO NOT push up to clear a wave without knowing where the split pusher is and DO NOT let your team fight 4v5


And then he just ghosts/dashes and runs you over near your own tower


If you get lucky, he might burn both of his summs for your imminent death and then loss


yeah that is what i dont understand. Everytime i read how to deal with splitpushers is always the same thing but on a real game is 1 i go to clear the wave and tryndamere / volibear just ghost ult and kill me on tower unless im ahri with ult so i can dash out 2 my team go to help so is 3 vs 1 and we lose other lanes and if the splitpusher is losing he just get out running lol


The last line gets me. I wish I could not let them but they do. I split while enemy team gathers to get 2nd dragon. 2nd! No big deal. My team is around them I ping 10 times danger no no no. I take two turrets top. But they go in and die in a 4v5 yay!


Yeah I’ve been playing through low elo atm as a returning player and it’s really luck based if your team knows what they should do in this situations. Even if you type it out there are some people who are offended by those messages thinking you want to insult them, and those who don’t care and int anyway Nevertheless playing consistently in this situations is more important than winning that one game


Someone has to stop the split, don't need to kill the split pusher but alleviate the pressure they're putting. Best if your team is making moves elsewhere.


Clear their wave when it gets to your turrets, and only fight them if you have backup. If you both stay top just clearing waves, their team sufffers more without them than yours does without you


The problem is i lose so much tempo its insane, i feel like without me my team is getting 0 objective and cant win any teamfight


You can stop him without needing to kill him. You can either just clear the wave so he can't hit turret. Or you can freeze the wave outside your T2 and force him to over extend.


[This is a game where a challenger played against a fed split pusher](https://youtu.be/NmCAqVYbjt4?si=wK37Z5_VgDEzqV2j) But basically you want to get objectives abusing the fact the split pusher have to split.


Depends on what champ you're playing and what do you provide for your team. You're never contesting an Irelia as Lux even if you're ahead, she just dives you and takes the tier 2. Best you can do is clear the wave with ult from distance and rejoin your team. If you're Ryze or Azir though it's completely different, you can and should contest them and put pressure on sidelanes yourself, but this depends on the map state and your cooldowns. If you don't have TP and there's a baron coming up you shouldn't be bot. If you're not fed enough to be able to contest alone, you should ping someone from your team to shadow you. Sometimes contesting the split pusher is just simply not your job, and if the team doesn't recognize who should be contesting there's not much you can do about it.


For a lot of them, you can't unless you are fed enough to be a threat to them. Thats one of the reasons why I enjoy playing support/utility mid laners (ex. Taliyah or Galio). Even if you are not fed, you have enough in your kit to stall the push so that your team can either take other objectives or converge to take on the split-pusher.


If the fed laner can't just walk under tower and blow you off it with a gorillion health and damage, there's hope. Clearing the wake and keeping it pushing away from you will buy you time to get ahead elsewhere on the map and ideally press the 5v4 advantage while the Rogue top laner is too busy power farming and split pushing. If it's someone who has zero qualms with just running you down under tower If you try to wave clear against them, you're in a downright awful position and your options are very limited. Some Champs literally don't care if you sit under tower and try to stop them from split pushing, they'll walk under tower, tanking a dozen tower shots, and then one shot you with absurdly high Juggernaut damage or something. Tryndamere is notorious for not caring about towers and damage will just kill you or at very least shove you so far off the tower you can't stop him from 3 shotting it. There are plenty of other Champs who do this. Illaoi, Darius, Garen. Juggernauts who have so much health and armor that the tower isn't a real deterrent when choosing whether to dive you and take it anyways. In this position, it's a multiple-person effort to stop them and you stretch thin your already pressed team. In all honesty, your only hope is that the rest of his team is too inept to capitalize on the insane amount of 1v2 or 1v3 pressure he's putting on yours and you're able to kill him in enough greedy positions where you can start to contest him on more equal footing.


I was against a 20 kill yorick today as swain. I just made sure I dodged his e so he couldn’t kill me and cleared the wave. I never engage the fed split pusher because they’ll most likely just kill me. And something to look for in champ select is “does my top laner have tp vs this split pusher” if the answer is no consider taking it. So if yiu end up vs the split pusher you can collect wave while also being able to tp if you can make a difference in a cross map fight. We ended up winning because the yorick was squishier than paper and I got so much farm catching yorick waves.


This can be one of the toughest game states in league. There's a lot to dissect here, but most importantly is to assign SOMEONE to stop the push. Preferably someone with good wave clear that also scales well into the late game. A good splitpushing top laner will make your life hell. They'll test your patience and if their team is on board it will feel like you can't fight at all. The best I think you can do is turtle and scale. With them perma pushing they WILL losenout on gold in the long run. Early game it's important to get a drake or two to delay their Elder Drake. Then while turtling you need to capitalize on their greed. It's a game of patience, but if you hold put long enough you can make the game a 50-50. Had a game yesterday exactly like this. I was ADC and handily won lane. We were against a fed Trynd tho, who had us down to only inhib turrets at about 25 minutes. Our Ryze held down the lanes so we could contest objectives 4v4, but when there were no objectives up we were just perma getting pushed into. We eventually outscaled, won the 4v4 at the 3rd baron. Killed the Tryndamere and took all their base in one big push with Ryze ult. I'd say 80% of the game I was just at inhib turret farming. There were a couple times I got impatient and Int'd. But I learned by the end you literally just have to wait it out


You don't, you are more needed on team fights than defending a split, if it's low ELO you will be forced to give up inhib unless your top laner realizes he is useless and sticks top defending and trying to get back into the game via farm.


what do you mean the kill are useless??? he's not gonna respawn at the same place after 3 seconds??? the entire game revolves around killing the opponents.... you kill the enemy champions enough times until you win the game... that's the whole purpose.... he has nothing to lose except the game....


Kills really dont matter that much if you dont get any objectives