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I will literally quit the game if they do so. He's the only thing keeping me interested in the game


Absolutely not. Singed is one of the most unique characters in all of league and has a simple kit that allows him to be balanced quite easily. Couple of tweaks to his numbers when he's in a bad state, and he's good to go. Currently, Singed is fine, maybe a bit underpowered imo but its arguable, but the upcoming changes in 14.10 are going to gut him. Swifties change is awful for Singed, anathema's removed, predator removed, fleet footwork nerfed, legend: tenacity removed, futures market removed, minion demar removed, basically killed half of his rune/item options and they're nerfing ghost, an extremely important summoner spell for Singed. Not only are they destroying Singed's choices for runes, items, and summoner spells, they're also giving buffs to options that Singed's counters enjoy, like PTA and First Strike. Then after 14.10 hits, people are gonna say "omg singed is shit tier, why is he in the game??? he needs massive rework, complete overhaul", as if Riot didn't actively gut Singed's options and gave Singed players one decent DoT component (Fated Ashes) in exhange. tl;dr Singed doesn't need a rework. 14.10 will gut him due to item/rune/summoner spell changes, then people will cry for rework instead of fixing the actual problem (the god awful changes).


i hope the tinfoil hat conspiracy by minish doesn't become reality. just wanted to test it with this post.


Haha yeah absolutely, bit tinfoily but honestly pretty warranted.


I love current singed, personally. Extremely weird champ, though, he feels like he belongs in a different game, I wouldn't be surprised if he's changed with S2 of Arcane.


I like Singed he is pretty iconic. I think a more unique ultimate would be cool. I'm sure he will get reworked at some point. If they do they have to keep the poison trail and I hope they keep the the goofy ass flip. Edit: Signed character doesn't match his kit at all. I don't know how that can be reconciled so I'm in favour of keeping the mismatch for legacy reasons.




Love Singed, but always envisioned this as an update for him Remove his current passive Make his E his new passive (i.e. every few seconds his next auto attack flings an enemy) Put his R on his E, of course with less duration and fine tuned numbers Give him an up to date ultimate


No. I don't play him often, but when it's Singed time it's Singed time


I love singed. The only thing I'd maybe change about him is his ult. Maybe nerf his passive some and instead make his ult turbo chem tank


While i would love to get a singed rework they said its not a s1 Char i think it could be blitzcrank


Im not entirely sure why people equate unique with good champion design. Might be unpopular but a champion whose base strategy is to proxy for the first 15 mins is not healthy for the game. Singeds kit might be interesting but his playstyle is rather toxic.


I agree that unique != good, but imo Singed is both unique and good. A rework may keep him as a "good" champion, but ultimately reduce his uniqueness. I don't want that. His uniqueness is what, for me and many others, makes him so fun. If you allow Singed to proxy for 15 minutes you're doing something wrong, and is definitely not his "base strategy". It's something he has in his toolbox he uses against certain matchups in certain situations, which can easily backfire without good jungle tracking or macro. Even with all the proxy bullshit Singed does, he still ends up with 0 champions top lane that he beats in gold at 15 minutes according to league of graphs.


>It's something he has in his toolbox he uses against certain matchups in certain situations just yesterday i played against a 4.7 million mastery points singed. guess what he did(or tried to do). just like literally every other singed. I havnt seen a singed win a game in league in the past 3 years where he didnt proxy. Dont get me wrong. Right now i dont think singed is a good champion. And he is really useless if you can stop him from proxying since he loses pretty much every lane. That beeing said, just buffiing him without adressing his kit will just make that you cant stop him from proxying, since its the best thing he can do pretty much regardless of what his matchup is. I dont think that is a good playstyle to promote in league.


I don't think his kit needs to be addressed because I don't think proxying is an issue. It is a choice that Singed, and some other champions, can make that has its own pros and cons. The same way roaming or freezing or pushing or splitting does. If you allow Singed to proxy every single wave, that is not an issue with Singed, that is an issue with you. The same way where if I allow Nasus to stack every minion and then he rampages the game, that's on me, not on the champ's kit.