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You can argue it but JDG skipped playins and won the whole thing last year. The issue is T1 playing EST and FLY isn't beneficial because they're not good teams.


It's still free scrims on stage to test out lane swapping and shit. I mean they nearly perfect gamed C9 at Worlds after starting out kind of rough and then only lost 1 more game the whole rest of the tournament 


This could certainly be argued. It is definitely true that playing more games on stage is better. The general argument people make about this though is that T1 playing against teams like FLY and EST is so one-sided that, despite it being a stage game, it doesn't really matter at all. So T1 isn't really getting anything from it. And it isn't like all of these players haven't played on stage before.


I see nothing to gain for T1 , geng and BLG to butt fuck Fly or any minor regions teams to be honest


I do think so, i feel like GenG might benefit from more games they always look a bit weird i nthe first couple games


Extra stage games against top teams certainly seem to give teams an advantage, making winner's brackets / loser's brackets in regional and international finals something worth looking more at too see if some kind of extra advantage should be implemented for the winner's brackets winners, as many people have suggested in the past. It is doubtful however that having played against teams such as EST, LLL, FLY and FNC (except perhaps awareness about Camille top) would really give an edge to T1 and TES, simply because the stakes were arguably low (neither team was ever **not** making it out of playins) and because the level of their opponents doesn't compare to the competition T1 and TES will face further on in the tournament.


It's a double edge sword. Benefits include getting more room for error. Cons include letting every team analyze every single detail about how you play with recent data.


Playins buff is real, think back to 2022 DRX getting to play just sooo many more games then everyone else with the amount of game 5's and extra playins games they got to play


It can be an advantage and disadvantage, advantage like the one you mentioned, disadvantage makes you expose your cards