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Love how long the explanation is for that Impact one in game 3 hahahah


The more Impact ages the more he grows to look like Korean Jay Chou.


They compared Impact to Hachiman, lmao. Also, they seem to really dislike Yeon.


An Oregairu reference was not what I expected from a League of Legends fan roast.  Edit: ~~And to think people say the series is dead because it ended four years ago.~~


Impact isn’t being genuine rn with how he refused to flame his mid and bot 😓


He probably saw exactly what happened with summit at worlds and figured he was a better person than that. Can’t blame him at all and I respect that.


Oh, I was just joking I was referencing the anime, but yeah I respect that too


Ah I gotcha, I don’t watch anime so I missed that one lol.


All good!


I'm curious what the specific intended comparison is, since I would guess Impact's interview where he said that wasn't up by the time top Hupu comments were made.




Sorry I think I might have over explained, the comparison is actually quite simple he was Damu sensei, now he is Da sensei, mu is gone. Mu means mother. It is just a very roundabout way of saying your mother boom


TL so bad, even brother Tian gets praised by Chinese community.


Ouch, that one hits deep


Baolan catching strays.


So many strays. What history does he have with CoreJJ?




TL eliminated iG during MSI 2019.


Reason why TL is getting flamed is because Chinese really don't like trash talk. Same thing happened to GENG valorant players after the Sentinels match.


People are forgetting that same thing happened with Perkz? No need to use Valorant as example when "I really feel terrible, Whenever I look at that smug mid laner’s face(G2 Perkz) I really feel terrible"


Perkz stepped up though and played like a mad-man. APA talks shit and gets shat on lol


Yeah, that comment was reaction to RNG vs G2 where Perkz literally 1v5 destroyed RNG in game 5 with LeBlanc


Who would win: One of the best ADCs of all time or one wardy boi?


Uzi at worlds is like peak choke lord


I've been around long enough to finally see the dumbest take possible on this sub.


Lol go back watch that g2 series take a shot every time you see him Lucian melee range E into a bruiser or some other carry who blasts him for free. Let me know how you feel afterwards.


Saying Uzi at worlds is peak choke is the dumbest take I've ever seen on this sub. Fuck a single series, you're making a statement about his career when you say that.


Every time it was a favorable meta for ADCs he could never clutch it out and always underperformed relative to his domestic level, the number of mistakes he'd make were always greater internationally even against comparable competition. Him losing in peak ADC ardent meta against a hard slumping SKT who was carried solely by Faker with some help from Huni who got easy 3-0 fucked by SSG (who played similar all in on ADC style) certified him as a top tier choker for me. People call Chovy a choker they must've never seen Uzi at worlds lol


Eh first MSI for APA. Hopefully he learns a lot from this experience


Wasnt he at worlds last year? Or am I forgetting something?


He was getting rolled by GAM at worlds yes.


i stand corrected. he was at worlds last year lol


He’s NA- he didn’t learn anything lmao


He also....didn't get shat on individually


Fleet Footwork Tristana + two games of farming sidelane. He didn't get shit on but he didn't really play the game either.


Yeah he only got solokilled by the supp


Wasn't that not because of trash talk though? I thought the smug midlaner meme originated from Chinese fanbase being angry that Perkz accused RNG of learning GEN's level 1 strats from leaked scrims.


It isn't even close to the same thing. Perkz didn't do any trash talking, that reaction was out of pure despair that RNG lost.


Knowing Perkz though he probably did do some.


Chinese fans don't like GenG because of the org referring to Taiwan as a country in a twitter post. I talked to some of them (as one of the only GenG fans in Madrid) after Grand Finals, they were all super chill and nice to hang out with but pretty much collectively said they can't / don't want to support GenG because of the org. GenG's trashtalk is pretty tame compared to Sentinels, especially Zellsis. They just waved across the stage and Meteor and Lakia got up and made the motion of drawing a bow and firing it towards EDG the same way that Kangkang did his famous Operator shooting pose. That didn't bother ANY of the Chinese fans I talked to, they thought it was awesome just like KK. It's just the orgs reputation being in the gutter because of the Taiwan thing (which I can understand, even if I don't agree).


I bounce around Hupu from time to time, and generally speaking it also seems like CN netizens like the GEN team members like Canyon and Chovy, but, as you said, can't support the org.


It's not just a Chinese thing, people were flaming GenG on reddit too. People are always going to respond to trash talk after it backfires, otherwise it wouldn't be fun


TIL Hupu doesn't like trashtalk


In LPL all the trash talks are scripted. So it does feel very uncalled for when TL trash talked so much before match and even during the game in all chat. For example, Creme wrote “shoutu” akin to “gg ez” in his game against JDG and he got a lot of backlash for it, because it’s considered rude. Now look at what TL did…


Who does like trash talk when it can’t be backed up, tbf


Only parts of NA like trash talk, no one else, banter is appreciated in EU, but it's not "trash".


Did you see Piglet cry?




That was a famous trash talk from Imp. I forget if they lost after tho


Ok let's not lie to ourselves, Europeans are toxic af


Well some of them surely, which ones do you reckon ? I like to think I'm not. Also, when we talk about trash talk, my understanding is that it concerns pros during interviews and on socials (also in all game chat matches it seems)


Love these posts man, please don't stop


Yeah, thanks for the post Oppa !


“What happened to LCS? It feels like they would struggle against PSG” Do they know


Mark of the weak is hilarious. Knight has his own passive


you know it's over when they're fucking quoting confucius at you


Why are they calling Yeon cocky?


It might not be the best translation but I can’t think of another word off the top. It is mainly about him constantly emoting. It’s could be also be used to describe person that play forwards and aggressive and act like they are better. It can be used as a compliment when you are wining as well.


Yeah that makes sense he definitely played super aggressive, which I don't really mind but he obviously overestimated himself in a lot of those plays.


Because he said they beat them 3-1. I imagine Chinese fans really don't like TL acting so confident before the match just to lose in this fashion.


I think Yeon trash talked too much, which was really uncalled for especially when all LPL trash talks are scripted. When players go out of script it is considered very rude (like Creme saying shoutu against JDG, he got a huge amount of backlash). Now look at what TL did before and during the games.


I mean in game 2 he was limit testing multiple times with smolder. His first death in bot was because he Q the Xin behind a wall in fog of war which gave Xin vision, then got caught with Xin's W-E and later died under tower. If he didn't tried to Q the Xin he most likely will survive because APA is coming bot and there's no way for Xin to engage that early. Later when there's no minions to farm in mid but he still walked up to the face of enemy bot duo to Q the Ornn and almost got chain CC to death.


He was playing very upfront on smolder which made get picked once or twice which snowballed the game


>Don't practice comp now, are you suggesting trying it later against GENG? BP is good, some cloud gamer kept saying don't pick this for Creme, don't pick that for Creme. Strong team will not let Creme off so easy with those champion pool issues. That's a good point. Creme is a good enough Corki to shit on APA, but Chovy would destroy his ass on that champ.


I obviously don't know their plans, but isn't it possible they picked it to not show their actual good picks they have prepared. If they can pick random stuff it's harder for the enemy to prepare and maybe if they get lucky other team even bans Corki which gives them the champ they want instead.


Yeah you know its fucking bad when the Chinese fans are praising Tian, for some more context when fnatic where playing Gam they were flaming the shit out of tian for no reason.


no wreszcie kurwa


i think 369's rating is overrated. Bro lost first blood all 3 games, this is a worrying issue against Kiin.


The only bad death is his death in game 1. 369 wants to fight when they spot Maokai but Tian doesn't bc he probably expected the botlane to be close. They can communicate though idk what happened there. In game 2 it's a simple 2v2 top and in game 3 he gets laneswap dove.


He played the early lanephase as TF Vs Rumble really badly and was at threat of being flashed on and solokilled until Tian turned up to bail him out. He's not really a TF player though, so it's not too worrying. I doubt TES pick TF or Corki if they're being serious.


Don't think he played that well either just wanted to comment on op singling out the FB moments.


he has never played TF before professionally, and he's used to being weakside and getting dived and FB. he's the number 1 player at soaking that pressure and staying relevant


In the current meta of lane swaps, first bloods on top laners matters very little. It just comes down to teamwide ability to play out lane swap properly much more so than top gap, and moreover tank picks are dominating atm so dying doesn't put them behind as much relative to carry picks.


everyone in tes wasnt even tryharding 369 just chilled and played weakside


Kiin has gotta be the most overrated player coming into this tournament jeez


He lost to Oscarinin as well, Kiin should dominate matchup


He was playing a pretty bad matchup and keeping up in cs while getting ganked. I think he's doing fine. 369 knows dying doesn't matter much against TL and Fnatic. I wouldn't read too much into it. TES is one of those teams that play at their opponents level, they power up against BLG and JDG for example, but also have closer than expected games against Fnatic and LOUD. The problem against GenG is probably gonna be mid-jungle.


Most of all: Top lane doesn't matter right now. I think it will only become more relevant the later we are in the tournament. Against GAM Oscar played Ornn, was like 3k down and it didn't matter (arguably, Ornn gives value to his allies post lvl 13 but even before that it barely mattered).


He got solo killed by Licorice too, didn't seem to be too big of an issue against Bin and Zeus and Bin again.


nah 369 is not an easy opponent to "dominate" it's just that his way of being good isn't as easy to notice. he's weakside and still gets advantages while his team gets ahead, and then becomes a monster in teamfights. He's almost never going to have a spot where he gets to crap on the enemy toplaner, but if it's a 1v1 skill match-up 369 will probably win, including against Kiin


Where are games 3 through 12? I was curious about what people thought about APA’s performance in game 8


CoreJJ and yeon should be a 0 for game one what the fuck was that top play, lets just fight level 6 lucian without ult lmfao


What's that thing with 957 ?


WE 957


Yes I know the player but i don't understand why they dropped his name as a meme


Ghost genshin botlane is crazy