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People were buying the stat shards instead of hats. Riot felt like they wanted hats to be a core part of the game mode. So now you get hats if you knock another team out or win a high stakes round


Ah so my reward for playing well is getting obnoxious hats that hide my character, good to know at least


You also recover 15HP and get a +1 reroll for winning high stakes round, so youre rewarded for them, hats are just silly little additions, no need to be mad about it


> hides my character My brother just open your eyes


Well i bought a Cassiopea skin specifically because i like her hat and now it gets hidden every arena game so yeah it hides the skin i paid for, not sure why this so controversial.


League players really will find an excuse to complain about anything


well next time you play cassio make sure you lose the round so you dont get annoying hats


lol 9 days later and you are still right. I have no idea why you got downvoted.


They probably have never won an arena game and thus don't understand the issue, i gave up on this thread because it's all "YOU DON'T LIKE FUN" comments just missing the point 🤓


Hats are fun specially when you don't have any else to spend your money on. But I get it, if you don't like them, you should not have them on you (even if you give them for free). I guess they are testing the idea too see how people react.


don't get me wrong i loved getting one hat by the end when the money didnt matter anymore but having a tower of 5+ hats without spending money on it just feels bad especially on certain skins/characters, i liked the old system better i guess


Yeah I really don't like forcing the hats, I buy my skins for a reason and I'd like to see them properly. Is there any place I can complain about it?


I love the hats


Yeah what the hell. Adding goofy stuff in a for fun gamemode what the hell were they thinking. This is league you're not supposed to have fun. RIOOOOOOT /s obviously


this post has me geeked dude I cannot keep coming back here :^)