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I have played off and on since season 1. I think I've had more fun now being shitty than I did when I cared more.


Same, off and on since season 1. Having a blast with arena even though people say it's the worst iteration. I like that they change it up every time.


It is not the worst iteration. Just like URF and other fun modes people optimise the fun out of the game. Like before nerfs if you didnt ban darius there would be 3+ dariuses in hte game, same with olaf and the like. In the end you end up facing same 10 champs over and over and over again. It is not a game mode problem it is people problem.


How is it not a game mode problem if a champ is so busted you see 3+ of him every game? There's actually negative balancing this arena iteration


I'm so tired of people optimizing the fun out of online gaming. I understand wanting to win. I even understand that for some people, winning is what makes gaming fun for them. I just wish I could be in a queue with like-minded players. Something like that would be abused by malicious players looking to pubstomp casuals, though.


Same but arena isn't my thing. On and off since S1. Pretty much nonstop from S2 until S8 with some breaks when college started. Then stopped for like 4 years and play much less and way less often. I actually have found my winrate is higher and I'm more consistent since im less attached to wins and losses. Last time I delved into the game at the start of this season I played for a couple months and averaged just under a 70% winrate.


Same here but I still have fun and I exclusively play Aram and arena haven't been to SR in 5 years stopped caring about rank in season 5 and just focused on having fun, played it back in high-school, college and now I'm married working 8-5 and on the weekends or when I get the time I play with my mates couple of aram games or arena but not as much as I was when I wasn't working 5-9 aram games max, you can still enjoy a game if you leave the I want to be better or always win mentality, just. Try wacky stuff and try to have fun


This. When I was grinding every gaming session was stressful, I got easily annoyed and raged all day. I really don't care now, i play what I want, have fun in arams and barely waste time with rank, and the times I do I dont even entertain trolls and just mute and play listening to music


Same the most fun i had with league is the couple weeks after i come back from a long break


I have the most fun when I play shitty lol


If you ever do want to try again the best way is focus on self improvement. A loss is never a loss.


Better you get at league the more toxic and unfun the game becomes idc what people say high elo makes wins feel like nothing and losses feel like the world ending losing lp


I’ve never been top 1% in league, but I have been top 1% in WoW. I play league casually for fun with my friends. In this case of WoW I was in a similar position to you. College, career, and relationships began taking place and I had to quit playing. I tried picking it back up after a a little under 2 years and it just didn’t feel the same. The massive time sink of competitive gaming is not worth losing the time that I have with friends, loved ones, my health, and opportunities that come being out in the real world. My advice, it’s not worth it. It never was. It may have been fun for a while, but life has so much more to offer and competitive gaming at the 1% level takes so much of your time. Just my perspective and others my disagree, hope it helps.


Unless you’re just wanting to play casually. Then by all means go for it if you think you can resist the urge to get back into a competitive grind.


For some people it works but for me I get really competitive and I hate it when I am bad at the game so it’s either I don’t touch it and rarely play it or I play it everyday


I can’t really speak since I was never close to masters when I played but I can’t imagine a masters player picking it up after a few years and not succumbing to the urge to dive in


I think it depends on the person, people's attitudes and goals/etc change as they grow. ~12 years ago when I started playing LoL I couldn't imagine not playing an online game at the most sweaty, competitive style. Now its all normal drafts and ARAM with the boys in disc on Friday night and the game outcomes don't really matter, its the time with friends.


Dunno about this one. You can scratch that cooperative itch without being part of the 1%. Even when playing casually, you can be competitive. One doesn't exclude the other. People often seem to mix up being competitive and can't stand losing. It's in the name here, being competitive means you like to compete. You want to test your skill, abilities and knowledge against a peer. Winning is just a fun extra. Look at my dad as example. He still runs marathons even though he is close to the age of 70. No way he can win, but he can still compete. He can still try and overcome he's own skill and ability and test it against his peers. So yes, OP can come back and compete. Even without reaching the 1%. And yes it can scratch that itch. But I fully agree that the feeling won't be the same as when OP left. You will notice that things have changed inside yourself. You will have other priorities in life and such. And I fully agree that life has so much more to offer than competing for the 1% in any video game. But again, you can be casaully competitive.


Yea I pretty much only come back to play certain rotating game modes these days.


How were you top 1% in WOW? Was this pvp, raids? Sorry I only played wow casually up to panda, and only pve, so just curious


Neil it. I have been playing league for almost ten years(Yasuo and I came up in the Summoner's Rift at the same time) I spent too much time on the rank so that I have no time with my family/friends/personal growth. I uninstalled the league several days ago and went back to the reality. It is hard to say that playing league is a time waste because it truly brought me the joy and sense of accomplishment once ranked up. But I know, game is not everything to my life. Thanks to the league for lots of great moments,but it's time to say goodbye😁😁


Same here brother. It is a good gameloop but just not worth giving up all the good progression in life. Lol rank took so much time and effort of my daily life that i just couldn't make time for real life progression. Had to choose whats really important and needed for me.


I reached high masters once and I regret the time and effort I spent on it. Unless you plan on going pro, just play for fun. Who cares about elo.


So much this. Unless you're able to monetize playing league just try and get G4/D4/Masters and the relax and have fun. It is very time consuming to get above it.


yeah the internnet badge is not worth it


Hi, I’m a masters player who is married and has a full time (quite good) career. I took breaks from league but it fills an itch much like you said for me. I love the competition. I played amateur comp which was amazing for that itch but very time consuming. I also coach which fills that itch but my time is getting more and more stretched. You have to ask yourself how much time you have and do you want to use that on league? I consider it to be a hobby, would I spend that time doing something productive if I wasn’t on league? For me, I’d just be watching TV shows so I don’t mind playing league. If it was replacing/affecting career progression or seeing loved ones that’s when I’d think otherwise. I hope that helps ❤️


Ya I think your last half is also basically the difference to a league addict and a league player. Also the inbetween of just a few more games than sleep but yep. If it’s taking time from real life important shit probably should quit; if it’s just a hobby or you’d be doing other “worthless” shit anyways might as well play league lol


I haven't played in any tournaments but I have played a number of scrims. The most fun I've ever had playing was in a competitive setting where both teams don't have ego, and have good sportsmanship. Soloqueue is cancerous, but I love the game.


Every time I play competitive league I feel worse afterward, so I only play league with friends nowadays > married Don’t install league again dude, live your good life


The emotional pain you get when you play league is very rare in other games. The snow ball, team oriented, and often team goal oriented game is too emotionally draining when you just get one or two individuals who want to ruin it on purpose


Nah. Believe m it or not, I "quit" less than, like, 4 months ago and genuinely my life already improved tenfold. Haven't touched ranked since. I'll come back to play maybe 1 or 2 games every month if my friends are playing. If not, it's a waste of time to me. You gain nothing from grinding ranked.


Absolutely this. At one point I was in low GM lobbies vibing and thinking that I was hot shit. Then one game, I played with a Sona who was so bad it made me question my life choices. If I was sitting at a computer 5-6 hours a day and in the same elo as a guy with the brain and hands of my 60 year old mother on Yuumi, something was wrong. And it was. My sleep schedule and diet were a mess, I didn’t have a job, and I was lazy and unmotivated, and I realized I was becoming a basement dweller. Quit ranked, got a job, reconnected with my family and friends, lost 20lbs, took up more volunteering positions and did a lot of good in my community. All thanks to the Sona who couldn’t trade or space for shit. That person genuinely saved my life and prevented me from becoming a socially isolated bum.


That Sona saved your life 🥹 My "quitting story" was that I hit Masters after a year of diamond stuck and didn't feel anything at all. One year of grinding for like 5 minutes of hype? With no one to celebrate with me? Then I hopped on an alt, did it again within like 50 games to "prove myself" or whatever. Then I was like... Okay, what now? Never looked back after that


>You gain nothing from grinding ranked. Can't stress this enough. I recently quit as well, after playing pretty regularly since 2013 (though with pretty big breaks along the way), and the tipping point was just... the emptiness. I felt nothing when I won, but I felt terrible when I lost. I felt like I was wasting my time no matter what I did. I realized what kept me playing was the sunk cost fallacy and the money spent on skins. This game just doesn't bring me any positive emotion AND it takes time away from productive things, so good riddance. I have recently started learning music and got myself a cello. My life is already so much better.


Bingo! Sunk cost fallacy had me too. Good stuff on the Cello! Very nice!


It's the losing streaks that hurt the most. And then you look back at the time you spent. From 2pm to 8pm at night on a Saturday. The day is over. You haven't eaten. Haven't left your room. Didn't play with your cats. Didn't speak with your family or maybe even got angry at them, since you were in a bad mood from all the losses. You could have visited your friends, gone outside for a walk, done something else productive. I recorded a video of myself on my phone and explained how awful I felt in that moment then uninstalled. I watch that video every time I feel the *urges* to play again. So I can remember how awful it feels to play League.


I'm about a grand or so down because my main got banned in 2020 and thank god for that because I never want to touch this game again, the stuff I've seen recently only further proves to me which direction they want to go. I was gonna play again with friends but I didn't have the launcher and I'm bothered about my pc not launching because of when vanguard was installed and since they added it to league, I just haven't bothered. So atleast because of that I've saved some blood, sweat and tears that I can put into art, tekken what ever you name that feels fulfilling.


Same brother, I started 2016 and quit 2019, I basically ruined my college experience


Glad to hear you quit tho bro. I was just in a bad place, and grinding ranked games for 10-15 games a day wasn't doing anything pulling me out of it. I was unhappy in my relationship, had no friends I really cared about, didn't really know what I was doing with my life. But you'd be surprised how fast things can start turning around if you just apply yourself and get out of your shell! Loving life now. Either way, I'll never play another game of ranked league again.


I just play arams


anyone else feels like aram nowadays is less fun?


The damage nerfs / buffs to certain champions kinda killed that game mode for me


> However that competitive itch I’m missing Don't. The competitive experience in this game is so fucking awful. Doesn't take long to get into the loop of losing LP due to trolls and low mental fortitude. Then you're feeling like playing back to the rank you started the day at it's over for your enjoyment It's sunk cost fallacy all the time when trying to play seriously


For me as a player since season 1 I find the competitive itch is just from outplaying in lane or teamfights, I don't need to play ranked and get stressed to have a fun competitive experience that I can get also from aram, normals or more recently arena. I just have fun testing my mechanics and playing different champs, separating the actual gaming from the wins and losses.


this pretty much sums it up. WIth the new champs/meta and overall worsening quality of players it feels like there's little to no competitive integrity in league


Hit plat in s6 then took a very long break. Came back this year and i’m hard stuck silver 4 and I have no idea what’s going on


The League player base gets better over time. In S2 an insec was mind-blowing. This play nowadays is in the portfolio of every Lee Sin main who is Silver or higher. This applies to other concepts as well, e.g. as more and more people learned how to manage waves, others had to adapt, just to stay in the same MMR. If you want to get out of Silver as a top laner, you have to know how to manage your waves. I am pretty sure that this was not as prevalent in S6


Same here, hit plat in season 10 or 11 then quit. It drained me pushing for that milestone. Came back a couple of months ago and have no idea what's happening. Currently B2.


I saw a video once from Dopa saying that age makes you a worse league player because of mental capacity to giving attention to details.


As some pros said if we transplant season 3 champs into current season(jsut teleports/time travel them in), they would get assblasted by plats. Players get so much better, in S6 people didnt know basic macro until like high diamond, csing was horrible until upper plat, wave manipulation was nonexistant. But now golds do most of it with relative consistency.


At most, you are only going to come back to play a couple games but never really have enough time to be super engaged in it. I used to be more active competitively for smash bros and fgc (despite being rather subpar), but don't have the same amount of time these days to get back into the groove. I still scratch that competitive itch by going to fun tournaments and playing friendlies. Maybe play a couple "friendlies for league" to scratch it.


As someone that played league since 4th grade(i’m 21m now) I haven’t touched it consistently since I got to college and I wasn’t even masters yet I stopped playing right up into my masters promos from d1 lol. But I won’t regale with a long story, I miss the shit out of being camped and begging my jungler to get his shit together, and I’m literally waiting for my pc to get fixed so I can hop right back into ranked lmao, at this point I’m gonna try to hit the pro scene somehow cause I don’t see a point in playing at such a high level unless you treat it as a hobby but as you know it’s hard to play just one game so might as well make some money from it(well try lol).


I stopped playing League for two years because I started dating this girl. When she left me last February, my world fell apart, and I fell into depression. That's when I started playing League again. I know this game can be toxic, but it gave me comfort when she left me.


Been playing since season 1, Akali release. Vanguard made it so I can no longer play because of my work from home apps (I choose my career over this game any day) I have not missed it. I enjoy change, I really do. But these 2 seasons a year and constant item shifts and changes make it hard to enjoy. This was the season that killed the game for me honestly. Which is sad because the removal of Mythics was such a good change.


Huge congrats to you for accomplishing so many wonderful things. I don't regret coming back, but I do regret having spent so much time gaming in college lol. After quitting to finish college, work, spend more IRL time with friends/fam, and go to grad school, I am definitely not going to be placing the game as highly on my priority list as before - maybe play semi-casually? But I still love League of Legends and ended up re-igniting my competitive spirit (motivated by my personal goals: get M7 in all my favorite champs, place reasonably high in ranked, and have a solid pool of \~5 champs to play in each role). I'm not bothered much by losses/toxic players, love learning, and am fascinated by the game on a weirdly abstract/conceptual level so there's that... definitely don't get into League again if you don't genuinely love the game.


i played from season 2 and addicted until season 7 fully quit on 8 came back on Arena's 2nd rerun and only played Arena regret normal summoner's rift and Arena was fun something brand new to the game not like other PVP modes


Remember how many things you should like and enjoy just got hit with a "I wanna play league instead"? Happens again. I regret coming back, simply because it ruins a lot of games for me. I still enjoy it or I'd quit, it just hurt my ability to enjoy some games again.


It makes sense but I always wonder why exactly? Can you elaborate how and in what sense it ruined other games for you?


I think its just that it engages more of my brain then any game simply because I had spent so much time learning. It's also so smooth, cool looking, and hits a bunch of the best parts of comp games aside from public voip. If it had public voip I'd probably just play that completely. LoL is one of the greatest games developed by many metrics, and my brain really likes playing it. I often get into immersive games and games with proximity chat because they offer what league doesn't. It's also familiar, I know all the Champs and most of the knowledge I need to succeed. I don't have that in other games. I just game up and accepted that league is a mainstay in my catalog and, while I wish it wasn't the case, I'd like to better enjoy other games that I feel aren't as engaging for me, but my monkey brain likes league.


Think you worded it really well thx! I never quit in my Casual League "carrier" but I can defnitely relate to a Lot of your Points


I always go back and forth on this.  Because I also feel like it's just better than 90% of games so it makes sense to just play league.  Do I want to punch trees in whatever the latest EA coop survival crafting game is?  Unpolished AAA game with generic story?  Yet another indie roguelike with "unique mechanics".  Is that really any better for your life than league?   I always wonder whether league is addicting in a toxic way or if it's just fun.  Because I play a lot of MMOs as well; and so many of those have toxic designs that just keep you playing as a chore rather than for fun.  I dont really care about rank or mastery or skins, league is something I can play just for the intrinsic value of playing it.


I first started league in 2013 and played for a few months but got busy and forgot about it. Then when I was visiting friends in the Philippines in 2019, they brought me to a Pc cafe and reintroduced me to league. It was a totally different game and I have played nonstop ever since. Im mostly an aram player but I play for fun and have no regrets.


I don't regret it. I left for a while because it was just upsetting me and making me mad because i didnt feel like i was ever good enough. i came back with a better mental and i just play a few times a month casually now when i know im in a good space for it or when i happen to have friends online who dont tilt. i miss playing it more often, but playing it with friends who tilt or just every day makes it unenjoyable.


It depends on you entirely. You can try playing again and see whether you are having fun again but always remember that balance is key, you can't let this game take over your life and make you neglect your priorities and responsibilities. As long as there is balance and you have fun playing, it is totally worth it.


It's worth to come back and at the same time it's not a good idea. League is constantly changing, so there will a lot of new content and meta shift. On the other hand, there is a lot of cheap dopamine, and it gets very addictive cuz it's extremely fun. I have zero regret when switching to play CoD Warzone, Apex 4 years ago, and recently Xdefiant , since I have been spending less hours gaming and getting enough satisfaction. FPS games are great for productivity, even though many of them sucks.


Naw I just play for fun modes and remember why I dont play it much


Not really just don’t take it so seriously anymore


I enjoy going back. I never have time to play in the spring/summer/fall, but I usually get back into League every December/January. It gives me something to do while it’s too cold to go out and there’s not much going on around town. I don’t have the same drive I used to to improve, but oddly enough I hit diamond for the first time this year even though I only play like 2 months a year now.


As someone who plays in Masters+ I generally sit out the first few months of a season and then just play 30-40 games to get Masters back. I generally quite enjoy this climb (certainly don't regret it) and just use mute liberally as I feel like it, and dodge any obvious griefers. I know it's not quite quitting, but this gives me my fix with a pretty low time commitment - and lets me live a good life. If you start grinding LP that's when it becomes way too time consuming. Masters is 30 games, GM is 300+ for me...


Must be nice being that natural at the game. I peaked D3 in 2017 and I had to tryhard, read all the patchnotes and grind 😅 everytime I ”get back into it” I struggle in high gold


Hahaha I've been playing since the end of Season 2 and hit Challenger for the first time in Season 5. I think the best advice I got was practice doesn't make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect. It's boring, but video reviewing your own games once you've calmed down and picking apart your own play makes you improve so quick


I used to play quite a lot of league when I was in middle school, nowadays I'm a college student and play mainly with friends. If you want to return for competitive gameplay: for the love of god don't, competitive is a shit hole filled with trolls and man babies that will just make your day worse, I only play 15 max ranked games to reach my rank and immediately quit because throughout playing those games I genuinely feel horrible for each and every loss, if you want to play normal games just for personal enjoyment I'd say it's really fun.


Not at all. I didn't quit League really. I moved country, didn't get a PC for a while and when I did get a PC, I could only really get into ARAMs (and even then I'd only play ARAMs if I was super bored) since a year or three passed and I didn't understand all the changes. Two years ago, I watched some streamers (Sequisha and Fairlight Excalibur) play LoL who are stuck in Gold and Silver and by watching these streams I forgot what I was missing. I installed League and just dived in. I'm even more obsessed than I was when I was 17 and 18 during S2 and S3. Such a good game.


i just started again after not playing for 2 seasons i am enjoying myself much more this time around and got that spark back i had in seasons 1-9!  i even want to grind ranked again. i love league atm but that might be bc i am an adc main lol


I only came back for Arena mode. Once it's over, I can't be bothered to play solo queue anymore.


I do not. But I mainly play the special game modes exclusively when I do play. It’s just fun to get out of the norm and play a different game mode


I actually stopped playing League in favour of playing Dota 2. I initially hated Dota, it felt slow and sluggish... But man, I can't come back to League now. I only come back to get my fix of playing a Draven game. So much stuff is missing - good balancing, interesting items that actually help you to overcome counter picks, individual champ abilities with a skill tree, map skins, custom announcers, cheap cosmetics, updates that are absolutely chocked with new content etc. In Dota, you're rewarded for teamplay and getting involved in teamfights early on as a carry (even if you get assists) - in League, you're a slave to farming to become relevant unless you manage to bag a load of early kills for yourself. League feels like a chore now, and all of the items are just "stat checks" rather than having any flexibility with actives. Dota has a "Zhonyas" where you can still move and cast abilities, League's just forces you to stand still and can only be used in certain situations without being complete suicide. League used to have a few actives, most of which have been removed for the sake of "accessibility". Now, the game just feels like it's consistently slammed by "tank/bruiser meta", the balancing always feels out of wack - I know Riot do this to keep the game interesting and change things up... But how about they just balance the game, then focus their attention on new content that isn't just a one way ticket into your wallet. I used to love League, and defend it to my grave, but now I just can't justify the majority of the choices they make nowadays. The $500 Ahri skin wasn't even a surprise to me. PC League is just Store Simulator at this point.


dota is "stat check" simulator lol, so many heroes like sven or wraith king just revolve around pressing a button, rightclicks and some item actives. If you're better than your opponent, you've gotten enough items, didn't die too much, take good engages and you always win those "stat checks". That's of course good and what league should have *more* of, as "stack checks" are literally just pure skill. League is doing everything to move success away from playing well, and instead introduces a ton of variance with everything being a skillshot, everyone having a dash, everyone having a fuckton of passives and weird inconsistent interactions between stuff.


Sure there's always "easy" champs in every moba, but Sven and Wraith King can be countered with the likes of Blademail and Black King Bar. League doesn't have any such items, especially as an ADC/squishy champ - you just have to accept that tanks have a point and click stun and can probably 3 shot you if they're doing well. Sure, they're giving champs more dashes and shit, but what about the older ones that now can't keep up with the updated mechanics of all the newer champs? Good itemization would allow people to play whatever champ they wanted, it would broaden the "meta" where people aren't just playing the same 5 champs for each role. Items in League are all boring, automated with 0 skill/adaptability in them because they're all just a bunch of lame passives.


Yes. I regret ever starting this garbage.


Yes and no. Yes, because league will get me nowhere in life and takes a LOT of my time. And no, because I was bored most of the time and was lazy when it came to learning things, despite them being very useful.


No arena is so much fun


Yes and no. I only play with friends now which is usually enjoyable. The handful of times I have played this season alone I have always hated myself afterward.


I've been playing league on and off again since 2010 and I can't say I regret coming back. But I definitely care less and less about being "good" at the game and grinding ranks each time (lately I've just been coming back for rotating game modes honestly). But I've never regretted getting back in to it.




Nope, i stop playing lol for 2-3 months cuz i got bored, when i come back i play aram only cuz it's fun and fast


I've currently quit and may come back season since they kept hyping it up as changing League in a big way. I played actively from 2014 in high school til about 2022, then on and off for two years. I un-installed recently, and now I just like to watch Tyler1 or ImaQTPie or other funny folks from time to time.


100% hate that I keep coming back


Yes. Came back to procrastinate during exam season and played 200 games in a short period of time climbing to plat just to have the season reset and the grind out of bronze begin again. Rotating out to a different game now


I sure did. Quit it again recently. It's a time sink if your competitive. I peaked emerald this time so understand that I'm garbage at this game. Tried to go to diamond and got so tilted all the time and down on myself. I hadn't played basically any other game either. Booted up palworld and remembered why I used to play games. Playing a ton of DBD and bd3 and wh3, halo and all kinds of games. Also those fucks charging $500 for the ahri skin. Like that's actually insane and I keep hearing of players taking small loans and shit. It's scummy af. Stay gone is my advice.


i began playing league in 9th grade to impress a guy i liked. when we started dating, we played together almost everyday on breaks and almost every weekend, but when we broke up around 2 years later, i stopped playing for a while (also because of school, AP classes, etc). recently, i started playing again and i don’t regret coming back because i genuinely want to play this game myself and it’s been way more enjoyable :) i think i also changed a lot since i no longer get angry whenever something goes wrong (since its just a game)


No. It's not worth it tbh. Sure, it's something to do and the gameplay loop is easy to fall into, but with some of the recent changes it just doesn't feel rewarding anymore. The new mastery system feels hollow and soulless, the players are as toxic as they've always been, and more and more things are getting cut back. I left in 2016, came back in 2020 because of covid and the spirit blossom event. If you asked in 2020, I probably would have said it was worth it. That event was amazing and I was getting so many free rewards with new systems that weren't in place when I played. But that quality has declined steeply over the past 4 years. To be fair, I'm not a top player and have never enjoyed ranked (I only play it to get the free rewards). I was a Twisted Treeline and Dominion player, and now I'm ARAM and Nexus Blitz when it occasionally graces the game, so some of the changes (especially to mastery and having no other constant game modes) hit me harder than others. But that's what my experience has been. It's only really enjoyable if I hop on with some friends and we all go fill in flex and not take it too seriously.


No I came back after 6 years, with a much healthier mindset of I'm never gonna make it to lcs so why stress if I lose




Nah, came back for fun and friends


Been in the top 1% and now peaked top 3% last split after a 5+ year gap; no regrets game is really different and fun and challenging.


When you were top 1%, you most likely got there through no-lifing games because you had a ton of time. You probably played a ton of games in suboptimal conditions(sleepy, tired) just because that's what young gamers do. Now you are an adult who is probably more mature and more willing to learn. I am willing to bet you can put in 25-50% of the time you used to put in and get back to top 1%. 2-3 games a night at peak condition combined with \~10 minutes of vod review will get you the same amount of skill increase as 10 games the night before a 9 AM. The game is still fun. If you don't have fun anymore while grinding, then quit. But don't write off being competitive you have less time!


I have. its okay. I just gave up on ranked beause of the ridiculous numbers of splits. and each split basically demotes you. I have kids now I really cant be bothered. I miss the days where the friendslist was full and it was easy to get a 5man norms game going. Youre not missing out on much. Give arena a try its so fun


Yes-- huge time sink that gets in the way of real accomplishments. No-- it has distracted me from severe grief for the third time now, possibly saving my life or preventing me from developing worse addictions.


I quit the game at bronze, picked it back up and I’m still bronze. Having the time of my life really


my suggestion is to come for aram with some friends, maybe make a few new aram friends along the way. it will be more enjoyable. still a competitive game even without a rank. i did this and enjoy it among many other games i play.


I don't think y'all count playing couple of aram and arena games a week as coming back, but no I don't regret it. (Ex challanger)


Hey man it’s not worth it. Life has so much more to offer. If you come back I guarantee you’ll play a bit and then just uninstall. I was playing in masters mmr the first time ever earlier this season. It made me realize that the problem isn’t with the game. It’s the community. Riot doesn’t do anything about it or care about moderation so there’s honestly no point of playing. Might as well pick up a new sport, it’s better for your health, and you don’t have to worry about being held hostage or little 4ft boys talking brave behind a computer screen.


No. I've played for a while now, quit for a year and then came back and now just recently stopped bc some personal life stuff happened and I wanted to move on past league. I considered myself pretty decent, I peaked 1k lp Challenger, but every time I play league seriously, I notice my mental health takes a hard hit, it's like league is the only thing that dictates how I feel mentally that day. Thankfully I haven't played for about a month now, and although life hasn't been the best, i can safely say I'm much better off without league. Gratz to getting married tho! that's huge.


I became ARAM only the past 2 years and I treat it like arcade session every game.


If you are married, I am sure you have new goals instead of coming back to League. Many friends that get married, they have more responsibilities like finding new interests or earn more incomes to raise their family, focusing on their life. You don't regret your past , but you will regret if you come back, and you will never be able to get out of it.


I started in 2010 been off and on since. Recently came back after almost 5 years for fun and muted chat entirely. It’s actually really fun and relaxing even as a jungle main with chat muted. Which is entirely the opposite experience I used to have with it being irritating and tilting lol.


Game is fun, community has gotten worse mentality. Mostly play arena and aram. Might try to grind out ranked when I've got nothing else to play


been back for the past month cause I have some free time and im bored so i don't regret at all, its been fun climbing from iron since my mmr tanked hard after all the years. i dont find league addicting like wow was to me so i can just quit again whenever I want to


I quit last season, graduated college recently got my 1st big boy job. I have the itch but I still keep up with the Pro scene. To me, LoL has become something more a kin to a favorite sport. I love this game, the intricacies, the teamwork, the heartbreak. I'll still get up at ungodly hours to carch a T1 game every once in a while & i will watch most of the MSI and Worlds games. But I just can't justify taking the time to return to the grind.


Play chat off and don't give up. Ranked is good to build a tough mental, real men don't quit.


Nope. I'm saving heaps of money. A new $60 game every month? Or playing league for free. Money in the bank.


I left because of the toxicity but came back for competitive drive, other players don't bother me so much anymore since I play on fullmute and just aim to improve and track teammates with f keys. I enjoy it more than I did before thanks to that change, but it can be a time sink for sure, I play more than I should. I think like anything it's about moderation; if you can spend an hour (or whatever a reasonable time is for you) playing, then stop without being in a sour mood if you lost, maybe watch the vod and that's it, then it's fine. If you're going to go on solo queue binges and get addicted to it, then it's not fine. You need to be honest with yourself. Playing a game does satisfy the competitive drive to an extent but there's still the nagging feeling of wanting to be better still... that part I think you've gotta be real about what it takes to improve. Realistically you might not be a masters player anymore if you've taken a break, maybe you still are, but whatever rank you do get, you'd need to accept without judgement. Improving would mean studying the game, knowing what you're doing wrong and consciously improving it, spending time in practice tool nailing your combos, watching your vods in detail, grinding more hours: essentially spending more time on the game, time that you likely don't have. It's not like you can't improve with an hour a day to play (or whatever) but it's obviously way harder than when you have oodles of free time and I think there needs to be an acceptance that you'll improve bit by bit but mostly plateau because you have other stuff you care about more that you also want to do. So I think the question is really, can you enjoy League as a hobby and competitive experience, and just appreciate a game and a vod review and say "well that was fun", without letting it consume you? Are you itching for the feeling of just spending time sinking your senses fully into a match against other competent players, or is it that more demanding "I want to be the best/top x%" drive that's pushing you? Are you inevitably going to be frustrated by losses and your urge to grind and improve? Also, can you handle the toxic community and the occasional guy sprinting down mid without letting it bleed into the rest of your life? If you can pick it up, put it down and feel happy, great, you get to play new age chess. If you can't, no video game is worth ruining the best parts of your real life for and it would be a horrible decision.


I have almost the same situation but I just rank every start of new season till my forever diamond 3, keep playing for a week and then I stop playing and keep an eye for urf being available to play with my wife (wife only likes and plays urf) Sometimes I miss when me and my friends play like there is no tomorrow hahaha


I regret every league game i play but I keep coming back once a week


regret that I should continue to play since I played first time, I would play thounsand of games until today


I don't regret it, but playing league as a toxic asshole who lashes out at everybody is a COMPLETELY different ball game than just rolling with the punches. I would hate to go back to my teenage self who was victim to whatever bullshit I had to deal with and then self destruct.


Just play a game bro. It’s not that big a deal


I feel like if you already hit masters multiple times, its actually super easy to do it again and again, even if you dont play a ton, youve already cracked the code. I hit just hit masters within 50 games of this season, and if you only play around 50 games each split I think it s fine with career and wife etc


tbf with how slow riot is adding new champions you've probably only missed 1 release, just learn the new items :)


Sort of. I was top 100 on the ladder in season 2-4. I’m also married but have two kids now. At some point at the end of season 4 I got really sad. It was pretty lonely grinding tons of games when my friends didn’t. Playing with them was fun but then I couldn’t grind to get high enough. So it was always a choice between the two (I wasn’t really talented enough to get to challenger quickly and then play with others after). Fast forward I got back into it around season 10 and have played a little each season since then. I play different roles that I didn’t before and it’s kind of fun learning new things, although everyone is 10x better now so I’m not that good anymore. But to actually answer your question, every time I get back into the itch of grinding again, I do regret it. Ofc it eats up my time and sometimes it affects me mentally (although I have a decently healthy mentality so it affects me a bit less), but the more I grind the more I get that sad lonely feeling back. So I just keep it light, I don’t play more than 2 games a day, I play with friends as much as I can and don’t care about winning, my rank, or grinding for anything even if it’s just cosmetic. Then the game is pretty fun as a hobby.


Dynamic queue was terrible. Riot had soloq removed. The intergrity of the ranked ladder wasnt given anymore. So me and my friends quit playing league of Legends. Truly dark Times. Came back when they brang soloq back.


You want to contest with no lifers that have never touched a woman while you have a wife and maybe kids sooner or later? Hell yeah go for it


No, the time commitment and likelihood of trolls in your games is way too high to grind solo queue and climb. Only if you have infinite free time is it worth it. Arena is fun and has a ladder, I suggest trying that to scratch your league itch.


It's not worth coming back, the community is very toxic (still). I was also in the top 0.1% and just occassionally enjoy a game after months of not playing. But it always ends up being toxic and triggering me a little which reminds me to not come back to the game. There's other games that don't make me mad so I may aswell play those games.


No. I love this game with all my heart.


Also a guy that has played awhile (2011) and now i que up arams late at night. Ill play a norm every once in awhile, but ARAM is still mechanically intense enough while having a fast game pace. I cant play enough now to competitively learn/play ranked, but i play about 3 arams \~5 nights a week.


I came back after dedicating years to Overwatch, one thing I learned from that experience is that at least for me, it's not worth devoting so much time to be in a player ranking. I mean, at least for me that game died and all the time I invested there I'm not going to get it back. I also grew up, got married, got a job, got a master's degree, and live happily. I play this because my younger brother plays it and we only do it casually. I recently re-ranked to get the Sona skin because it's a champion I like and that's it. In the midst of all that, I've been playing ESO for years where I've made it to the leaderboard with my main character doing arenas, I'm there for the PvE and the housing system, I have no plans to leave Tamriel for a long time (or at least not until TES VI comes out). In conclusion: I wouldn't rank up again because in the end the game dies and nothing will give you your time back.


Trust me, you should find something else to do with your competitive itch. I started grinding the gym instead of soloq and it's been so much more fulfilling. Last season I peaked chall in kr but I just completely stopped playing now, only occasionally play arena or aram.


All those comments are genuinely so funny, how can people be so scared of League. If you’re not mentally stable enough them don’t play but you all make it sound like it’s destroying your life. The key is literally to stay mentally ahead of the game and if you have the skill, you will climb eventually. People on here making this game sound so much more miserable than it is.




Idk, I'm a well balanced adult now. I like playing ranked and improving at the game (I just came back for the first time in a very long time, last time I played in any "serious" capacity, Vi was new), and It doesn't like affect my mood when I lose LP. Over a long enough timeline, I'll Improve at the game and raise my rank to where I think I can get, and try for higher.


The way I read this is "I was addicted to league once, then had to quit, and when I came back I was not longer addicted". I'm in the same boat, was a addicted for a couple of years \~season 2 or so. Nowadays, I don't play league much, and very little ranked, but league can still be fun to play casually.


League is trash for enthusiasts and fun for the carefree


Every year, yes.


Yeah I regret it. After not playing for half a year, I came back. I think the game is pretty well balanced right now, but holy hell the games are such a shitty quality. I feel like everyone has lost their mind. I have never gotten any serious threads before, but yesterday my jungler wished me death and what not for no reason at all. We just had different views on doing a risky drake. People flame for the sake of flaming and whats up with the constant "insert champion name, does not deserve to win, I will troll now"??? This was in emerarld mind you. Dont how people behave in lower elos, but I guess it must be worse.


No, it’s great. I came back because of watching arcane and it is so good with the best rate of time-spent to enjoyment out of any multiplayer game.


I always regret it after a few games


Had a 3 year break and never regretted coming back. People nowadays complain about everything!! but i think league isnt that bad.


I started in season 1, then quit for years until season 6 when a girl I liked convinced me to start playing again with her. Contrary to what I assume most people responded, the only thing I regret about my time with league is that I ever quit. I know it's popular to say you hate this game, but I still genuinely think it's great.


I havent touched ranked in probably half a decade . I just play aram now and then imi it s a lot more fun .




I was fully addicted for about 8 years, took a break 2 years ago and my life has improved tenfold… I am dipping my toes in but I will never grind this game or care about rank again Sadly the game is more fun when you’re grinding ranked


Yes. So much snowflakes nowdays playing the game.


When I come back it is to play Aram, unlike most people I actually hit my ranked goals and lost interest in soloq shortly after, with riot removing mastery system i feel like I have nothing left to do in league. I only like experiencing some adc champs again here and there but a game of aram a month does it. I wish riot didn’t ruin league with the mastery change


If I'd regret coming back I could just stop again. But the game is actually a lot of fun.


Nah, the past few years have been a steady decline even in things outside ranked. Casual banter will get you banned, pings are throttled, matchmaking is somehow worse than it was, events and skins are lackluster but priced higher, millions of mastery points shattered, do I have to keep going on? That said, once you go league, nothing can scratch that competitive itch in a video game.. You’d be better off joining your local football club for that xd.


stopped playing for 2 yrs but came back when my friends started playing again. I don't regret it and it doesn't impact my life beyond allowing me to spend some time online with friends in the night where I used to doomscroll alone in my room. worth noting I was never particularly good at the game and typically only play norms, but strangely I feel as though I'm better this time around than previously.


Well since they implemented the anticheat which forces me to restart pc before playing LoL I stopped completely and seems like Im not comming back. Firstime riot did something useful for my life lol


I wish I could quit...


I like how people refuse to accept they enjoy this game. It's ok to like it you know, it's actually pretty good. Just play with friends if you are too toxic or tilted.


I came back after a long stop, think I quit 2017/8. A friend had never played before so I played with him. I enjoy playing, but not on my own.


I developed stockholm syndrome ...


I played Season 3 to Season 11, almost exclusively ranked (usually solo). Then I started playing DotA. Believe it or not, ppl are less toxic in DotA (also there's voice chat). It could be also because there's "behavior score" and I'm maxed out in that. I've tried coming back every now and then but I haven't in a long time, aside from the rare ARAM game with some online friends.


I keep getting baited by friends "just one game bro" like once or twice a year. And every time it is not fun at all and I keep saying to myself "why do I do this every time?"


I have come back like 5-6 times. You enjoy it for a while, then the tilt starts and you stop!




nah I don't regret it it's one of the things that keeps me tied to my friends. it is valuable in that sense.


I only play aram now and it's fun, 1 or 2 games a day is healthy, it's like apples


Speaking for my friend: He quit the game 4 times in the past by uninstalling the game. When he quit the 5th time he send a ticket too Riot asking them to delet his account. They did that. He came back with a new account and quit again. This time he changed his passwort to by rolling his face on the keyboard. So far he hasnt returned with account #3 and I think it will stay that way(this time for sure).


They always come back


Came back after 5 year break and enjoying it. Just had to mute all


I dont know. I left for dota.


Hell naw. Not regretting it at all. I come on and off and I am always pleasantly suprised. Game is just that fair and good. I love it


I quit League as I started to find work, but found out about Wild Rift, and pretty much never came back. It's on my phone which is hella convenient, plus the controls are arguably more intuitive than in PC. Also, games usually last from 15-25 minutes, with 25 minutes being late game. I do miss some champs in PC since the roster on WR isn't fully available, so no, I don't regret coming back (because of Wild Rift lol)


Out of all games to invest time into getting better League is probably one of the worst - the time investment is massive, and many games you feel at mercy of teammates so it is not rewarding. I have been on and off and lately I find more joy in either single players or games that I can invest some time into and feel there's progress (Diablo IV). With League sometimes I would sit, have 2 bad games and feel I wasted 2 hours.




I used to be a masters player as well and quit for about 2 years. When i returned i just found it very fun to just move around my character. Clicking, dodging, spacing, movement in general. You have so much control over movement in league compared to the games i played while off league. I saw the game in a completely diferent light. It made me think "man league is such a good and fun game". I play a lot less now but im still low master, and play a decent aram games.


I started league at the end of season 9. Started in silver 1 or so and by Season 11 I was in plat and I was completely miserable. I wasn't the type to get toxic with teammates or anything but queueing up 3 games in a row to have 2 people afk after dying first blood or an argument between botlane and the jungler over something silly in the first 5 mins causing one ore more people to intentionally throw the game to "teach the other guy a lesson" - just felt maddening. Literally play losing games because of whiney children just wore me out. I quit till just recently. Ironically I'm sitting at Emerald 4 now and take the game was less seriously. I still try to win but someone baby raging in chat is just comical now rather than annoying. I don't play nearly as often either and I think my win rate is actually higher.


Nah. I try it out again every once in a while, but every time only takes me a couple days to remember why I quit in the first place.


Didn't quit as such but I didn't play for a couple of years because of exams, new job, new house and general life stuff. Absolutely no regret, I don't play nearly as much as I once did now I'm older and won't reach the ranks I once did but it's still fun to play a bit so long as you can set aside the fact that you won't be as good as you once were.


The game is the worst it's ever been and the community is actually untolerable. Don't bother tbh.


Yes. Every time I come back I hate myself more. No one wants to work together. No one listens to each other. No one cares to try. Everyone has to be the 20/0 carry or the game is just instant ff. It's at its worst point


Only thing I regret is not being able to quit.


Let us be honest, league gives you nothing IRL. This feeling you get when playing League, is nothing different from the high you would get being a heroine junkie. It is just dopamine. Being a Master in League means nothing to almost everyone else. It has no real world value. Now you got a life and a wife. You are doing great! Don't waste it on a online game. Life gets hard sometimes and it might make you miss the illusion you had of achieving something in League. But that is just an illusion. Do you realize that you actually don't even own your League profile? Yes, you unlocked champs, skins, and other content but you can't sell them. You can't capitalize them. So, after all those hours you invested, what do you have to show for your time? Nothing, even the skills you developed are gonna since the game is not the same anymore. If you miss the competition, the adrenaline, the achievements, invest on your real life, invest on a carrier, on a business of your own, invest on your wife. I am sure that after 15 years (that is how much time we wasted in League), you will have much more to show for your efforts. Just my opinion.


Even if you reach challenger what happens then? Nothing. Only you have to wait 15 min for a game. So play the game for fun or get furious over shitty teammates


I'm met some really good friends of my life via League, currently dating somebody i net via League.


I regret not being able to quit..


I was permanently banned yeaars ago and returned. I play pretty frequently now, spamming norms or ARAM. I dont regret it. Im honor level 3 and Ive made an effort to make myself tilt proof. But sometimes my girlfriend is like, reeee why are you playing league. I dont let it get to me like it used to. (The toxicity)


taking a break because my friend suggested it was the best thing that happened to my league experience. he basically saw how burnt out and toxic i was getting and then by the time i really got back into league I wasn't toxic anymore and could just enjoy the game for what it is. a game. if you are only hoping to be good at the game again and be top 1% or care about rank the same problems will probably be there as it will still be toxic. but if you come back and play for fun its well worth it. league is mostly more fun than it has ever been minus maybe the peak of seasons 3-5


You can come back but you won't ever be in the top 1% anymore. Probably not even in the top 10%. The overall skill level increased so much and age takes a toll too.


Despite what everyone else is saying here: It's a fucking game. Anyone that has a bad experience to the point of saying that it worsens their quality of life has personal mental health issues that are the root of the problem. It's not the games fault if you engage with it in a self-destructive way. You people need to start taking a deeper look at yourselfs, stop blaming a piece of software and, if necessary, get therapy.


It depends on your relationship with the game. Can you play it and still enjoy life outside it? I currently play exactly one game of ranked per day before work and after breakfast with my wife, its all I need, it doesn't bother my work schedule, my other hobbies, my workout or my relationship with my wife. I find it pleasurable and generally I have fun regardless of the result of the game. So for me its absolutely worth it, its a bit of fun I have that isn't getting in the way of more important things


I played die-hard from 2010 till around 2018. I quit around the time of Irelia's rework and came back in the summer of 2020 during Covid and I can honestly say I've been enjoying it more than I ever have. I stopped being a slave to my rank and played almost exclusively normals for an entire year with the mindset that if I can't enjoy the game without it, I shouldn't be playing because of it. It truly helped me enjoy every game on its own instead of only enjoying the win. I've come to learn that losing can be fun as long as the game was good (something I took away from playing Warhammer 40K & MTG with friends). I think a lot has to do with mindset. I'm mostly a Kayle OTP now and enjoy the continuous journey of learning more about the champ, its matchups, and seeing myself improve over the years since.


Maybe I will be minority here but I was playing lol long time ago, maybe 10-12 years ago. I started again. And I only play now against bots/ai. For some reason it feels more interesting, at least for me, as I am autistic and maybe that's why. Once in a while after work to play few hours just to keep my brain a bit quiet and without trying proper strategy and abuse from users But biggest pros is that I need to wait maybe 10-15 seconds to find the match instead of 15 minutes when is pvp. So everything here is just to relax and not think about anything. Also being killed bothers less here. I like challenges here and there but waiting 15 minutes just for one player to refuse and go back to queue to wait another 5 minutes is just too much.


I was playing for 7 years since S2. Then stopped for over 3 years and started playing again last split up until the split was over. Back then I was hardstuck d5, now I was hardstuck e1. I deinstalled again after 400 games a few days ago, because I hated myself for starting to play again, I was raging when on a loosing streak. I was kinda aggro towards my gf when she talked to me while I was losing. Definitely a bad decision to start playing again because it literally gives me nothing but frustration even tho i love the competition. Also vanguard made it a bit easier as well


It's all about dopamine... If you leave but don't fill the dopamine need with something healthier, you'll get back to it soon.


No regrets. I still feel like this is a game I can invest myself in and feel good about when I improve, even if I'm bad. The trick is not caring too much. I sometimes get into a ranked mindset where I stop having fun so I step back and play some chill matches on silly picks.


I started playing around the 10th anniversary. Was absolutely atrocious, to the point that my highest ever grade was d+, got so hated that I quit. 5 years later I'm back and actually learning, might have the potential to reach silver or higher this split


Ive played off and on since season 3 when the new champion was Lissandra. I don't think I've ever had a relationship with a game that I do with league. You got a community thinking they are as good as faker when theh went 0-10 in lane but it's not their fault, can't ever play jungle without someone claiming "jungle dif" for missing one dragon, always need to mute at least 2 people a game, I get snowballed by someone playing the meta pick instead of who they like to play and when they lose the game they act like money was on the line, and what does riot do to combat toxicity and overpowered champions and mechanics? They just release more 1350rp skins and give meaningless items to people who deal with someone who went afk because they were in a middle of a storm and their power got knocked out. (Happened to me, I got a que timer over it) But, how the game mechanicaly behaves with how a split second decision can change a game, how chaotic the team fights are, the overall chaos of people arguing with one another while they are still trying to win and just my mental feeling of ruining some kids afternoon when I stomp on them as Jhin makes me play it still.


Definitely regret, game feels shit these days compared to the old days. Riot was never great at balancing but it feels especially bad lately. Also at least the community didn't shit talk after every single game or tell you to end yourself for dying once or twice it's honestly crazy how much nicer it used to be to play the game, I'd actually make a friend or two playing back in the day but I've not added a single new person since I've been back playing and none of the older people I have on the list still play. Game is just in a bad spot imo and that's before riot being greedy and sending out 500 dollar skins lol


I play it casually on weekends with friends or solo. Its still really fun.


Yes now I'm depressed again




Every time. I've done it many times too.


Honestly I play league only because there is nothing else that I like. When I played Warframe I skipped league for half a year or so but then I burned out, had nothing better to play and returned. I have other games like TBoI, muse dash etc. But they are nicer to play for like 1-2 hours at best while league is kinda easier to digest for more hours