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Irelia. I feel like she's ALWAYS a pain in lane, and I just can't seem to figure out when to pressure correctly.


Using E on a minion that you Q is a great way to hide it and surprisingly leads to a lot of free E hits which really makes or breaks lane. It will only work a couple times before enemy catches on though


Another thing I didn’t realize about Irelia until way too late is how good her W is. If you time your W to your opponents abilities you can negate a lot of the damage, and use it to set up your passive stacks by either hitting the opponent or getting minions low to dash.


You can also hide your E within your W. Alot of people like to attack you since you're immobile during that time.


I second third fourth and fifth this


Kha'Zix Evolving is such a cool feature, and I love the Void theme. But I'm not the biggest fan of the assassin playstyle


I used to love Kha'Zix back in seasons 2-4 where his normal build was more of a dueling bruiser build, I just suck at assassin's though so I can't really play him anymore


I miss the Alex Ich tech of using evolved w+hydra to instaclear the wave while jumping in and getting instant isolation dmg 


Amen to this. I still evolve wings 2nd because of the legendary Alex ich clips lol


To me it’s the old Kha E reset jump videos from S4-5. The dopamine is well worth the loss of W evolve.


You could probably get the same effect with Profane Hydra still


Nah  back in the early days you could w mid air and buffer tiamat/hydra so it went off instantly letting you hit isolated q as you landed, on top of turrets not blocking isolation. Mid air W and mid air tiamat activation were removed because kha mid ruined any mage if he got ahead diving over and over. 


Talon, Kha’zix, Qiyana… I can’t do the assassin vibe really. I think part of the issue is the fear of being useless, fall behind on a character like that and you suddenly can’t perform your duty of one shotting squishies as well.


Try Kai'Sa


I really like Kai'Sa. She was my main for the longest time back when she was just released


Or Bel'Veth


If you like the evolving feature and play mages, I recommend Viktor!


Viktor's really fun


Viego. I've been playing League for who knows how long without a main, jumping from champion to champion and role to role. Was very excited about the opportunity to transform into every champion and take their kit, but Viego's own kit just doesn't jill with me.


Same but while his kit is fine i think he's too squishy to do anything unless ur very fed


its very feast or famine, if you get a reset you will carry an entire teamfight but if u dont, you're just useless/dead.


My problem is the length of possession time. If it was 15 secs, it still would be cool.


it might require some other big balance changes but it really limits "playing" other champions such as team fighting as another adc into "just mash all their cooldowns and ult again"


For me it’s the opposite. I like his base kit but I don’t like transforming into other champions. I guess one could argue to just not do it but the heal, mobility and becoming untargetable is so strong that not using it would be trolling.


Just transform and use R...


You can do that but base Viego is like a third of a champion if you aren't using possession abilities


Yeah but you can't use R right away, you need to stay in possesion for at least 1,5 seconds


Same for Viego I like his kit I just don’t like to play jungle


I think I’ve played him once. Been playing for 10 years or more now but too many damn champs


He’s fun. Really snowballs well. 


Right like the concept of possessing enemies sounds like it fits a controller, mage-like champion more to me, and the fact that you can only possess someone after they die makes it even more meh. I want to turn the tides of the battle by possessing the most valuable enemy, much like renata turns enemies against each other with her R, not wait for them to start dying and then clean up


Then takedown the most valuable enemy, spam their rotation once, press R, takedown next most valuable target. Tbh,it doesn’t seem like you’re taking game balance into consideration. Who wants to play a game where the enemy can take control of your champ while you’re ALIVE with no counter play.


I‘m not a Pantheon player but I‘m pretty sure SpearShot often says that he scales insanely well on full damage builds


He does, he has passive 30% armor pen and his e is so valuable late game just it just negates 100% of dmg


This used to be a thing with me back when I was discovering champions.. I was told X is only early game champion, so I tried to force fights and get advantages in the lane phase, only to always lose/die horribly awkwardly and be pretty much the reason why I lost games.. Then I tried to sit back with these "early champions", just playing casually and not doing stupid things.. My WR skyrocketed. Sometimes it felt like people tried to outduel me early and by denying fights I just outscaled them passively. Or maybe I just did not fully understand what "early champion" meant. I know this happened to me with Renekton (I tried to duel like at level 3 and die). Then Lucian also probably counts. But after all I'm not an early champ player, so I didn't bother pushing it further.


Renekton is strong early because he can choose to take a trade, stun you, heal, then leave without you doing anything when he wants. He doesn't want to all in until 6 or really first item. He wants to force awkward trades, dives and generally make the enemy laner have a bad time


He is also somewhat really good at team fights even when behind and has decent scaling. All of which I did not consider


Yeah I've rarely seen Renekton be bad late game, and you can see it in proplay too.


As an ex-Renekton main, it's a bit more complex imo. Playing renekton late game FEELS horrible. You won't win a 1v1 Vs any other bruiser or tank, and once you've blown your load you're pretty useless for a short while. But you are strong in the right setting and useful in teamfights. Your ability to just flash stun the carry and be a constant spacing threat is too valuable. Also relies on your team actually being aware of your job though.


He did use to fall off back in the day and transition into a tank when itemization was different and bruisers didn't build full damage. Now in modern league he retain his damage and still capable of killing carries late game.


Same with Lucian. Early on, you really wanna poke with Q, sometimes a cheeky dash+auto. You rarely want to all in pre-level 6 because he excels in short trades. Watching a Lucian all in a Kalista at lv2 just because his Q hit breaks my heart.


Early game champion means that they are strong early when played right and shouldn’t be losing. That doesn’t mean you can ape and all in every early game scenario. Also, early game champs do scale but off of their gold and xp advantage through kills and farm. Imagine a Kayle vs Renekton but Kayle is 3 levels down and 1 item down. Renekton will still win because he’s at a further point in his scaling. However, his scaling is more linear while Kayle’s is exponential, eventually Kayle will destroy Renekton.


I’m pretty sure what Spear says is that he has a weak mid game but becomes good again in late (probably not hyper late depending on the comp ig?)


Yeah he scales super well I think OP is mainly talking about hard carry scaling champs though. Panth isn't like a hyper carry but he can peel or get a good engage/kill on squishy champions late game.


I can't play Pantheon because i'm always camped, i'm good with the champ, manage to get prio and beat my laner every time. Get camped by jungler and mid lane until i'm soloed under my tower. I hate that the champions i love are all toplaners. Pantheon, Sion, Malphite


Riven, I love her lore and what her kit allows her to do... But I am hopeless for playing such a mechanically demanding champion, especially a melee champion.


her popularity is bad atm because other mechanically demanding champions feels more satisfying to play because they identities doesn't resolve around micro cancelling every animation. but riot still think they need to cater to the dwelling pool of riven mains


Pantheon does scale really well though, although it’s a bit awkward since he has a good early, weak mid and strong late.


Yep, his greatest weakness before was that after his W, Q he would just die. Now with his E, he doesn't so he can tank a lot. Similar to Xin Zhao.


Panth used to be fun till they nerfed the armor pen items. Used to get like 90 armor pen before


The part of him that doesnt scale is his teamfighting.


He's a pretty solid teamfighter though? Targeted hard cc and lengthy invulnerability makes him way better than basically every other assassin, and better than most bruisers when building bruisery.


Evelynn. I really like her kit, but I just hate playing jungle. I feel guilty playing Eve on other lanes it just never suits her.


I like her mid a lot, especially into assassins or short-ranged characters. She has enough burst in lane to deal quite the damage and can sustain with her passive for trading. Her Q makes farming minions easy too. Once you’re 6, it’s easy roams for kills. Just careful for those hard pre-6 ganks. Any decent jungler will pressure her in lane enough to prevent her roams and deny kills/CS.


I second this, you play safe until 6, then roam and get kills. Plus I am like iron/bronze, I don't really have to worry about junglers either since they have no idea what they're doing most of the time...


Gwen. As a mage player who likes cutesy champions, her lack of range is really hard to get comfortable and used to, despite how much I love everything else about her.


As a fellow mage player, when I get autofilled top I mostly play gwen/jayce depending on what fits the team comp/matchup best. I find that in melee matchups she does decently well because her Q has a pretty long range, and poking Q>E>run back does a lot of work in lane. She also has the ability to Dodge skillshots early on like Illaoi E when you're getting minion blocked or your E is on cooldown


Ekko. I can play Jungle with him just fine but can't lane for Shit. As a Mid/ADC Main it's kind of embarrasing.


Used to be an ekko main when tank ekko toplane was a thing. Then had a hard time pivoting to AP builds on midlane, but found a gunblade build that I was a fan of Now every style of ekko I enjoyed playing is no more


Looool you played Ekko tank. Shame


Yeah, was super fun to play back when he was released. I also played AP ekko when tank ekko was no more. With Gunblade specifically. I just don’t like playing no gunblade jungle ekko


Gragas… I love that dude but just int with him


I had the most fun with briar in years of league. But I can’t jungle to save my life. I am a mid lamer.


Play her top lane. She can be decent if you know what you're doing.


Not really a champion but ADC as a whole. I love playing control mages and playing around range and constant high damage. I dont need a million dashes and oneshots or 3000 health, CC, healing. No, I just need my damage and my range to beat people 1 on 1 and if I get a lead I can completely take over the lane like no other. Sounds perfect for an ADC right? Except that they cant bully anyone and feel like a support to the team than anything else. Edit: I was more talking about Marksmen than just playing mages botlane. I used to be a huge Jinx and Ashe player but (I dont want this to come off as another "ADC WEAK" crying comment) the role feels so much different now with all of the changes done to it and I hate how powerless I feel alone.


Play Hwei APC strong every patch


Funnily enough, Ive basically been a Hwei onetrick this season


Haha he is a cool champion


Start with more caster-like adcs like Smolder or Ezreal (maybe wait a patch or two so they make him an actual champion). Both snowball real hard and if they get a kill or two in early can absolutely bully the enemies.


same but for a slightly different reason. i have like 8 ADCs in my roster but i hate playing botlane because its just too chaotic


Graves. He's cool as hell, and I have an extremely aggressive playstyle, but his kit just doesn't click with me (Viego OTP)


as a graves enjoyer i must say he needs time to get going. U must know how to utilize his kit perfectly to make him work. Positioning is also very important and role in teamfights. He is super fun when played correctly. When youre playing graves your role is not to gank so often but fuck enemy jungler as hard as you can because graves devours resources after 1 item. Jungler seen at bot? invade topside take everything, recall and possibly kill him at your red etc


Taliyah, i love her personality and the fluid movements that she does, her gameplay seems really fun but id enjoy her more if she played more like an AP fighter than a burst mage. I dont like one-shot gameplay.


Aurelion sol I love the idea of it Its slow with the minion collecting The rylais slow The big ultimate The mobility as not the flashiest mobility but giving some safety and aggressive options All these things i love But the mobility feels a bit clunky for me just like tristana jump But much more important is the Q, i just cant handle standing still and Q the opponent without walking


Old asol was unparalleled fun. New asol is the most boring thing to exist.


Surprised there are still no posts about Shaco. I am pretty sure everyone would love to play that guy every once in a while just to torment the enemy jungler the whole game, specially if you had the bad luck to queue with the opponent on the previous game and he/she hard inted that match.


Yeah he has cool skins, and sometimes tormenting is fun+support/mid/top shaco concepts sound nice, but trying it out myself always is a recipe for failure :(.  At least in Aram I sometimes have luck of draw and matchup :/


Ahri, Syndra, anything ranged that isnt LeBlanc. Oh and add adcs to that list too. Im an assassin main and I dont understand the concept of poking even tho i want to learn mages. The only champion i perform decently on is Lux 😭😭😭


Talon. Thing is I used to know what I was doing on him a couple years ago and now I just play mages and chill. Thing is, my other assassins (Kha, Kass, Ekko, Fizz) aren’t as embarassingly awful as my Talon is now


Kindred. I love all of the concepts and she feels super smooth to play but I simply cannot understand how to play jungle


I take her ADC on occasion, it's fun if the enemy duo are also short ranged


Nidalee. I'm mid main and she is one reason i didnt stick to jungle years back. I prefer playing for teamfights and scaling and her hard snowballing that is required is just not for me.


Thresh. I really want to play him, but just can't get out of the enchanter play style.


A tip is to lead lane, threaten a hook or stand as close to the “flash + flay” range as possible, if you think a gank is coming stand behind the ad, do this is flay or hook is on cooldown. Use the bushes as well, should go without saying. Also a sneaky pro tip is to not instantly follow up on a hook, it drags back twice, wait for the second drag back if you instantly follow as soon as it lands you won’t get a 2nd drag back. Be aware that flay is a great tool to stop champs with dashes, think j4, vi, Zac, reksai where sometimes it’s better to stand next to the ad to peel for them He takes a while to learn but when you do he can be one of the best snowballing supports in the game Pair with any adc that doesn’t have an escape dash or Tristana


As a thresh main, this is correct. I also like to play passively early to seem unconfident so the enemies play a bit more recklessly. Thresh is similar to Leona if ur too aggressive early u'll force the enemy to tower sit and u won't be get ur adc enough kills for mid-late game. There's two different types of thresh builds I go. If I have a weak or squishy adc I play more tank items. If adc is strong, such as draven or kali, then I go utilities items such as redemption and shield buffs so they can stay in fights longer.


Wdym enchanter play style?


Staying at range and spamming abilities. That's not how you play Thresh.


Thresh is definitely an engage support that doesn’t *have* to engage. He is mainly a peeler so it’s not that far out of your realm. Lantern arguably strongest non-ult support ability in the game. Flay stops most engage and all dashes and feels really good. Put a few games into him and you will see that he’s not a real frontline engage like alistar or Leona but more like a jack of all trades utility champ.


I have mastery 6, played him a lot, including lots of games with a diamond Thresh main as my ADC duo and trying to help me. I still suck. Edit: he suggested I play some Alistar to get better with Thresh, but I haven't.




Camille is one. I think she's really cool, but I can't stand this faffing around go in go out, short trade playstyle. Sion is the other big one. I adore his lore and personality, but I can't stand playing him. His Q and E just don't satisfy me.


I can understand the e argument (altho I find fun kicking minions into the enemy and getting comet procs into ranged matchups), but you find sion Q unsatisfying? Why? It's legit so satisfying to hit a max charge q or to fast tap q into a kill. Probably one of the coolest skills in this game. If you play sett and voli I can see the not standing the in and out trades, altho voli can still do it. With the W for mark and then other quick trade when W back up. Rise and repeat.


As a maniacal pantheon mid/jungle player, I wanna say that his scaling isnt poor at all (damage immunity and 30% free armor pen??), You just have to think a little bit to access the enemy backline


Rumble, overheat just feels bad. I understand why it's there and I think it's a good game mechanic. However overheating and not being able to ult doesn't feel good.


Funnily enough, I feel like overheating is a pretty managable and quite strong tool, especially because people really underestimate Rumble's overheat auto attack damage (in lane). On the other hand, even though I'd say Gnar is one of my stronger toplane champions, I hate managing the Gnar-bar - especially when it comes down to making a decision between getting cs vs trading/going for an all-in or managing/fixing a really bad wavestate vs managing rage close to objective timers/gank timers/potential skirmishes etc. Rumble's heat feels a lot more managable and it doesn't feel quite as punishing to mismanage heat vs rage imo.


Aphelios. I love his character and his kit seems super fun but I’m just so bad with him. I’m a support main (I play all types except hook champs) but I really wish I could play him. Idk what I do wrong with him but I feel so weak in lane and get out poked by every other champ.


I kinda avoid any champ with bad aoe/zone control. I do enjoy a quick single-target oneshot, but if I can't do that, then I feel pretty useless. I love the team melters. I've saved too many games by stalling with Anivia & Sivir. Players will get extremely greedy and missplay when they cant dive on their terms. ❄🏜


Briar, I haven't played her once but I somewhat know what she does and I just don't like her kit, she heals a lot but I just don't like the fact you lose control and you have skills like that one and her ult and also a Q with disengage, it doesn't make sense to me. I feel she doesn't have much outplay potential.


Any assassin really. I just dont get the early game right then i either fall behind or int hard (especially with katarina)


Jhin. Cool champion design, but I just love attack speed.


So I play jg/mid and love aram, I like many chars so I relly thought about playing viego because I'd be able to play every champ. The thing is I like high mobility and early/mid power spike like lillia, nunu and yone. Viego fits in this but his base kit is just so weird ngl


Tryndamere. I love the concept of his ultimate. His W is hilariously fun. It's like him saying don't be a bitch and fight! His only sustain outside of runes and items is his Q. I know his Q has a passive effect but man that self healing is pitiful and who's gonna build AP on Trynd? You don't crit harder with that shit. He's got that perfect frontline berserk-ish traditional right-clicking bruiser in him but it doesn't feel right that you are building things like Phantom Dancer, LDR's, Mortal Reminder, just ranged ADC items. It just seems odd that an angry barbarian is building items that are suited for those wimpy, squishy, gotta stay in the backline marksman would.


Also his playstyle is splitpush and run away... For an unkillable fearless warrior, his best strat is to run away...  Would probably do wonders to get rid of his crit and make him more of a bruiser but trynd doesnt want that for his OC 


While I play and enjoy some trynd occasionally, I definitely agree that he's a conceptual failure. He completely fails to deliver on his fantasy as a berserker.


Yasuo and Viktor. Yasuos lore and character is cool asf. I love playing Yone but somehow cannot for the life of me play Yasuo. And Viktor cause corny as that sounds I relate to him. My favourite arcane character. The brightest flames burns the fastest


LeBlanc. I love all her lore intrigues and scheming with Swain and I think she is super fun...however whenever I play her on SR I get a - 50% damage dealt and +50% damage taken debuff and feed my brains out.


Twisted Fate, loved this Champion since the beginning, but never fitted me


Aatrox I love his lines, I love his ult, he is a warlord/conqueror style character in my imagination, but a siege minion in my hands I'm slowly figuring him out tho


Current Skarner. (He's so much worse compared to the old one)


Kindred but I’m shit jungler


Kindred, I love their concept and gameplay idea but they are junglers and I suck playing jg.


I love sylas thematically and I love the ability to use enemy abilities against them in any game I play, but I am a long range burst mage at heart, and I just can't seem to do the things I know sylas is capable of with anyone else using him. Viego to a lesser degree, don't really like him thematically, though dissonance Viego makes up for it, and stealing other characters for a time, similar to above. I'm just not good with anything non-long-range mage other than the simple stuff like yi and yasuo, (though I do play Neeko)


I have a different problem, since I only enjoy one champ (viego). It’s not playstyle that bothers me as much as un utilised potential. Viego, I think could’ve had a far more richer and complex personality with how much effort they put into his storyline and his story being something where a lot of exploration of human emotion can take place. How someone would act and how they’d feel. Stories of loss evoke deeper emotions than other kinds due to how painful and relatable they are. Viego could have been riot’s experiment into character development and in game story telling through dialogue. Instead we have a rather one dimensional madman that people can barely relate to. His ingame dialogue is just outright cumbersome after a while due to the disparity between the appeal of his character and the reality of how he is in game. He just rambles on and on about Isolde, the dialogue lacks variety even for a madman. If you contrast this to other famous characters who were torn apart by tragedy (prince Hamlet for example) what you have with Viego just saddens you due to the opportunity lost. I love the way he’s been animated, and his kit (though irritatingly fast paced) is the only one that I consistently find enjoyment in. But I cannot help but think of the opportunity lost in probably creating league’s best designed and most relatable champion.


Kindred, cool lore and even better aesthetic design. But I just can’t manage to enjoy her gameplay, it’s so damn boring


What? Kindred has one of the most fun playstyles in the jungle. It's the epitome of the psycho pathing and hyper-aggressive playstyle. My problem with her is that in jungle boring is actually pretty nice cause it's consistency and it's nice to chill a bit sometimes where in order to succeed with Kindred you need to perma flip (half of the time it only becoming flip because of your solo q teammates who don't like to think and just autopilot and still don't move despite having prio and tempo where the enemy team sometimes randomly drop 3 huge ass waves and sacrifice their lane just to fuck you). Kindred is such a polarizing champ due to that where half of the games she 1v9s and half of the games it's a complete misery and you can't play the game and solo lose attempting to play.




Akshan, Quinn and Sett, I'm a tank and juggernaut player and I specifically have a hard time playing ranged top lane. I want a pick which is ranged and works well top. But I just can't get it down. And as for Sett, for some reason after Riot nerfed him after release I can't jell with how to play him. He feels incredibly feast or famine in my hands.


I play a lot of panth as my ad pick and he absolutely scales tremendously well lategame. his invulnerability gives him safety that is super valuable late because lategame you can just die in 1 second. he ignores armor entirely when built properly and can insta apply cleaver. spearshot (best pantheon in the world most likely) refers to him as ad kassadin and after playing a bit of both i have to say i agree. give him a try and you wont be disappointed


Panth has a great late game though?


Are u calling him a not hard (simple) champ that scales or a not a hard-scaling champ? Cause hes a hyperscaler with a shit mid game


I love phel and zeri but I’m a bad laner


Pantheon doesn't fall off damage wise, he'll still one shot anyone, problem is he'll also get one shot and only has E for disengage unlike assassins who can dash away to safety.


Either Gwen or Vayne Gwen seemed like a very strong pick that had a great kit, yet not in my hands. Why can't I land true damage? How the hell is her ult so strong, when my R3 deals like 46 damage? Why is she so squishy? I have around 50 games on her, around 25/25 on mid and top, but nuh uh. Doesn't sit with me. Vayne as a whole is a pick I very much enjoy playing. I have a mastery 8 on her, but I am terrible with her ultimate, which is my main problem with the champ. Even though, I have good spacing and I know how to play her in a lot of situations, my playstyle doesn't change when I press ult. I just kinda... Stay back and auto with empowered attacks, and hope for the best lmao. I can't seem to abuse the invincibility AT ALL. Also azir, but I think it's just because of how hard the champ is.


I love playing ornn, i just can't play top


Oh, I love love looove Zed and Talon as champs so freaking much, they are so fun to play w... as long as I'm in practice mode lol. Zed is quite hard to operate and I unfortunately suck w assassins :(




Brand, I like being a walking cancer but I hate mages


Used to enjoy Shen a lot until they gave him a spirit sword like 7 years ago. Being a tanky ninja was already a quirky concept to begin with. Adding a tether mechanic for him to do any damage was just too much to for me.


his scaling isnt bad anymore nowadays, not sure when you last time tried him.




Irelia. I love her story, I love her character, but I suck at her so much.






Riven, seems like great fun to play, strong in lane, and crushing team fights with her Q, W & R, but my silver/gold ass just isn’t good enough to master the animation cancelling or fast Q’s outside of practise tool lmao


Kindred, he is my computer background and I love his design and lore so much but I play tank junglers and have never gotten a good game on him


I'm a really big fan of Qiyana Design and Personality but Im really bad with assassins and I'm not a big fan of stealth and mobility. For reference my mains are Hwei, Veigar, Lux, Syndra and Lissandra. The closest I ever play to an assassin is when I'm playing Vex or Ahri


It might sound weird, but Ashe. I can play caster-like ADCs pretty well (Ezreal, Kai’Sa, MF) but I am trash with auto-attack heavy ADCs like Ashe. 


That’s a shame Pantheons kit is fire.


Lee sin / gangplank . I just have too high of a ping to actually be able to play them like i desire to


Yone i just cant play that champ no matter what i do


I'm a very versatile player, I play at least one champ from each class or subclass in the game except two: tank support (I haven't found one I like yet. Maybe Taric?) and assassins. If I had to go with an assassin I think my favourite would easily be Katarina.


My first nick was BioArcane bc I started playing League bc of Kog'Maw...and with very fee exeptions he is one of the only champs I truly dislike playing.


gangplank, the champion requires you to have a high apm but i don't have it


Samira, Kalista, and Nilah. I find them very fun in aram, but absolutely get shitted on when I get the chance to try them on blind/draft not ranked


Anything Uber aggressive really. I'm a very safe player , prefer peeling and disengaging to engaging. Braum, Tahm, Renata are my bread and butter. Champs like Pyke would be great to add to my roster in the event something like that is needed. But ultimately I'm too shackled to my disengage play style to make it work before I descale


Lee sin. I want to be that kind of good, you know? Game defining Oner level lee sin plays. But, if I'm not splish splash Zac or forever CC Sejuani my team just doesn't seem to know what to do with themselves.






Nidaler, love her design but it feels just so damn impossible to play.


Pyke. I'm just not an assassin player. I'm support main and should stick to playing tanks like the anemic lil bitch I am


Kindred. I love adc and jungle is fun when I have a champion I like playing there. I just really hate the mark system. It makes things feel so inconsistent from game to game. Having such a big chunk of power budget going into the ult is also kinda meh. The rest of their kit and the characters are fantastic though.


Elise. I love this champ so much. She's cool and can do some pretty nice dives, but I'm just to bad with her sadly. Also, early game champs don't fit my playstyle




Taliyah. Champ just doesn’t seem to click for me. Her W E combo is too rng reliant when there’s so much movement speed in the game. I wish Rylai was part of her build.


Kalista. I’m an ADC main and seeing high elos absolutely skewer opponents with her, it’s a greater desire of mine to be fluent on that champ. Sadly cuz moving around like that bothers me (attack/move), I just can’t get used to her


Mordekaiser. Honestly, his movement is too slow for me


Irelia. The juice just isn't worth the squeeze.


Briar. Love the idea and I can have fun with her a couple matches, but then I switch back to my mains. And I dont think I could ever bring her to ranked


Brair, she checked all the boxes I like, melee, bulky, big heals, and self buffs, but I have trouble playing around her frenzy, especially in ARAM where I live.


Kayn. I adore him so much, probably my second favorite character overall, but I hate playing jungle too much to fully learn him. I just stick to playing him in ARAM whenever I get the chance.


I think Camille and Irelia are so dope (especially Coven Camille and Mythmaker Irelia) but I’m so used to ranged champs I’m trash at positioning with melees. I mean Im trash at ranged, too, but more like litter on the sidewalk instead of a heaping pile of landfill


Basically every adc


For me its Asol sadly the rework is not for me


Nami. She looks so fun to play but it just isn't.


kindred. I mainly play aram and when I do play SR it's never jg. Kindred has nice skins and cool aesthetic. She feels like an adc with shorter range and a coin toss ultimate to me. Fun when you manage to get some stacks tho!


Rengar, I love playing assassin but his dash only working inside bushes kills my will to master this champ.


Twitch as a character is hilarious. As something to play? Not my style.


Riven. She’s hard


Twisted Fate in terms character is literally my favorite one but I just can't play him that good even if I have like 1.2 mils. I'm just a assassin main for years after realizing that and ranked up so fast xd


Not that it doesn't fit completely but Zeri... I just find her Extremely difficult to play. I am a somewhat competent Ezreal user, but Zeri micro so unrelenting I can never feel comfortable using her.


Katarina and Irelia, just because they look so beautiful and I like the skins 🤡




Qiyana, i love the bratty self-important attitude she has but god damn can i not figure how to play her


Panth is one of the best scaling AD frontliners in the game.


Kindred. Playing as the personification of dead sounds so much cooler than playing what is essentially a crippled marksman, strapped to a mechanic that forces them to go into harm’s way as a way to scale while also being the class with the least amount of self defense


All blood champions. I can't micromanage my health for shit. 2 and half rotations later, "What the fuck hit me?!"


Braum. Nobody dislikes braum, but nobody plays him either.


Bel'veth. As a certified weirdo, I can't believe the mind-controlling void manta ray which controls a near-infinite school of fishlike voidlings plays the same as Master Yi. They had like 3 avenues for an interesting AP champion and she battles with her autoattacks...


any assassin


Pretty much any mid game/roaming champ. Especially sylas and akshan. I’m learning them rn, but holy shit the play style is completely different from vlad or ryze or any other “survive lane and teamfight” champion.


Malphite. Still enjoy is R play style but it doesn't make sense that he doesn't get size from having extra armour while chogath does when refering to his lore


Asol , i really like his personality and the whole space dragon theme. But man, the gameplay is some of the most boring league experiences I've had. Big unmissable AOE is fun for like 2 games, then it just feels like there's almost no chance to mess up. "Wow we won the teamfight with my mediocre ult attempt that still did 600 damage to the adc i missed"


Irelia, coolest champ in the game but im not good enough and I strongly prefer mages.


Basically any squishy sword user that has to get up in your face like Yi and Yasuo. They look so powerful in other people’s hands and when I use them… let’s just say my team would rather have a creep as the fifth member.


Naafiri. I was excited for a darkin when announced but i wasn't expecting a dog and i dont like the champion overall.


I love Aatrox lore wise, but i just don't enjoy his gameplay idk why i would rather play jayce, irelia all day long


My fav champ is Pyke. I enjoy playing him very much. At the same time I absolutely despise the fact that he becomes a minion after min 15.


Ryze doesn’t feel like an archmage to me




Gwen, I love her character design, but her playstyle just doesn’t suit my tastes at all. Q feels clunky and the auto attacks never feel satisfying.


Akali post rework. Played the shit out of old Akali, but just dislike the new one so much. Can't wrap my head around the new playstyle at all


Singed. I love champions who are good at not interacting with other top laners and thriving, but singed just doesn't fit for me I really like shen though. Even if it's a bad matchup, all I have to do is not give away many deaths and plates, and help my team with my ult so the rest of the map wins Of course I'll still get flamed for not winning lane after being the sole reason other parts of the map win , but you can't make everyone happy


> Pantheon > non-hard scaling dudes I feel like I used to have a similar mindset about Pantheon, but I think it's a little unwarranted. He's no Aurelion Sol or Fiora, but he does scale exceptionally well *and* has a pretty fantastic early/mid game. I started playing League a while ago - way before the Pantheon rework. For a while after his rework, I continued to think of him as an insta-ban, low-skill, lane bully with a design that makes you want to quit the game if you ever find yourself in a lane against him. He was that bad when his Q was point & click - I hated laning against him. But.. he's not *that* bad anymore & he actually scales pretty well due to his R passive & his crit Qs. He's one of the few champs that gets to benefit from built-in pen (armor pen). This allows him to get one of the most valuable stats without having to buy anything & can give him a little more freedom in his builds & build paths. At lv 16, he has 30% armor pen baked into his kit. That + a fully stacked black cleaver is 60% armor pen & is more percent pen than most champions can ever achieve. That only requires *one* item (and plenty of xp) that gives extremely well-rounded stats--haste, hp, AD, armor pen, and on-hit move speed. Everything Pantheon could want & more. He can proc Eclipse/Sundered sky safely & easily too. He's honestly a decent scaling champion. Has a great early game too (less so than pre rework - but still really strong) and he can adjust his build fairly easily. Able to one shot squishies & easily deal with tanks. Hard CC, get out jail (relatively) free card, poke, and a semi-global ult/TP.


Rek'sai. I just died all times then tried to fight


I like briars design. But i just hate playing statcheck champs. Also love karthus and all the yordles, but I dont like playing any of them besides tris.


what does statcheck mean ?


Lol, was about to write pantheon… i only can Play bruser Like Voli of Sett und just cant get good with panth


For me it’s J4. One of leagues oldest champs with largely the same kit. But every time he’s good, I just don’t quite jell with him the way I want to. His E/Q just feels so incredibly clunky to me. And when I see anyone with skill play him they make it look like this impossible to miss combo.