• By -


Grats on reaching your goal and making it in the top % of an extremely popular and competitive game. Glad you're wise enough to know when to let go.


Thank you for taking your time to write a positive comment. Wishing all the love and the power to you mate.


I did the exact same thing when i reached gm. Not looking back


I did the same, kinda. Reached 500lp then after 1 season got stuck 250lp and now have accepted I'll never be better than that so now I stick to arams and chill games once in a while. The grind gets too intensive, not worth it you aren't making money off it.


lulz OP went on a major tilt spree, see you in a week brotha [https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/OldMonk-Bless](https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/OldMonk-Bless)


Pls tell me that's not actually is acc


it 100% is


In the last 9 hours, he has 3 wins 7 losses lol. This post was made 3 days ago…guess the uninstall didn’t last long.


People don't understand how much worse the game quality gets as you climb to higher ranks. On one hand, it gets "better" because you don't have Barry Bronze or Sammy Silver forgetting to use their summs and ult in a key team fight. Instead you get Marty Masters who's playing on their 17th account and plans to soft int the game out of spite because their jungle played for botside. Or Daniel Diamond locking in support Smolder after unleashing a rant in champ select about how he's in losers queue and we all deserve this somehow. And then there's Garret Grandmaster who afks after getting pinged to be careful. How DARE someone 100lp lower than him think they can breathe air in the same ecosystem. How dare a Masters player attempt to communicate to someone of a superior species.


I was at the edge of my seat waiting for the Charles Challenger plot twist


Charles Challenger is doing A-Z subathon and is currently busy flaming his support for being dogshit and making him fail on his newly invented full on-hit Blitzcrank.


more like he does a Iron to challenger 100% winrate run and flames his iron Jungler that started playing ranked 3 days ago and installed league in 2023 (Blade cough cough)


Br has a literal smurfing challenge called solo-boom that's controller by one of ARGs's biggest streamers iirc. like over 100 "content" creators and high elo (basically all of the chall playerbase) players just turbo smurf the ladder to see who can climb the highest, fastest and with the best wr for a price money at the end. It's literally a month long shitfest of incredibly increased toxicity since ofc not just the people participating smurf and the game becomes nearly unplayable. All of it allowed by riot. God I love this game lmao.


Playing on a fresh account is allowed however those guys probably are buying accounts that have been artificially deboosted to a very low elo such that they spend a lot of games there. Those guys need to be banned asap for several reasons.


Don't think a single acc is hand leveled lol.




While he smurfs in gold


We are all Charles Challenjour on reddit


nah it is Carlos Challenjour


Got literally stunned IRL because "Charles" is the litteral name and nickname of a french high elo streamer, maining Teemo jungle, not toxic at all, who had his share of witnessing toxic behavior on stream. I still remember earlier this season when Malignance got introduced he was rank 1 EUW for a moment and high elos/reddit talked about it a lot. And suddenly the high rank players in his team start to soft int a lot on stream out of spite of having a Teemo jungle. For instance, I remember Vetheo just last hitting a camp he was doing and being quite annoying during the game.


And then when you are on gold-emerald you have: - lvl 30 accounts, either smurfs stomping or newbies deranking to iron - people that after emerald was added reached P4 or E4 and think they are gods on earth


Ranked sucks at every level LOL


I enjoyed the game so much when I was gold man, im hovering in emerald nowadays and people first time champions all the fucking time it makes me sick to my stomach, like every game someone on either team will fucking first time something with a huge learning curve and make the game literally unplayable for one team, my issue is not with the autofilled top playing malphite cause he cannot play top, my issue is with support mains picking yasuo mid cause it's ''op'' only to get stomped by a kata and make the game unplayable. ''Get good'' is not a thing here, if I was good I woulda won regardless yes, but why should I be miles better than everyone cause my team first times every other game.


Honestly I have to say like 2/5 games have decent people (in plat) that you can even joke with. For real, people I can just tell "sry I fcked up mb" and they just go "no worries we got this". Then 3/5 games are mentally ill losers who either hate you for their mistakes or your mistakes. You cannot argue with them in any way because acknowledging they played bad in this game, that when ends, they return to their shitty lives and continue being a sad lonely loser. There's nothing in the world that would convince me that a raging asshole in league can have a decent life. If you break down at a teammate for saying something like "should have gone back and reset for drake but np", your life sucks, you have no friends and you are pathetic. But I gotta say for all this hate on this subreddit, I meet a lot of cool and nice people playing. Just gotta be nice and chill first.


Gary Gold and Eddie Emerald?


i call them silver surfers and gold diggers, i havent come up with a good one for emerald/plat.


What did I ever do to deserve this slander


Perry Platinum, Gary Gold


Don't want to ruin the tale, but apart from Barry and Sammy, we have our own Martys, Daniels and Garrets in low ELO. Then you got Dick the smurf and John the IDGAF that plays offrole offchampion because he doesn't care for ranked, but queues ranked anyhow and not normals


John the IDGAF posts on reddit about how he can't climb due to shitter teammates despite "not caring about his rank"


I would assume people like this exist in every elo, just a different flavour. Solo queue is just miserable.


The difference, if we're talking about stuff like GM-challenger, is that it's the same people. Sure, in the lower brackets, we deal with inters and whatnot, but once the game is over we're probably never gonna see them again. The person who ints you in GM+ is very possibly gonna be in your next game too, unless you deliberately wait to queue.


lol yeah there’s one guy who banned Hecarim for an entire day because I lost one game and I wasn’t even in his lobby half the time. But he spread the word and got everyone to ban it so I just didn’t get to play my OTP that day. Thats the day I quit, which was about 2 weeks ago. Challenger isn’t worth it


Many times on a small server I end up playing with the same guys over and over and with the beauty of RIOT matchmaking, putting you a JG who is litteraly inting the game, not farming not csing just roaming around and reaching 3k dmg in 30minutes. It is very frustrating


The idea, the concept, the dream, is that people who have put in the hundreds of hours and demonstrated the skill and fortitude to climb to the 1% of the 1% shouldn't act the way a bronze player acts. They should be be better.


The reality is that the quality of play increases, not the quality of people.


In fact it’s the opposite, it turns out that people terminally online enough to get to the 1% aren’t the most socially capable people, surprising just about noone.


Dude, too real though.  I have multiple friends that bitch about Riot’s chat filters and stuff.  …. Maybe if y’all didn’t act like such pricks they wouldn’t HAVE to filter so much.


The season 12 chat filter change has proven to be interesting, even years later. Just because people are insistent that abusive language and such *shouldn't* be punishable and are getting Riot Corrections.


there have been ALOT more inters since the filter has been introduced.


Now that you mention it, it does seem like there was an increase in feeding/deliberate trolling.


Silver players may be bad but it’s much rarer for them to hard int/grief you. I just had a top laner start 0-2 at 5 min, goes “this isn’t my main anyways”, and proceeds to soft int the rest of the game. This is a low diamond game. I am not exaggerating that this type of behaviors happens in about 50% of games.


Yeah, there are wayyy too many level 30 to 60 "smurf accounts" (alt accounts) that are stuck throughout Dia that log off after ego inting one game and log back into run it down again a few days later.


Golden comment


Funny breathing air is my summoner name


All those things happen in the lower ELOs too?


Imagine dedicating a huge amount of time and effort to something, only to reach your destination and realize it’s a cesspool of man-children. It can break you; it certainly did for me. All that time and effort for that? Once your ego is tied to your elo, it is game over in real life. I completely understand how you feel. All those people saying just mute and play solo don't really understand the struggle. Set other goals and try to move on. You might come back one day only to realize you made the right choice to move on.


I was fortunate enough to play semi pro and in multiple LANs in my country and neighbouring countries while maintaining high Master/GM elo on EUW during multiple seasons. In 2021 I decided to stop playing competitively/ranked and focus on finishing my studies and start my career. This year I started playing ranked again because I have a lot of free time and quickly found myself in D1/low master purely out of muscle memory. I only play like 10 games a week and it’s weird with the ranked splits. 7 out of those 10 games the worst performing player (ngl it could be me at times) is always hit with these * “low master peaker gl in esports” * “yeah u will for sure make it far with this gameplay” * “i will make sure you won’t climb higher” Some people do not realise that others are just playing casually and not no life tryharding to brag about their elo to their discord friends like them and that’s a sad reality of how toxic EUW has always been.


People's ego being tied to a video game is weird as fuck. Unless you're actually trying to make a career out of it, climbing is just a personal goal. But people can't handle their own mistakes so they have to deflect it somehow.


My first games that had challenger people in had them as the most toxic crybabies ever, especially some Annie 1 trick I remember. I'd be flamed not for losing lane or bad trades but for not playing around midlane sufficiently (yes as support).


Well, instead of telling you to neck yourself every other sentence (unless they're on alts) they'll just afk proxy a wave for 20 straight minutes, but never actually do anything until you lose the game. Then they'll add you on a level 1 alt and tell you to slit your throat. They've "refined" themselves, such gentlemanly scholars.


The game would be a lot better if everyone was locked to 1 account. The competitive integrity in modern gaming is honestly dogshit.


game would be a lot better if people were hardware banned. 99% of these people can't afford to go willy nilly buy a whole new computer.


I still don’t know why Riot hasn’t implemented tying accounts to cellphone numbers. You can pay to get a new cellphone and grief if you truly want to but most people aren’t gonna actually go through the trouble.


Man y'all fall for that shit? If anyone ever friend requests me after a game I know it's to talk shit. I wait until after a few games, accept, tell them to eat shit and then block them. Or, if anyone adds me I look at recent games to see if I played with them, if I did and they were outwardly cool and we played well together I'll accept them, if they don't fall into that singular guideline then I delete the request.


I screen shot it and submit it to ticket for the easy 2 week. Unfortunately people have like 10 accounts at any given time now.


I don't know about no but in the past I had multiple occassions where I'd sent screenshots of people flaming (even Riot itself) and they still had their accounts no biggie. I gave up on the report system of riot, easily the worst I've seen in any game I think. And automation had a lot to do with it


Some times it doesn't work. Particularly against Rioters themselves. There used to be an old diamond Singed otp I ran into. If he ever got mid he'd run it down. But, since it's Singed he's not "inting" he's "proxying" even though mid lane's "range" is really short, and so mid laners can just right click on him in between the turrets. It was really dumb and pissed me off.


From my experience, i remember on a ticket I sent years ago with a screenshot, they were just like,” oh well if you added them, in a pm, theres nothing we can do, because you accepted the friend request, and we can’t help with out of game chats, sorry”


does that even work? i submitted a ticket of some guy telling me hes going to r\*pe my entire family, in caps lock, for 10 minutes straight. Guys was playing games for the next month, i legit checked his [op.gg](http://op.gg) to see if anything happened and apparently not, unless was just a chat ban.


I remember Riot support telling me they can’t do anything as private messages are just that, private messages. They won’t ban for it, at least that’s what they said like 4 years ago


I always add them and say “adding me to talk shit how pathetic are you” and then block them so they can’t reply or harass me anymore


Learned this the hard way as an inexperienced league player 😭 enemy sup kept flashing mastery (my adc and I dominated lane but unfortunately our other lanes lost hard, and we lost the game). Other sup added me post-match and I naively accepted. They just trash talked and ranted - I felt silly for having believed good of the guy/gal lol. I just don't understand why some people feel the need to put others down. At least practice good sportsmanship. I don't get tilted in League and was planning to eventually climb but seeing all these comments/posts... rethinking lol.


dont ever accept a discord invite. They'll try to doxx you while threatening your life. People are really really fucking creepy anymore.


Yes i've been playing support lately too. And as a jungler in the past as well, guess i got entangled in the two most targeted roles in the game. I've experienced mid laners constantly crying to support when they're hard losing 1v1.


I had a Chall player in normals on the enemy team and in my lane, we won because his mental went kaput after one gank from my jungler where he died, he started rage splitting to the point he was just free gold for my team. The most bizare laning opponent i had, i play in mid plat usually and yeah there are toxic twats, but i have nto seen a mental boom like that in years.


I learned this as early as D2. Now I just fuck around in emerald.


Amen to that brother. Reached Master last year and found out immediately that it wasn't worth it, the grind to reach there just to deal with people crying and running it down before 20 mins. Now I only play flex when my friends want to play.


I'm gone 4-6 months out of the year. So, even on the off chance I "peak" at Masters, I wouldn't be able to realistically stay there anyways, and 80% of my matches were people just passive aggressively crying about "diff"/"canyon"/"diamond/master shitter." I don't see the logic in try harding to experience that when I can just get drunk and run around as Tahm jungle and experience hilarity in Emerald.


Exactly what happened to me hit masters 300 lp first time in my 9 years and I realized the game quality horrible now I just play aram and flex with friends lol


This has defined my journey to try to improve at a game I love.. only to be demotivated by the constant toxicity. I'm glad to see other people having the same experience because when you're surrounded by a toxic environment long enough, it gets harder to identify all the toxic mentality because it's so pervasive.


I have exactly the same feeling. I loved the game for years and still do but so much toxicity within the game is making it very unpleasant to play. Even when i try my best to completely block it through muting, you still know it's there. The fact that you have to completely quarantine yourself from other people on league is just showing how infected with toxicity and miserable league players have become.


Honestly this, but not even high elo, peaked at d3 seasons ago em 1 this year and it just hit me. I'm 27 and there's more to life than getting annoyed at something that's meant to be fun and get flamed by people who have nothing else to do. Quit a month ago bought a PS5 and remembered games were meant to be fun and not a chore and that I love this artform not resent it


You summed it up perfectly mate. Thanks for kind words, all the best to you.


Everyone who has the opportunity to, would genuinely be better served channelling that same competitive spirit and desire to improve into something healthy like a real sport or working out. It genuinely will do wonders for your life and in the case of irl sports you'll build real meaningful connections even at a very low level of play. The toxicity in league is genuinely unhealthy for the human psyche and people who quit tend to feel like they have nothing to show for all their trouble too.


It really is unhealthy i think that is the key reason why i'm out. Spending my time on other things like working out, nature, reading had a positive impact on my mental state and it's also been a realization that playing ranked in league has just turned into a completely toxic experience from top to bottom for me. I want to get rid of all the things that have a big negative impact on my life.


Preach. I remember I knew I was truly done when I was queuing up for a game and just sat in the queue thinking “I’m not gonna enjoy this at all, why am I even doing it?”.


I don't like sports, but the time I used to put into League I now put into making my cute game and making friends with folks in Guild Wars 2 (exceptionally wholesome game).


> cesspool of man-children Aren't all PvP online games like that? Not that it excuses League, of course.


On average I think team games have a worse time than 1v1 games because it's much easier to deflect blame. But also no league is particularly noxious. And the fact bans for bad behavior don't stick really doesn't help.


Idk muting all is a viable strategy. I’ve been grandmaster before (although mostly 100-300lp masters) and play with a lot of the same people over and over again. I have people who hate me, who flame me the minute we get in game too so I do know what it’s like. But I mean who cares it’s kinda funny to me I have so many haters when I don’t even remember these people at all. Then I just mute all and play my game.


I didnt hit as high as you but my sentiment is somewhat similar You climb a bit and realize it’s the same shit again and again except the community is even worse There’s literally zero point in sticking around once your personal goal is reached


Im gonna be completely honest with you, that’s why I love my casual low Silver Elo gaming where everyone is just trash and i am definitely one of them. I just can enjoy my games even if I lose. Life’s more than a freaking game and enjoying my games from time to time is the best experience I can get from League.


When I was purely playing for fun, low gold was most enjoyable for me, bc like gold 3-2 players already got the skin on lock, tended to be mostly chill, maybe they were pushing plat, but they weren't close so not the most sweaty.


I haven't played ranked in years, but when I did low-mid gold was the best for me too. Teammates had basic map awareness and you could at least understand the logic of what they were trying to do most of the time. Still remember the first time a matchmade Shen ulted down bot to help us win an otherwised doomed fight, I almost busted on the spot.


I wish I had the same experience. I dunno what server you're on, but NA silver is *atrocious*. A lot of fresh 30 (botted) accounts doing placements, shitting up games or ex-plat+ people who hard tanked their placements ruining games, acting like they're better than they actually are. Don't forget the smurfs on those fresh 30 accounts doing high elo shit like Tristana mid.


Fresh botted 30s are now placed in platinum. Cause there are so many more smurfs than new players.


> shitting up games or ex-plat+ people who hard tanked their placements ruining games, acting like they're better than they actually are. Those people are on reddit




I just can’t agree. Silver is actually hell if you’re trying to win. Imagine smashing your lane opponent, hard carrying the whole game for 30 minutes, just to randomly lose because dumb and dumber couldn’t control their ADHD and decided to fight without you.   Maybe it’s changed in the years since I was there though.


It hasn't. At all. I'd argue it's actually harder to climb in silver right now than it has been previous seasons. And I don't know *why*.


Nope. There's nearly 0 games where there aren't multiple people going 1/12. People regularly going 1v4 after being repeatedly told not to. It's just a coin toss which side has more lunatics and which side can exploit it better And it's still sweaty and raging and blaming and zero teamplay and everyone's selfish as hell and will not help each other, even tanks and supports just chase kills. It's so refreshing to watch pro play, because they try to help each other and prevent teammates from dying I mean ... this game has cool champions, I love the rune system versatility, trying interesting builds, nice visuals and effects, nice depth, gameplay and so on .... but the really major issue is the people


I sit in high gold/mid plat yeah game is more chill. but even then I push to my last season rank and switch to normals, it is a game, it is meant to be fun. Like recently i faced a first time camille into fiora(my main) and just asked junglers not to interfere as i taught him/her the matchup.


Well all redditors here are challengers apparently, and see how they behave. Go figure.


The most skilled and wise are found in comment sections


specially if they are correcting someone


>Griefing after they lose lane masked under all kinds of different excuses like "i have to go to work" and then they start running down a winnable game to end it quickly. LOL... this is like... why queue up in the first place? It's kind of a sign of addiction when you queue up thinking you can steamroll the enemy fast.


This shit happens all the time in ARAM too. The game starts and then someone tries to FF at 12 minutes in because they have to go walk their dog. And when asked why they even queued up in the first place, you get the "It's just ARAM bro" response.




You are forgetting the ones who bring up your rank. I don’t think I’ve played ranked since s10 or maybe even s9 lol. Never understood it in aram. Like, good job bro. You are emerald on the rift. Go put that shit on a resume and join a LCS team.


People think reporting doesn't work because they report every little thing that offends them. But in reality, using reports like they're meant to (people actually flaming, hate speech, inting, etc.), I get feedback multiple times a week.


Ngl exhaust on aram is so aids to play against with the lower cd


High elo is know for gatekeeping especially in EUW


league in general is all about gatekeeping and flaming everyone thinking they are better. for example last season i transfered an old euw acc back to eune and had to rank up from iron 4 back to diamond, and no matter what rank im in, people behave the same, they all think that they are the best player in the world, you encounter the same insults in all elos even tho most of the people throwing those insults at you have been stuck in that same elo bracket for years and some for over a decade lmao


like holy shit a few days ago i played a game in low diamond and had an actual fun game, close game, everyone played decently, noone flamed the entire game, everyone said ggs and was friendly in post game, i realized that i have never actually had shit like that happen to me in ranked ever in the 7-8 years of playing the game lol, like league is something else...


You should hang in there , just impersonate a pro player and confuse people But yep sounds like typical EUW. So many degenerates


I was making a push for masters and I was enjoying polishing my fundamentos, but I lost all enjoyment in high diamond. There are nice people, but a big part of the playerbase has huge egos, play selfishly and become toxic the moment *anything* goes wrong. I have stopped playing League for about 3 weeks now, only logged in twice because a friend of mine was spamming for arena (arena was pretty fun at least). Why can't people just look to improve their own gameplay and be nice to others? Be happy with how good you are and stop having ego...


Hey. Former #2 Taric in the world here. Peaked challenger like S11 I want to say. The people suck, a lot. Video games are like this in general, you'll meet some gems, especially if you go to a LAN, but for the most part you'll be seeing an infestation of manbabies who want to bitch about everything. Get out and grind IRL instead, it's more gratifying and you can really pick and choose who you interface with. Good luck.


Grinding irl is hard but well worth the effort. If you are not like 70+ years old it is never too late to get good at something you love (I say this because I was a shipwreck up until 27, but it is very very possible to turn it around and feel fulfilled with your choices). It is not easy at all, especially if you have mental health issues that try to kick you at every step of the way, but it is doable. And the fun part is I made it to diamond and kept climbing even higher *after* I got better irl


> Former #2 Taric in the world >you'll meet some gems aha I see you, I see you..


Thanks for the encouragement, i will heed your advice to stick to IRL grinding instead. It's definitely more satisfying and we can get away from the people that are trying to bring us down.


Imagine you achieve a high position in your job field, but the higher positioned dude decides to run down the company because he thinks you don't deserve to be there.


No its worse than that lol they will try to fuck you out of a career while youre running the company smoothly


It's definitely a much wiser choice, best of luck dude


saying that games are like that in general is very not true. most games arent nearly as toxic as league is like it is not even close. most games especially at peak elo are a somewhat friendly community, like sure you might find a few people that have beef with each other here and there but in general other games are much healtheir and fun at all ranks than league ever will be. take cs for example, where na fpl and rank s used to be pretty much the equivalent of what dus and all these streamer tournaments are but with actual competent people playing. all the people know each other, most even met irl and they have a blast while sweating at the highest level of matchmaking.


Congratulations to this kind of self reflection and congratulations to this big achievement in League. Sounds like a decent guy like you will be missed up there but I totally get where you are coming from. Have fun mate!


Thanks, have a good life mate.


Play ARAM :D


One of best decisions i ever made in this game. I havent touched ranked since like 2018 and completely dissappeared from SR about a year after. Sure you have crybabies in ARAM too, but its infinitely more fun than rift.


it gets a bit stale tho, playing ultimate bravery in flex games is peak tho


It would be so fun if they implemented ultimate bravery as a game mode


ye was just thinking about that the other day, at least as a rotating gamemode. like it makes the game so much more fun and rewards out of the box thinking and even brings ideas of other possibilities of how certain champs can be played even in ranked. like for example you get to play full tank lux and all of a udden you arent an apc burst mage, now you are a disruptor and a peeler for your team, very fun stuff, but it sucks that you will almost always get rolled if you try it even in normals if you are full premade doing shit like that xd


Aram and more game modes. Bring back twisted treeline or something.


My plat 2 top added me after we lost and called me an n word and to rope myself. This happens frequently so I can't imagine how much worse high elo is.




The game is just getting more and more toxic, it's a catch 22. You're not alone. Game gets a reputation for being toxic -> less "normal" people joining -> "normal" people start leaving because of the toxicity -> higher % of the community is toxic -> more people leave. Etc etc. Pretty soon, all that's gonna be left are the crybabies. I haven't had a game in over a week that didn't have someone either straight running it down (talking Symbiotic Soles right click mid t1 on spawn, not "haha I fullmuted and farmed sides for 30 mins" running it down) or spamming racial slurs in chat.


The game has had this reputation for over a decade already. I've known league was a toxic game years before I downloaded it. Its honestly not as crazy as people screaming at you over voice comms in whatever FPS youre in. There's just more downtime to type like an idiot and people aren't looking at the same things because of the camera.


Hope you find happiness man, I'll see you next week


I think it's important to do other things besides league and then it can be an enjoyable experience, cuz like you said the community is horrid most of the time I just have chat off and pretend my teammates are sunshine and rainbows, not getting tilted in chat has reduced the flame I get for losses to near 0


see you next week!


High elo is just people playing the game because decay forces them to. Maybe youll get like 2 players per game actively trying to win


If you arent enjoying it then you dont have to justify it. Its fine to just say 'I hit this rank, it was fun, it isnt any more' I say this as it is fine to come back if you find it fun in the future, or not if you dont. The players will change over time and the toxicity will to, none of those are as important as yourself


You say that, and yet I stopped playing regularly 3sh(?) years ago, but I've played a few games a year if a friend really wants me to dou with them, and of those like 10 games over the past few years 8 of them had people just being shitty to each other, and it always reminds me why I stopped playing. It's unique to this game more than others I've ever played in my 25+ years of gaming of people being absolutely terrible to their teammates at the drop of a hat.


i think they may find it cathartic to announce to many people that they are leaving


Master 200lp eune here and I'm experiencing same kind of crap from all the wannabees who watch these streamers and repeat their actions. Adding people and insulting them after game is so cringe and let alone it's usually their fault we lost a free game in the first place 🤦🏻‍♂️


Eune is really chill compared to euw , chall eune peak here


I can understand, and good on you for realizing that about yourself My story isnt really the same as yours because ive never been a relentless ranked grinder but i always tried for diamond every season many years back (been playing since season 4). Average id play 50 ranked games a season but always ending up in plat 1 or 2 (which would be emerald now). Even had got promos to diamond a few times, but losing killed my motivation every time I finally got diamond 4 after enough seasons though. Honestly its funny i did it in a staggeringly low amount of 30 games compared to my most being like 70 the season before. but i think it was due to me only 1 tricking akali at the time and i got there with a super high winrate. But I legit i felt nothing when i achieved it. Was like 5 years of aiming for diamond every season and even though i got it, nothing changed for me. In fact it made me not care about ranked at all anymore. Shortly after getting it i kind of felt dissapointed that all that ranked time wasnt worth it I was never a toxic or upset player, but i usually would go into ranked with a bit of stress or pressure tied to winning. I never played with chat on because i dont want to argue with players, but ranked os frustrating to deal with the horrendous mentalities of teammates that give up, griefs, or afk For years now i only play normals, arams, arena, tft with my friends. I dont even play league by myself anymore except the 5 placement ranked games to get my skin. Besides league is 10x more fun to play with your friends


Congrats on peaking! You're not wrong. There are a lot of ego issues with a lot of the players especially in that ranking bracket (I mostly experienced this from streamers, such as yamato etc) but besides that my experience has been mostly pleasant. Have you tried joining the discords in the lobby? Those games are my favorite, I've rarely experienced trolling or flaming in those, people voice with you and recognize you too are a human and try to not flame. Either way, I can understand your decision to quit as performing like that constantly even under negative influence etc can take a toll on your mental health. I hope you find something else to make you happy


bro is playing again LOL [https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/OldMonk-Bless](https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/OldMonk-Bless)


what a clown lmao


I've never been particularly high elo in LoL but once upon a time many, many years ago I was playing the highest ranks of wow arena and ended up getting first place / rank 1 at the end of the season. I immediately lost all interest in trying to get it again the following season because of how much mental stress it was - peolpe flaming you, making level 1 alts to flame you and just like I guess it is with league, your rating becomes your ego and the people at the high ranks are miserable


Lmaooo the level 1s to check if the other team was queuing and snipe them


Honestly this is exactly why I am a casual league player. I know what a small high elo community would feel like and it would not be fun. I’m happy enough with my gold rank to grab the victorious skins 😋


High Elo league is a different breed - it’s one of those things that if you know,, you know lmao. From the: arguments, discord invites, personal vendettas, hate on otps, high level duoboosting/win trading, account hoping, knowledgeable toxicity (both people arguing having good points), dick measuring contest between LP and WR, etc. High elo is at a point where you are too committed and good so you probably take the game seriously which makes it all the more crazy. If you don’t take the game seriously though, it’s by far the funniest league can get.


Watching high ELO streams cured me of any desire to grind to high ELO. To quote a streamer I used to like, "Diamond games are just silver games with people who can hit their skillshots."


Drop your op.gg. You are not challenger


It’s actually incredible that you made it up to high elo lobbies before you noticed that league of legends is probably the most toxic community in the gaming community. The pettiness, the overall nastiness, the “x did x so I’m gonna do x now because x.” mentality.


Congratulations on leaving! Like any addiction, you will miss it at the worst of times. But I promise you, your life will be far better in a few months without it. I'm still on this sub for worlds, and holding on to just a little hope that something huge happens to this game (ie. League 2, wild rift on console full release, etc.)


this is even worse in OCE, high elo population being alot smaller, the clique’s and ego are beyond imagination and make the game almost impossible to play, let alone enjoy it. the wintrading, account sharing and boosting that comes along with that too is just absurd, every d1/master game has minimum one gm/chal smurf as well, and almost every time they’re on jungle, game feels like its over before its started


Although good willed, I noticed this with curtis. Fkn ego so big could reach andromeda.


Just play with chat disabled and dont accept friend requests lol. Playing gm/chally games is a treat, ofc ppl will run down here and there and be toxic as in any elo, but generally speaking you should just enjoy the higher game quality and focus on the gameplay and not what other ppl do or say


See you back online tomorrow


I always ended up choosing my mental health over trying to climb the highest I could have gone in this game. Since season 4 I would make it to gold 5, then just stop there and then wait till next season. Would take between 10-30 games depending where I was sent back to. Part of me always wondered how high I could have gone if I dedicated the time to it, but I know it would have been a mentally deteriorating experience.


This game sucks at any elo dw


Congrats on your freedom, it's certainly not worth the trouble


Hi 5 brother, I reached GM and uninstalled. It's been 3 weeks and my life quality has literally skyrocketed by not feeling the intense pressure/ unreasonable flame. If you don't have a direction, it's the year of indies and incredibly light on the pocket. Life is good.


Congratulations on reaching high ELO. What you experienced isn't specific to LoL. I mainly play Fighting Games and I consider myself pretty good. I constantly reach high ladders but that top echelon is guarded by the .01% of players that only play with themselves, join discord to trash talk the up and coming talent, etc, etc. Im mostly talking about Street Fighter here and my region (Not US). So yeah, I kinda know how you feel and wish you the best.


Well done, you've won the game. Sincere congrats


Time to play ARAM. The retirement home for sane league players


Can I have your account since you're done?


I'm built different, what strangers say to me does not have an effect on my life. And if it did, I would mute them lol. Grow up.


that's why i always say it's useless to grind past plat/emerald , all you'll find is toxic people that just wants to ego you and want confirmation that they are better than anybody else in the world. it's just not worth it.


I was hoping high elo would be more something along the lines of players who are less concerned with winning lp and are more focused on the bigger picture (improving together). Turns out it's actually neither of the two, but it's the ego over everything else. Exactly what you said.


Reading this makes me think its best to find 4 buddies and hit flex


That’s the best way to play this game tbh


The sad truth of league is that being an awful person doesn't lose you mmr like being a slow player. We can talk as much as we want about not tilting your team winning you games, and at equal skill it'll definitely make the difference, but there's so much skill expression in the game it gets drowned out by sheer execution most of the time. There's zero reason to expect people to get kinder as they rank up, while their ego keeps growing. It can only be handled through a robust moderation system, and sadly Riot doesn't care enough to do anything that would stick. It's very easy to hit a chat penalty but it's even easier to make a new account and evade all consequences. And that's only because the word filter doesn't discriminate. Streamers can talk to their chat about how they're throwing the game because they don't like something about one of their teammates and no amount of clipping it to report it will do anything.


Challenge yourself to forget the skills that go you there and live in gold, you'll be happier lmao


Play arams


Op did you run into the big names we know that were like that?


Uninstalled as well, despite not really playing ranked. For months I had fun, but then losing 10 matches in a row, a weeks worth of gametime for me. That was no fun and no matter anyone's stance on the loser's queue existence...too much for me.


I personally take joy in demeaning cruel or horrible people. All it takes is one comment to hit home and they’re retrospectively caught. When they’re triggered you’ve won


Why not mute? And just enjoy the game since you're in solo queue


Why do you think there's so many smurfs in low elo? Personally I recommend you to do like I did: make a huge lose streak until you're plat and just play for fun. I started enjoying ranked a lot more in the moment I realised that care about your rank and LPs is completely worthless


Made the same decision as OP back then. I didnt mind the flame but high elo players would throw away games just because you did something they disliked. You either play their way or you dont get to play at all. Best decision to deinstall. I just watch the game nowadays.


Bro quit crying and mute them


Every elo has it's own problems just like every socio-economic class in society


Same brother. I endured it for quite a while. Eventually you realize it's not worth it - just play 20 games to low master and chill. Or quit. Its a HELLHOLE.


Is mute all not an option at that rank?


Don't worry, you can leave League but the game will never leave you. Eventually you will return ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Run me the op.gg fam, and people are absolutley clueless. The average game in high elo has 1000% better game quality than your average plat low emerald game


I wonder how many of these guys chose League over real careers, hobbies, skills, etc. and hate themselves for it


Till valhalla brother


Mute button


EUW has the worse mental of any region according to the high elo streamers that travel to different regions.


Drives me nuts how entitled, deluded, and poisonous people can be. I found this out after years in customer service too lol. I think the average person is fairly decent, but in times of stress/duress, their values and characters are put to the ultimate test and the results can be very polarized


This also happened to me when I reached high elo (silver 3)


i quit dota for league when i reached high mmr on NA (when it mattered) and started getting the same fucking bums like bulba on my team who somehow still has huge clout in the NA scene


godspeed man 🫡 enjoy freedom


Uninstalled? goodbye mate, see you in a few weeks


Last night I got in a game -remake- but I already told my team that I m streaming. Enemy team is the team I had last time. They ban my best 2 champs and the champs my team wants to play. Have fun. They won 25lp.But I might have won in the end if I really quit the game tbh. I hope that I will not play this game again.


Everyone in that elo thinks they are hot shits, if things don't go their way, they will start to get petty and cry whole game or start to just ignore team and keep farming or idle at fountains or run it down. Quit ranked because of this too.


Challenger from my experience is very chill. As in low toxicity but you are obviously expected to try hard. Master on the other hand is pure insanity.


I had the same feeling after reaching diamond for the first time. It was for as long as i remember, the big goal for me, as i wasn't planning on going further. That's what i considered to be skilled at the game. Once i hit that, i couldn't bring myself to touch the game anymore, aside from casual arams and arena. Also riot is not helping with all the drama like 500 dollar skins and predatory behaviour. 2013 (a silver scrub) - 2023 (a humbled diamond).


Did you try muting chat and not accepting friend requests?


I quit for similar reasons (never made it anywhere near challenger) D4 peak. Hope you find peace outside of the game. For me it was very liberating as I see now I was slightly addicted.


"I had a dream of pushing to challenger and finding a career in league, but after the first minor inconvenience I gave up and quit the game." damn, gl in life


Happy for you, if you ever wanna go far and improve in competitive gaming again I’d recommend fighting games, or well whatever 1v1 that floats your boat (but fighting games in particular are cool due to the robust grassroots in person tourneys and local events that go on, good way to make irl friends from a hobby you can go get drinks and the like with which is not too common in gaming). Nobody to blame but yourself, people can get toxic like DQ or maybe try to friend list you then shit talk but that’s significantly less common and more importantly can’t be your own teammates


Come to ARAM, its chill here.