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This post has to be some psy-op lmao


Expect a riot reply soon


My dearest karthus... edit: This guy has a hand disbaility that tires his hand out if he types too much... and DOESN'T want a system that would help people like him. LMAO


I hope this finds you well. We seem to have found ourselves in a dire situation at the bottom lane. Please consider casting your ultimate ability to assist us as I do believe Lee Sin has come to dive our tower. Sincerely, Your bottom lane


My dearest Karthus, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to inform you of a rather precarious situation that has arisen in the bottom lane. Our adversaries have become increasingly aggressive, and we find ourselves in a position of great peril. It appears that the enemy champion, Lee Sin, who has taken upon the jungle role for the enemy team, has set his sights on our tower and is preparing for an imminent dive. His intentions are undoubtedly malicious, and his strength is considerable. Given the severity of our predicament, I humbly beseech you to consider casting your ultimate ability at your earliest convenience. Your timely intervention could prove to be the deciding factor in our struggle, potentially turning the tide in our favor and saving us from what seems like an almost certain defeat. We are relying on your power and wisdom in this critical moment. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated and would bolster our morale significantly. Sincerely but with very little respect, Your inting bottom lane


This is absolutely one of the worst takes I have ever seen on this subreddit wow


With all the changes to the chat systems over the last few years, it just feels like you are playing with bots rather than people. It actually feels lonely asf on SR unless you are duo queing


I don't write in duoQ party chat ever, just voice chat on discord if I know someone well enough to duo with them.


To be fair, if Lol had half as good bots as Dota I'd still be playing the game. 100% the worst part of League is having to play with other people.


You must be very skilled.


Lack of voice chat objectively makes the games lower quality. Pings and chat are not enough for coordinated plays. Anyone who has ever played league in a competitive 5 stack or even joined a random discord link in chat in solo queue knows it's like playing another game. Your lack of brain power to navigate comms while playing the game at the same time is only a result of mever having to do it before. If voice chat had been in the game for the last 10 years it would be second nature.


Voice chat makes the most sense in a pre-made, not with random people. It's also very unfair if your solo/duo lobby is able to coordinate a Discord call while the enemy team is relying on pings and text chat.


> It's also very unfair if your solo/duo lobby is able to coordinate a Discord call while the enemy team is relying on pings and text chat. You do realize that's an argument for having ingame voicechat, right?


Nope. Voice chat is similarly effective with randoms. Not sure why you would say otherwise considering you have no basis for that belief. But having played Valorant and other games with public voice chat, the ceiling for what kinds of plays you can make is much lower due to lack of effective communication. It's not "unfair" because the enemy team is equally as able to do it. But nobody does because league players have been playing without comms for over a decade and are all antisocial freaks. If league had both teams in discord every game, the quality of games would skyrocket.


I have played other games with voice chat, such as Overwatch, Valorant, Rainbow Six Siege, Counter Strike, etc. I can tell you that these games do not shine a beacon of quality that you're assuming will veer towards for League. Communities and cultures in our current Worldwide space do not allow such a luxury.


Sounds like a you problem buddy. I spent all night playing in a 5 stack of Valorant after we all had a great game together, and we won all night long. Had a great time. Get some social skills of something.


It's great you were able to do that, but ranked queues currently only allow solo/duo queuing. If this were the era of Team Builder, I'd be all for it. Valorant pre-made 5v5 is much different than queuing with random people in solo/duo queue, as are the associated communities.


Except we all met in a solo/duo game in which we were all communicating effectively.


Nah when I played rainbow 6, overwatch, and call of duty Black ops. Literally everyone in high elo agreed that more mics = better team. You're just telling on yourself that you didn't get past the lowest of elos.


You can just i don't know... don't join it...if you don't like people and prefer to be left alone, beside if you're low elo being on voice chat is irrelevant. It only matters for people above Diamond where the game do need actual coordination


The issue you have with optional voice chat is it means you have a coordination disparity between both teams if there's not an equal cooperation in voice chat participation.


Serious question… are you stupid?


Duality of voice chat, it's both totally useless and an unfair advantage to participants, how is that possible? On a serious note, using voice chat will just become a part of needed skillset, those who can cooperate will rise a bit in rank, those who cannot will drop, it won't be the end of the world


Then join and don't speak. You can listen and be on the same page as others. Just type "k" if you need to agree or something.


You just said voice chat doesn't help. God you people always fall into hypocrisy.


Saying that the in-game ping system is good enough to communicate is a false claim


Good enough is what it is. Not perfect, but it's enough to get coordination across.


hi phreak.


I bet you there would be less trolls and inters. I used to play DotA when they introduced voice, and it was really rare for people to get toxic or histerical via voice. As soon as people are not full anonymous internet entities they start to behave more human towards others.


I think the route we're eventually leading towards is IRL verification tied to your League account, which is unfortunately caused by players unable to behave. Voice chat certainly tames this a bit, but doesn't solve the issue.


Or you just report and mute offenders. It worked for hundreds of games for decades.


This does not work, people will just reoffend because punishments are not harsh enough.


It does work and people frequently get permad. If you really advocate for instant perma bans when someone calls you and idiot you need to leave multiplayer games altogether


You just don't like people bro, don't lump us in with you


I actually really like people, unfortunate that you don't enough to converse with me properly.


You can also opt out from joining the in game voice chat (if they would ever add one) similar to how it works on valorant I'd presume. I've only had positive experiences with joining discord links in lobbies and playing those games out, it felt like people realized you're human and can make mistakes rather than just see you as a player with no voice attached to the character etc.


The issue you have with optional voice chat is it means you have a coordination disparity between both teams if there's not an equal cooperation in voice chat participation.


But in your post you argue that you are allocating brain power to communication. I read that with the implication that you would play worse. Isn't it fair then, that players can choose which method of communication they personally excel with?


It's best if everyone approaches the rift on an even playing field, this goes for communication as well. Brainpower insinuates you will actually perform better yourself if you don't have to worry about both having to manage a verbal and pinging communication system and focus on what matters -- winning.


You say this like duo Que doesn’t exist and they don’t have times where one team has a duo or 2 duos and the other team doesn’t which happens all the time.


Duo queue is also not a good system, but that is not the topic at hand.


It’s 100% relevant to your argument tho. I’m proving that a disparity in communication is already a possibility. Adding voice comms will literally lessen the possibility of that disparity.


Relevant, yes, but I am one person and I'd like to not focus on two topics at the same time. Yes, duo queue should not exist, but I'm not going to spend time on both right now.


Then delete your comment about communication disparity if someone were to opt out of voice comms.


You just described what communication disparity is, so you'd need to delete your comment as well.


Right, if you just ignore all arguments against your point you can never be wrong. Smart.


So it is an advantage, that you are arguing against it now saying optional voice chat would ruin the even playing field. But don't want mandatory voice chat either because it's a disadvantage to allocate brain power separately into managing voice chat communication. I don't know, you're confusing. Fwiw, it's much easier to talk about the game than ping and hope people can properly infer your meaning during confusing situations or even notice the pings. You can choose to just be a listener. You can completely opt out and play with your own thinking and shotcalls. I would like having that option, I can never understand an argument against limiting options.


It's not worth with this guy, he saying that it take 'brain power' to talk and would lower the level of play but then saying its OP if 1 team can talk and that ping are good enough. Why then does every Pro team use live comms and not pings? This dude is just crazy.


I would love to be in a voice chat with like-minded individuals with the motivation for a great game and eager to win. Would this be the case, then I would be in favor of a voice chat system -- assuming the flaws with it are corrected as well.


That's a community behavior and ranked matchmaking balance issue, not exactly a criticism that holds up against the addition of voice chat. If anything, toxicity should be punished far more severely to bring people's behavior in line, keep them trying their best and not be little shits in voice chat or text chat to others.


I agree, punishment for offenses is currently not where it should be, but it's still only one of the many factors plaguing queues.


I play with randoms in clash on discord and never had an issue it's very enjoyable and improve the expirence of teamplay.


Voice Chat would make the game so much better and I would even argue that communication with voice is far less taxing than having to ping or type during combat.


If you don't like it don't use it. You can just mute. Don't rob us our fun because you lack the ability to press one button.


If you're concerned about fun, that's what Discord and in-game party chat is for. It's fun to coordinate a game with friends or teammates when you can, but trying to make this work with people you don't know is not the route you want to go down.


So you're not allowed to have fun if you're not playing with your friends?


If you want to play with your friends, you have Discord or the in-game voice chat party system.


So I can't have fun with others in voice cause you personally don't like that. Wow.


> but trying to make this work with people you don't know is not the route you want to go down. Yes it is. Why do you claim to know what road other people want to go down?


Just dont join voice then. It really is that simple. I personally don't like to use voice either? Should now ever game remove voice chat? No just fk don't join it


That's just wrong. In games like CS or Valorant you often get blamed or reported for not using the voice chat. You can't just not use it.


Who gives a fuck about being reported for a random reason? You get reported for random shit every day in League but this is somehow a problem suddenly?


"often" How "often" do people get banned for that? Never. So its really a non issue.


You know exactly what I said. Ofc you won't get banned but you will get gilt trapped to use it.


There isn't a very high VC culture in league I would only expect about 2-3 people max to join in every game. Hell even when I send discord links I rarely get more than 1-2 people to join.


So you already been using chat to even get guilt trapped. If you don't want to participate then leave chat. Also if you get "guilt" tripped by randoms and you don't mute them then that is entirely on you.


Worst possible take I've ever seen on this topic, gz. The lack of voice chat is one of the main things that prevent league from being my main game. Any season that I play, I grind to master and then lose interest to keep grinding, because doesn't matter how much you climb, people are so dumb and sometimes will randomly lose the game after doing the exact thing you were afraid of them doing lol. How the fuck does a competitive game doesn't have voice chat? Especially considering that most of meta strats depend on information that's not available on the screen of everyone. It's uncomparable how much better games would be.


"Control your emotions, Faker!"


Back when i played dota2, voice chat was essential for coordination in pubs. Someone bitching? Mute them. In other situations you laugh your ass with randos. Good times.  So nah, voice chat is op. 


Why do people who will not use something shout so loudly? You don't want to use it then don't use it but don't forbid others to use it. I want Voice chat and I would go in every time. You are against it then you would not use it simple. gatekeeping is cringe.


Worked out for me. I met my GF inviting the couple of randoms into my discord server while I was playing with the boys.


Been a hot minute since I seen a post like this lmao. Good thing it's here, I was really jones for my "OP is a dumbass and or troll and makes a hundred comments about a bad take" fix.


What happened to reddit? Last time they hated VC, finally filtered some low IQs from sub?


I was surprised at the vulgarity, and lack of reading comprehension! Not sure what I fished up...




Oh wow!


What 🗣️🗣️😭😭?b b


This generation is doomed.






Case closed.




As a support main, why wouldn’t you want to have more efficient communication? You can always mute the toxic kids, it works like that in all multiplayer games ever. You can say a lot more detailed what you are planning compared to pings. You can also inform someone about when you will engage beforehand


I'm going to make a list of some issues: - Language barriers and accent. - Disparity in voice participation if not everyone joins. - Content creators and trolls will take advantage to use voice as content. - Technology isn't perfect, you can mishear someone in voice, but a ping is concise. - "Leona, peel me!! Nami, heal me" Who is me? I mentioned already, but bans and mutes aren't harsh enough currently to deem them a valuable solution. I wish we had more efficient communication than we do currently, this is why I hope Riot improves on what they've already built. Thank you for your question!


> Language barriers and accent. If this is actually a problem once every few dozen games you can just, you know, use the ping system. > Disparity in voice participation if not everyone joins. Voicechat literally makes this a smaller problem like multiple people have told you already. > Content creators and trolls will take advantage to use voice as content. What the fuck is that even supposed to mean? > Technology isn't perfect, you can mishear someone in voice, but a ping is concise. If telling people exactly what you want to communicate is somehow easier to misunderstand for you than a ping you have different problems than your League games. And again, you can still use pings. > "Leona, peel me!! Nami, heal me" Who is me? Proper communication is a skill and not an argument against having voicechat.


I haven’t found any of these problems in any multiplayer game to be an issue. Sure, you will have less English speakers and less voice users in some games, but over more games it evens out. If you always communicate well you have a statistical advantage because there is always a guaranteed driver in the team. Many people will shed their fear and start talking once you initiate it. The same way people misuse voice, they misuse pings to criticize others. When you get ? pinged you mute, when you get yelled at you mute. „Nami heal me“ -> you look for a low hp champion and heal the one that you deem to be of greatest importance and in danger anyways. You‘ll also have the voice memorized well enough rather quickly There is voice chat in Dota2, so it not only works in fast paced shooters but in other MOBAs as well. Pings are cool and sufficient for most situations in the game, but many people wish for a classical multiplayer experience. For many voice chat is a big part of a fun experience. If you always use it effectively you’ll benefit greatly from it


I tried this effective voice chat route as a support when I played Overwatch as a Zenyatta main in Masters. I partially halted my grind because of multiple factors: - If only half the team was in voice, I only benefited in coordinating half the team, and that means our whole team would not be on the same page for plays. - If I had a full lobby in voice, it was great, but what I felt was more impact was their pinging and visual systems more so than the voice chat, which not all players on the team used. - If your team starts doing well, or for whatever other reason, sometimes voice chat will be filled with nonsense garble that is distracting because players get too confident and start yapping aimlessly. - Overwatch voice is not a utopia of communication. Toxicity runs through and you'll see people complain about that, though yes you could mute them -- but then that's one person not onboard with the rest of the team because of their inability to behave and report systems aren't good enough to control it. I do not want these people in my future games, and frankly current system in place will allow that to keep happening.