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>What do you do when you are up against 2-3 players that are better than you in every regard? Lose


Okay, but what do I do if I'm up against 2-3 players that are better than me in every regard but aren't smurfs????


lose until you reach lobbies where that's no longer true


Holy cow


Get better. Learn from what they do.


lowkey just vibe with it -> nothing you can really do but play and hope you and your team is better =\]


Horribly useless thing to ask yourself “am I at this ranks level” Just try to figure out what mistakes you’re making, that’s literally the only thing that matters. Instead of getting your PHD in forensic account level science “How can I beat 3 NBA players in a basketball game” Another useless question


I try to play the best I can, avoid mistakes as much as possible and reflect on what I did wrong afterwards. Notice how nothing of that cares about the others?


Learn and go next? I just peaked d4 for the first time and it felt pretty chill though, only real frustration was autofill supports. 100 games 55% wr, almost no smurfs or trolls.


Same but mine is autofill jungles. Gotta love when enemy gets every objective in contested and your jungle doesn’t do their first gank till 10min mark at lvl6


It’s give or take on your lanes. If your lanes play save and don’t feed I can usually carry out If my lanes feed then it’s a loss I can usually handle Smurf’s up to play after that it gets a little tough.


Typically, people smurfing have bad mental and will make some pretty bug mistakes because they don't care. To them it's just an emerald game. Sure, if over half the enemy team is playing at a high diamond level you are in for a rough time, but usually these people are trying new stuff or got banned. So just try and make plays as a team and reduce isolated deaths and stay strong.


just be where you need to be and stick to your macro responsibilities based on your role. Take the L if they earned it, or capitalize on mistakes. play it like any other game. Lose gracefully or snowball with patience.


The same way you would play against normies.


Sadly smurfing ruins games and Riot doesn't care, they probably like it because smurfs buy RP sometimes etc. The best thing you can do is try to improve and beat the smurfs to overall improve your skill level yourself. Yes many of your games won't be "fair" and you'll get stomped a lot but that's all you can do. A mentality that a lot of good sport players have is they always want to playa longside the best / hardest opponents because that is how they learn / improve the most with focus.


Call them sweaty nolifers in all chat


Just outplay them.


There is not much you can do other than getting better so you come closer to the smurfs' level. Try to learn from them and accept the loss. It's similar to what you should do in flex/normals when you have to play against players with 800-1000 lp above you.