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Ranks and win rates of your team mates mean close to nothing. It's all just mmr you don't get to see. It doesn't matter if the top laner is gold or diamond, if he's in your game, you have roughly the same mmr. If that's because he's on a winstreak, or decayed or placements or w/e. Does not matter in the eyes of the system. Focus on your own play and how to win the game, rather than what third party sites say about your team mates.


Unless they are duo, then things get crazy. I see three different ranks in my games all the time.


The matchmaking does not solely prioritize making even teams. Rather than trying to make teams that have a 50% chance to win each game, instead the algorythem ensures you will win about 50% of your games in the long run by nature of how MMR works and some rigged matchmaking if things get too out of balance (i have no proof of rigging, but i am a believer). With the most basic stats on player data available from 3rd party sites you can predict the outcome of games better than a 50% rate. Riot collects heaps of data on everyone and surely could prioritize even matchmaking if they wanted to. Very frustrating than so many games are stomps in one direction or the other and close and competitive games are in the minority. The insane frequency of smurfs, bots, and brain damaged kids playing the game also makes matchmaking awful. If they prioritized competitive and evenly matched games as the desired goal, league would be much more enjoyable.


Id rlly enjoy longer and closer games. 1 person dying twice deciding whole game kinda sucks. But ye i guess i just need to improve and somehow carry the games for my botlaner. ADC is broken rn, maybe ill manage to set them up better


This kind of thinking is toxic. If they’re in your games, they’re at your MMR. Smurfs aside they’re going to be around your skill level. That doesn’t mean you, or anyone else will perform good every single game. Just focus on yourself, enjoy the road and improvement. If you think your teammates are bad, that’s okay, but you’re playing them for a reason. You might be better at some things, and they’re better at other things.


A few things, first stats do not work like that. Higher win rates mean little, but lets check the report. Lets check Jynx, 51 percent win rate, while cait has 43 percent win rate! OH the agony! Wait... Cait has played 23 games. That huge difference is three straight wins for Caits player. If you check only her adc play, she has a 53 percent win rate! But ofc that is as well a handful of games and means nothing. Chogath is 2 straight winsfrom 50 percent win rate And even if that was not the case, even if you actually did look at the data for a second critically, and had the same complaint, it would be okay. Matchmaking is "rigged" sometimes, that is how anything random that matches people based on MMR works. Sometimes you will just face people that are better. You can have extremely bad luck and get the worse teammates for dozens of times. You may say that is unlikely, but do you know how many million players play? How many million matches are played? Most unlikely scenarios are happening constantly! Our memory also has a self-serving bias, where our wins are attributed quickly to skill, but losses are blamed on others. We quickly see one data point and are like, "I WAS RIGHT! I am a victim!"