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Wave management in specific matchups/game states


Interesting, because it is important for pretty much all 3 lanes, are you a top, mid or adc main? Even support this would be useful too




Nothing, I don't learn! Hardstuck in Iron 😂😅


😂 I have a friend who is somewhat like this. Hopefully one day the tides will turn for you


Doubt it, Anytime I don't play like crap my team ruins it, either way I don't get lucky often enough


If I may ask, what is your main role or main 2-3 champs?


Nox Arcana EUW SUP Lulu, Janna


Oh awesome, ill add you sometime on my ZilieVanillie account. Lulu and Janna nice but I see then you depend a lot on your ADC's success or other members of your team to carry the game (on most occasions)


are you me?


Emotional control of my teammates


Yeah, thats up there but at the same time is one of the things we can hardly control. Its like if you say nothing some heated discussion between other teammates can just go out of control but if you say something you might just add wood to the fire.


Perception and ~~reacting to~~ ( edit: processing ) what you see. 5 enemies with 4 spells and ton of effects and buffs and vitals as Fiora and minion tying your shoes together is hard to manage. Add that you also need to do basic things like farming and positioning and manage your own spells and that situation is always different and enemy can behave differently under different situations. I am Fiora opt ( Rengar/ Fiora twotrick to be accurate ) and 3 years ago I started to have problem with focus ( I read sentences wrong, do various mistakes cuz I dont pay attention and etc. ). So now its even harder for me.


Yeah its a lot of things to take into account, especially when added with champions like Fiora which just add more to it and like you say its difficult to have the same consistent scenarios to deal with especially in lower elos as well but throughout all elos. Oh wow, sorry to hear that, hopefully that issue with focus improves in the near future.


games in plat feel micro heavy and intense from both teams until i watch the vods and it’s cringe bad


Time to watch some of my games 😂


lmao yea bro some plays i make feel clutch and then I watch it and u could tell me its silver id believe u


the hardest thing for other players to learn based on me playing the game is when to back out, when to give up minions, and when to give up objectives and when to assist in objectives. people are really bad at these things.


Decision making is probably up there as one of the top hardest things to master as every situation is different


Jungling properly


When you say "properly" do you mean topics like Jungle Pathing with your camps etc as well as decision making on when/where to focus your ganks?


Yes, the whole concept is so fucking hard imo


Its probably the main reason ive not ventured into the Jungle myself, when I see a good jungler in high elo videos i admire them greatly


It’s rly not that hard. Just pick low economy jungler and spam gank. Champs like Nidalee on the other hand requires more skills and knowledge


Honestly my biggest weakness playing mid lane has been respecting duo mid/jg players. I look at the pathing and see the optimal place they should be and forget they will do suboptimal plays to get ahead in the 2v1 It's less of a problem when I play top lane but in mid lane it can ruin the entire game for my team. The other thing is that I still really struggle with some matchups against Yone/Irelia because I don't respect their gap close enough in lane. Obviously there's mechanical issues on some champs here and there but the first one is the main thing.


Yeah duo players can have such an impact on the game. Matchups yeah its like you get confident at times and then... well the game teaches you to respect the champs XD Interesting though, like the insight, thanks


Playing from behind and wave management.


Sometimes seeing what's happening in teamfights. Knowing when I or my enemy laner will level up in the first levels so managing XP.


True, very important and commonly ignored part of the game


I think I have a pretty good grasp on the fundamentals over, but just making pop-off plays via aggression has always been my issue since I learned to approach the game in a more passive Read/React pattern rather than in a 'dictate' method.


Yeah I can sympathize there quite a lot as i've always been this way even when playing champs which are naturally meant to be played in an aggressive manner. Its one of those things which is all about getting out of the comfort zone as well as practice. There's the element of fortune also required at times but there's always room for improvement


I'm going tobe honest with you... Flashing over wall is way harder than tracking enemy jungler.


Honestly I can't judge there as im not someone who jungles but I can sympathize with you with how easy a flash over a wall should be and then you go and slam the wall face first


Mechanics Doesn’t matter how much I understand about the game, I’ve lost too many favorable fights to canceling autos and missing skillshots. It’s something I practice every day and still can’t improve on.


Oh most definitely, the hardest part is getting out of any mechanical bad habits one may have and unfortunately its all practice practice practice but im sure youll get there someday :)


Camera control, I am competent at camera control, but I know my camera control in team fights is really bad where I am not taking in all the information I could


Interesting one to be honest, do you play with locked or unlocked screen? I mean sometimes teamfights are way too chaotic but its definitely a skill that can be worked on (maybe ARAMs are partially good for this hmmm)


Yes I play with unlock I never lock it as well, just fights are hard to keep track of


Maybe looking at minimap xD


Haha that definitely is useful especially if you like using Champs like Shen for example its a pre-requirement XD


Not tilting my ass off at every cringe ass game design choice made specifically to appeal to chinese zoomers or corporate pro play sponsors.


My teammates


Game is corrupted, and it’s only getting worse, I understand the game needs to change and develop for the best, but it hasn’t been the same since s6, not sure if it’s the broken champion releases or if it’s the new items but it’s like a whole different game and there’s a lot of things that are wrong with the game, I can go on and on about it


Why I continue to build tank items on tank champs when they're hot fucking garbage. Or just playing tanks in solo queue in general in low MMR (plat) when no one actually knows how to group macro


I guess (regarding the tank items on tank champs) theres too much % max health damage or true damage going round you think? And yeah having the synergy to take the right decisions in terms of group macro etc in lower elos especially is difficult that I feel you.


% HP damage, hyper mobility, numbers on tank items are bad, and even if you have good base damage it's irrelevant to be a tank top laner who isn't sion or Mundo


I thought Mundo was a fighter, he has big dmg


tank with a fighter kit. Builds full tank items but you can justify sheen on him if you're actually wanting to play him like a bruiser


Shen, ornn, poppy, malphite are all pretty strong right now though


shen's only as good as the worst player on your team Ornn cannot solo carry at all, but has a great kit Who actually plays poppy malphite's ult is the only reason you play him, but he lanes better than he looks.


Not wanting to flame the other person....and defending the jgl if its the laners fault


Yeah sometimes you need to think "Will me talking improve the situation?" and a lot of the times the answer is no


True bcz no one wants to accept their mistakes


Yeah that is true and also sometimes when some one tells you like "You shouldn't have dived" or whatever, since its in the past already it doesn't help the your immediate game so one should always ask him/herself if its worth mentioning lol