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Look at basic videos of jungling on YouTube, usually the jungler is the same level of the solo laners(mid,top) and you have to find the right compromise between ganking(helping your laners) and farming considering the fact that this compromise is strongly dependent on the champion you are playing. Objectives is the next step, look at some videos since you really need the lowest level of learning before. Bug made me lul


the crab bug thing xD


If you need to recall after every clear, then that probably means you aren’t taking a jungle item such as emberknife as your starting item. Taking this item allows you to heal yourself a lot by damaging jungle monsters. If you can’t buy the emberknife, then you don’t have the smite summoner spell equipped (like flash, ghost or heal.) New players don’t get the spell unlocked until they reach a certain level. Your levels are probably much lower because the jungle item also boosts your xp gain from killing jungle monsters.


im using master yi, im level 9, so basically u r saying no one can do jungler in a decent way because u have to unlock this item, understandable


Everyone can buy it at the start of the game (for 350 gold) you don't have to unlock it. and i think he means the in game level not your account (summoner level)


Correct, apologies I didn’t specify it as the account/summoner level, and not your in-game champion level


i understand it, dont worry buddy c:


correct, but if you’re level 9 then you should be able to select the Smite summoner spell during champion selection. Once you do, the game will recommend you to buy the jungle item at the start and you’re good to go!


thx a lot


No, you buy the item at level 1 when you start the game. You can only buy it when you have Smite as a summoner spell. You cannot jungle without smite and that item because you get less XP from the jungle camps without them and deal less damage to the jungle monsters as well.


Dont think twice before using the command of "/fullmute" or "/mute all"....without the quotation marks... it will mute all pings, chat, and emotes of both teams to you only...worked pretty well for me during my early days of league as jungler...it will prevent u from tilting and help u keep the peace of mind...happy jungling 👍😸




Jungle gets less xp than laners but you shouldnt be that far behind. Im usually hitting level 5 just as my laners hit level 6. Scuttlecrab (bug) is nice but not super important, i usually try to take the first one (spawns at 3:15) and after that if the icon is there in river for it ill check river for it(doesnt mean its always there). Dragon spawns in bot river and is pretty important. One on its own isnt that useful but once you get 4 in 1 game you get a super strong buff that can win you the game on its own in some cases. Unless you are a champ thats good at taking dragons and you know they dont know you are doing it you will probably need your bot lanes help doing it. Look bot and if your bot lane is more than halfway pushed in their lane ask for help and they should come help. If they are less than halfway you can help them kill the enemy bot lane and then go to dragon. Doing it solo is a risk, if you sneak it you get a free dragon but if they find you doing it they will probably kill you and get the dragon themselves for free. Whether you should help your team in their lane depends depends on a lot of things such as who is what champion, how far pushed up are they, who is in the lead, where is the enemy jungler etc. As a rule of thumb for now if someone is more than halfway pushed up the lane you can try ganking them. If it doesnt work keep in mind why it didnt for next time and you will get better at deciding if its a good idea. Generally you try to be as efficient with your time as possible as a jungler and always be doing something. For example its generally bad to walk all the way from top to bottom without taking any of your camps.


thx a lot, the dragons buff are permanent?


For the rest of the game yeah.


10 years league player, jungler need to have basic understanding of lane. If you are new to the game learning other roles is beneficial to the jungle role in the long run. Most high elo junglers are really good at lane role. The easiest type of junglers to play are farming junglers; you learn the pathing and keep rotating from camp to camp with the same order until you are strong enough to fight, this is called pathing efficiency and will let you have more exp and gold. Just ignore your team in the beginning because pathing is the bread and butter for junglers.


search on youtube the name of the champion you play and watch what people there are doing - copy and do exactly the same you can also use league's practice too if you want to practice timings or whatever that's all


Go watch broxah videos


Swap role as long as you can. Being a jungler is the least fun role by far.