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my whole team also didnt recieve anything


Hey, its the same issue for me, but only one of my friends recieved any rewards. He recieved flag, cup and orb and the other four got nothing. I hope this issue will be assesed and fixed ASAP.


hey BTW do you know if the guys from you team that got prizes had bought their clash ticket or did some one else gift them because for our team one of us got rewards and his clash ticket was gifted so maybe it has something to do with it idk


Wait i think u legit found something The only guy that got rewards was the one i gifted the ticket to


yeah i was asking some guys on twitter and its all the same story only gifted tikets got rewards


Yesterday our whole team did not get rewards. but won tho


my team didnt get anything too like we didnt even played


me too, my team and i also didnot recieve anything


Same plus I did not receive Egg from the tft pass


I didn't get either


Hello everyone, playing the tournament yesterday and spending time and nerves on the 1st place only gets a ticket refund ... The situation is so funny that I took first place with the team and spent my savings on buying an improved ticket. With the team, I took the first place for which I should get the following awards: 1st Place 1 Basic Ticket, 750 OE, 750 Skin Shard, 975 Skin Shard, 1350 Skin Shard, 1820 Skin Shard, 1 Chibi Icon, 10 Mythic Essence, 1350 Skin, 1 Logo I sent the application, but I got a group reply that they only return the ticket for me, it is a funny situation. Because the time spent as well as the lost prizes are to be compensated only for the return of the ticket ?! The rewards alone are over 2,000RP, I appealed against the submission and hope that the whole lola community will join us in returning the rewards individually. It is not a solution to restore the ticket! Request ID # 75014477 My application number with the appeal.


I got same! I submitted ticket, get automatic response nothing more. They are deleting posts about it on Reddit...


Same here, neither today nor yesterday


I'm on NA and we won yesterday- nobody on my clash team has received awards yet. I'm becoming increasingly concerned rito is removing clash rewards. (If they actually do at some point i'd cry.)


i dont think riot is gonna remove the rewards, why would players participate in clash if not for orbs


Everyone send out a ticket to Rito so we can get this resolved. If enough people submit they will see it and fix it probably. Might even get a compensation for the trouble \^\^


Allready wrote a ticket that said: Me and most of my clash team didnt receive any rewards for winning the clash... No Trophy and no orb. Their response was: Hey there friend, Endeavor here. It seems like you may have had a bumpy experience with Clash during the 23rd and the 24th of July, respectively. The teams responsible have since been made aware of this, and have taken necessary actions. As such, players affected by these issues have automatically received back their Clash ticket used to participate in said games. This means that if you played in either or both of those Clashes, and you haven't received your VP/orb/rewards, you should've received the Clash ticket used for participation (be it a Normal or Premium ticket). Unfortunately any VP, orbs, Trophies and other rewards that you missed out on will not be added, due to the outage. That being said, there will not be any follow-up compensation. I hope that you won't let this experience discourage you from participating in future Clash tournaments! If you were indeed affected by said issues, and have not received back your Clash ticket used for participation, please feel free to reach back and let us know so that we can investigate! Thank you for your patience and cooperation regarding this matter!


Same for me, participated in both days. Won the consolation bracket on the third day and won the whole bracket on the fourth day. No rewards at all, only one member of our team got their rewards 😐😐


We will not get rewards because the ticket has not been used. Riot wrote: all we can do is apologize for this situation


Support just response me that I won't receive my rewards. Nothing more. They simply ignored my win. Cause "no ticket was taken, no rewards will go". NICE RIOT


Wtf is that. Can we do anything? We want our rewards! First time clash here and placed 2nd. I was excited!


I feel you bro, This was my very first win of clash of this year... and we will got nothing and rn moderators are deleting thread about it...to cover their failure and our disapproval...


Every clash some issues, servers shit themselves, problems with joining and now this. Really it's a bad joke.


People write on twitter, make reports, do not agree to such consideration of the matter! There weren't so many teams that they wouldn't fix this mistake and just blew it. ​ ​ https://twitter.com/RiotBrightmoon/status/1551291874886856704


My team won, 2 of my friends did get rewards, rest didnt...we send 2 tickets and got same repsonse, so yeah... It was first win for 4/5 of us so not even throphy...


We won, but we haven't got anything as well, though that's not true cause we got back the ticket. Only the ticket...