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Same here. Just happened to me.


Yeah, I just got the same penalty too. I feel like I've been insulted by a glitchy robot.


Shit game by a shit company. 200 years experience and they can't stop punishing you for their client fucking up.


we're still beta testing League, give them a break.


Well it has one upside. If the client wasn't buggy they probably would have axed dodging completely long ago already.


The flip side of things is if they were a company that was able to have a non buggy client, they would probably also have a community moderation team that would make it so you wouldn't need to dodge


It's impossible to moderate that with a community. All kind of off meta stuff would instantly become bannable. Dodging is a subjective thing.


Oh, I was going off of the need to dodge based on someone threatening they're going to throw the game or trolling admittedly in champ select You not liking a pic that they're going to earnestly try is a you issue, and doesn't really "need" a dodge like the previously mentioned scenario


Dude there is a lot of stuff that some people see as trolling and others as off meta. It's not as easy as you think it would be. Admitting in chat to griefing might as well be automated and if it was automated no one would admit to it anymore anyways.


Why fix shit if people still spend money on the game all the time? Clearly it doesn't stop people from throwing more money at Riot


Its 2015/16 all over again, servers dying every week lmao


5 win IP boost incoming


yep, same issue that was happening last week.


Same, came here to see if anyone else was experiencing this.


I wonder if all of these problems could have been avoided if we just had a different client.


Lol i just moved apartments and was like oh shit hope the wifi at the new place isnt fucked.


imagine gaming on wifi


Imagine understanding that not everyone can afford a desktop or gaming pc


I think it's more of an ethernet cable thing...


Lower priced laptops nowadays often dont have an ethernet port. Mine doesn't and it sucks but I cant afford a more expensive pc


theres a usb-c to female ethernet apaptor that i use


Sadly I only have 3usb ports, HDMI, charger port, aux and sd card input




It does. Most lower price laptops dont have a port to place an ethernet cable




Didn't know that existed, thanks I'll do that for sure


you can plug an ethernet cord into a laptop or any other PC lmfao what are you on


That's Just not true. A lot of thin cheap laptops dont have a port to connect An ethernet cable to. My pc doesn't for example


So you can afford a laptop with an Ethernet cord but chose not to buy it then


No, I took the cheaper option which has a lower end gpu and no ethernet option. Its a standard cheap student pc. 90 percent of my Friends play on pc's like these and ethernet is not An option for most of us


I'd rather not.


if there's no other user on your network or TV, playing on reliable wifi signal is not bad.


The apartment I moved into has built in Wi-Fi and the routers are built into the ceiling lmao it's a disaster.






Yeah I'm getting this too


thanks, came here to ask this...


EUW here and yep!


yep, curious if it's maintenance or a server hiccup


These apes actually removed the post holy cow lmao


Why was it removed?


yup was just about to ask the same thing


Yep. Was queued up and wondered why nothing popped after 10 minutes.


Ok, i thought i got banned or something. After a while you get the message you get when you dodge or fail to click ready.


didnt this same thing happen like last week wtf is happening lately with all these supposed server issues, surely there aren't that many more people playing now than their were during spirit blossom and SoL, I could be completely wrong about that but for a billion dollar company this just seems comical




tbh im glad i havent touched grass in weeks TY Riot




Give them time guys they only have 1 guy working on this and he's probably on a toilet break.


They make so much money off people buying skins, and can’t afford an actual tech crew to run their fuckin servers? Nah, no shot.


I heard he ate a bad breakfast burrito so it may be a while...


yesssssssssssssss :(






It seems like a global server issue. I doubt there's anything we can do but wait for Riot to notice.


I can't see the que either ...


Smol indie company yo


LAS here too, same problem, i thought it was only this server


I just jumped on here to see if anyone else is having trouble. Trying to join ARAM and eventually I got the “You’ve declined too many queues in a row” message but no games popped up


The monkeys responsible for the client must be on their scheduled banana break.


they better give us good compensation. it's the 2nd time. we got 40 tokens last week. now we better get 60 tokens.


I cant queue either, also why is this post being removed when the service status page hasnt even been updated yet? Really counter-intuitive for people that think its an isolated incident.


XfuckingD post has been removed


why do we even play it when the game is fkin trash sucking bbc


Hi /u/vexion. Thank you for participating in /r/leagueoflegends! However (please read this in entirety), Your post has been removed because *posts about the status of servers, issues related to the servers, and network issues require: the server, the country or region, a description of the issue and screenshots or video as proof. Please check [Riot's status page](https://status.riotgames.com) for more information.* If you are not familiar with the subreddit rules, you can read them [here](/r/leagueoflegends/w/subredditrules). --- ^Note: ^(Front page removals are never done by a single mod.) ^(Have a question or think your post doesn't break the rules?) **[^(Message our modmail and please don't comment reply or direct message)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fleagueoflegends)**^.


yes from na


this happens to me when i switch accounts


yep, happening to me on EUNE too.


Looks like the one intern went to get coffee, we'll have to wait for him to get back. Actual trash company




I just restart PC and reinstall lol but didn't help. 13 years in beta


Same problem here - and agree with the below - why is it not shown up in the notification area that there's an issue?


You are not alone i keep getting the same "all players must be ready" BS eventhough i'm the only one queuing


I can't invite anyone or if someone comes with join button i can't see the guy. I tried to play solo and when i try to start the voice that Q starts comes up but the time counter doesnt exists; after that cant start the Q. funny fact: some people can but i cant im just watching ppl who can enter the game


LATAM having the same issue too


this bug has happend before idk how to solve it tho but ive read some 1 year and 2 year old threads on this it seems like its a server bug


good to know im not the only one having these issues


Yup. Just got penalized somehow for cancelling games and nothing even popped up to accept or decline.


queues says everybody declining my games :D


The client was always fucking bad but after the rework it's been so laggy and glitchy. It's incomprehensible for me that the biggest game in the world has such a shitty client...


What is going on with servers recently. I remember like 2 months ago there was a massive crash where in game randomly some people would just have like 2k ping but others would have normal. Also rewards were just down for the past 2 days, and this type of stuff has been happening a lot recently.


why cant they just spend half the time they spend on releasing new skins that don't adhere to people's feedback on fixing this god forsaken client ???? how many more excuses can this game company come up with