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The answer is always bane (play anything, meta doesn’t matter too much)


whichever 3 supports you are the best with


Sky wraith


Wd, CM, Nyx 4 (although you have to be nyx player to pull him off- he is not so easy to lane with )


Not sure how anyone hasn’t said Shaman yet. Pretty broken currently.


He got nerfed hard yesterday


I would say Venomancer, Phoenix, Willow I dont even remember the last time I lost a game as veno 5 in Divine. TBH weaver is broken but in Divine some crybaby carries will throw a tanthrum if they see weaver 5. Jakiro is also a hidden gem. His ice facet being buffed in early levels is huge. Breath + Liquid Ice deals SO MUCH damage I kicked Centaur and DK from lane yesterday it was so ez.


Can u please suggest item build for veno?


The item build is very simple Mana boots, bracer, wand, mekans, wind lace. Late game: Pipe + greaves Sometimes you can delay those items for an early vessel if its a really good vessel game.


My Veno build is completely different: stick and branches in lane, then mana boots -> solar crest -> force staff -> drums -> boots of bearing. Vessel after mana boots if you really need it, but I don't really like it on Veno because a lot of his kills come when he or the enemy have retreated out of urn range. Other optional items are lotus orb after solar and force if your team needs dispels, or an atos to pop linkens or if your team lacks catch. Veno can low key get a decent amount of farm even as support, either with a ward field in the enemy jungle or by warding up a lane away from your team to keep it pushed. He's pretty versatile in build, I just like to go solar for attack speed buff on cores to close out tower pushes and the build up is a lot of little items that benefit a universal stat hero like Veno.


Bane hoodwink weaver sb


What item build on supp bara?


Midas if your game is good or drums, shadowblade, shard, octarine, kaya yasha, windwaker


Thanks! boots of choice? I assume tranq since youre going drums?


Phase + windlace and shard allows you to clear waves and camps faster + makes you more tanky


Jakiro=ez mmr