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Needs items to function very well. Quite impossible to do as a 4 unless you're getting kills per minute.


Oh I hate him as pos 4 lol. Maybe you can try it out on turbo, but on ranked that's just griefing imo. You need a bunch of expensive items or else you are food.


Absolutely not, as an offlane, I would hate you


If I saw pos 4 ds in draft as pos 3. I would just give him my role and pick a real support.


Pls no


You need items, you dont trade well, feels bad


Can't trade well with the enemy 5 (especially against a competent ranged support). If they haven't kicked you out of lane by 5 mins, you'd be in the jungle by 7 farming to make up for wasted opportunity Dragging creeps around might work, but you might as well play pos 3 at that point so that the actual 4 can do things in the other lanes


نه no لا 9


He buffs teammates with the massive amount of aura items he buys, money which you won't get as a 4. In lane he's be an awful partner to the pos 3 just with how his Kit is. And finally as an actual support he wouls struggle to do anything, no stun, no real crowd control in small doses. He is a big team fight controller, and aura bitch


If you have a vision or idea for how it would work, it cant hurt to try! Just dont do it in ranked and dont play it like an underfarmed pos 3. Be ready to get flamed tho…


Unfortunately, Dark Seers Kit is Too Greedy for any type of Support Role, even as a Pos 4, you would be griefing badly simply because of how Ion Shell works.


Dude, just play dark willow no mastery about pos 4


ty for the feedback :)


Works in lower rank unranked games


No it's a grief pick. You'll mess up the last hitting for your cores and usually mess up the lane (as a 3 I don't want to be shoving the lane until I have skills/items to farm jungle between waves)


I would probably pick another 80 heroes as support, if I was offlaner. Even pa, luna or am. What does darkseer does in lane? Vacuum is 70 damage on 60sec cd. Ion shell ruins my lane control. No range on the hero to trade. Only usefull spell is surge, which I dont really care about, because it does not help much either.


Works with primal, but nothing else. Still hard, you need plenty of mana and some cast range to make it work.