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Check out the audiobook version of The Invincible by Stanisław Lem. It's very professionally made, a treat to listen to.


Witcher should be quite alright, maybe you will have to check few words (like chędożyć) and won't get some jokes, but if you like fantasy you should try it. Especially since I'm pretty sure Witcher is must better in original, Sapkowski has his own style of writing.


I really enjoyed Rok Wilkołaka by Stephen King. My review is here: [https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/7313361-rok-wilko-aka](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/7313361-rok-wilko-aka)


Jeśli chcesz darmowy audiobook / ebook, Legimi ma teraz akcję gdzie możesz wybrać  jedną z książek do przeczytania/wysłuchania w ich aplikacji. I jeszcze za przeczytanie książki wpłacą pieniądze na fundację charytatywną.  https://www.facebook.com/share/p/dDM4VWUNiu9KkGhT/ https://www.legimi.pl/raknroll


I actually learned english by watching movies / tv-series with subtitles. I would guess that this method would also work with polish. Just don't pick movies where story takes part in 15th century, pick something modern. A tv-serie that I'd highly recommend is "Stawka większa niż życie". Another title you might want to check out is "Jak rozpętałem 2gą wojnę światową". Those are polish classics, and additionally some quotes from them will give you more credibility as a speaker. Powodzenia!


Thank you for your suggestions! I'll try to find a way to watch those.


polish is my native language but while reading "pan tadeusz", i had to constantly check the meaning of some words and still didn't understand it. there's so many archaisms in the book, that reading it without googling words every 5 seconds is practically impossible. also, everything rhymes and when i say everything, i really mean everything. in order to do that mickiewicz had to mess up syntax of almost every sentence, so the whole text is written in a very unnatural way. absolutely no one speaks like that, do not recommend. reading a book you've already read in english is a great idea (unless it's "pan tadeusz" 😭😭😭). that way you know what's going on even if you don't understand a half of what you're reading.


I did notice this. I have a combination English-Polish translation of Pan Tadeusz and wondered if I was really that bad at reading Polish 🤣 nice to know it's more advanced in that regard.


Yup, get something from the more modern period. The Witcher is an excellent choice. If you like fantasy, the Lord of the Ice Garden by Grzedowicz is also excellent. Also Dukaj has many, many excellent works. From classics, and if you're ok with SF, you can't go wrong with Lem. Fire and Sword and the rest of The Trillogy is not fantasy, more like a costume romacing saga. The language is fairly close to modern, just stylised to be even older than it should, though, so you should be all right in most cases.


I personally also liked Polish translation of Song of ice and fire, much recommend


I'm reading one right now called Undying Mercenaries: Armor world (Świat Stali), it's not polish but there's polish translation and audiobook on youtube, there's quite a lot of book so yeah that's how I'm spending my time lately.


Cóż, szczerze mówiąc, to jeśli nie byłeś w stanie napisać tego posta po polsku to zdecydowanie za wcześnie na Wiedźmina. A już na Pana Tadeusza czy Ogniem i mieczem to na pewno. Zacznij od czegoś znaaacznie łatwiejszego. &


Pokornie przepraszam za mój poważny błąd. Następnym razem na pewno lepiej nauczę się języka zanim zadam pytanie o doskonalenie moich umiejętności w zakresie języka Polskiego. Reddit is hilarious sometimes. I'm poking fun BTW.