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Don't know if what your looking for exists but monkeytype also has weakpoint mode that makes each test focus on your weskpoints and stop by word so you need to to back and correct the error before you can continue.


This. Monkeytype is a fantastic resource; set minimum accuracy to ~98% and the test will automatically fail if you fall below that. This will encourage to slow down in future test and type more carefully and training you over time.


That's a cool feature, thanks :)




I think that [https://problemwords.com/](https://problemwords.com/) is the answer to you're question. It's genius. I am starting to prefer it to Monkeytype. In your web browser you will probably need to zoom in because at default 100% zoom the text is very small on the screen. At least it's too small for me to read. Depending on the computer I'm using I have the zoom level set to 133% or 150%, and that makes everything better. You may also want to reduce the brightness on your monitor if black text on a white background is a little aggressive on your eyes. That may not be of much help, but again, it's the only option that you have available. That's it. There are not other settings to concern yourself with. This is why, provided you can cope with how the site looks, it's one of the best sites out there in terms of default settings. You simply have to turn up and start typing and you're receiving maximum learning benefit right from the start. There's no debate over what settings you should choose to help you focus on accuracy or which word list is better, or should you do quotes instead. It's just minimalist, and is designed to help you improve. I've found that this lack of choice is actually liberating. You just get on with putting in the practice. The word list is varied and challenging. I would guess that it's at least several thousand words long. The site offers the perfect blend of short common words and longer uncommon words that will really challenge you. Those challenging words are on the same level as any that you would come across in a quote or if you were copy typing a book. The default error handling mode (that cannot be altered) is "stop on word". You're never going to be able to kid yourself about how fast you can type on this site, and if competitive typing is your thing, then you're going to be well prepared because these are basically competition settings. The tests the site gives you are word based. They are 35 words long. There is no time limit. Any word you make an error on gets logged as a "problem word". The number of problem words that you currently have is shown on the screen just above the text that you're typing. Each problem word is displayed in bold text and will appear once in each of the 4 tests that follow directly after the test in which you originally made the error. If you type that problem word correctly in each of those 4 tests, then it is removed from the tests. However, if during any of those 4 attempts at typing the problem word you make another error, then that word will remain a problem word for the following 6 tests. If you repeatedly type a problem word incorrectly then the number will remain at 6 repetitions. It goes no higher, but at that point, it doesn't really need to. You can hover your mouse cursor over any word at any time before, during or after a test to check on its status to see how many more tests it's going to appear in, and how close you are to eliminating it as a problem word. It might display 2 --> 1 which means that the word was due to be displayed in the next 2 tests and you have typed it correctly in this test and now it only has one more scheduled appearance as a problem word. If you have just made an error on a word for the first time, then it will display 0 --> 4 which means that everything was fine, but now that word is scheduled to appear as a problem word in the next 4 tests. Once you reach the end of a test, simply press the Enter key once and you can immediately begin the next test. Although the tests are only 35 words long which might seem pathetically short for highly skilled ultra fast typists who type at 150 wpm or more, as long as they are capable of pressing the Enter key once every 35 words, that will enable them to type near enough continuously for an hour if they wish to do so. Problem words by no means removes endurance from the equation. In fact it allows you to type for as long a period of time as you wish. It's perfect for doing a few short tests every 10 minutes, or pushing yourself over a longer more focused practice session. The maximum number of problem words that you can have at any one time is 35 so if you're on 17 or 18 you're operating at 50% which is pretty bad, and if you have 5 or fewer, then you're doing very well. Whist the site does provide you with a speed and accuracy reading at the end of every test, that's not the information that you should be focusing on. The real focus should be on having as few problem words as possible for as long as possible. Words will be highlighted red when you make an error. If you wanted to learn more about your errors, as soon as you see a word turn red you could stop typing and look in the text entry box and see the text that you have entered by mistake. You could highlight it, and then copy and paste it into another document where you're keeping track of your errors, then hit Ctrl+Backspace and continue with the test. It's potentially a really good thing to do because the pain of having to do that manually for every error that you make is going to provide you with even more incentive to not make errors in the first place. It's going to decrease the speed result that you get, but speed is irrelevant on this site, it's all about having as few problem words as you can. I've been using this site exclusively for several days and it's excellent because when I switch back to Monkeytype, I'm faster and more accurate than I have been previously.


Thanks, that's a good one :)


Turn on *Stop on word* on Monkeytype. Press Escape, type "Stop" and select *Word* under stop on error. Leave that option on permanently. You will never be fast unless you are accurate. This is the single biggest issue that I have with Monkeytype. If I was God for a day and make one change to that site, it would be to make that setting permanent and irreversible for every user, just like many other sites. Typeracer, Keyma.sh and problemwords.


[Ratatype](https://ratatype.com) has lessons where you can't continue if you make more than 2 errors, also typing test count accuracy