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You Sir, are just an unfriendly POS.


bro why are you here




You could be more kind about it. Telling someone straight up they haven’t quit for good if your main point is that humility is important to guard your sobriety. OP literally acknowledges they know they’re only at 3 weeks.


How long did it take for you to sleep normally and have a normal appetite?


Some days my appetite is higher and some days it’s not but it seems to have evened out. I’m also making healthier food choices and not overeating. Some nights are bad (but not awful) but as long as I get enough exercise and am busy enough during the day then sleeping is no problem.


Was sleeping a problem the first couple days even with exercise? That’s the one piece that always fucks me up whenever I try to quit


I also had the flu when I quit which made me tired and sleep loads anyway so thankfully i diddnt have much of a problem, other times when I tried to quit it did affect me though. But tbh you just gotta get through it and stay up late if you need to. exercise defo makes a big difference though


Word thanks for the advice. I have some 5 and 2.5mg gummies that I’m thinking about using to wean down. That’s my main debate right now is just going cold or tapering


Idk about OP but it took me a solid 2 weeks to get my appeitite back. I lost almost ten pounds. Sleep came back quicker for me


Were you exercising every day or nah?


I'm a very small person who didn't have any weight to lose let alone 10lbs so sadly I couldn't even go for a walk safely. I couldn't even stand up without getting light headed. It was pretty scary. Liquid diet and prayed everyday for my appetite to come back. It's been like that for me everytime I've quit


But, the day my appetite did finally come back was like a lightswitch. Totally normal appetite that I always use to have which was Awesome! I will say tho- I made the mistake of going HAM on food which later sent me into some of the most painful bowel movements of my life. Almost passed out and threw up from the pain lol


Lmaoooo I feel you. I’m less worried about appetite stuff and more worried about sleep. Cannot sleep anytime I try to quit


Chamomile tea, sleepy time tea!


Right on thank you that’s good to know. How much were you smoking before you quit?


24/7. An absolute ton


Pipes & flower


Same 🙌🏾❤️


Can I ask how often you were using? I've been on for about 2 years, I go through about 3.5g every 6 weeks using a Pax 2. Vaping every evening. I find that it gives me so much peace from ADHD, like I actually get stuff done because I can begin enjoying the mundane things i.e hanging the washing out, doing the dishes etc.


Yeah I also have adhd and can relate, I was smoking a q in about 3 weeks and if I had weed in the house I would smoke any time I had the chance


Also my dealer was a friend and he would always give me more than I asked for so i would end up with more weed than I rlly wanted, and for wayy less


I'd be lucky if 3.5g lasted me 1 week


It can be beneficial at this level. I use to smoke almost an OZ a week at one point.


That’s nothing that’s not even use in my opinion that’s like a puff. I’m not putting you down. But all your feeling is temp. I smoke probably 2 zips a month. For the last 16 years I quit 3 days ago. I have never been sick like this in my entire life. It does stuff to your body in mind you won’t believe quit while you barely smoke


Been smoking weed 42yrs, 2g a day, dry herb vaping for the last 5yrs. been clean now for a month but man it was bad, so sick, head in a fog, barely able to think to dress myself. that's all passed now but I Just can't sleep. . . and bad dreams that just go on and on and on. not sure how long I can survive on no sleep as I work full time and don't want to take any medication to help as I know ill love it too much. anyone got any ideas?


I was just there. My trick half water half cranberry juice three times a day. Go for walks late at night. Hot shower before bed. Pow out like a light


Give it more time. A month is nothing compared to 40 years of use. Your body is still detoxing. Sleep is gonna take a few months. 


I quit 4 days ago and already notice so many changes 🫶🏻


Don’t expect quitting to fix all of your problems. If you have deeper issues that weed covers up, it can be easy to fall back into old habits. I’ve been clean for a month and some change and haven’t noticed any real improvements in mental health or social anxiety, and for the wrong person that could be catastrophic


Have you replaced weed with positive habits like working out and maybe a side job? That's what I did and I feel really good!


It's been 3-4 months and I also feel better. I tried the other cannabinoid that doesn't make you high for a while but it felt pointless so I just stopped altogether. My throat and my mind thank me for that.


this other cannabinoid you speak of has helped me quit the hard stuff for the last month, but it feels like a crutch that I really want to let go of. what changes did you notice when you stopped altogether?


It was just there as a placebo but since my main goal from cannabis was to get high, it started to simply annoy me to smoke while having no high so I just stopped. If I want to relapse and avoid the cannabinoid that makes you high, I would rather switch to that but it annoys me to the point where I just give up and stop smoking. It also helped a lot that I cut off any contact that had sellers since I couldn't have a provider but the other one is legal so it's more available. I just gave up smoking at one point and always hated cigs anyway but always had tobacco in my joints so it was also easier to quit.


thanks, I want to quit smoking altogether too (I sound like I have bronchitis every time i cough now haha). I'm curious if I'll notice any additional mental benefits from giving up all forms of cannabinoids. the one that doesn't get to high sure helped with my sleep issues and headaches in the first few weeks of quitting though


Two weeks and a day for me! This is pretty awesome I will agree!


Well done!! :))


What’s your biggest tip


I would say keeping yourself as busy as possible for the first week to distract yourself from cravings - replace the time you wasted smoking weed with things you have been wanting to do or get some ideas! Getting plenty of exercise rlly helps with any sleep issues, also warm showers rlly helped with cravings, any time I felt anxious or up tight and wanted to smoke, I’d have a shower and feel so much more relaxed and the cravings would go.


Not the op but always willing to offer help. For me I needed plans in place. In the past I had had a bad day or something or was sick of weed so swore it off - throwing it out, smoking it all and swearing not to buy anymore, defiantly putting out that joint and saying "enough" - it didn't work. Within a day or two, maybe three, I was clamming for more. Instead one day I decided to plan out a couple of weeks. I know the majority of symptoms for the majority of people start to fade after a couple of weeks so I spent a couple of days beforehand putting things in place - new video games that looked interesting, new books to read, movies I had been meaning to watch for years, arranging days and nights with non smoking friends away from my usual smoking location. The key - the absolute key - was to be deliberate. Not just "I'll distract myself with video games" I picked out specific games, ones that interested me. Same with books. The crazy thing was while I was doing all this planning it was usually while I was puffing on a joint! All part of the plan, I hadn't quit yet. Wasn't going to let a moment of clarity, or disappointment in myself dictate when I quit. It was going to be a positive decision for once. Not sure if this'll work for you, but it absolutely worked for me. It was a combo of doing things I genuinely enjoyed by myself in my home (turning my weed spot into something new for me and breaking those habits) and then having periodic times where I was out of the house, out my own head, and getting new endorphins from times with my friends. Highly recommend trying it at least! How could it hurt?


Same here! Day 6 and I'm feeling great. Can't believe I told myself that I needed weed to be happy. It's so insidious and deceiving.


Exactly! I’m soooo much happier without it i was genuinely surprised with how good it makes me feel - I wasn’t even expecting this


im gonna try starting sunday hopefully


Start today, or if you can’t then as soon as you finish your weed then let it be your last, I promise you it’s so worth and you will thank yourself. good luck


i've also beens struggling with kicking the habit for 2 years now and I'm so tired of it. i have a friend's party on Saturday and we both agreed to stop after that, so I'm gonna try to stay sober for at least 2 weeks. i don't want to fully stop, i just want to make it more of a 2x a month thing


That’s cool if you think it will work, and good luck! In my opinion though if you already have a dependence on it then smoking 2x a month probably won’t work and you’ll end up going back to your old ways- trust me I tried to do the same so many times and here I am! It’s diff for everyone though but just do you are aware <3


Sunday it is! We’ll be checking on you!


tomorrow never comes brother


Right on!


Relate so hard, 3 weeks on Saturday and I feel incredible


Congrats!! It’s the best feeling :)


it's a month for me and feeling good, joined a gym and loving it, but man I'd love some sleep . . .and the dreaming is so real. not sure what to do about this part of being clean.


Nicee thanks for sharing. When did your irritability drop? Also, how’s your memory now?


Also I’m not even sure if I’m more irritable now that that I’ve stopped than when I was smoking


Tbh i still get irritable at times, but im still relatively early days and it’s not too bad, everything else makes it worth it. Also my memory is definitely a lot better and I can learn and progress with things so much faster


Every time I relapse I can recognize on even the first day of sobriety that there is hope and that I am not supposed to be doing this to my body. I will not give up.


Quit for good. Every time I relapsed bc I thought I wanted to smoke to fix things it just made me feel worse. Just do it I promise you it’s worth it! Good luck :)


Day 4 and I realized I actually felt HAPPY today. I still had a very stressful day at work (which usually would cause me to smoke) but when I went for a walk afterwards I felt…peaceful??! Usually I just feel numb or bad.


I can definitely relate to this! I’m only 8 days in and I’ve noticed the same change. Quite literally every single aspect of my life has gotten better. It’s frustrating to know how much weed has been holding me back, but it feels even better to be free now


Exactly!! Well done :))


I think I’m on day 6 or 7 ( not really counting ) and I feel kind of better, brighter, and more alert. But that’s really it. My irritability is much higher but that’s the only negative side affect. I know the pros will outweigh the cons in the long run, but atm I feel like there’s hardly a difference.


First week is defo the hardest and it’s important to keep yourself busy and replace the time you would be smoking with more productive things that make you feel good- and lots of exercise. Good luck! :)


I’m on day 34. Definitely a roller coaster. Days 1-6 were very difficult. It basically went away. But anxiety has peaked again at day 30. Hoping it goes away soon. Stay strong!


Thing is, I know quitting would help loads. I am just so addicted to smoking it.


Hey brother, I know how you feel exactly. Struggled for the longest time and it felt like I would never be able to break the fixation. If I may ask, when's the last time you had absolutely no weed in your house/apartment/living space? Easy access means an easy decision to get high instead of anything else. It sounds dumb but for me things became exponentially simpler when I made it as hard as possible to access that pot.


I have tried that so many times, out of sight, out of mind tactic. I find it unhelpful because a dispensary is just a minute or so walk away. I just know it will take the most energy to get through a single night again, but I feel stronger after a day, although the cravings I would not wish on anyone. Thanks for your opinion and advice, I appreciate this.


Ughh yess and can we talk about the oral fixation of it all? I love the actions that come with smoking. Idk if that makes sense but that’s the biggest thing preventing me from stopping.


Yes, I enjoy the ritual as much as anything else.


i have been trying new rituals like lighting a candle and making a cup of herbal tea when i’m ready to wind down for the night. goes a long way towards scratching that itch


this!! i can go a whole day without it but the repetitive action of getting all ready for bed and then going to smoke at night is just engraved in my brain. it makes me keep going back to getting more because i feel i wont know what to do with myself at night.


Same, my brain is just like, what do you mean we just lay there with nothing in our system and sleep? Just like that? And then I get itchy, and the cravings get real awful.


Ahhhhhh it feels so nice to know there are others who literally feel exactly the same way!!! Wow. The part where you said “what do you mean we just lay there” hahahaha my brain is the same, for both sleep and just chilling. My brain is like what do you mean we just sit here and watch tv at night without smoking. What would I do with my hands??? Lmaoooo it’s so silly writing it out but omg it feels so real.


I agree wholeheartedly; so nice to find those who just ‘get it’. Meanwhile we are also around people who make it look SO easy to just ‘be’. I feel like I can barely function. Sending you good vibes for the day and hope you can beat this feeling too.


omg same, a month clean but still in the evenings sit down to relax with tv and chai latte, nice candle etc. and I'm like so this is it? boring as, so I go to bed, but just toss and turn or really bad dreams, not sure what to do bout this part.


Yeah. I'm here atm. Been on a few long breaks, but ultimately miss the ritual of chopping up and smoking cones


I do it occasionally. I didn't smoke it for decades due to work. I do it for anxiety and it works for me.


If you do it occasionally that’s fine and works for some people- I could not go a day without it and had to smoke if I had weed in the house so it was defo a problem for me and I had a bad relationship with it.


Agreed. If I had a 6 pack of beer in the house, it wouldn't the night. Or cookies. Or cake...


Watch out, you're in what's known as the pink cloud phase of recovery where you feel as good as you do now but this wears off after a while. That's when you really have to start watching out for relapses because suddenly sobriety isn't as fulfilling as it was before. It's been my downfall a few times. (Google it for more info, my previous attempt at posting a link got deleted by the automod).


Okay update (now 1 month and 2 weeks in) I see what you mean about the pink cloud phase, I was definitely feeling reallly good at first but now I’ve evened out. Still have no desire to start smoking again though as I can see the positive effects sobriety has given me and still feel wayyy better than I did when I was smoking


Happy to have been able to help a little and congrats on sticking with it. I've done multiple three to five month quit attempts (currently about a month into my current on) and the next thing to watch out for is feeling like it's been long enough and that you can just smoke a little bit. Every time I've done that it's slowly turned back into daily smoking, and you can find lots of other people on this sub who've had the same experience. Good luck!


That’s fair, I think because I’ve replaced my time with better things I don’t think it will too much of a problem for me as I’ve improved so much as a person and have an overall better lifestyle


I envy a person like u


How so? I’m just another person that has quit for good


That’s what makes you different, you can quit for good and be fine. Most of us aren’t like that.


I felt the same way. You brain is releasing all those chemicals in a period of 2-3 weeks and feels amazing. I could even say one feels unstoppable. Keep it up because of course you’ll feel normal in a few days


I'm 2 days in and really needed this. Don't know how to deal with the frustrations of life because I became so dependent on just being able to smoke and be okay again


My best advice is replacing your time with better things that make you feel good- spending time in nature, engaging with people, starting new hobbies or taking up things you’ve been wanting to do for ages but couldn’t because of weed


Same here. Thats why I started looking it up, but can't find many responses about quitting it when you use it medically. I use it for depression. It pulled me off the ledge and kept me going. But now I feel like it's a hindrance because of my tolerance. So I want to quit, but I'm scared how bad my depression will get again.


You got this! Your depression will be bad for a few days, but weed messes with the chemicals in your brain, causing them to go awry.


I've gone on tolerance breaks before, and generally the depression gets pretty bad within a couple days. I've generally cracked within a week because of my fear of getting that bad again. But we'll see how it goes this time. Cause this go round, I'm making a plan rather than just randomly trying.


Just get rid of everything you have. I just dumped all mine outside.


Kinda hard as my husband uses it daily for his mental health as well. He wants to quit too, but we can't do it at the same time. We tried once and it was a poor scenario for both of us.




It doesn't seem like I'll make it. Here I was fooling myself that weed isn't addictive. Bullshit. I literally scraped the dried weed from who knows how long ago off my grinder and almost smoked it.


Been there. If you're not going to get rid of it, drop your paraphernalia in some rubbing alcohol. It will be nice and clean and inaccessible


I'm an old timer myself. Clean for five years now and once you get through those first few weeks everything starts looking better. At least for me it did but the withdrawals were so awful I never wanted to go through them again. And I haven't and I wont. Persevere and eyes on the prize!


Well done :)) so happy I’ve finally managed to quit for good


I’m four days in and really needed to see this. Thank you!


How you doing? I’m still going strong!


Still going strong, too. It’s been a rollercoaster of emotions, though.


I’m so glad to hear that! Keep on keeping on!


Hang on in there sobriety is amazing and so worth it :)


Me too 4 days! 🙌


I’m four days in too! We got this!


Congrats!! Over 2 years now myself after being a daily smoker for a long while. Weed never even crosses my mind now, it's a great feeling!


Inspiring. I hope I can feel even 1/10th of that, in the past I’ve been sober for a month+ and nothing improved


Ive read it takes roughly 90 days to clear everything from your system. Theres also addressing whatever underlying issue taking you from a person who can casually toke to someone who abuses it.


Fair, I’m gonna try going 3 months but its so hard since I’m like on day 2 again after relapsing


This. I quit for 6 months and felt worse weirdly.


Yeah…like after you’re sober, you can clearly tell the difference in how it helped you vs ruined you. And I feel like until I abused it, it genuinely helped me a lot Just like how therapy overtime can make a sad/disturbed person happy/aware, controlled, it can be really beneficial and actually benefit people/change them for the better. But abusing ruins that benefit in my eyes


Thing is.. Quitting is only the beginning.. If you don't make a conscious and persistent effort to change your overall lifestyle then ultimately you become a 'dry drunk' but obviously with weed instead of alcohol.


This is true but most people who quit are being ruined by weed, and I guess that was semi true. But at some point what if you’re making efforts, trying new things and recommendations from everyone and still things aren’t getting better or working…


Some small proportion of the population might need additional help, such as in the form of therapy, or in extreme cases prescription medicine. For 99% of people though you just need to eat right, get good sleep, and not abuse drugs, and you will thrive.


Looks like I’m in that 1% lol. I seriously think therapy will not work for me, that’s not my how my brain operates at all. I can’t be helped by someone who I only see as a professional setted person, I don’t know if it’s my ignorance or stupidity but idk if I can be helped by anyone at this point Sometimes I feel like I made a mistake by not moderating


This. I’ve been sober for 24 days and am struggling. My patience is thinner than usual and I am soooo lethargic. I thankfully have my annual blood work scheduled for tomorrow to rule out any other reasons why I could feel so tired all of the time but 48 hours after I stopped smoking the lethargy kicked in full force.


Yeah it’s so strange. I’m hoping something hasn’t massively fucked up the dopamine levels permanently But after someone time the clear thinking and other things go away, it’s pretty easy to tell what you feel sober. But weed actually helped me a lot if I could moderate it, especially managing my mood, I know people will say it’s temporary But I feel like if it’s moderated it actually helps like therapy. At least it did for me until I started abusing it lol


This. I started off a casual now and then smoker. And then I found carts, and since I could have those indoors, it went from a every other weekend thing to an every day all day thing. Even when they banned carts here, I went back to flower every day. All day every day. And I didn't even realize it happened. Finally did though thankfully and when I decided to stop, 2 weeks of awful insomnia. Now trying to recover from the lack of sleep I had. But feel great overall since quitting. I miss it, but I don't miss being high all day every day. If only it were possible to make it a once and a while thing permanently. 🤷‍♂️




Also on day 4, can’t believe how trapped I felt for years and kept going back. Heavy daily smoker for 12+ years, 4 days ago before my last bong hit I was so depressed and now I feel so excited for the future


Day 2 here and same. I felt so bad for those still using while I was sober…was doing so good I decided to use again, 8 goddamn months ago 😩better late than never, keep it up!


Did the same thing last year after my ex left me, stopped for a couple months and picked it back up worse with the new one, thank everything that nightmare is over and I’m finally able to give it all up


Glad to hear it! At month 5 now, no regrets


Congratulations on 3+ weeks! I on day 6 after 26 years of heavy use. This will be my last time too! 💪


Congrats!!! It only gets better :))


I'm on day 9 after 30 years.. I feel good except for I'm not sleeping like normal, but I know it'll come. I'm set on complete sobriety for my future :)


This is encouraging to hear. I’ve been in a rut. I just changed new roles at work and was working my ass off in my last position. I have been a pot head for 17 years smoking pretty much every single day or chance I could. I was hoping the change in role would help, but it doesn’t seem to have helped to the extent I thought. I’m a little lost right now in my personal life (I’m 31 so a lot of friends are having more kids, yada yada). I feel the urge to quit and I have been clean and sober before and felt the benefits. I have no tiffs with being a weekend or special occasion smoker, but idk if I could after being a heavy user for so long. I am wanting to give it a go, but cave to smoking when I’m bored or when I play video games.


I feel you, mate, especially with the personal life aspect (36m here). I’m telling myself that only sober me can navigate through this, stoned me will just sit and stagnate.


that's just it.. I was tired of being so accepting of mediocrity.. stoned me could waste days doing nothing productive and I wanted to feel a drive again.


That’s exactly it for me too. I have made it this far in life, I am successful professionally, I have friends, I have been in relationships, so I can “function”. But I know I can achieve more, and get to the next level, and I know I can with more mental clarity and a healthy routine. Weed holds me back from that mental clarity and healthy routine and keeps whispering in my ear “what’s wrong with where you’re at and what you’re doing now?” nothing wrong with it, but I know I can go farther.


Congratulations! I excited, tomorrow will be one week! I'm set on complete sobriety too, this is also day 4 from alcohol for me.


I quit drinking, drugs and cigarettes 3 years ago cold turkey but couldn't put down the weed till last Monday. It's awesome to feel things! let's take our lives back


That's great to hear! You should be proud of yourself. Yes let's take our lives back. You are well on your way. Here is my story if you are interested. I started in high school and it quickly became an everyday thing. I still graduated Valedictorian, only to drop out of UCLA after my first year. At that point weed had taken over my life. I've lost 2 marriages, crashed several cars, been in trouble, lost the ability to control my anger which alienated any friends or family I once had. 26 years later and I am on day 6 of no weed. 4 years ago I switched to 96%+ carts only and I was burning a 1 gram cartridge every day. I spent $23k on carts last year. As I've made more money my use only went up. I made over $100k last year and I am still living paycheck to paycheck. A week ago I made the decision to change my life. I know I've spent over $200k over the course of my addiction of not more. This is how I'm going to take my life back and start doing things with my earnings instead of letting them go up in smoke and having nothing to show for it.


For me the financial aspect has not been a top reason to quit but this puts it in perspective. I am calculating my own expenditures and it does not feel good. Thank you


I always knew it was bad, but that's part of the addiction, I was content with it. I thought, "it'll be ok". Then I finally did the math, I went from all day to 2 times in the morning, then 1 and 6 days ago I said, "fuck it, I can't keep doing this. And here I am. I'm so glad to have found this community. I'm glad I inspired you to calculate your losses too. Do you mind sharing those numbers?


I have been treating it as a self care expense 🙄 could have bought like 8 hot tubs by now 😂


Me too! No more of that!


Yes. Hang in there ❤️


I would conservatively estimate $200 per month for the past 15 years. $36k. Ouch. It hurts!!!! 😬


Yikes, that's still a lot!


thankyou :) I totally thought sober life was gonna suck, turns out it's like a brand new adventure. Sounds like you have felt the repercussions of addiction as well.. you know what you've lost, keep in mind everything you'll gain from being clean. it's totally worth it. I have faith in you!


Thank you. Same to you! We have been able to put down all of the other things, we got this. Stay strong! A better non-sucky is ahead of us!


forward and onward :)