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Ya man it tricks you and your brain into thinking it’s really doing something. As hard as it is to believe or even fathom for some people to hear. That’s what it does to your brain, desires the damn thing. While passing it off as no real consequences especially in today’s times. It tricks you into making no real change. Just keeps you busy till I it doesn’t. Plus it just leads to other problems for me. It’s gets the mind comfortable with being blazed, and before you know it You’re not even getting high like you originally intended. Expensive and seriously it’s a bad habit. I still smoke, but shits lame dude. I keep tricking myself thinking I need it. One day ☝️


I have to quit. It’s drawing my pockets and my life. I’m smoking more than i earn. My life is falling apart right now and it’s because of weed and nic vapes.


Imagine it like a cup of water and each time you put a sugar cube in it represents 1 bong rip/toke.(however you’d like to say it) And it seems your cup of water is overflown by sugar. Every time you try add a sugar cube to it now, it doesn’t seem to fit does it? Thats kind of how your tolerance works


Sucks ur money right down the drain


Lmao hate to break it to you buddy, but it does enhance all of those things. Otherwise people wouldn't use it. After awhile of using it though it burns itself out and it can have the opposite effect. So I see where you're coming from. I'm proud of you for kicking that shit


Weed don’t suck Abusing weed everyday sucks


I am in this same mindset but I’m on the line between that and still being addicted. I just wanna cross over the threshold. Bc everything you just said is legit how I feel yet unlike you, I still smoke. One day soon I’m done!




Which one? why not this one


Yea my bad, I’m in too many subs. This is in fact the sub I was referring to. And no I’m not currently high.




You sure


I’ve found that when I overindulge and smoke too much for too long everything becomes normal again no matter how much I smoke. Then I have to take a good tolerance break and weed becomes a relaxing and enjoyable experience that improves whatever I’m focusing on. That being said, I don’t want to use it for my entire life, but I do still find enjoyment in being high for now. Good on you if you want to quit and change your life though, that’s always a good thing


It can be healthy to acknowledge that there can be positives, there's just a tradeoff between the good and bad and how you choose to manage it. Simply dismissing weed as bad undermines the discipline it'll take to fully remove it from your life.


This one right here. Riling up all these negative feelings won't supplant your addict brain into "getting it", you'll just cause association, so that if you do smoke again you'll feel terrible even before you do it, but you'll STILL smoke. You don't get addicted to negative feedbacks, which means you'll have to replace them with positive experiences. And to do that you have to be honest to yourself about the needs that are being fulfilled by cannabis so you can go search for them elsewhere in life.




Addiction is what sucks.


Yep, classic don't hate the player situation.


Exactly. Within moderation and in the right moments weed can be great fun.... its just unfortunate I and a lot of us here have an addictive personalty.


It's fun watching the shows I watched high while sober. I don't remember most of it!


I’ve occasionally revisited things I enjoyed stoned. Sometimes I’ll watch the first episode of something and it’s so bad I have to wonder, “how did I watch this whole series, let alone one episode?” Then I remember the answer. Weed made me an idiot.


Yup - new lease on life! It’s like I get a second chance, a second perspective, on everything


So much internal noise that you aren't aware of things around you and make mistakes and can't remember shit. Also me personally, ive been hurting myself more due to stupid accidents


You said it perfectly. The enjoyment is the "being high"-ness. It disconnects you from everything, you forget things, stop caring about things, and bare minimum responsibility becomes a chore


So so true


Well, actually it does all those things if not smoked to frequently. Weed is awesome,being undisciplined or becoming and addict either biochemically or psychologically sucks. All things in moderation,including moderation.


Also, weed DOES help some people. We just are addicts and cant stop using, cant do moderation. thats why this sub is here. youre projecting very hard and if thats what keeps you off the stuff so be it


It definitely makes music sound better lol and I miss that. But those times are over


Recently realized everything is just as good sober, music, food, whatever; we trick ourselves into *thinking* it's better high when the reality of it is that it just isn't




I've definitely been in situations where it even made all of those worse, especially feeling "relaxed" or "socially lubricated", in fact I actually hate being stoned around people. It's so bad, which is ironic because sober I'm a social butterfly. Everything effects people differently. I'd love to see some of the research?


I have been thinking along the same lines recently. Whenever I am high I get paranoid and socially awkward but sober I am so comfortable around people.


I understand where youre coming from and im 4 months sober. also a musician as well I can confirm for me music definitely sounded better. its still good and i love it until the end of time, even without weed


As a musician myself who's found moderation in casual use after taking time to be sober, I just can't agree. Very interested in why you think so?


I get way more shivers down my spine. Have you considered it impacts people differently? No drug works exactly the same on everybody.


I produce as well and that intense feeling of creation and pouring your heart out into music while high was just something I'll never forget. As much as I miss it though, I wont go back. I can do the same thing without it, I was only speaking from listening to music high and relaxing. It was good times but like all good times, they end. Thank you for being nice and having this constructive convo with me, I understand where you are coming from and respect your views!


I've been smoking occasionally because it helps me give every idea a chance without overthinking it or convincing myself it won't work prematurely. The ideas I shut down without trying usually end up being the best but it's like I can't truly give them a shot without smoking. I've noticed that if I smoke too much though, and start using daily, it makes the anxiety even worse and it gets a lot harder for me to even start *anything*. It's so interesting how different people can have wildly different reactions to the stuff. It really surprises me when people say they always get panic attacks when they smoke. And of course brother nothin beats a good conversation


Weed makes you very comfortable with being bored and doing nothing. I'm feeling the same myself, heading into 3 weeks now and there are parts I miss but then again I think it was me being ok with being numb for a bit while I do mundane tasks or things I thought were more fun high and then as soon as the high starts to fade the things became overwhelming or lame. And that shouldn't be like that. It's like the weed was making me feel happy about thing while on it, and the second it starts needing a ttop up it kept my happiness ransom. Thats my experience, everyone will be different but weed kinda felt like that bad tattooed druggie friend that would hold you by the inner arm where ever you walked, lol it sounds dramatic Probabaly the withdraws making it feel like that but honestly that in itself for me is an eye opener. I'm perfectly OK with being with out it, I miss the nicotine more then I do the weed but it's been a wild three weeks honestly.


I’ve been a heavy smoker for a while now and have taken breaks along the way. This time around it’s been brutal. This is day 6 of being sober and it definitely sucks. Nausea, headaches, body aches… the anxiety that comes with your body finally being able to repair itself. I too enjoyed the sensations in the past but now find the high to be a journey into mental solitude. Fortunately for me, the “high” journeys I’ve been on where I was locked in my own mind have actually help me move forward with quitting completely this time around. The reason being is that I’ve come to realize that being locked in my head really is boring and it removes me from the actual beauty around me. Like sunsets, clouds and the smiles I see around me. I’m no longer wasting time, being mentally insular. Robert Downey Jr been sober for decades now. He goes for runs and goes out does things to help reset his dopamine levels. We can all do that. Go for a walk. Take deep breaths and let go of the moment on anxiety and be a little bit more kind and forgiving to ourselves. Those who says we’re projecting etc… they’re not going thru what you’re going thru. Your natural state of happiness hasn’t gone anywhere… it’s been here all along. One day at a time. Have a little faith in the goodness that we all possess.


Def makes food taste better and shit but at what cost is more the question for me


About €7 a gram where I'm at.


Weed is an alien organism searching for a host.


Im so scared to stop


Dude I was terrified to stop, been using it as a mental crutch daily for 15 years..I’m only a couple weeks in but I’m starting to think it’s funny that I was so scared. it’s actually been not bad at all once I got past a day or two feeling sorry for myself, I believe you can do it


Thank you so much. I’ve been smoking exclusively cartridges for a few years and the anxiety is horrible


Yeah carts are where I got real bad, I feel like I would have been alright had I not started vaping. Too convenient and discreet to control. Good luck on your journey when you decide it’s time!


The time is imminent. I cant keep living like this


I’m not gonna lie man, if you truly want to stop you need to grow a pair and simply stop. You’re gonna let being scared stop you from becoming your best self?


True that


Best of luck to you man, If you want to quit you've absolutely got it in you 🫡


Thank you


I was too, but please listen to your inner self. I'm on day 5 and it sucks for a couple of days and even weeks, but after many years of a daily habit I feel a sense of relief that is absolutely worth whatever I have to go through. You can do it!!


True. Turns out that being stoned on cannabis is boring.


the only problem weed ever solved was a promlem it created itself to begin with. It creates a hole in your soul and convinces you that its the only cure for it. Its not. Its a weak lie. The happiest I ever felt as a pothead was ON THE WAY to the dispensary after eciding to relapse. One hit. Back to mental prison for a few days again. Good luck resisting the reset cravings. Its a soul sucking, slow insidious drug. Like death with a million papercuts. im done bro. fk that plant and anybody who told me it was safe. I feel like my spark, my charisma, my heart is back. All this time I was looking for myself. All the things I chased in weed I found right inside of my sober self. Its like that hole in my chest is finally gone.


I’m currently in a cold sweat from withdrawal (day 6), but I’d rather be going through this than high. I’m sick of being locked in my own head all the time.


I haven’t been able to keep anything down all week except broth.. day 7 for me. You got this


You do too, my friend! It feels different this time around, so I have high hopes!


Locked in my head is a good way to describe it.


I recently relapsed briefly and I realized that I don’t enjoy it anymore. It wasn’t exciting or something worth missing, it was just “meh”. Weed used to allow me to relax and have fun but, now that I can do that sober, I just felt off and different. While high I couldn’t fully grasp or appreciate things that I was doing, and I preferred being sober. I’m about 14 hours sober now and I feel a bit restless, but it doesn’t hold power over me anymore.


That’s really it. Learning to relax sober. I’m getting there.


How did you transform your norm so drastically like that, that weed lost its grip on you


I’ve been mostly sober for 3.5 years now but I’ve felt tempted to relapse — and have — multiple times. So being sober has been the norm for a while, but I’m just reframing it from something I’d like to use and don’t to something I’d just rather not use.


“Weed makes the ordinary be extraordinary” I fully believed that in my 20s. Now in my 40s, just a phase. So many better, natural ways to find that joy. It’s up to you to find it, and question what void you’re trying to fill


The thing is, it affects people differently. I myself, found music, food, and movies to be much more enjoyable. It was only social interactions that kind of sucked. Im now clean for nearly a week and have found regular everyday life to be quite dull and boring. To each their own i guess. Im happy you kicked the habit though.




They’re still at the start of their journey, which is the entire purpose of this sub. Why talk down to them??


For me it took ages before I realised it but I think OP is right. I really genuinely did believe that I didn’t enjoy music as much, and as a musician I didn’t have as good ideas, without weed. Now I realise that I still love music and honestly I’m a better musician without it. You’re right everyone is different, I’m just saying give it time.


I think the longer you’re clean, the more you realize this. I’m only a week clean so my input is still quite biased lol. I hope to feel the same way you and OP feel. Its just pretty dreadful in the moment.


What I realised was that there were things in life I didnt like sober / wasnt fun sober. With Weed or sometimes other substances it was fun. Now the question is why am I smoking to make unenjoyable things enjoyable. And this thought helped me leave. Of course a few things are gonna feel dull when you stop but the feeling of true joy will come back and maybe not in things you liked doing high but thats normal. The same way we used to try new things when high we now need to try around again sober until we find whatever we were missing. But the focus is on doing/trying new things not just thinking about it.


> “People aren’t funnier or social on it” That was probably the biggest disappointment I had with weed. I thought it would make me less self-conscious, more sociable and more prone to finding things funny. Instead I get stuck inside my own head and turn almost mute. Even alcohol doesn’t have that effect on me.


Agree completely


alcohol has that stimulant euphoric effect, when your Blood alc level is rising. Not risen, rising. Once it hits peak and falls down, that effect fades. People genetically predisposed to alcoholism only have this stimulant/opiate receptor initial effect. Its the reason alcoholics keep drinking. Because the second their blood alc, starts droping from the peak concentration, that euphoria fades. So you chase it and black out. If you want to check to see if you have this gene you can. Solid research is there on it. Take your heart rate before hand. Then take 4 shots one after the other. In 10 mins if your heart rate is higher than before, you got the addictive gene, and should be careful.


That’s interesting info. I’m not a regular drinker (once every two months at most) - I don’t get cravings for it and if I buy any for home I often forget it’s there in the fridge. With weed, I definitely get cravings I don’t get with alcohol despite it being a less harmful choice. I don’t think I’ll be taking shots to find out if I have the gene though, I’ll make myself sick 😅






Yeah it’s definitely the weed addiction. Just say it. You don’t need to pretend it’s OCD or a different thing. Probably don’t know when to stop cos weeds addictive yo.


I was awarded the state as a minor because my parents were not fit to care for me. They still do not understand this concept. Because they were on drugs & when children grow up in a home where drugs are acceptable. Oftentimes the parents will not uphold the same morals values inside the home. When drugs are not tolerated as a youngin *children do what their parents / teachers / influencers do* We learn through the admirations of others. *What is admired in another* This is how people learn bad behaviors & call it addiction. After being awarded the state as a minor I lived in foster homes all over the place & I learned how people who don't use drugs live & cleaned up drug homes that were abandoned by users. I learned from multiple foster parents & through lots of counseling the things I believe. Over 15 drug treatment programs & losts of jail time from 14-25 literally my entire life as a youth. I pulled myself away from every bad behavior I learned just about. Going out to chill in places I know I shouldn't is an addiction. Seeing nature is an addiction Cutting the lawn Walking barefeet Paragliding Sewing Macrame Watching people All these are addictions. It's a hobby, you know... the things you admire (: What you admire is what you are *I believe* I believe people need to color their problems (by saying it's an addiction) because when you color something/ give it a lable.. It's easier to manage. Becomes more manageable. Like making a key on a map. It makes it easier to see your destination.


Agreed. Weed becomes more shit the more you use it.


Weed made pretty much all of those things better for me but I would always end up with a super high tolerance and crazy mood swings and lows whenever I couldn’t have any.


Mostly true, but I think one essential part of quitting is to be aware of the "advantages" that weed gave you. For me, smoking weed was the easiest way to get instant relaxation. I'm finding better ways now, but I have to learn them. It's important to replace the positive feelings. But in general, I total agree with you. The good feelings from weed aren't real


The only thing I miss about it is the smell tbh


This is too true. My gf still smokes every blue moon and asks me a bunch if it’s okay. I say of course I’m above it. I honestly encourage it cause she isn’t an abuser and I like to smell it. And it helps her anxiety. Doesn’t affect me at all which rocks now. Love the smell and being around people who can handle it


Weed nowadays is too strong. Us old guys used to smoke a J by ourselves and just get a tiny buzz - that's the weed I love.






These posts and others just read as “weed is bad and the cause of my problems”. Glad to hear you’re enjoying life sober - if weed is the only thing that makes things enjoyable for a person then that’s definitely concerning and signals addiction. To suggest it doesn’t make life better for a lot of people is wrong though. Like I’ve commented, it relieves my chronic pain enough to allow me to exercise regularly and live a healthier happier life. I would be sat on my ass all day every day if it wasn’t for this plant, so I deeply appreciate it. I find posts like this just reduce a complex array of things into weed = bad, which honestly just isn’t always the case. I see equally as many posts being like “I stopped smoking and my life is still terrible and I’m even more depressed” and it’s like….. yeah cause the problem wasn’t the weed.




Not sure “gained more confidence and be more social” is quite the same as “is the only reason I am able to have an active life style and not be in pain all day and night” but ok 👍🏼 I think comparing weed and alcohol is a stretch, especially considering that alcohol is legal to consume virtually everywhere and has been totally normalized to the point of being heavily commercialized as well. In most places in the world, weed is illegal and smoking carries a negative social stigma, way more so than alcohol. From my perspective, I’ve seen enough posts on this sub of people for whom weed was clearly therapeutic and positively impacted their life - but because it’s a “bad illegal drug” they’ve decided it’s the devils lettuce and that it’s the root of their every problem.. I’m not saying people should smoke - it’s better not to consume any drugs at all (alcohol caffeine cigarettes weed etc) but the situation is a little more nuanced than that imo. Either way I agree - this ain’t the sub for me. I will mute and make sure I don’t end up back here (I am not subscribed to it, it just keeps popping up cause I clicked it once. All the best!


This ^


OP didn't blame weed for anything, they just said it sucks and is pretty boring. If you feel such a strong need to defend weed on a sub dedicated to people who want to quit, maybe you should reconsider your own relationship with the plant.






Yeah everything can be bad! But this shit messes with you body chemistry and is a lipid so stays in your body fat and organs for a very long time. This whole Reddit feed is for people to tell their story, not being judged by you and saying sorry before you say something rude doesn't make it okay 👍🏻






Yeah it just makes it me anxious


It used to temporarily take away the pain for me and help me dissociate, keeping me stagnant and stuck but not minding it as much. I’m glad I finally reached the point where I just couldn’t live like that no more.


It had its novelty in the beginning.. but then it started to dull out the colours life brings. I’m glad I stopped. It’s kinda crazy observing other people’s smoking habits once you take that step to cut it from your life.


At first it made everything so much more colorful, now I’m colorblind without it