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Great to hear that, however I am quite the opposite. Smoked for 15years, sober almost 3months. I am constantly waking up during night and cannot get more than 4-5h of sleep, it’s devastating. When I was using MJ i could sleep whole night 7-9hours straight. I hope it will get better.


Sorry to hear that! I hope overtime it gets better for you!


but i bet you feel more rested after the 5h sleep


Ugh,  so good to know. Sleep is one of my biggest fears 


After 2 months, my dreams started to come back finally! I lost my mom almost 2 years ago, and last week I started to have really good dreams of her. REALLY vivid dreams, like hugs that felt real, and me waking up with a big ol smile on my face. I have to say, I just don't miss weed at ALL now. I cant believe i was missing out on things like this.


I can relate to this and only hope to be in a similar position. I’ve wanted to quid weed now for toms of reasons but I too lost my mum just over a year ago and I have thought about wanting to see her in my dreams but I never will because I never or barely ever dream due to my daily weed consumption. It’s just another reason or bonus ripple effect of stopping. I hope to get there


Sorry about your mom... But don't beat yourself up too much. Quitting weed was on the back of my mind, nagging me for quite a bit too. I was too scared to quit I think for a while.... Like what is life on the other side. Then one morning I woke up...and just felt it. It was my time. I don't know what pushed me over the edge but that day was it and never looked back. I never planned that day in advance. You'll get there. When you're ready you'll know. The fact that it's nagging you like it was with me tells me one day you'll be successful.


I was similar. For months everything was pointing to and calling to me to quit, I just couldn’t/wasn’t ready. And one day, it was just it. Had my last bowl, through everything away and I’m so happy for it.


Yes, I actually get excited to sleep, like what crazy adventures am I going on tonight lol. I didn’t know how much I’ve missed dreaming.


lolol me too! when you're actually tired, it feels sooooo good. and it's like I wonder what movie we're watching tonight? 😂


Robbing yourself of dreams that are just inherently trippy, way more trippy than a weed high, seems so silly in retrospect. My favorite part of the day is when I’ve had a full day and now off to some weird place in my dreams. Sometimes the dreams are painful (exes) but often times they’re cool.


Exactly and that can’t be healthy if you just don’t dream lol. Like that means your not getting good sleep and healing during sleep and sleep is when your body heals. I just feel messy and not present whatsoever when I smoke


Yep. I had a rad dream where I was a war photographer last night. Too real that I woke up, but then went back to sleep. Then, I woke up at 3:30am for my once-a-week drive in to the office. I drink a gallon of water on my 75min drive in and I feel so awake and non-groggy. My next addiction I need to reckon with is coffee. I’m so used to the ritual lol


The improvement in sleep quality has been one of my favorite unexpected benefits of quitting weed. 5 months free here. There are nights when I get too excited and so I only get 6 hours of sleep, but I'm still functional. It's awesome. 😁


Haha! Congrats!!! Even on nights when I go to bed a little later, it isn’t nearly as rough the next day! Everything is a bit more exciting and happier


Yeah! I almost feel like I'm experiencing more of my human potential, if that makes sense.


100%! I feel like I’m finally ‘living’. Not just ‘surviving’


My sleep changed so drastically after I quit, that it made me hate total sobriety. Weed slows down my inner monologue, and by 3 months in the monologue wouldn't even shut up when I was sleeping. I physically felt great, but mentally I was going crazy.


I’m sorry to hear that, that sounds really hard! I used weed to shut my brain off, basically get the inner monologue to be quiet. Then when I started doing all my therapy I realized, for me, it had to do with my anxiety and depression and other diagnosis. So I think it was helpful, for me, that I had a solid base of two years of working on all of that and learning other ways of quieting that inner voice. I had tried to quit about a year prior and I ended up picking it back up. I think I big part of it was I was feeling mostly ready to quit and that I had strong tools that I built up over the prior years. I hope you find something that works for you! I know everyone is different!


I'm glad to hear that therapy worked out. It takes a lot of strength to take on the world completely sober.


Yep thc keeps the brain from going into rem sleep. I used to wake up 4-5 times a night regardless of how tired I was on thc, and off until I got enough time off of it. After 7 months quit I can almost regularly sleep through the whole night and am not as sensitive of a sleeper. I actually wake up feeling refreshed some times :)


That’s amazing! Congrats 🤍🤍 sometimes when I would wake up I’d go outside to smoke more so I could get a bit more sleep 😵‍💫😵‍💫 just deepening and furthering the cycle I was in


Yeah! Thanks. I’ve been there. Even taking vape rips throughout the night to fall back asleep.


Oh big time. Even when I was still smoking, I never smoked after 9 because of how poor the sleep would be.


I’m 3.5 weeks off and still not sleeping that great. Did the good sleep happen for you immediately or did it take a while?


I was terrified of night sweats and insomnia so i bought quick release melotonin. There can be some grogginess sometimes but way less than when I smoke.


I would smoke around 7 and go to bed (pass out) between 8 and 9. And wake up around 6/7am. Actually i’d also wake up in the middle of the night and sometimes go outside to smoke more to put myself back to sleep. After quitting, I wasn’t going to bed until later.. like 9/10/11. And for a while it was always around 11 and still waking up around 6/7am. I wasn’t waking up in the middle of the night anymore. It’s starting to even out that I can go to bed around 9/10 and wake up at 6/7. I don’t like going to bed closer to 11. I always thought I liked going to bed at like 830, but really I was just too groggy/miserable to stay up any later. Now, I have more time to spend with my husband after our kids go to bed. I can actually watch a full show, read, Diamond paint, do the dishes or whatever, then still go to bed at a reasonable time. I just have overall more energy and when it is time for bed, I’m ready. So I think it took a little while to notice it. I notice slowly bits and pieces that were better.


Just over two weeks in for me, after smoking for over 24 years. I got it down to a bowl a night before bed, but I as well am in the same boat of curiosity as you regarding sleep. Short story, it's currently not going well. Finally had some major success this weekend (a 12 hour night of sleep!!!), followed by another restless night. Then an okay one, then last night two hours. Awake since midnight, f**k me. I'm a shell of myself today, but granting myself permission to be okay with that and do what I need to for sanity's sake (stayed home, light reading, nothing strenuous). My psychiatrist has been extremely helpful and prescribed a few things for me, but TBH they aren't working very well and I don't want to rely on pharmaceuticals to get through this. Currently it's a 50/50 of whether or not I'll have a good night's rest in my own bed, but I want to give my brain and body the space to readjust. I've been reading a LOT on the topic and plenty of people in this helpful sub will correctly point out that everyone's chemistry and usage is/was different and as such, it's very hard to predict. But here's the short version of what I have found... THC has a metabolic half life of 13 days for heavy users in lipids. It’ll take a month before it gets substantially better, basically. I saw someone post that "It gets 15 minutes better everyday", and I'm beginning to feel the accuracy of that statement. Sending you positive support, dear redditor. This crap ain't easy, but I'm personally not going back. We can do this.


I've done a few multiple-month long quit attempts and I can corroborate the four-week time frame for sleep returning to normal. It probably varies with how much you smoked and for how long, but around the four week mark has been when my sleep got back to more or less normal.


Taking solace in this information, thank you!


Waking up and actually feeling rested was an absolute blessing. I’m so glad I’m building the discipline to know when it’s reckless to get high. I was like you, I thought I’d need it for good sleep… but it’s the exact opposite. I love remembering my vivid dreams too. They’re always telling me a little something that’s on my subconscious mind.


Dude it’s amazing off the weed. You can actually sleep and wake up and not be tired lmao


It’s wild!!!! I’m like oh.. that all day sluggish, exhaustion fog was from weed! Cool. Cool. Cool.


It does a lot more to us than we would like to think


Congrats homie. I'm in the crazy dream stage ATM. Though if I remember correctly, before I started smoking I always had vivid dreams anyway.


Yes! I am still having some crazy vivid dreams. It’s weird to have dreams after not having them for so many years. But nothing I haven’t been able to handle or deal with. Usually they’re just weird and I laugh about them while trying to remember what they were.


Same, last night I dreamed a friend of mine got into my car and told me he wanted to shoot some place up. I had to wreck the car to take his m4 from him and then cops were trying to arrest him while I held the barrel and was fighting for my life. I haven't talked to this friend in years in rl. Woke up and started trying to make sense of it, but then realized how silly it would be to try and make sense of anything that crazy.


Congrats on your sobriety! I believe in you OP!! 💯🙏💙🙌


Thank you!!! It feels so good, to feel so good!


Yessss! 💙