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Remembering things now. lol


Being more involved / present in conversations and interested in what people have to say Actually having a personality Not overthinking everything I’m doing / being in my own head How much more money I have Not having to worry about police or anyone else causing issues because of me smoking I wake up feeling refreshed Being more motivated and feeling like my life isn’t stale Like fr at that last one, I’ve never been a smoke all day type stoner I always used it to chill out as a reward but even then I’d look at so much shit and just think it was effort as where now everything’s just part of a process or learning curve which gives me enjoyment


My mind is clear when I wake up for the first time in years (35) and my creativity and drive to deal with tasks has returned. I don't put things off because I'm high and can't be arsed - I'm doing them and getting satisfaction from ticking them off my list. I think I found it easier than some people I've seen on here because I gave up tobacco 4 years ago (using a PAX to smoke weed), so I haven't had the double-nightmare of withdrawal from both weed and tobacco to contend with. If you're unsure or not quite ready yet, I'd definitely recommend ditching tobacco first.


I quit both 5 days ago, my joints were 70/30 weed to tobacco ratio and I also smoked a few cigs a day. It’s extra brutal but I’m looking at it from a complete lifestyle transformation perspective. I also knew I’d end up smoking way more cigs to compensate for not having weed and worsen my addiction to them. In for a penny…


Keep at it lad, I did the same 1 year ago and quitting tobacco has stuck, weed is what I'm struggling with, surprisingly. But it's worth the experience, you'll get to know yourself better and how to deal with those feelings by going through it and trying over and over again. I may be writing this for myself too because I quit for 2 months and got back into it again (avoid this at all costs, because you'll remember how good it feels like to not smoke and I'm currently battling my own mind, it's weird) but I'm here trying to read everyone's thoughts to get my mindset in the right space to quit again and hopefully once and for all. Good luck!


I can be bored in peace now


Getting hobbies back that aren’t video games. I finally enjoy reading again! Also coloring, crochet, and gardening.


I miss reading physical books. I still listen to audiobooks but I cannot sit still long enough or pay attention long enough to read a physical book.


How long have you been sober?


I'm not yet... Building up the courage to do it very very soon


Something to look forward to!


Yes exactly! This threat is nice because I'm reading all of the things I get to look forward to again


Ahhh reading, how I've missed you.


I love when I catch myself getting my point across in a conversation when just a few weeks earlier, "what was I just saying?" was coming out of my mouth every few sentences. I also love when I randomly forget that I haven't smoked in a while and look at my sober app to see some exciting number.


Sober app? Is that the actual name of the app?


Would recommend “Grounded” as well, specifically for weed and weed withdrawal symptoms/ tracking money you’re saving over time


I’m using the free version of grounded :)


"quit weed" is also great - gives you updates on where you are at in the withdrawal a process.


There is also app named "Grounded". You input when you quit, how much you were smoking and the price per gram and it tells you how much money you've saved for the time sober.


"I am sober"


I love not being tethered to a vice, I feel free.


Being present in conversations and dopamine


I love being able to eat and sleep when I want, and not when the weed tells me too.


This - my ridiculous snacking and constant kitchen foraging has dropped through the floor. I just don't have the urge to snack.


Smoke - eat - smoke again - eat again. Repeat all damn day.


Emotional regulation


It’s not a concern in my life anymore. No need to worry about the back and forth, health stuff, jobs, money, clarity. It’s done and I’m free.


Having money


The motivation to do tasks, that THC made me too lazy to do


The knowledge that I was able to overcome the insanely tight grip it had on me


It seriously has a choke hold on me I don’t even know what to at this point, life seems boring without it


Same here


That’s because weed gives you an enormous hit of dopamine, so it’s only an artificial enhancement of what would otherwise feel mundane. Being able to enjoy life without drugs and restoring healthy dopamine functioning is infinitely better.


I agree totally, but when I do quit I start to feel not that different? A bit bored, and then I just go back to it because I think life really isn’t that different without it. Then the whole time I’m high and smoking all I want to do is quit, like every morning I wake up and promise myself I won’t smoke. 3 hours into the day I’m high again.


That’s how I was for 17 years. I’m now just over a year sober. In the past I never quit for more than 2-3 months, then went back because my life didn’t seem that different. This time around, I actually felt worse around the 4-6 month point but I refused to give in. I am just now starting to feel like I’m healing from what this long term addiction did to me. My life has improved, I have been getting my shit together slowly but surely. But you need to have realistic expectations. Even if you don’t feel miraculously better sober, you have the satisfaction of knowing you’re free from a substance that used to control you.


If you don’t mind me asking, what do you mean by getting your shit together? For me I feel like I’m watching people who are my age (27) and they are at a completely different stage than I am. Buying houses having family’s, I wonder if smoking weed for the last 11 years is the reason I am set back


Don't worry about what "everyone else my age" is doing, they are just as insecure as you


Getting my finances in order/paying off debt, boosting my credit (not smoking $500/mo helps), pursuing goals in a more intentional way, building healthy habits and hobbies, learning to process emotions instead of suppressing them, improved mental stability… My relationship is better than ever, I’m getting married next week… I’m looking forward to the future instead of just the next bong hit


"looking forward to the future instead of just the next bong hit". Wooooo.... that one resonates. Thanks.


This was motivating. Thank you & enjoy your wedding day next week 🙏


Thank you 😊


Love my eyes looking bright & not shells of their former selves.. I actually look vibrant again, even (most of all) in the mornings. And echoing a previous commenter’s poignant, SPOT ON fact about yes, still craving that “high…..” well, it’s never as good as how we romanticize it. The weed hangover, the rapid heartbeat, the dull, red, lifeless eyes… Never again! I’m SO proud of myself and everyone on this thread. Gives me goosebumps just typing this. Weed is trash & the entire culture can fuck right off. We are living again 💞💞💞


Normal sleep. Normal sleep schedule.


Reduced anxiety and increased confidence and a clearer sense of purpose.


I gotta get off weed to detox for a bunion surgery and last night was my first vivid dream. I basically became friends with this neighbor whose in reality intimidated my family and me a few times. But in the dream I just tried being nice to him and we wound up riding bikes together.


The dreams! I had very rarely dreamt when I was smoking daily. It’s my new escape :)


Oh my god. For the first time since I started I’ve gotten down to a gram a smoke sesh and the dreams are just insane. I can recall with 100% certainty that my last dream was me bungie jumping 10 times. Vivid as ever.


Love all of this. Still fucking miss weed.


The clearheadedness, feels like its only getting better, even when I take 3 hits now I will feel like shit even the next day. The weed hangover is worse than anything else for me. And the high in and of itself is just trash, it used to be fun but became trash/ier and stayed that way for good. #117


I love waking up and not immediately thinking of my first bong hit of the day


Love knowing whatever I’m going through, it’s not weed / my own vices causing it


Love not being paranoid and embarrassed about my super red stoner eyes, which in turn caused extreme anxiety and uncomfort when leaving the house. Also love being able to socialise more and hate myself less


Not having to worry about failing a random drug test and losing my job.


Getting up in the morning and just going about my day, being able to think before noon




i love that i’m able to remember what my fiancé said to me the day before. while smoking, my memory was ASS. i’m only day 7 and my memory is much more clear.


Guys - I used to sing so great. When smoking - I cough mid sentence! Now, after just a few days - I can sing again!


Yes! Singing is such a joy


I like being able to continue doing stuff through the night rather than reaching a point of saturation where I’m braindead/unconscious.


Not forgetting what I’m saying - oof I almost forgot how bad that was but it used to be so embarrassing being in the middle of a convo or saying something and then just blanking. This is the biggest one for me now though - being able to travel without stressing about how I’m going to get anything or enjoy my trip if I can’t. That was something that tainted my travel experiences for 15+ years.


i already love the moment when i will feel hungry again :D i’m on day 6!


I'm on day 3, but I've been through this before. I'd been off cannabis for years before the COVID shutdown, when I decided to get a medical cannabis card. I can't say that was necessarily a mistake, but it's time to get sober for good.


Felt this, I’ve never eaten more than this my entire life. Day 18 myself!


i‘m so proud of you! :) way to go!


I always thought smoking helped me keep an appetite but I was shocked a month or two after quitting that my appetite came back with a vengeance. Way more than when I was a daily smoker. Good job for going almost a week, you’ll get there!!


thank you! yeah and also i do love working out and it sucks without the ability to eat properly…


I can't wait to be my bright, happy, social self again, it's like it sucked all the color out of me!


Dreaming again is a huge driver for me.


Same and waking up restful


Almost 6 months in and they’re almost always nightmares for me, sadly.


Nightmares can be associated with trauma and PTSD. Because cannabis blocks R.E.M. sleep, which is when you have these lucid hallucination like dreams, you probably blocked having nightmares, not necessarily that stopping caused them.


I struggle with nightmares too, how do you cope with them?


Idk that I have a good strategy. I just remind myself that they’re not real and try and reflect and see if I can think of why I would have such dreams. Often times it’s a reflection of real thing in life that I worry or am unhappy about so it makes sense. Making sense of why my subconscious would put those dreams in my head makes it a bit easier to deal with, I think.


Dunno how bad they get, I enjoy nightmares like scary films, waking up and it's all ok, no paranoia about it feels great


Eh I’ve had some dreams I enjoyed but the vast majority are not good. Some are benign. Some worse than others. But I find good ones to be very few and far between.


random tip: how’s the temperature in your room at night? one of the biggest factors attributed to nightmares is being too warm during sleep. which makes sense for withdrawal times because body temp regulation is already out of whack. best of luck to you


I get mostly nightmares but much happier than no dreams at all. Thinking back to the halcyon days before booze and drugs I remember mostly nightmares too


Reading the comments helped me understand more how to help my best friend that I thought he wasn't addicted and now I realize he really is. I feel bad for not realizing it sooner, but now I can perhaps help him more. Thx for this post I think I'll send it to him too.


I love travel. I love access to my emotions. I love feeling strong and not physically dependent on smoke to feel normal. I love my singing voice.


singing 🫶🏼






When my smoking was bad my mucus formed into these small spheres or spheroids, with smooth, defined edges. Truly tiny balls of mucus. Coughing up one of these got me deep into shame until enough time had passed (a few hours) that I was ready to smoke again. Love never seeing these anymore.




I love not smelling like it and not having to worry that others can smell it.


I love that I'm feeling motivated and I'm not just sitting in my room all day wishing I was doing stuff.


I can go to any job I want, without fear of failing a piss test. I can drive anywhere I want without fear of being pulled over. I can talk to anyone I want without fear of my clothes reeking.


Not being a slave to getting high.


This is a big one. I’d smoke first thing in the morning, then I’d want a hit every few hours after that just trying to stay high. I’d come home to smoke several times a day. What a waste of time.


Love not having to check the waze app for drug buses


Huh? Lol


The bags under my eyes receding


Dreaming and forgetting my train of thought mid sentence. I felt that!


Yes! Although those first 3 weeks, the nightmares were intense! Mad Max style apocalyptic ones where you wake up drenched in sweat. No one can tell me 30 years of my daily toke wasn't addictive or enough to cause withdrawal after that experience. Now, remembering all the good dreams these days has been fun!


It feels weird to dream so lucidly doesn't it? I remember my dreams almost every night now. Even when I drink a little. I read on here dreams help us process our emotions. I have absolutely found that to be true. I am much more even keel now I'm not high every second of the day I'm not working.


I love not being ashamed anymore.


It's interesting that shame is felt by so many smokers.


When your hands and your heart are not in agreement about what to do, it's rough.


It's the disappointment from others for me. My partner commented a while ago that everytime we talked I was stoned. (We're long distance so we FaceTime every night we can). It's the losing my best friend and their last words to me were, "All you fucking care about is smoking weed. You're an asshole and not a good friend." Good riddance to this addiction. It's insidious despite being such a low-key plant. The line between medicine and poison is very fine.


A friend once told me I was a lot funnier and more fun to be around before I started smoking. It always stuck with me.




Thank you! And congrats to you for 117 days! 💪


My bank account is going up faster, I am starting to feel a bit more happy so yea


yes. I feel happy for the first time in years. I’m on day 25


Day 28 😀, hang in there


That’s awesome!!! 💯💙🙏