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I’m there right now and I’m on day 8. I’m learning that I’ve got a long way to go. Just keep it up, stay sober and the THC will slowly but slowly leave your body.


I would feel this way after my mental health walks when I was detoxing. I assumed it was the effect of the THC metabolites getting dumped into my blood stream following fat burning, or something to that effect possibly?


Yea i felt this too, lasted a few weeks then i started “coming down” but you may also just be experiencing serotonin from other things while sober now


Last time I “quit” I got into day 20 and still felt this shit. Idk how people are saying it went away sooner for them


I felt shit for about 3 months in, an then all the sudden you forget you feel like shit.


Look into ways of combating dissociation and derealization. You’ll find grounding exercises (sumo squat+stomping feet), breathwork, a lot of somatics. Somatic exercises would likely be helpful to escalate how chemicals move through your body as well. Do these exercises several times a day. Takes a few minutes or as long as you like.


You are dissociated. Weed can do that to you. My last horrible episode lasted a full week of feeling like a dream and like I was seeing things through a cloud


You're high on life. Enjoy it. 😁


It’s your body releasing it’s stores in your fat cells. That’s why you’ll notice your sweat smells like weed and you taste weed on your saliva. Essentially your bodies way of getting high. Fun fact. I got a weed dui and I didn’t even smoke that day. I was a heavy heavy user ounce a week. But since I smoked so often I was technically still high while driving.


My actual greatest fear omg. How long were you into quitting when you got the DUI?


I wasn’t into quitting last year when this had happened to me. The only reason I didn’t smoke this day was because I worked 14 hours and was driving home. I smoked in my car as I didn’t want to disturb my neighbours in my apartment. So yes my car smelled like weed and that led to the spit test and eventual blood being drawn. ( I live in Canada so it’s legal here) I went to court not to fight it but attempt to get an understanding. The judge basically just said it doesn’t matter the test says you were high so you were high. For fun I went 2 days w/o shortly after this and got a test done for myself and I was still 2x over the legal limit. So in conclusion what I learnt. If you smoke weed in any extent. You can essentially never legally drive.




Yea I experienced this too. It’s sort of almost fading but not quite gone yet. So weird


Same here, I’m on day 10 and that feeling is subsiding.


THC gets stored in your fat, and can stay there for a long time. When you start to burn off your fat stores, it can re-release the THC back into your bloodstream. If you were the kind of stoner to get the munchies, and one of your weed withdrawal symptoms is lack of appetite, it feels like a logical assumption that you've been losing some weight over these last five days. It seems possible to me that you are experiencing a mild high, and will likely continue to until the THC fully leaves your system. Drink lots of water, eat healthy, and exercise regularly. This will help. If you can only do one, drink lots of water.


This was super informative, thank you so much for putting it so simply. I really appreciate it.




It’s your brain with 0 dopamine. Standard symptoms. It comes back


Explain ?