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"hey i'm even more stupid than you are , watch me" ...


If that was gas there would be a fire ball as gas mist aerosolizes . Leading back to the source of the spray Look at how a flame thrower works lol


Flamethrowers usually use diesel, heated oil or napalm tho. Pure gasoline in a flamethrower would just bloom, and not go very far, as opposed to various diesel mixtures, that form a coherent stream, which is preferable to increase the range of a flamethrower.


yes pure gas would be even more volatile .Flamethrowers can use different types of fuel depending on the specific model and purpose. Historically, flamethrowers used flammable liquids like gasoline or a mixture of gasoline with a thickening agent such as napalm to create a sticky, burning gel. Some modern designs might use propane or other compressed gases, which are used to propel the flammable liquid out of the weapon. These gases themselves are not typically the primary fuel for the fire but are used to help expel the liquid fuel effectively.if this was pure gas it would blow up .




Diesel fuel is not very flammable. Don't believe me? Go try and set some on fire.


When injected (like in the video) it is very flammble


It still has to reach flashpoint. It's not going to do that when it's just droplets in the air. It has to gain heat, and it wont do that until it hits the fire.


And it is not that pumpabale


No. Why do you think that?


Cause you would have gasoline fumes mixed with air all over the place . Fire would jump and explode like those thermobalic rockets/bombs


A lot of people see gasoline+fire and immediately think it will look like Hollywood. Gasoline doesn't work like that and can sometimes even be hard to combust depending on many factors. Now I'm not saying that what we see in the video IS gasoline but your assumption that it is not because it isn't your typical Hollywood explosion is not necessarily correct. You can Google yourself how easy it is to put out fire with gasoline and sometimes it takes over a minute for gasoline to vaporize and mix with air enough for it to combust (which you seem to think should happen instantaneously) Anyway.. such a shitty topic to debate. I'll leave it at that.


Try to register for any Chemistry subject.


Such a low effort comment. I'm happy if it made you feel good. Anyway, I replied to the other guy. I suspect your references for the reasoning you have is Hollywood.


Keep your good trolling job. And a Chemistry assignment for you: try to play kerosene and matches at home. Your mind will be "blown".


Which is not at all the same thing. Shows how much you know about the subject (and who is the actual troll here).


Its look like more fire fighters trying to put the fire down


Why is this sub filled with Zionests? I see way too many Zionest and when you check their history it’s nothing but propaganda.


Keyboard warriors being hired and trained by Israel to suppress information critical of Israel and spread disinformation [HASBARA](https://www.trtworld.com/magazine/the-art-of-deception-how-israel-uses-hasbara-to-whitewash-its-crimes-12766404) if you want to look it up


Oh I’m aware of them, it’s just this sub is on a whole new level. It feels like the mods arent cleaning them specially when a lot of them are here to spread misinformation.


"Hasbara" means "Explanation" in hebrew. Meanwhile, the entire social network is full of pictures from Syria with imaginary heartbreaking stories of some scum who do not even live in Gaza. From the beginning it is sad that Israel at all has to give explanations for its actions in Gaza.


Bro, you could literally tell Gaza from Syria from a mile away. If anybody have kept up with the News they could spot it too. Reverse search also available.


My lebanese brothers and sisters, I hope you are well, please stay safe.


So, an act of war?


Wake up, we are at war for 8 months.


Yes, declared by Hamas. We’re aware.


Declared by Israel during the Nakba in 1948.


And the sickest part is Hamas knew all those children would be butchered. Sad.


Thank you for admitting that the terrorist genocidal state of Israel was always going to butcher children, as that's all they are good at.


Pissrael will never want you, give it up.


Bruh Lebanon burnt 2500 acres of Israeli land do we not think we are past the ‘act of war’ stage? It is war


Bruh you used white phosphorus on us and burned our olive trees that are older than your country.


Bruh, your country is two years older than ours, sorry to tell you.


Our country wasn't founded on killing the indigenous people. Unlike what you did with occupied palestine.


Go back to Europe where you belong


My family comes from the middle east, you go to Europe.


Why is it illegal to take a DNA test in israel then? Take one and prove you’re native to the levant! Hint: you’re not.


3ala 3yri kazbak. It's illegal in Israel to do DNA tests from a non-certified institute, pretty common in a lot of countries, it's intended to prevent cases of incorrect paternal tests results etc. You can take DNA tests like 24 and me and all that stupid shit and if you're interested about Israeli DNA there's quite a number of of researches done about it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic_studies_of_Jews#:~:text=Several%20genetic%20studies%20demonstrated%20that,Middle%20Eastern%20and%20European%20groups. All of that aside, you're so stupid you just spout the regular sentences. My family is from the middle east, I don't need a DNA test, I have family records, that pre-canned sentence is intended to deny European Jews relations with Israel.


Unless you’re an Arab Jew, you’re not native to the Levant. You can’t say your family is “from the Middle East” just because they colonized parts of Palestine and settled there.


You are native to wherever you are born lol


I mean let’s be realistic, the majority of Jews in Israel are Mizrahi, I.e from the Middle East and North Africa. And many are Jews who’s family are from historic Palestine. If we are going to criticize Israel it would be good if we didn’t use low IQ arguments like “go back to Europe” when it makes no sense for the majority of Israelis. Or repeating easily debunked info like “they can’t even take DNA tests”, when it took OP you were arguing with 3 seconds to prove you wrong. This shit makes all Lebanese look stupid and uninformed 🤦🏻. There’s plenty to criticize and call Israel out on we don’t need to discredit it all by repeating misinformation.


Bruh I just said it’s war I didn’t say it was good or bad 💀




Our country is the terrorist organisation how ironic😭😭😭




you mean from Israeli shit? sure. soon. then we will look inwards




Such sensible words. Thats definitly something a good person would say, and not a cartoon villain


You have tried that multiple times and ran back with your tails between your legs


Kif fi autant de juifs sionistes ici ? Un commentaire sur deux provient d’un compte actif sur r / israël mdr


ils veulent prendre le territoire libanais puisqu'ils sont jaloux de la beauté des paysages au Liban, et donc essayent au moins de projeter leur haine ici.


et quelle haine : "My lebanese brothers and sisters, I hope you are well, please stay safe."


man, i hate the middle east


Where the place that was happend pleass? Can i get a view on google earth?


Video isn’t clear how’d they do it?


You got downvotes for asking a simple question 🤣 I also wonder where the Israeli fuel spill is.


Lol how crazy and little proof you guys need to accuse Israel of something … Hezbollah starts the fires and it’s Israel’s fault now


"lol how crazy and little proof you guys need to accuse Germany of something" "French resistance starts the fires and it's germany's fault now" J.G 1942 you guys have the same twisted logic. That's why a vaste majority of Holocaust survivors refused to settle in Israel because you have the same evil root as other extremists ( yes Hezbollah i'm looking at you)


Most holocaust survivors are in israel, chucklenuts. Also note that you didn't provide any actual evidence proving that's not water


Not surprised




\> burns our land and olive trees older than their entire existence using a banned weapon like white phosphorus with no military objective and just pure scorched earth policy \> burn their land back (no white phosphorus) "don't cry when we murder your babies and burn your country to the ground" ??????? This would be funny if it weren't also tragic, especially with the state of many of the comments here including some Lebanese people somehow siding with Israel (must be fun at parties). Nothing Israel is doing is beneficial to Israel, its stability, its security and its future either.


I honestly think anyone who mainlines pure propaganda like this with zero critical thinking has to be stupid more than anything else


Can you give me a reliable source for accusing israel using white phorphorus? And if i recall correctly, hazbullah attacked israel first by shooting rockets at civilian population. You cant start a story from the middle right? Look up what led to the current conflict.


The fucking irony in this comment💀


Feel free to look up the source yourself. It's well documented everywhere including many organizations, but you don't even need sources and can see it with your own eyes if you check any videos instead of burying your head in the sand. I'm sick of Israelis asking to 'give a source' on well known facts (like the genocide) when they can just go look them up themselves like anyone who wants to do their own research and verification can. But I guess it's not in Israelis' interest to actually learn the truth and they just like echoing their propaganda and asking for 'sources' to waste time when they can't argue.


When i look it up it says otherwise 😵‍💫


give us sources then???!!!


Maybe look outside Israeli propaganda. Just a thought,


White phosphorus isn't banned, just against civilians And its clear that Hezbollah used the same incendiary tactic




I know. And they are causing the problems you are having. Weak economy, dragging Lebanon to a conflict and using civilians as a motive. But leave that, i want to ask you what do you think about the explosion that happened in Beirut?


Not a single fire fighter in the video…




"it's just people taking the train what are you talking about?" https://preview.redd.it/wsf6qr4sxp4d1.jpeg?width=280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=644ae2202badf18dd29ee2c1e521738833145293 you morron


Mfers don't understand how fires work. Yall are embarrassing. You do realize if it was fuel it would literally explode 😭


not all fuel explodes…. Have you ever worked with diesel?


Why would they be spraying diesel 😭they are in a war


Yeah they just spread misinformation at its finest lol


Just a day ago lebanon celebrated fires starting in israel..


Who wouldn’t considering that Israeli trees are imported from Europe to make them feel more at home. They are also extremely flammable and are not native. We are just taking out an invasive species of tree 😂


We will keep doing that don't worry.


Mech fuel ya chabeb! Law fuel kenit el nar la2atit khet el fuel w woslit 3al fared li 3am bi recho fi bi la7za.


Hezbollah burns 2500 acres of Israeli forests. Israel throws some gasoline on a fire on the border. Lebanese people 🤯 Wlak b sharafkon what is this post 😂😂 If we get a forest fire going we have nothing to stop it but you guys keep bombing Israel and expecting them not to retaliate 😂 Khalik 3am tel3ab bl nar hbb


5aye wen kenet lama israel neko e5t arade l jnoub b fires w phosphorus?  Not only are they deliberately causing fires, there are adding fuel to them too. 


There’s no way this person is Lebanese lmao I




Grown ass man crying about pawpatrol on reddit 




He's a lost cause, probably og ouwet and big fan of nahas politcal penis. dont bother




Khaye kol khara w fham eno shajarat lzeitoun taba3na bteswa ra2beton w ra2btak w eza bdon ysta3mlo internationally banned phosphorus they have to pay the price. Ya batel 7ara2nelon 2500 acres nshalla ye7ter2o kellon sawa




3al 7alten they were gonna do it just like they did in 2006 what’s ur point? W there is variations of white phosphorus that is internationally banned.


Isreal burns a mountain full of olive tress the night before. Hezbollah burn 2500 acres Isreal cries wolf.




Mods why do you allow blatant Zionist on this sub? Wake up and ban.


tell me you have absolutely no clue about this war and what happened without actually telling me. They burned endless fields of olives in the south and made many fries with the strikes since october.




BABY GURL here you go since you cant type a few words on google https://today.lorientlejour.com/article/1358038/israeli-strikes-burn-over-47000-olive-trees-in-south-lebanon-minister-of-agriculture.html#:\~:text=LEBANON-,Israeli%20strikes%20burn%20over%2047%2C000%20olive%20trees%20in%20South%20Lebanon,percent%20were%20orchards%20and%20farmland. also my friends from the south who actually own olive fields can perhaps prove to you. you want their numbers ya baby?


Anyone who defends what Israel is doing has never lived in the south of Lebanon, they have no idea what it's like.




ah enta mnel no3 bass btet2assar when 1000 children die instead of 100... eza 100 basita.. This is one of the article and thats in NOVEMBER 2023 ... there were many fires since.. ya3ne if you want to talk about disproportionate wars you know damn well israel exceeds in everything ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)wtf are you still even implying? for what? Lebanese defending zionism is the new pathetic low. I also never said mountains even thou completely irrelevant. say random things just to win an argument. let the adults here maintain a proper conversation without the need to insult each other perhaps




*Hezbollah burns 2500 acres of Israeli forests.* *Israel throws some gasoline on a fire on the border.* *Lebanese people 🤯* *Wlak b sharafkon what is this post*  "BUT WHAT ABOUTT HEZBALLAA BOOHOO" So according to your logic, you literaly used whataboutism in that matter, when you first engaged here. "you got schooled" smh lol


lmao at i got schooled. you're delusional man.. proving my point you're here to just win an argument while im here open for discussion and understand the pov... but you gotta insult and low key wish i was dead. And assuming im part of the conflict with hezballa lmao There's too many evidence and facts to assume hezballa is doing more damage than israeli's... ya3ne the way you poorly put words together is astonishing. ayya whataboutism ?? stating israel is doing far more damage? if you get punch then receive a rocket on your family, we jst need to highlight the punch and not talk about that rocket bcz of whataboutism? poor choice of words again habibe. you are defending zionism undoubtedly. yaret betrou7 3a tel aviv w tem7o 7alkoun sawa barke? you want someone to tell you that? you're a lowlife keyboard warrior sitting on his fat ass wanking everyday while your neighbors suffer, and you can barely lift a finger to do something actualy helpful. grow the fuck up








Chilo men temak


just to be clear,you think an Israeli jet, flew super close to the ground without making a sound, and dumped fuel on a tiny bush fire? Edit : no idea why I thought the word "jet" was in the title, please ignore it


While I came here to question how, I’m begging you to stick to your own sub. No one’s interested in discourse with Zionists


Man this interaction is like a perfect encapsulation of why this conflict exists.


Like come lurk it’s whatever, but at least leave us this space online, first the south now the subreddit 😭


No, that was not at all what i meant


Please share with the class


"Nobody is interested in discourse with zionists" is in my strong opinion (non-jew, non-arab who has spent a lot of time in each country) is the prevailing arab opinion and indicative of and causal towards the conflict perpetuating and the arabs typically getting the short end of it


Would you engage in discourse with Nazis?


Ive always told israelis that thheir actions in lebanon are less excusable than their actions agaijst the palestinians, but if you changed none of the israeli's actions in lebanon but made them arab there would be large explicitly pro-israel political blocs in the lebanese parliament.


Completely disagree. Being Arab has nothing to do with it. If they were Muslim, maybe but even then doubtful


once thing i learned is that you can't put ideas into someone by ignoring him or beating the shit out of him


Completely correct. But some people are too far gone. The average Zionist is already locked in, the average Israeli is not


why does it matter where I'm from?


Normally it doesn’t, but this isn’t a space for you given what’s currently going on. Maybe in more peaceful times it’s whatever, but if you’re actively supporting Zionism then there’s no genuine conversation to be had, especially not in a space that Zionism considers its enemy


did I, at any point, attempted making this post a political discussion?


Cmon man, you’re being disingenuous, how can this be anything _but_ political


So by calling some title bs propaganda HE made it political? Would you rather consume propaganda uncontested?


Genuine question, are you stupid? The very first thing I mentioned is that I also am questioning the validity of it


You are invalidating his opinion based on his racial or ethnical identity, so you are limiting the conversation and who may provide valid data, in this scenario yes you did say this looks suspicious but in other cases you could have been wrong in your first assumption and still brush off actual criticism or point of view based solely on racial / ethnical traits..


No, if you, again, read the things I said instead of attaching your mouth to Netanyahu’s ass, you’d see I’ve mentioned there’s no problem with Israelis but there is with Zionists. And when you’re sitting here refusing to answer the question of whether you are or aren’t one, that leads to a certain outcome


the post might be, at no point did I say anything about any political entity in my response. without going into my profile you wouldn't be able to know I am israeli.


By discussing anything relevant to the post it’s political. If you popped in asking what our favorite cake is, that’s not


OP : x is doing y me: how? you : go away zionist. does that look like a reasonable discussion to you?


what is wrong with it? why do you assume it is unreasonable for someone to refuse engaging Zionists? if a known pedophile asked me for directions, is it unreasonable if I refuse to talk to him? if you are not a Zionist, say it. if you are, fuck off.




I’ve been by the sub, it’s a circlejerk that celebrates civilian deaths, try harder


propaganda in it's weak form go home looser you have a whole country to burn to the ground. They need you


I don't want any country to burn.


are you blind or high?






from where? i don't hear any jets


Are you dumb ? you can literally see the stream of gasoline being dumped on the fire.


for the sake of argument, let's assume that's a combastable liquid (which there's no indication of) how could a jet deliver it without making any noise?




the title said that a jet was dumping fuel. has that stream been fuel it would hace cought fire. also, why would a Un base have a system in place to sprey fuel at such a hight pressure at those angles


Literally where in the title is the word “jet” written lmao. It’s so obvious that Israelis on the other side of the wall are dumping fuel on the flames on the Lebanese side of the border.


you're correct, I totally imagined the "jet" in the title, no idea how that happen, ignore anything I said about jets so you think Israelis are across the border next to a sign that says "UN" , with a trunk full of fuel, with a system that just so happen to be adapted to doing this exact task, of dumping pressurized fuel into a fire ~20 meters away, without said fuel burning while in the air, vs that's a water hose aimed at the fire trying to out it out?


For people who burn babies and behead them with their bombs I doubt they would be using water to extinguish the fires in their enemies lands.


Haram, he won't get his hasbara bonus


I don't think titles can be edited on Reddit, so read the title again


ha... you're right. i guess I assumed It was jets since that's the only assets IDF is operating in Lebanon (other the artilary) my mistake.


So.. You see a un labeled sprinkle spray something on a fire. Fire suddenly goes boom. Perhaps there was something else there that made the fire grow. The evidence is circumstantial at best and just a plain lie at worse. Most likely it was water and the fire made something explode.


Most likely it was water? how the fuck is your reasoning? perhaps we're not sure but MOST LIKELY ITS NOT WATER


So you think that the IDF threw gasoline on fire that can burn its own base? Does that make sense to you? If this was gasoline the entire stream would catch fire and immediately burn the base lol


Good point thou.. but tbh ive seen way wreckless things done by IDF just to mess with the peeps on the ground. They are aware the lebanese people are near, and firetruck is there, and i am skeptical they are helping them. Anyways we need another vid or a testimony that this was indeed fuel.. edit: oh you're israeli? oc you will defend them, regardless of logic. smh


dude you just said it was a good point, and now you say he has no logic in his argument just because he is israeli. and yeah, im israeli too. for the record, we dont want a war with you, neither should you. hezb is dooming you all in order to help a terrorist organization that has nothing to do with you


Didnt say he has no logic in this particular incident. I meant that if there was no logic to it most Israelis would still defend their pov. Ive had countless arguments in the israeli propaganda thread and it baffles me. dont feel like going through all the conflict again, but supporting the IDF and their war crimes we are witnessing live in the excuse of self defence is pretty absurd to me. Therefore if you guys support that i doubt we can learn from each other. Being born as a settler is tough but promoting radical jewish ideologies and not stand against innocent lives and children is a choice. Hope you guys always tell the difference and understand the emotional outburst we all go through.


of course israel does bad things, i dont think there is a single war without some kind of war crimes happening (wars with physical warfare). but you cant compare a government that is subject to the international law, to a terrorist organization. if israel will now enter every house in gaza\\lebanon, raping burning and killing everyone (soldiers and civilians), it will get sanctioned and arms embargoed in like minutes. but if hezb or hamas does it, no consequences whatsoever, only the civilians themselves suffer from the retaliation of the IDF. i support eliminating hamas, regardless of the cost. what they did is horrible, and they themselves admitted that they will do it again if they could. thats their all point, they are a terrorist organization. of course its sad when innocent civilians die, but that is the cost when hamas uses them as shields. in wars civilians die, its how it is. its not even considered a war crime (targeting civilians is). and lebanon have nothing to gain in this war, you guys already have it tough, why would you want a war right now? do you really thing hezb is doing all of this to "help gaza"? they dont give a shit about gaza, they want to destroy israel and they are just waiting for an excuse to cause harm.


Fake post


im gunna second what others have said this is not fuel, but water (i think). anyone that has been dumb enough to play fuel will know that its not the liqud that burns but the vapors, and the fire will follow where this 'water' is coming from.