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Using the mouse right handed is better. That way her primary hand is free to do other things like write. It’s one perk to being left handed.


Also on a standard qwerty keyboard most words can be made on the left side of the keyboard. It's an advantage


Also a significant advantage when you're a gamer too.


Plus it really helps in the "get along factor" - every school computer, library, workstation, etc. - is setup that way by default. I ran huge labs/datacenters for a while. In the early days, there used to be a ton of LH mouse requests. By the early 2000s, I think everyone had given up and I haven't had a LH request since 2005 or so. (I am LH and mouse with RH)


I am LH and mouse with RH. Always have. There are certain advantages. As mentioned, you can write if necessary and you can answer the phone as well. Probably more, but I can 't think of them right now. Lefties need to adapt, so they do.


I always feel sad for people who give up their unique left-handedness just to "fit in" or "get along" with the rest of people. I'm proud of being left-handed. And the times where it's a challenge, I like the challenge of figuring out new or different ways of doing something. But I understand the need to just do something without having to think about how to adapt the process to yourself... Sad.


I'm left handed in most things, it's just way too much work and not worth the payoff to mouse lefty. There are tons of nice gaming mice and they rarely come in lefty, so it's very nice to just be able to search "gaming mice" and not worry about it also having to be left handed. Same with violin for example—I could bow lefty, but then I could never play in an orchestra for the rest of my life. It's just so much more convenient to do it the way everyone else does in these scenarios


To this point-I don’t play guitar but it always seemed like even a righty guitar would be easier for a lefty. You use your left hand to hit the frets which seems like the more complicated part of the instrument.


That's what I've never understood either with a guitar. To me it always seemed like both hands are almost equally important to play well.


Definitely both important but making the notes with your left definitely requires more dexterity than strumming or picking. Idk like I said my guitar experience came on the playstation 2 lol


It's funny to see someone mention PS2 guitar controllers when I just found mine cleaning the basement yesterday.


As a lefty I always thought I had advantage! Hitting that orange button wasn’t easy.


As a lefty guitar player, it’s much easier strumming with the dominant hand and fretting with the off hand. Just my experience anyway.


Could that be because you learned that way? Does most of your brain power focus on strumming? Always seemed like it’d be the opposite to me.


Do an air guitar and see which hand you strum with intuitively and let that be your guide.


It’s not that hard to change the mouse settings on a computer. I agree change the world don’t change for the world!!!!


I don't even change the settings. I mouse with my left hand on a "right-handed" mouse. It might be because of my long fingers.


I don’t feel sad at all about being ambidextrous. My body and mind are perfectly fine with it and never felt sad. For 50 something years .. I have never felt sad.


So true!!


Yep. My supervisor was so jealous of my ability to use the mouse on my computer and jot down information with my left hand.


If you're in front of a computer, why the hell would you need to write? 😂


To take notes. I do it all the time.


That's what OneNote is for.


To each their own.


Gotta jot down those secret codes that just popped up, and you know you'll need them later in your game!


Um you do know people using computers for more than gaming, right?


No shit 😂


Make notes on your work. Approve the work of others. Real life, not gaming.


You sound unemployed


Far from it.


I prefer the right hand position of the mouse because that's how I learned. I've tried using it with my left hand, with the left hand setting, but it felt more comfortable using it with my right hand.


I'm left but use mouse on right


Same here. It feels perfectly natural


Me too. That way I can also use my left hand to make notes or whatever.


Yeah I still write notes longhand sometimes so having a notebook on my left side and a free left hand is perfect.




Lefties tend to be adaptable. I have my mouse on the right


I usually have it on the right, but if my hand/wrist gets tired I have no problem switching and using it with my left hand.


Same here!


Let her do whatever makes her most comfortable.


I like right hand mousing…probs bc I’m used to it but also I can have my left hand available for writing


I learned using a RH mouse being a lefty and then switched once out of college. I ended up switching back because I could surf with my RH and take notes with my LH. I felt like I leveled up on life when I figured that out. idk why people don’t do that more often


Exactly, I learned right hand, switched to left and then back again as so many other things I can be doing with my left along with taking a sip of my tea!


I'm a leftie, but use my right hand for the mouse.


I’ve always used it on the right so can’t say I have a preference but it is nice to have my dominant hand free for other things.


I’m a lefty but use the mouse with the right hand cuz that’s just how it was always set up. Works fine!


It's perfectly fine it increases fine motor skills in her right hand. Us lefties have no choice but to adapt so start her early on to adapt to a right handed world bit be gentle with it.


I am a leftie and I use my mouse on the right... when I use it. I much prefer my laptop's trackpad, which works perfectly using the left hand. On another, related, matter: when it's time, get your daughter a pair of scissors that can be used with either hand. Most are for righties, in the sense that as force is applied from the right, the cutting edges come together and cut easily, but when the force comes from the left the blades separate, making it impossible to cut anything. When I was a bit older than your daughter this issue was incredibly frustrating, to the point that I began to think I was stupid for not being able to cut a single sheet of paper. Feeling that was reinforced by mi adorable classmates (only leftie in the room.. not a nice feeling). Same goes for many other gadgets made specifically to work when used from the right. (Knives, corkscrews... things she'll need later in life).


I would suggest moving it back and forth so that she remains able to easily use her Mouse with either hand. I'm a lefty, but I started using a mouse with my right hand. I switched some years later, and now I only use my left hand for the mouse. I regret not being able to use a mouse with my right hand well anymore, because I find that sometimes I have to share desks with righties and it's always a pain in the rear moving the mouse!


Right handed mouse is so much easier than left.


I started with it on the left but got tired of moving it after someone else had used it so I just learned it with my right hand instead.


The mouse usually isn't a problem, of course there are exceptions, but there's nothing to worry about if she's handling it. Now if you can find a keyboard with the number pad on the other side, we're taking game changer. Those ones are handy as a gamer


I use it on the right because it was just easier when going to computer labs in school. Using it with my left hand feels wrong (I’m a lefty).


i am left handed, eat left handed, mouse right handed, just how my brain works, let her be


Same. My right hand feels stronger. It's definitely left, though for more delicate work. Everyone must adapt by making their own choices.


So many things you can do with your left hand: eat, drink, write .. and mouse with your right.


I prefer using my left, I started with using my right hand at around 10 in the mid 90's and when I switched to using my left in 2000 I began to release how horrible and imprecise I actually was just navigating around Windows. I believe if I got into PC gaming beforehand, I would've had a terrible experience leaning away from my natural advantage that every righty is privileged to. I find it really sad that a lot of us lefties are ok with self conforming on this front...


Yes, it is a bit surprising to me that so many people in this sub suggest doing so many things right-handed. I too learned to use a mouse right-handed as a child but switched over to left-handed later as it felt more natural.


I did not self conform. I use my right just fine. So many lefties are ambidextrous. And are perfectly comfortable doing many tasks right handed. I find it to be a gift now.


Just like everyone else, I encourage you to leave it on the right side. She will be able to use any computer without being perturbed that the mouse isn’t set up the way she likes it.


Using a mouse is pretty simple. She will adjust. I think it's a strength to be so ambidextrous and this setup will encourage it. As others have mentioned, she can use her left hand for writing or eating while using the mouse.


I use the mouse with my right hand. Leaves my left hand for actual important things like my phone or notepad


LEAVE IT WHERE IT IS!!! Moving the mouse to the left side is super weird. She’s gonna get asked about it all the time and people are gonna look at her like she’s a psycho. I’m left handed and didn’t even notice it was something you could move until I was like 30. You ain’t gonna buy her a ride side drive car, don’t move the mouse. The world isn’t built for us but yet we adapt and survive. Bless her heart and soul. She’s one of the chosen.


So true and it is not heartbreaking. It is an extra skill we have.


My wife and I are both LH, but she uses LH mouse and use I RH, but that is probably due to all the PC gaming as a kid more than anything.


I am much more comfortable with the mouse on the left - I’m not ambidextrous. Do you have a computer at home where she can try it both ways?


It’s more comfortable for me to use the mouse with my right hand, but if I’m using a track pad on a laptop I typically use my left.


Am I the only person here that uses their lead hand on a mouse. I've always known I hold it funny


No I use my left hand too, but don’t change the settings, so I use my ring finger to click normal, my middle for the wheel (if it has one/I need one for what I’m doing), and my index finger for back clicking. It gets a bit awkward because my partner’s mouse has a thumb button that now can only be reached by my little finger, but I don’t know it’s function, so I’ve never used it; maybe it’s for his video games?


I’ve learned to use mouse with both hands, but at home I prefer to use my left hand. With computers the ”problem” has not been the mouse, but right hand keyboards. Playing games I would prefer to use the arrow keys with my left hand, and basically I have to cross hands to reach for other keys with my right hand.


I originally used my right but switched to my left and much prefer it that way. The pad is on the left and I switch primary buttons in mouse settings. It's just easier, and more natural and intuitive for me.


I'm old I move the mouse to the left side. Wireless mouse is the best


I’m left handed and I’ve always used the mouse in my right hand. My dad was the only leftie I knew who would change it to his left hand. If she is comfortable using it with her right hand, I say let her do it. This will make sharing computers easier for her in the long run.


for gaming, it sucks being left handed, as keyboard controls are almost exclusively designed around a left hand


I use my mouse right handed. I can type one handed with my left or write in this set up.     As others said most classrooms, labs, libraries, and when she hits adulthood offices, are set up right handed. Being able to use the computer with a right hand set up is advantageous to her.     It's also worth noting a lot of left handed people are a little more ambidextrous than right handed people because so little is set up for us. Your daughter may do a number of activities right handed as she grows. Let her decide what is more comfortable for her.


I write LH and mouse RH, it's nice to not have to rearrange the mouse setup anytime I'm in a computer lab or using a friend's machine. It's never bothered me & like others have said it's nice to be able to use a mouse and write at the same time.


I'm left-handed and I just used a right-hand mouse from the beginning. I never thought about it. However, I had a left-handed co-worker once who needed to use my computer, and she couldn't use it without switching the mouse to left-handed. If your daughter has no trouble adjusting to the standard setup, I wouldn't worry about it. Switch it only if she's having trouble.


It might take a short while but she will get it!


I learned computer skills in a room full of right handed people, and I didn't want to be the one constantly rearranging things. Using the mouse right handed does leave my dominant hand open for taking notes (as others have mentioned) and for lots of key commands. Command + C, and Command + V are conveniently on the left side of the keyboard. I've been doing PrePress and Graphic Design on a Mac for over 30 years, and I'm quite the speed demon, if I do say so myself. And I do.


I loved being able to write with my left hand and use the computer with my right at the same time. Right handed people have to use their right hand for everything on a computer. The only problem is when there are more set ups where you have to PULL and drag equipment across the desk.


Keep her righty mouse. You can take notes and scroll without switching hands. It's a freaking superpower


I've always used a mouse right-handed, because it's usually on that side of the computer. It's no big deal. In fact, using a mouse left-handed seems awkward. It's what you're used to.


I only use it right handed Works out great since I can hold the nose and wire at the same ring


I use either hand and switch to reduce risk of injury but I do prefer using my right.


I am left handed but was was taught to use my right hand on a mouse. Then after a work muscle strain injury on my right shoulder I swapped over to my left for a considerable about of time but still kept the settings that a right hander would use. These days I swap between the two hands but I am way more comfortable using my left hand .


I use a mouse right handed, I think it's way better in the long term.


I prefer the right handed setup because of the get along factor plus the fact i can mouse and do other things with my primary hand. But I'm perfectly fine with using either hand for anything computer related.


I use a mouse right handed. Like musical instruments I figured it would be better if I ever used anyone else’s. Also if a coworker came to my computer they wouldn’t have to rearrange things.


Leave it, gaming --for the most part (in most games), uses the mouse in the right hand, and asdf for directional movement. It's the same with various business, educational apps and their macros.


I prefer the right because I'm used to it, but my boss prefers the left and forgets I'm a lefty too whenever he takes over my computer for a minute, lol.


Having grown up as a lefty in the 80s/90s when a mouse & keyboard setup on a home computer was really starting to catch on, I learned right hand mouse even though it was pretty common / accepted to switch hands and accomodate lefties. Still prefer right hand mouse. Its mostly a larger motor movement that doesnt need much dexterity or precision in the fingers. Left hand feels like it would be wasted compared to having the left hand typing and using more finger dexterity.


I hated it as a kid. But now my rightie husband sees my work setup and is jealous. Drawing pad to left side, one-handed inputs on the whole keyboard. Keep the little two-button mouse for the non-dominant hand. If she’s already there, you’re good. I briefly tried a 3d mouse with left for SketchUp, and I honestly liked my keyboard input better. She’s good, let her lead.


Right handed mouse, can use a laptop's touchpad with either, Thinkpad's trackpoint with left hand.


I use a regular mouse but I do use it on the left side even though I don’t change the default click buttons. It’s more comfortable for me, especially since my work often calls for ten key typing on a number pad so I do use my right hand for that.


Learning to use a mouse was harder with my right than with my left but I’m just used to it now. I went through a spell where I had the mouse on my left but found it easier to switch the buttons—it was a standard two button thing—so my index finger was still “left” click and “right” click was my middle or ring finger. That was nice because then I could use the numeric keypad with my right hand, which at that job was something I needed to do a lot. I know one other left my who just moved his mouse over. It confuses fewer people who sit down at his computer and he probably doesn’t know you can reorient the buttons.


I use my right hand for the mouse (and I'm a lefty). Just how I learned. I have a lefty friend and she uses her left hand for the mouse so it depends on what's most comfortable for your daughter. :)


I use my left hand for the mouse but I never switched the buttons. Back when the mouse was wired and needed a pad it was a little inconvenient moving the pad and wire when I worked on other people's computers. Nowadays with wireless mice and no pads it's really no big deal. Let your child use whatever hand they're comfortable with. Doesn't really matter.


Let her get used to the mouse righty. I’ve never seen any computer for public use, libraries, schools, and such, that had a lefty mouse. The mouse is one of those things that is almost exclusively righty. You can switch them, but when you’re in the library trying to print something out in a hurry so you don’t have to retake a class, it’s just annoying.


You're over thinking it imo. We lefties tend to just do what is comfortable and efficient for us to accomplish our tasks. There are so many little things I do right handed because that's how everyone around me did it. I do some things only left handed and a ton of things with whichever hand is more convenient.  Nobody pushed me to do things a certain way, just let me figure it out on my own (unless safety was an issue). So if it isn't a safety issue, let her problem solve which hand works better for whatever tasks. Just wait until she wants to use a sharp knife! It will drive you insane based on my husbands reaction every time I do.


I can use both but prefer left. Do you switch the buttons to leftie? Do you have a left handed mouse for her?


I mouse left handed. I’m old and I can remember my boss handing me a mouse when they first came out. He told me to try it. I automatically put it in the left and started using it. I don’t reverse the buttons either. I’ve had no issues with it but it drives right handed people nuts.


I use it on the left but with right hand set up.


I am left-handed and just move the mouse to the left side. I don't don't change the button settings.


I learned to use a mouse right handed, but I prefer to use my left so that is how my desk is set up at work. It is amusing to watch IT people get frazzled when they try to use my computer. I still use my right hand at times to free up my left for writing notes. Being able to use either hand is pretty useful.


I can't use a mouse with my left hand, but I can type 1-handed much better (often good for gaming) with my left, and having my left free for note taking is a big advantage. Everyone I know uses their right for their mouse though, I've never even seen a left handed set up.


I have the mouse on the left side but if I could have chosen I def would have learned myself to just have it on the right side.


I'm left-handed and use my mouse right handed.


IF she prefers right, let her use right. I'm leftie, a self proclaimed Left-Rights proponent, and in general Left Power enjoyer, and I use right hand for mouse. Worse case scenario your daughter changes when she gets older. Best case she develops ambidexterity like I have, and she can use both hands. If she shows preference(ie. you see her getting upset/struggling using it right handed) then, and only then would I encourage trying left handed use. Reason is simple; we life in right handed world, and anything that makes it easier to live in it is a good thing. It's not as simple as just moving the mouse to the other side. The mouse itself needs to be either ambi one or left handed one. Otherwise it's awkward and uncomfortable. Your daughter might also want to switch left click and right click for the same reason, and in general the whole things becomes a pain, because you get used to your setup, and every other pc you have to use has a different setup. it's just a pain. TLDR; Let her use right if she prefers, if she shows distress/displeasure, only then encourage using her left instead.


I've always used a mouse righty even though i use a laptop touchpad lefty. Not sure if that's indicative of being forced to be righty with a mouse but I find it comfortable so I stick with it.


I've always used a mouse righty even though i use a laptop touchpad lefty. Not sure if that's indicative of being forced to be righty with a mouse but I find it comfortable so I stick with it.


I can do either, but I prefer the left. It comes with the added bonus of occasionally watching a right handed person struggle with my station.


I used the mouse left handed at work and right handed at home. Keeps the balance and it's good to be ambidextrous if you can ☺️


I am a lefty that prefers right hand mouse. My mom goes lefty mouse and it drove me nuts growing up


Do whatever she’s comfortable with. When i was a kid i had to use a lefthanded mouse but as i got older i somehow switched it to my right side and i like it. Like other ppl said, it’s nice to still be able to write


I used a right handed mouse for years with my left hand, locking it counterclockwise so my index finger could operate it. Then I discovered the control panel and switched to left handed setup.


I learned to use a right handed mouse because that’s how they were set up at school (I’m older so didn’t have one at home when I was young). It was fine and caused no problems. I doubt I could use a lefty mouse now. Besides, it leaves my left hand free for writing something down, answering the phone, eating.


It’s my preferred set up. My left hand is stronger & more flexible than my right. The mouse doesn’t require a lot of muscle effort.


Huh. So you guys can use a keyboard normally.


I do both. I work from home and have both my work and home PC on the same desk. I am left handed and use my home PC with a mouse on the left side (but with right handed buttons), but use my right hand for the work laptop mouse. It's a weird psychological thing. When I go into the office, I still use the mouse right handed. If I'm at home and having a snack while at the desk, I'll put the snack on the left side, and move the mouse to the right side and use it fine... But once I'm finished, I'll put the snack away and return the mouse to the left. But my handedness is mixed. In cricket, I bowl and throw left handed, but I bat right handed.


For typing and data entry-like tasks like coding, it doesn't really matter. But personality, as a digital artist and graphic designer. (And gamer) Using the mouse left-handed is WAY better for precise movement. You need that kind of precision when using design software, including CAD software for architecture/product design and prototyping. (And no you can't always just use a stylus for that kind of work. Not always). I would imagine it would be similar for 3D printing too. I see way too many people fumbling with controlling these sorts of programs, with poor coordination. It really helps to get good at mouse control. But yeah, for typing and data entry/coding, where mouse precision isn't important at all, it doesn't matter. Whenever I have to help a work colleague with something, I usually leave their mouse on the right and use it right handed. But if the help they need starts getting complicated, guaranteed I'm moving the mouse across to the left side!


When I discovered trackballs, I was able to easily navigate using a pointer. The only problem I continue to have is when I am required to use a mouse to sign something. Which is entirely stupid and whoever came up with that requirement needs to be flogged.


I put the mouse on the left and keep the buttons the same - I don’t make it left sided, if that makes sense. It’s the easiest way for me.


I tell people I’m hard coded lefty , I even mouse left handed


I always prefer right handed cuz it's such a pain to get it left handed in shared spaces. Once I learned righty I couldn't go back to lefty on it, but I don't feel like it's an issue. I'm left handed in most other things Additionally, most nice gaming mice are right handed and I've gotten really into gaming, so it's convenient not to have to search specifically for lefty mice


Right handed is better


38 left handed here. Been using the mouse in the right hand for my entire life.


I use a righty trackball mouse. I mouse with my right and that leaves my left hand free to write anything I may need to put on paper.


I prefer mouse on the right. When my right hand gets achy, I can mouse on the left almost as easily.


I'm a lefty, and I've always used a mouse right-handed. This is because I shared a computer with a right-handed husband and two right-handed children. I was outnumbered! Once at work, I switched my mouse. That didn't last long! My boss told me I had to switch it back because IT came in on my day off to update something on my computer and got all confused and frustrated with it! I switched it back. It was easier than arguing.


I'm left handed and one of the few things I haven't been able to adapt to is putting the mouse on the right. It's like peeling off my own skin, it goes on the left for me. Full Stop. I say let her figure out which she likes better but if she lands on left hand for the mouse I'd speak to her computer teachers to make she doesn't hear any "why do you have to move everything around" BS like I got.


Yea, I prefer to use my non dominant hand for the house.


right handed mouse left hand track pad. It's more convenient in many ways to right hand mouse.


I use my right. There are several studies showing that lefties are better than righties at using their opposite hand.


I've always used the right hand setup. I just adjusted to it over time.


I use the mouse right handed, leaving my left for keystrokes.


I usually use a right handed mouse with my left hand. Although i got one of those sideways mice and left handed one and that automatically switched the left and right, so the pc is in default right mode but the mouse is opposites. Makes it tough to use other mice after. I recently broke my arm and had to use my right hand for the mouse and it wasn't that bad.if a little slow. Agreed in the typing thing tho. Defo much quicker typing left and only a little slower mousing right. I've since bought a touch pad and have that on the right at home so I can switch depending what I'm doing.


I love being able to navigate smoothly using the mouse with my right hand while writing with my left hand. I’ve tried using the mouse with my left hand and it feels awkward to me. Less efficient too.


You are a wonderful parent for worrying, but let it be. That's fine to be a right hand on mouse. It's better to not be dependent on odd variations for such common items.


I'm a leftie but use a right-handed mouse and have no trouble with it, probably bc that how I learned in the first place. It's good bc it keeps my left hand free to do other things, like jot down notes like others have said


I also naturally went for the mouse with my right hand. Keeps my left free to write. One of the few benefits of being a leftie! Let her use her right hand on the mouse.


Left left left, I can do both because sometimes it’s easier to adapt, but just teach her how to change the mouse settings. It’s the first thing I learned to do on a computer and then at school or the library or whatever she can just change the mouse side to what she prefers. Give her options don’t make her conform to the right handed world!


I use a mouse with my right hand but when I have to do things like draw I suck incredibly.


I mouse with the right hand.


If she’s going to be a gamer, wasd is in the left. Otherwise I’ve been ambiguous on computers since the 80s. What’s been best for me is to be flexible.


I use the mouse right handed at work and left handed at home.


I'm left-handed, I use a mouse right-handed, and it works out better since I can draw or take notes left-handed while using a mouse right-handed


I use my mouse right handed. I tried it left handed, but I decided I preferred to train my right hand to use it. That's significant because I'm very left-handed and don't usually use my right hand if I can use my left for a task.


I started with the mouse on the left and mouse buttons swapped, but as mice became more common and everyone had it on the right, I swapped. And it generally works well with mouse and keyboard games (though my accuracy isn't as good with right mouse).


I use the mouse with my left hand but leave it in right handed set up However, can do both ways left or right handed


I can do it either way. I initially wanted it on my left but switched to my right as I got tired of moving it. Many years later I had a left handed coworker switch it to the left and it bothered me. Let her do what she wants. Do not switch what she is comfortable with. So many of us are ambidextrous and it honestly is a good thing to be. Encouraging our brains to work both sides.


As a lefty I had no problem picking up using it on the right side. I think unless she starts to have issues let her deal with it on the right. I'm all about being a leftie, but the world just isn't set up that way. If it can be taught to be used right handed without an issue then so be it. It doesn't detract from one's left handedness, it just makes them a tad more ambidextrous. 🙂


Lefty using a computer here! Let her use the mouse right-handed. It's 100% easier than adjusting the settings over and over, plus she can write while using the mouse (which is so useful!) Also, many places install ergonomic equipment for right handed people without thinking of the lefty world. This is just easier for her in the long term. You'll find a lot of things go like this. I actually did my locker combination all through school with my right because it was just easier. Let her do what works for her.


I've always used my right hand for the mouse, I think mainly because that's how computers are traditionally set up and I've never really considered switching sides. I would say if she can do it right handed she should, it may ultimately make it easier for her in the long run.


I use a RH mouse, but since I have diminished mobility in my right arm I can't use it easily. I then reach over to the right side awkwardly to use the right-handed mouse with my left hand. Old habits die hard! The only things I own that are specifically made for left-handed people is liquid measuring cups. I can't hold the cup up with my right hand to see the ounce/cup measurements and I'm very bad at converting from metric. (I'm in the US). I'm a little embarrassed to admit how much of a joy it is to have Lefty measuring cups.


My stepmom would mouse LH but not reverse buttons so the mouse could just be moved back and forth to my Dad. I just use it right handed and I agree it's an advantage.


Mouse with right, pencil in left hand is the way.


Definitely right hand. Her right hand is still perfectly working human arm lol. I have never been anywhere and seen a mouse on the left side ever. It just doesn't go there. I'm left-handed, always will be, and your daughter will be completely fine using her right hand on the mouse. Trust me. Letting her use her left hand on the mouse will be doing her an actual disservice. She will literally be unable to use any other computer other than yours. The mouse just goes on the right side. I think it's sweet you're thinking of her, and trying to be considerate of her, but as she grows up, there's a high, high likelihood your daughter will be proficiently ambidextrous. Most of us are. She will probably always write with her left hand though 🙂 she gets to be in the cool club. And if someone picks a fight with her, she'll probably kick the other little girl's ass because humans never a threat is coming from a left hand, included other left-handed people 😂 (no fighting though!)


Hey I’m left handed and I have a left handed computer but I could care less about the handedness of the computer! 6 one way, half a dozen the other!


Let her use it right handed. What if she wants to get into PC gaming in the future? It sucks when you use the mouse left handed especially for MMOs


left handed and i always use a mouse in the right its just easier


You really don’t need fine motor skills with a mouse.


I’m left handed but play guitar and use a keyboard right handed. Anything that requires actual finesse or precision movements has to be done by the left hand so it makes sense.


Cross-dominant person here. I do a lot of finer tasks with my left hand. Things like writing, holding a fork (or chopsticks, if I ever used them), and a lot of other miscellaneous tasks like opening doors, plugging things in, etc. For things that require more strength (using some tools, throwing stuff, sports), I generally use my right hand. But I've always used a mouse right handed. Interestingly, I can use my mouse (which is true ambidextrous shaped) left-handed if I feel like it without too much trouble.


As l lefty PC gamer that also works 8 hours a day on PC, I strongly recommend that you let your daughter use the mouse with her right hand. It's much more convenient in every way.


My parents tried to reverse mouse position for me because they knew I was left handed, but it was confusing and impractical switching back and forth. I eventually just started using the mouse with my right hand because it was a pain. Maybe I would be slightly more proficient if things were different, but I'm pretty proficient on computers. so whatever. I use a "right handed" set up on PC. I don't actually think it matters that much, at least not for me, and I'm super left handed.