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Left hand knife right hand fork. After cutting I put the fork back in my left hand


This... Sort of. For manner purposes, your supposed to do just that. Took to long to go back and forth. I cut with my left (stronger/more control) but taught myself to shovel the food right handed to save time. Nobody knows either or.


Same here, though I sometimes do use the fork with right hand.


I can barely hit my face with a fork in my right hand. Heaven forbid it’s a soup course. Sticking with how I’ve done it for my whole self-feeding life :)


haha I get that, right hand strength seems to be non-existent. I've had such problems when driving a car. Pulling and releasing a manual handbrake with my right hand-definetely a terrible experience. With food though, it's just sometimes more practical not to switch haha


How odd. I have a stick shift and no problems with that …


Me too


Joining this train. My Mom drilled dining etiquette into me as often as possible. Every damn meal was a lesson.


Why? Oh, well.


Fork in left hand, knife in right. Ik I'm supposed to switch them and cut with my left, but I just... don't. I don't feel the need to and it's more convenient not to have to put my fork down tbh


Most righties seem to do the time wasting switch maneuver and most lefties don't. That's my experience.




Same. Isn't this "European Style" or something?


Something like that I think




Im a leftie and my grandma was (right handed) 1st gen immigrant, very European, Can confirm its a European thing and will also confirm I dont bother switching hands.


Everyone did that when I lived in England as a young person. I was normally the only one who didn't switch the fork back to the right hand.


Yeah I do the same


No one taught me the "correct" way so ig I just figured it out as a young child lol


Are we supposed to do that? Is everyone supposed to? I don't know, I do it the exact same as you.


I’m not switching hands. Too late.


It's proper american dining etiquette supposedly. I didn't even know until I had a conversation with my husband about it


I don't think there's an actual proper American dining etiquette. But my mom is a left-handed Dane, so it makes sense that I learned the European way. I think the right-handed members of my family do the switch, but I'm left-handed and don't pay much attention.


No proper American etiquette is correct. I had to threaten my kids with gbh to get them to take their baseball caps off at dinner. They lived. One’s a chef!


This is the way


To me, that's a perk !


You’re not supposed to!


Both in the left. I eat with my fork in my left. Switch it so the knife is in the left to cut. Switch it back to eat with the fork in my left.


That's some extreme handedness! My right hand is by far the dumber one, but I don't ever switch and have no problems cutting cooked food. Chipping and slicing though, that's different.


Surprisingly, it’s really just cutting food that’s like that. I play golf and bat right handed. I can write very legibly with my right if I want to (definitely slower and cramps my hand after a bit though). I use scissors almost exclusively with my right but can use scissors left handed as well. I could probably cut with a knife using my right if I wanted but I’ve never really tried.


Well ain't that interesting! I can't use my right hand that way at all, except using and industrial cutter (scissors, forget it) and well, pretty okay with bicycle and moto controls. Exceptions are fully balanced when touch–typing, mouse always on the left but can totally use the right hand in a pinch.


No it's not extreme handedness, it's just the American convention of using a knife and fork to switch around so you only use your dominant hand


Makes sense what you say; that convention seems a rather convoluted practise.


I’ve never tried the mouse in my left. It’s always been right because that’s where it always was at school and it never occurred to me to move it. I touch type as well. I use scissors right handed because it was so hard to find lefty scissors at school. It was just easier to adapt and now it’s normal for me. As for golf and batting, I wanted to try golf my sophomore year of high school. My dad couldn’t afford to buy clubs unless we knew I’d like it and stick with it. Then he’d figure something out. So he borrowed clubs for me to learn on. The only clubs he could find to borrow were right handed. By the time we decided I’d stick with the sport, I didn’t want to have to relearn with lefty clubs and we bought right handed ones. The next time I played softball, I stepped into the batters box right handed. I’d always batted left before. The writing I discovered when I was trying to disguise my handwriting for my kids when writing notes from the elves/santa/tooth fairy. I figured it’d be horrendously messy but surprisingly it wasn’t. It takes more concentration but not any more than when I write numbers upside down on student desks when I help in their math class (I’m a para).


But … why? You are burning calories as you eat, though. :)




I grew up using a fork in my left hand, knife in my right hand during a meal, because everyone else was right-handed. Spoon always with the left hand though. Yet for slicing, carving, spreading, if no other utensil is in use, it's only my left hand. Ditto for chopsticks - which used to get me some odd looks on my early travels around China.


Fork: left, knife: right. If I need to spread butter on my pancakes, though, I have to switch the knife to my left hand.


Same. I think switching hands as you cut and eat my be American.


Don't know, I'm italian


South African here.


I don't ever switch. At the table, fork on the left and knife on the right. At the cutting board, kitchen knife on the left. On the kitchen burners, cooking spoon on the left.


Fork always in the left I almost never use a knife, but left also


Fork stays in the left hand always. Knife in the right. It's best to do it the French way.


Erhm, I actually can't say? I guess fork left but for the love of it, I am really bewildered right now.


Same! Will check it tomorrow 😂


I use my left if I’m only using one utensil but if I’m using a knife and a fork then it’s knife in left and fork in right


I struggle a lot with knives and cutting things unless I’m only using a knife. My right hand isn’t very steady so I can’t really hold a fork or knife in it all that well. Most of the time I just opt out of cutting my food all together because I just can’t do it properly and run the risk of injury to myself or anyone too close to me.


I switch it out. Especially if it’s tough like a steak or something, I’ll use my left hand to cut.😋


I eat with fork in left and knife in right. I do eat European, with a knife and fork. I’m also ambidextrous. I’m a hair stylist so I actually cut right handed but clipper with both.


I use both fork and knife with my left hand (that is, in my left hand there will always be the utensil that I most need to «maneuver»). I only use my right hand to move the food towards the fork, with the knife or bread xd


I can do both but prefer fork on left knife on right


I use my left hand for both. Eat with the fork in left, switch fork to right to hold the food still while I cut with my left


if I tried to use the knife with my left hand, I'd need a trip to the emergency room to get stitched up


Confused mix Match always


I typically eat right handed but I'll use the knife with my left. I can easily switch though if I'm crowded or something and have to do it the reverse. Doesn't bother me.


Fork in left. Knife in right. I can use a fork in either hand, but only chop sticks with my right. I'm a lefty, but right hand dominant.


I use my left hand to hold my fork, except when I’m carving with a knife. I also use my left hand for chopsticks as well.


I’m a lefty, both my parents are righties. I learned to eat mirror imaging my dad and he never switched so I don’t.


I was made to feel awkward about knife in left at a younger age so I adapted “the right way”


Fork in left hand, knife in right hand. I don’t switch hands when cutting/eating. Spoon/fork are always in my left hand and knife is always in my right. I switch up which hands I use to pick up my glass to drink, usually it’s my left though.


Fork in right hand, and when I use a knife; knife in right hand, fork in left. I'm cross dominant though.


Normally, left hand for fork, knife and spoon; right hand (sometimes left hand) for can/cup/glass/mug. When cutting, two options with indeterminate preference: switch hands (secure food with fork using the right hand, while the left hand holds the knife to cut, then return the fork to the left hand) OR don't switch (do the same except to leave the fork in the right hand to eat).


It just depends. If I don't need to cut, fork in my left hand as that's of course whats most comfortable. But I have no problem using a fork in my right, so if I need to cut, then knife in my left and fork in my right. I don't need to switch after cutting. I don't think I'd feel comfortable with a knife in my right. I could do it so to speak, but it wouldn't feel right.


I alternate


Fork left. Knife right.


Left hand fork always, right hand knife always. Might explain why I’m very ungraceful when cutting


Left for knife and right for fork. I have better dexterity in my left hand for fine motor skills.


Fork is always left. If I’m cutting something like steak or a pork chop, I’ll use the knife with my right hand; it feels way too awkward for me holding the fork in my right hand. If I’m cutting something like veggies for meal prep, I’ll use my left hand to cut. Knives are the only utensil I can comfortably use with either hand I’ve noticed.


It is situation dependent. If the food is on my plate, fork in the left, knife in the right. Peak efficiency, no need to waste time switching the fork between both hands (twice) for each bite. If it is for meal prep, like slicing meat for stir fry, or something cooked that I am going to server, like prime rib, knife in the left and fork in the right. Right hand just needs to hold things steady and the left can do the precision work of even slices.


Knife in left, fork in right. My parents taught me how to use both hands when cutting food because they were trying to keep me from looking clunky in formal settings. Dear Reader, I have never been in a formal setting. 🙃


Fork left, knife right


Fork in left hand and nothing in right hand unless I need to use the knife. Then, the fork goes into the right hand.


fork in left hand because that’s the hand that i eat with, my family (all righty) use their right hand for forks… yes it does get cramped at the table unless i’m sitting at the end


For dinner its fork in left and in knife in right. For breakfast its knife in left


Fork in left, knife in right, many PURE righties do the same thing because they cannot use their left for anything. My brothers cut with their right then switch back to it to each lol Seems inefficient.


Both, depending on who is sitting next to me.


Either for me


Knife with the left, Fork with the right. I can definitely cut easier with my dominant (left) hand. And I eat with my left hand.


I use my left hand for both. When I have to cut a steak I put the fork right hand to hold it down and left to cut. Then switch hands to eat.


Fork in the left, knife in the right. Occasionally I’ll switch back to the right to put the fork in my mouth. Or I’ll keep the fork in the left and use it in that upside down way after you stab something that you are cutting off.


Most right-handed Americans go through a weird ballet — holding the fork in the left hand and knife in the right to cut, then switching the fork to right hand and placing the knife on tHE RIGHt side of the plate. Lefthanded people look very continental! Or just left handed, because there’s none of that strange swapping going on and most people don’t think that other Americans are European.


Fork left, knife right, I don't switch to eat with the fork. I only cut with my right because that's how the blade cuts the easiest.


Fork left, knife right. Apparently this concerned a fellow patron at a sports bar that he felt compelled to make a snooty comment about it. I said, I’m going to ask you to duck the duck off. Good grief.


I do what ever pleases me in the second... I can ofc use it the normal way, but have the excuse to use it differently. One of the advantages of being left-handed!


I find this so funny cause my mom being doing it the left handed way (she's right handed) and being taught to do everything opposite I ended up doing in the right handed way till recently and having knife in my left hand made everything so much easier


I have always used the utensils on the side of the plate they sit on so left to eat right to cut. I was out to dinner with 1 Catholic convert and 4 righties and all cut with their right and then switch the fork to their right hand. I feel superior on this one issue