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Yep. I’ve been overhauling for hurricane season already but nothing like a reminder that Everything is Awful to make sure you’ve got your bases covered… Edited to add… that reminds me I need some propane.


Is that a Decemberists reference?!?


omg no but now I’m committed to finding out what the reference could’ve been


Lol, I'll leave the rabbit hole unspoiled, but let me know if you need assistance!


everything everythING everyTHING!!!!!!!!


A deeply liberal band’s response to the first Trump administration. Let’s hope we don’t need another from them.


You got it!!!


I’ve been going thru my stock, doing an overhaul on inventory and organizing, and have noticed some gaps in my various preps. I am very concerned about what could happen in November and beyond, but I’m also concerned with what could happen this summer if a hurricane hits New England. So, still prepping for Tuesday, but that lingering doomsday isn’t far behind.


I'm also in New England - coastal. Hurricanes are definitely something I should keep in mind.


The sad reality is, it may not even be a hurricane. It could be just another 'excessive rainfall event' like what has been happening here in Vermont that's causing flooding, landslides, and entire towns to be cut off. The climate is changing. We had another 36 inch snowstorm at the end of March this year, and then an 18 inch snowstorm in April. Just keep prepping.


Very true. We're essentially a city built on granite so slides aren't an issue for us really, but the sea is. Our winters have been crazy mild for the past number of years but with the big summer storms and hurricanes, combined with high tides that are creeping higher, low lying parts of the city are now flooding regularly.


ngl, the first thing I’m doing is renewing my passport. I don’t specific plans to leave, but I feel like it’s a real possibility that I may want to at some point and it may be on somewhat short notice..


This is high on my to do list as well. Also getting a new updated license with the new travel permissions too, if your state offers it. Anything that will allow quick transport. Also we’re planning to get a large safe for our new house and keep all important travel papers in there along with a hefty amount of cash in different denominations. Additionally as our cats are our children, I’m setting up a quick go-bag setup for each of them with laminated copies of all vaccinations and info (with their pictures and id tags). Anything that could be helpful if my husband, two cats and I need to make a quick escape to his family in Canada.


Oooh I’m jealous of the Canada hookups!


I was walking through Walmart a few days ago and saw plan b on the shelf. I haven’t been able to shake the feeling I should grab a few for myself and friends.


I cannot recommend AidAccess.org enough. I have one dose of medication from them in the event that I need it (or have a niece who might). I should probably pick up a few doses of plan b just to add to the stock for myself or friends.


I got my tubes removed after Roe got reversed.


Well now that the Heritage Foundation and Project 2025 has threatened bloodshed against leftists out loud. I’m back to prepping more seriously. Also preparing for hurricane season here in the Deep South.


Same. Yeah, I don't exactly relish the concept of leftist concentration camps.


I mean, I've been rotating my basics. Never got to the point I've needed to get back to them.


100%. I’m focusing on replenishing what’s slowly been depleted and adding more.


I’ve been doing my best to start stocking my usual reserves back up. I’m not a big fan of off-grid prepping (if something that major happens, I don’t honestly believe many will want to survive anyways) so I’m focusing on my existing equipment (electrical wheat grinder for example) and I’m planning how to stockpile gas for power/generators/ect. We have gas kitchen appliances and fireplace in the new house, and we’ll have multiple backups of spare tanks for the grills and heaters, in the event of no power. My focus is ready to eat foods if we have a weather or other natural event AND some cushion if prices skyrocket or getting ahold of certain commodities becomes difficult or impossible. Additionally, we have weapons in the house as my husband is former Air Force, if we were desperate (although he never uses them, and neither of us are gun nuts). We also plan to meet and get to know the neighbors at our new house so we have some community to fall back on, it looks like most of them are retired And probably more of a conservative group anyways.