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mycase.in.gov is a legit website, it is the public record for Indiana’s courts. I wouldn’t click the link, but it may be a good idea to look up your name and see if you have a hearing or something you weren’t served for. Sometimes unpaid traffic tickets can lead to warrants, so it doesn’t hurt to check! It is a public record.


Yeah, I think this is the better approach. Lots of people are saying “Fuck it” lol. I think it would be reasonable to double-check that you’re not the intended recipient, OP. Because this notification looks legit


I use my case every day at work. I’m not saying the text is legit (I’ve never seen one, but not unheard of) but it never hurts to check. I see people with shit on their record who don’t know it’s on their record every single day.


It takes a couple minutes so they may as well. Probably not for OP, specifically, but public records are fun to look at! Well, in my opinion, anyway.


I don’t live in Indiana but I get these texts for my upcoming hearings in my state. Edit: Even for custody hearings


The text is mostly likely legit but for the previous owner. It's just a reminder that they have a hearing. Edited to include that the phone number 317-743-4125 is the Odyssey Text Messaging Reminder System that [mycase.in.gov](http://mycase.in.gov) uses to send reminders to defendants in criminal cases about upcoming hearings.


I would be careful admitting that. Using mycase to check employees/potential employees is illegal since it's not an adjudicated background source. I worked in the employment field, and while I use Mycase frequently in my personal life (are you even from IN if you don't mycase someone after you meet them for the first time?) but one of my coworkers told our employee that they weren't qualified because of a charge on their mycase (which isn't true bc they weren't convicted of the charge) and that employee ended up suing. They got quite a check.


It would only be illegal if they’re using it to discriminate against an employee or potential employee. Other than that, it’s public information and anyone can look at it.


Point is, charged - not convicted


You can use it at work for other things than looking up folks for potential employment.


But if they just got the new number, how would the court know how to get a hold of OP if he hasn’t given out that number yet.


They wouldn't. It's for the person who had the phone number before him.


Is it not possible to find out who it’s for to let them know? Most likely not right.


He just got a new number. Probably attached to the old #'s owner


Presumably yes Which is why you still look into it, but definitely don't click that link


Could always call the court and find out!


The other advantage of calling and talking to the clerk is that they can also let them know they have a wrong number. That way, if the intended recipient misses their hearing, there's at least some evidence on record that they really didn't receive the text message.


If the previous owner changed his phone number, there has to be a reason tho 🤣


Why, I had to change mine when I changed Cellphone Providers. The previous holder of the new number had apparently been a car collector. I got random messages afterward for months trying to sell me Mustang parts lol.


Frankly, I would look up the number of the clerk for the Harrison Superior Court and straight up ask... They have the docket, and you have the phone number that this was sent to, so between the two of you, it won't be hard to figure out if this has anything to do with you or with another person who used to have your number.


OP didn't say how new the number was. If I just got the number a week ago I'd ignore this because it's clearly not for me.


Assuming the link actually goes to the site written in the link text


Never assume that


SMS messages cannot conceal a link like rich text or html, the text you see is the URL you visit, which is why many SMS scams use link shorteners.


But can you tell the difference between o and ο? P.s. one of them is a lower case latin alphabet O. The other is the lower case greek alphabet omicron.


Homograph attacks are still a risk across all avenues. Browsers and registrars mostly combat this for users with things like punycode encoding, phishing filters / warnings and registration policies. I'd like to think these measures are why homograph attacks aren't the mainstream attack users seem to experience. It's a fair point


This. Use your phone browser and type the address, look up your name, it may be a previously issued number but it doesn’t hurt to check.


New number though. Unless the number is registered with that government office, this is definitely a scam.


New to them, so far as we know, not an actual new number. So it could be for the previous owner of the number. We had to change our landline and got calls from collection agencies for the previous owner.


Assuming the link actually is mycase.in.gov, which does seem to be a real web system for the state court. It seems likely whomever had that number for you signed up for case notifications. You could try seeing if you can email the court system letting them know to remove your number from the system; you would reach them by either seeing who the judge is for that case ( the case number is likely in the crossed out part of the url ) or possible the Court Services office could help, 317-232-1313


Assuming this can’t be for you, no, I wouldn’t do anything.


Yeah I’m 16 so it’s unlikely a court wants me lmao


Delete and do not click any links.


Also buckle in for a ton of this BS.. if you’re getting it for court (or “court”) today, odds are you’ll get more for other stuff like doctors, services, etc down the road.


My work cell at my old job had the number signed up for every political text you can imagine. Democrat, republican, independent.. all of them. Screw you, Nancy.


Every text from unknown assume it's a scam. If they need to get in touch with you. They will some other way.


If you want to you could certainly contact the courthouse and let them know that you got this wrong number message. Likely there is a case number you have blacked out. This is likely just a courtesy reminder and the person should have been given the information via snail mail, or on a citation.


I’d show up to court. Could be a hell of a show. 😂


Unfortunately OP said they are 16, so likely at 1pm on a Thursday they’ll be in school, otherwise this would be my suggestion too.


Even better. Get the whole class to go! Field Trip about “life choices and consequences”!!




8th grade field trip to see a DUI court case. Heard evidence that included the female defendant's many detailed and imaginative offers of sexual services in exchange for not being arrested.


And if they're there, get the judge to write them a note to be excused. If asshole teacher makes a fuss, tell them to take it up with the judge.


Unless you’ve had any interaction with the police and would be expecting to have a hearing, I think you’re good.


well thats not 100% true, my BF had his brother take his ID, commit crime and when caught hand him my BFs ID. So BF HAS gotten a summons to court for a crime he was completely unaware of. Just saying, never say never. I've gotten summons for property tax fraud for a house I hadn't owned in decades due to incompetence. I've gotten contacted because I shared the same name as a criminal. I've gotten threatened by the police because someone stole my car and totaled it the cops tried to shake me down for drunk driving. It took everything for me not to lose it on the cops that day, the steering wheel was bent all the way over and there was a smashed windshield where clearly the persons head almost went thru the glass, I'm looking at the cop and I'm like you think I was driving, me who has not a bruise on me, am I super human???? Let me help you, you are looking for someone with a huge bruise on their head and a massive imprint of the steering wheel in their chest. There is zero chance the guy is not branded with bruises.


lol great points


I have the most generic name in the world. Last I checked there were eight other people with my name in a very small city. I have been arrested for things "other me" has done, and had the officer ask me why I don't look like my previous mugshot after I explained it to him, like... you're slow. My ID clearly has a different address and birthdate on it can you PLEASE check over your shit?


Be brave OP tell them “Come at me Bro”…


It would just tell the scammer that the number is active, and he will get flooded with more crap like this.


It's not a scammer it's just not for him.


Believe it or not, jail!


Straight to jail!


Do not pass GO. Do not collect $200


Nope, cavity inspection first, then… JAIL!


Could be spam


i would reach out to the court, and let them know the number so they can see who it’s registered for. that way that person doesn’t miss the notice


The courts here in Florida will notify u of impending court dates if u sign up for the service. Great reminder at long as they have the right number!


It might be real, it might be an administrative mistake, it might be a scam. Don't click the link, go to the website yourself and check or give them a call.


Do NOT click the link.


"New phone, who dis?"


You need to call the court and inform them that someone using your phone number apparently has a court date coming up and tell them what that number is. If it isn’t you they’ll make a reasonable effort to find the person in their system using that number.


Take you 10min to call the courthouse anD confirm properly. Dont click that link


Honestly, I would suggest just calling up the court and letting them know that you just got a new number and received this text. They should be able to give you information on whether or not you need to worry about this, or point you in the direction of getting that information elsewhere. Also forms a papertrail proving you reaching out in case this did somehow become a problem later - though I highly doubt that will be the case as this is almost certainly nothing to do with you


Could be legit. They send texts 5 days before a court date and then again the day before. Their website says it should come from one of two numbers: 317-316-0810, or 317-286-6725 I would call them Monday and explain that you’ve changed your number. Even in the court system, that shouldn’t be hard to fix.


It's nothing to worry about. This text message is not the only way the intended recipient was told about the hearing. People involved in cases can sign up through the clerk's office or the court to receive reminders. That's what this is. If you don't want to keep receiving these reminders, call the Harrison County Clerk. They may be able to find the case attached to your number and remove your number from the contacts list.


Unless you get a summons via certified mail, I’d be skeptical of this text message. A text message isn’t a legal medium to notify someone that they have been required to appear in court.


Nope. Indiana attorney, here. The Indiana method of service is dog shit and if the plaintiff thinks they got service they’ll move forward with default judgment or some other order from the court if no one pushes back. Getting judgment set aside isn’t simple and can be expensive. You don’t need to accept service. But you need to do the bare minimum of making sure you weren’t sued.


I kept getting VMs about missing appts to the VA. I wound up calling and turns out, the veteran gave them the wrong number and hadn't been showing up to his appointments for a couple months. The calls stopped there, so that was nice. But I've always wondered what happened to him. Why was he missing appts? Was he alright? I don't know. Still makes me wonder years later.


FCC requires that phone numbers be held for at least 45 days before being reassigned. Most phone companies try to hold them for 90 days but that's not always possible. It's entirely possible that the message was intended for the previous owner of that number. That's really not a long time to keep a number out of service.


Probably should call the court house and tell them you are getting the texts for someone else, assuming the texts are intended for someone other than yourself. They will probably ask who you are and double check that it wasn’t intended for you, then remove you from the list.


Anyone supposed to be getting this text is well aware they have a case. The government doesn’t know everyone’s cell number well enough to just text them without them telling the clerk ahead of time. If they skip court, it’s on them and they’ve likely been picked up for an fta already anyway.


Just wanted to say, I looked up the phone number through google and this is what it says: Vitadox https://www.vitadox.com › practice Compassionate Compass Counseling, LLC | Marriage & Family Therapy in Indianapolis ... Compassionate Compass Counseling, LLC - Marriage & Family Therapy in Indianapolis, IN at 7323 Lafayette Rd - ☎ (317) 743-4125 - Book Appointments. So it might be a therapist reaching out to a client to let them Know about their court date… the place is in Indiana and does check out, but I don’t think the courts sent the message, maybe they were also sent the proceedings information as they’re required to appear as well… maybe just reply to the text message that you just recently received the number and that you’re not the intended recipient and to please refrain from further contact…


Better get to court, it’s in your cellphone contract that you assume all liabilities attached to the phone number. Good luck. /s


Fake ass shit


ask for a new number asap


Google the court (dont click on link) and tell them you inherited a new phone number with this message so if theyre trynna reach someone they need to use other methods to find them. You may save the person the burden of an undue warrant


quickly surrender yourself to local law enforcement, truly you are a devious criminal.


there has recently been a lot of scams like this, people saying that you missed a court date or need one and they say like you’ll get arrested or something and demand money


Delete and ignore. People shockingly do not updates their contact info very well. I once had a new work phone issued, and for the three years I had the number, I had ringside seats to the previous owner getting and losing three separate jobs for not showing up regularly because not only was this person not updating his info, he kept using the old number. Every time, I politely responded to the (embarrassed) manger that their employees hadn't had this number for years, and I am really didn't need to know the details of the disciplinary action. (Yes, it was the same person. They used names).


Same. Except I was getting reminders for appointments to "the clinic". Also got several phone calls where the bloke shouted "SEAN" at me loudly then rang off when I said I wasn't Sean. 2 mins later same number "SEAN!". nope, sorry mate. 30 mins later same again. Nope, still not sean on the same phone number!


Nothing. It might even be a scam where you have to prove your not the droid they're looking for and BAM, they have your info.


idk what state ur in but courts don’t send reminders. especially through text it’s either you show up on the date n time they tell u too or u get a warrant it’s that simple


Generally speaking I do not click any “official links” I get or answer any questions over the phone to anyone from any organization. I hang up and call the organization myself from their officially listed number and enquire about whatever supposed issue they have.


I imagine someone else used to have your new number. These are automatically sent out. I would call your local clerk’s office and see if they can remove your number.


If you have a court hearing or jury duty then you wouldn’t be getting a text about it. You’ll probably receive a traditional mail notice about it long before a text. In any case call up the actual courthouse and confirm if this was sent to you in error. I wouldn’t trust the link unless you specifically requested it. Could be a phishing scam.


the court will never send you a text message or call you. ever.


Usually if you have an iPhone messages like this it would be a green text. Also it never would come from an actual phone number. Typically something with 5 digits in the contact. Looks fake to me and a scam attempt.


When I changed my number I started getting a whole bunch of messages from people looking for a “Carol” I’m talking Doctors, Walgreens telling her her prescription was ready, friends and family etc. Let’s just say that with the amount of phone calls and texts that I received, I could’ve pieced together Carols life pretty well with the all the information they were giving out. Maybe it’s meant for the person who had that number before you?


I have a similar experience with a guy named Ronnie. Over the years I’ve come to know a lot of little details about his life haha. He went through a rough patch last year it seemed like but has since gotten his life together. I think he’s looking to do some remodels on his house nowadays since he’s paid off his debt. I’m concerned for his health a little, but since he’s lost some weight it seems to have improved.


After I got a new # I got a call from a detective regarding an ongoing investigation. Some people try to run from legal issues by changing their #.


Courts do not operate like that. They would reach you by certified mail or getting served. Those scams must work if they keep doing them; we are failing our citizens and should do more civic education. Problem is some folks think they know better and refuse to learn.


I would let the court house know that the original owner of that number no longer has the number


Wear a suit.


most of the time you’re not supposed to click links, in this case i don’t know what i’d do since it’s a legit website but i’m not sure if something like this can be fabricated (for example you can change a google docs link to whatever you’d like within the document). i’d say there is no harm in clicking links only if you don’t engage in anything further. seems odd to receive a text like this. most important things i’d think would be mailed or called about so i’d certainly be skeptical. but as everyone else is saying that website does have your public record so if you look yourself up by name it should show you if you actually have something to attend.


I looked up the number it came from. It's a 62 year old man in Indianapolis or his 65 year old wife that's a counselor. I could look up yours if you want to know who had it before you. That could be the an important clue here.


It’s (probably) not for you, but for whoever had your phone number previously. It’s that persons responsibility to inform the court of any changes to their contact information, so assuming it’s NOT for you, I wouldn’t do anything.


When I got a new number one of the first text messages I got was from a probation officer (I'm assuming) with the text "You've missed 2 Wednesdays of U.A.'s, you're to report for a U.A. today by 3pm" lol


I just got a new cell number for my grandpa and we got a message like this, also from mycase.in.gov. It was for the previous owner of the number. You can go to the site and type in the case number if you don't want to click the link, and it will tell you who the message is for. The message is mostly likely not for you but if you're worried go look it up. The site is legit and free. Edited to include that the phone number 317-743-4125 is the Odyssey Text Messaging Reminder System that [mycase.in.gov](http://mycase.in.gov) uses to send reminders to defendants in criminal cases about upcoming hearings.


Fuck it. If real, it’s still an illegal serve.Don’t click anything.


If you wanted to be nice you could notify the court that the number is now yours… and let them tell you wether or not it pertains to you(good possibility it doesn’t and it was intended for someone else-unless you know of a reason you’d be summoned to superior court (ETA-I see you’re only 16 in which case your parents would be the responsible parties to take you to court on your behalf as they’re your legal guardians, unless of course a ward of the state but then a social worker would be involved and responsible for attending procedures with a minor) through text message and without ever being served in any other fashion) notifying the courts will let them know that they are not getting through to the person they need to be, which will help them along with locating said party. Or possibly even issuing a bench warrant as they may have been trying to reach out for quite some time. Either way I’d reach out to make sure…. But it’s superior court, not common pleas- so it’s a bigger deal.


Probably intended for the number's prior owner, but it's prudent to be sure whether or not they are targeting *you.* Minors are targets of identity theft as well. Tell your parents so they can help you sort it out.


Lots of scams like this going around. I’ve had two friends get scammed out of money by people pretending to be police officers collecting for court fees.


The court wouldn’t use your phone number to notify you of court dates unless you specifically registered the phone number with them. Ignore it, it’s for the last owner.


It sounds like someone signed up for a sms court date reminder. You can call the county clerk to verify if your name is on the docket for that date, hell that website might even tell you. Court dates are typically 2-6 months out so if this is a new phone number it's 99% not you. That person probably got picked up for a bond violation and is sitting in jail, hence why their # is available.


My case is a legitimate site for multiple states. Don’t click the link of you are weary. You can type in my case.in.gov and get there yourself. I suggest you do. I once had a warrant for failure to appear because I had moved and didn’t get the notification.


Or someone is using your personal information for fraud.


This happened to me when I got a telephone number for Toronto last year. 10 minutes after leaving the store, I got a call from a defense attorney asking why I wasn’t in court today. Turns out I got the telephone number of an alleged oxy dealer. At first, I thought she had the wrong number, but around 5pm my phone started blowing up with folks looking for oxy. The calls/texts stopped at around midnight. I got calls from GTA, and a few calls from Buffalo. In my experience, I would ask for a new number!


Were you arrested?


When in doubt call the country or courthouse to verify




It’s probably just a byproduct of phone number recycling, but I’d still check. Don’t click the link, but go to the mycase.in.gov site manually entering the url. Reminds me of when I was just a couple of years into my career back in the 1990’s and my boss got me a leash aka a pager. Almost immediately I started getting pages from all these local numbers. I’d call the number and say, “You paged me.” and the person on the other end would start talking about buying drugs from “Bumpy” which was I came to realize, the street name for a local drug dealer. As soon as I started talking, and they realized I was NOT Bumpy and probably did NOT have the inventory they wanted to buy, they’d cut the call short. I assume that word got around that my pager number didn’t connect to Bumpy anymore because after a while, the calls slowed and then stopped. I have no idea what happened to Bumpy.


Respond with your SS and DOB to verify if they have the correct person.




If it’s not you, ignore it. They could be using public info to bait you.


Block and delete.


The answer is in the text. Report junk.


It could be from a lawyer and not a scam. Just an old number. I would message back saying hey I just got this number. I’m not the person you’re looking for.


There are two possibilities: it’s a scam or it’s from a court. In either case, replying to this text is not a good idea. Go directly to the court’s website and check there.




Change your number.


Nacho problem


Phone numbers get recycled. Whoever owned the number before you might have a real court date. Hopefully they know they have court and don’t need a reminder. I can’t imagine it’s *your* court date if you haven’t been pulled over, arrested, or received and ignored nasty things in the postal mail (examples: traffic camera ticket, IRS correspondence, etc.)


Report junk


quickly surrender yourself to local law enforcement, truly you are a devious criminal.


Anything you're unsure of You can call and double check Prob BS tho so ur good


Report Junk


Click there where it says report junk, and then delete it and don’t respond to it


You can try calling the courthouse itself to confirm


obvious scam, don't click.


Reply STOP


Ignore it…


Show up to the court, fuck it, show them the text. Either its real or they’ll tell you to take off, either way it’d be funny.


You. Do. NOTHING!!


You need to go to the hearing to avoid getting a warrant. What part of that isn't clear?


prob better show up id say


Probably attend it


Um, do you want a warrant?


My case handles all indiana legal cases, just search your name and it'll usually come up.


It tells you to plan to attend, so why are you asking reddit......it'll get you an excused absence if nothing else. And criminal court can be entertaining when you know you get to go home at the end of the day.


New phone, who dis?


Spam probably


New phone? Text back "You'll never take me alive" /j


You can call that courthouse to verify the information.


Delete the message and block 🚫 the number.


Report it as junk


If you havent given your number out to a police officer during a traffic stop, your local court isnt going to have your brand new phone number. Phone companies re-use numbers Just mark it as spam and delete


Depends how “new” the number is. If you just got in the past couple of weeks than it’s highly unlikely the court would have your new number. Chances are it’s from whoever had the number last. I would look up yourself on the my case website and confirm you don’t have a hearing. I think what you blurred out is probably the case number, you can also just click the link and confirm who the court case is for.


The same happened in my family. We got a new number added for one of the youngsters getting their first phone and for a while, they were getting calls and texts for the former inhabitant of that phone number. Coincidentally, lots of collectors and similar (no court notices though).


I’m from Harrison….


Not much you can do. Let it be


Directly to jail


Spam do not click that link


You could just call the courthouse/clerks office, and ask. I'm sure you'd know if you had any hearings coming up since that would involve being arrested first or some other form of formal contact. You don't get served electronically. You get served by certified mail(there are exceptions but text messages and emails aren't in there)


Call the court to make sure it’s real


Numbers get recycled.


Text rule #1: If you don't know the sender, delete it.


I don’t even click the link my phone carrier texts me when they’re trying to send me a new SIM card and a free month.


NEVER click on a link in message. Never. The intended recipient will eventually be notified in person if this is legit.


not my horse, not my rodeo


I lost my bitcoin wallet with 2fa for coin base from like 8 years ago and pretty much harassed my old number till he allowed me to remove that account from his number 🤣🤣🤣


“New phone who dis? “


I feel so bad for whomever lost that number. They probably couldn’t pay so it got recycled. Or they changed their number. I’m assuming the latter though. Don’t worry too much though, I’m sure he’ll get a letter in the mail too and it looks like there is a website they should have access to.


Yeah don’t click the link. Search your name in the county court records system or call the clerk up


It’s a legit text. Check the case number and see if it has your name.


get a new number


Do reverse number check. See who previously had that number. Look that person up to see if they have anything in the court system. Look yourself up as well. If you do, go to court. If they do, optionally, forward the text to that person.


Probably not for you; as someone else said, without clicking on the link in your text (because it may not go where it claims to go) you can go to the website identified and search your name just to be sure. If the text alerts are genuinely set up by the court and you want to stop getting them, you can call that court to ask then let them know the number you now have is no longer tied to whoever they have on record.


Dayum, They found you quick!


Block it and ignore it




Call the county court house obviously


Its a scam!! Delete and report as junk!!


You can use gift cards to get out of jury duty and to pay for the warrant that you have. I can help you if you need it.


Text back “STOP”




Call the courthouse, they'll ask for your name and DOB and can tell you if you have any hearings, warrants, or outstanding fines.


More than likely, it’s something for the previous user of that number before you got it. I get stuff all the time with the numbers I have because of the previous users. It’s annoying though so just delete and don’t worry about it.


If you don’t have a warrant, no lol


He got a new number so this is clearly a message for the previous owner of that phone number.


Nothing to do. If you don't have a letter in the mail directed at your prior to this message just ignore it.


If you just got that number it probably means it was someone else's number before you. You can ignore it Or if they come to your home let them know it's not you they are looking for unless your wanted for something.


Click the “Report Junk” button


I wouldn’t click the link, but I would click the link just to be sure. Most likely a scam, but calling couldn’t hurt anything in the off chance it’s real.


Delete it


Reply “me no peak ingish”




Delete. There is no way the court would have your new number unless you gave it to them. You’ve spent enough time with this already.


say god no


To determine if this is legitimate you must play out the message a bit. If this came by phone, you probably felt fear initially. Then when you ask how can I make this right, you are told to settle your “fine” in cash, going directly to a bank (and don’t hang up or tell anybody about this warrant because you’re automatically subject to a “gag” order. Then you are instructed to take the cash to a “secure kiosk” nearby the courthouse or sheriff office (don’t hang up are the instructions). At that point you are instructed to deposit the cash in the kiosk. Maybe they plan to rob you at gunpoint. I never found out because I was laughing so hard the scammer hung up.


Hoosier here. You can search your own name on MyCase and if a red “W” pops up, you’ve got a warrant. If this isn’t intended for you, I hope the person it *is* for knows about the hearing…. EDIT: Give the clerk of court a call tomorrow morning and let them know they’ve got the wrong number. Or, since you’re 16 and will probably be in school, ask your folks to call. All hearings in that court on 4/25 are here: https://public.courts.in.gov/courtCal#/Home. Navigate to Harrison county and the 25th. If your name’s not coming up, I strongly doubt you have a hearing!


Block it, delete it, mark it as spam. Go about your day.


Courts don't call and send text messages to remind people of upcoming court dates, and don't text about warrants issued, and a pending warrant if you miss a hearing..... Just like the IRS doesn't call people telling them they owe money..


Someone gave your number instead of their own. I’d give them a call and let them know just in case. Hell it might just be for you and you have no idea why.