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He needs to talk with an attorney immediately. Today, if possible, otherwise tomorrow morning. He should not talk with the ATF or anyone else until he speaks with his attorney.


The “brother” would be insane to follow any advice other than what JerryVand says above.


The other good advice I told them is if his brother has a dog, to put it in a safe room away from the ATF. They love shooting dogs. It's kinda their thing.


This is true. I knew a guy who knew a guy who worked for the ATF , he confirmed


You say “Family Pets”, did he kill animals other than dogs?


Cops/Feds are notorious for putting animals down. I've heard plenty of horror stories about it. They don't even confirm the animal died quickly, either. Personally, I feel if a cop/fed shoots an animal and doesn't confirm it died instantly but suffered, they should be charged with animal cruelty. There was a YouTube video i saw a while back where cops euthanized the wrong snake and ended up killing $100k in baby snakes. I'll dig the video out.


Couldn't agree more. ATF doesn't f*** around at all. I wish people would provide more information. This feels weirdly close to like-farming. I'd like to know what piece he bought, and what state. What's illegal in California might not be in Idaho or Montana. This generic bullshit posts need to be stopped.


Don’t fuck with the atf, those fuckers will kick your door in!


And shoot your dog, son and wife.


If it moves they’ll shoot it


If it doesn't move there is still a 50% chance they will also shoot it


i’d up it to 60% tbh


60% of the time, they shoot every time.


Goldfish included


I mean goldfish are well known for violently resisting arrest. Just last year 39 LEO were killed by violent goldfish.


Did they .. choke on them?


38 of the 39 died due to friendly fire while engaging a violent goldfish. the 39th was taken hostage by the goldfish and killed when its demands for more fish food were not met in a timely manner.


That poor goldfish is racked with guilt for killing those innocent cops that shot themselves in friendly cross fire after a squirrel threw an acorn on their car. But because he was engaged in illegal activity he is now accused of murder.


Unfortunate :(


Wow, you're victim blaming here? Just wow.


Certainly not, only wondering about the method of assault. Those poor, *poor* LEOs. I’m *appalled* by the actions of those goldfish.


That's more like it, civilian. As you were.


They'll choke you but they're not killers


I mean…well…um…*cough*…i may know some people that do… <.< >.> ….al lot of choking, but aren’t killers…


And then burn it to ash for good measure.


Then pose for selfies with the remains.


Even my fish?


Especially your fish


And then your cat will choke on the goldfish


Your fish is so dead its gonna be swimming with the fishes. Your fish is so dead it's gonna need two funerals


And if it shoots they'll move it


They have ALL the guns.


They Shoot your wife, her boyfriend, his kids, his live-in Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity brothers who sleep your old room with them.


That's why you get a taxidermy dog filled with tannerite


Just like what happened in Waco. I was there the day before the fire, and I will never forget.


ATF got their pants pulled down and spanked by Koresh and his boys the first try. They had to come back with a tank and then burn them out. It's a shame they had to kill all those women and kids because Koresh told them to mind their own business.


Wait, you were part of karesh's cult??? Please tell us more.


No, I was not. But the building could be seen from a hill even though most roads were closed. Koresh's church was several miles outside the city of Waco. Some time after the fire, I went back. There was a small museum, and the church was being rebuilt. There were small children running around whose parents had been killed in the fire. It was very sad. I have studied this a great deal, and if you have any specific questions, I will try to answer as best I can.


Then claim all were aggressive and or pointing a gun at them.


They’ll actually try to kill your entire cult.




It's crazy to me that a government agency like that BLM is even allowed to carry guns for anything other than animal control.


And then apologise to your neighbor for shooting their dog, son, and wife as they kicked in the wrong door.


That is the ATF’s standard procedure! 🤣


Shades of ruby. Ridge.


I hear that the number of police killed by other police while trying to kill a dog is larger that the number of police that have been killed by dogs.


I mean, that's all law enforcement, potentially.


ATF makes all other law enforcement look like angels.


And shoot your dog


John Wick enters the room


Nah they'll just barricade you in with a perimeter of gunmen, kill your family, and then let you live in it for a week while Blasting terrible music and taunting you about your dead children over megaphone.


Happy Cake Day


Needs a lawyer specializing in gun law immediately. Turning it over doesn't guarantee he won't be charged, and doing so provides all the evidence necessary to charge him.


Also, if your brother is neuro divergent, find a lawyer that specializes in helping them with the government. There are lawyers that specialize in just that. The alphabet agencies like to target those who are easily swayed. The abc agencies will plant an idea and convince them, over the course of years, that they want to be terrorists or want to buy illegal guns. There are many cases where those agencies have done this. As a parent in the neuro divergent community, it's scary how often they target kids like ours.


That escalated from ATF to WTF quickly.


This sounds like a wild conspiracy theory


Unfortunately it isn’t. Lots of domestic counterterrorism starts out by finding a lonely dude in a bad spot and over the years gassing him up. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2017/11/29/politics/aby-rayyan-fbi-terror-sting-pizza-man https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/local/michigan/2022/03/03/no-pseudonyms-fbi-agents-whitmer-kidnapping-case/9368220002/ https://theintercept.com/2015/03/16/howthefbicreatedaterrorist/ Disgusting that instead of trying to deradicalize and help these dudes they attempted to turn them into terrorists.


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LAWYER! Don't trust anyone. Have him get a lawyer


He needs to get a lawyer today. If it were me, I'd see if my lawyer could give them the part ASAP. Make sure he doesn't have the part installed or does something stupid like destroy it. They are not people you want coming over for a play date. So... seer or oil filter? JK, Don't answer that.


Smart money is a switch to rizzy his glizzy


Don’t beep bop beep his bompity bip piece!


Excuse me, stewardess, I speak jive


Chump don't want no help, chump don't get no help


Jive ass turkey


Cut me some slack jack!


My guess was a muzzle device. Can’t recall the name of the company, but a company recently had to forfeit their customer list after the ATF determined their muzzle brakes were easily converted into suppressors.


Most likely a switch, HIGHLY regulated part that allows guns to be full-auto, iirc EDIT: Please don't upvote this, I am NOT an expert and there is a non-negligible chance I'm wrong


And has gotten a ton of publicity lately, including some stories on national news. My guess is ATF is doing a targeted enforcement for them right now.


Which is not actually illegal. You just need to pay a tax stamp and wait for a background check to clear before you buy it. I don't think they let you pay the tax stamp retroactively though.


It's worse than that... the new form requires you to have a serial number for the part, but being in possession of the part in order to get the serial number is a big no-no. The problem is the ATF has become a "we will write our own legislation, kill you and your dog, and then let the courts decide if we were acting in our official capacity" organization. Look at how they've changed their own rules on pistol braces, bump stocks, and FFL requirements unilaterally after years of saying they were fine. No going back to congress, just one day deciding everyone is now a felon and gets a no-knock into submission of their whim.


These kids these days and buying switches


Are switches illegal when not on a firearm? I mean it wouldn’t surprise me if that’s the case. But it’s like owning a bump stock where it’s illegal. If it’s off the rifle there isn’t charges to be made


Having a controlled part and the gun it fits in the same general area is enough to get you on intent to construct.  The thing about most ATF regs people don't get it that there's no mens rea requirement; they don't have to prove you intended to do anything.  People have been convicted of possessing after they reported they thought they had found something they shouldn't possess. 


Yup just having a high capacity mag will get you arrested here in my state. LOL more then 10..


Not by the ATF/feds. Those are state level charges


ATF deals with the CGA and the NFA both of which require mens rea… large swaths of there jurisdiction include the need to prove intent for conviction… I’d have to go look at their budget but I’d bet that is most of their work… where do you get this notion?


It's considered constructive possession of an unregistered NFA item, which is a federal felony. There is legal precedent a la the 'Lightning Link', which were sheets of metal with an outline of an auto sear etched into them. A guy who created and distributed these sheets of metal was last year sentenced to essentially the rest of his life in prison.


If you’re talking about this dude it was “only” five years. But based on the last sentence of this press release it leads me to believe this might be what OP is talking about. https://www.justice.gov/usao-mdfl/pr/youtuber-and-auto-key-card-manufacturer-sentenced-five-years-prison-transferring#:~:text=Jacksonville%2C%20Florida%20–%20U.S.%20District%20Judge,transfer%20and%20transferring%20unregistered%20machinegun


Yeah. I think they were saying he could face a maximum of X years. Don’t remember the exact amount of time but it was essentially a life sentence. Of course, maximum and what is actually handed down under sentencing guidelines aren’t always the same. That said, he shouldn’t have gone to prison at all. The ATF was only able to convert his cards into working links by making additional modifications to them beyond what was etched in the card. Cutting along the lines did not even produce a working link.


Good to know, thank you for taking the time to educate me :)


It’s not constructive possession, that is an unrealated concept. In this case it was actual possession of a conversion part. Firearm parts that are only used in converting/building a machine gun are treated the same as a machine gun. A switch alone is legally the same as possessing a complete machine gun. 26 USC 5845 - b) Machinegun.--The term “machinegun” means any weapon which shoots, is designed to shoot, or can be readily restored to shoot, automatically more than one shot, without manual reloading, by a single function of the trigger. The term shall also include the frame or receiver of any such weapon, any part designed and intended solely and exclusively, or combination of parts designed and intended, for use in converting a weapon into a machinegun, and any combination of parts from which a machinegun can be assembled if such parts are in the possession or under the control of a person. [https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/constructive_possession](https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/constructive_possession)constructive possession Constructive possession is the legal possession of an object that is not in the person’s direct physical control. Like other “constructive” meanings, constructive possession legally functions as actual possession in a variety of ways. In criminal law, establishing constructive possession is often done to further prosecutions for possession crimes, such as possession of illegal drugs. In property law, establishing constructive possession grants the owner the right to obtain physical control and/or a variety of rights over someone else’s physical control of that property. Generally, for a court to find that a person had constructive possession of an object, the person must have had knowledge of the object, and as well as the ability to control it. For example, someone with keys to a safe deposit box may have constructive possession to the contents of that box.


You're slightly confusing the situation. Lightning Links are finished full auto conversion devices, the guy was selling sheets of metal with Lightning Link outlines etched into them. There are actually a handful of legal Lightning Links out there from pre 1986 I think.


Not to nitpick but it’s not an outline of an auto sear, the lightning link and an auto sear look absolutely nothing alike. The lightning link is cut out of flat steel and meant to work in semi auto guns with no additional parts. With the auto sear there’s a spring and bent shapes, angles, different parts required (safety selector, disconnecter, hammer, a new precision hole must be made in the receiver for a third pin to name a few.) Matt Hoover went to prison for a laser etching on a piece of flat steel, compare below: [M16 Auto Sear](https://www.luth-ar.com/product/auto-sear-with-spring-m16/) [Need the rest of these parts & must drill a hole for it all to work](https://kakindustry.com/m16-full-auto-conversion-kit-milspec/) [Lightning Link](https://vitowhisper.com/product/ar15-lightning-link-auto-sear-switch-vwar15llss/) [Matt was sent to prison for selling this](https://br.ifunny.co/meme/autokeycard-2in1-sale-79-00-autokeycarel-3in1-with-bottle-only-3YgEu9TR8)




A switch is very much an actual machine gun conversion part that fires more than one bullet with one trigger pull. It’s been illegal to introduce any new machine gun (MG) parts/whole guns/conversion parts to the US civilian market since 1986. A bump stock just lets you pull the trigger super quickly, but it’s till 1 trigger pull=1 bullet. That’s the difference, one (the switch) is a legit MG part which is only legal to possess for a very small group of special license holders (SOT’s making post samples etc) & the bump stock is simply a gimmicky part that lets you shoot really fast so that it mimics full auto rate of fire


A switch is considered a machine gun even if not attached to anything.


Yes. Technically any part intended exclusively to convert a semi auto into a full auto falls under the NFA. That includes stuff like the DIAS, Lightning Link, and Glock Switches.


A "switch" is legally a "machine gun" all on it's own, even if you don't possess the gun it goes with. That's how broadly the law defines it.


Having the switch alone Is federal crime. No gun needed.


Yes. They are auto sears, which are 100% illegal if not made and registered as machine guns before 1986.




…as the ATF reads all of this…


Op put this on here for advice. This is all good advice to the question, "my dumbass inlaw thought he could screw the feds by buying banned parts off wish and got caught. How fucked is he?" Feds already knew the answer when they sent the letter. Nothing learn from us.


Why would he even attempt to order a switch online? All those sites are literal bait


If it was three years ago its probably a "solvent filter" or something like that


Full stop. Having the suspect turn in the item themselves is a trick, I’ve used it myself. If he shows up with it, it’s in his possession and the officer can testify to it. If an attorney brings it, it becomes a much more difficult case to show possession. He needs an attorney. NOW!


Get a Lawyer. One that specializes in gun laws. Do not say a word to anyone at the ATF until you have consulted an attorney. Whatever you do, don’t send whatever you bought to them without talking to a lawyer first. Don’t voluntary send evidence to the ATF that they can use to convict you without legal counsel. Right now they have a transaction record from the website and possibly a delivery receipt. If you send them the part you hand them a conviction. Talk to a lawyer before you give them any evidence or make any statements. Chances are they were monitoring the website and are contacting everyone who purchased from it after the bust happened at the retailers, but don’t trust the Feds. Don’t trust the Feds for even a second! And for god’s sake stop talking about it online! Have your brother contact a lawyer!


He said his brother responded to them that it was lost. So he already copped to the purchase and possession. He needs a lawyer and to find the part fast.


Yikes! Another case of having the right not to self incriminate but not the ability to.


I asked my sibling who works for the ATF. He said that it can vary depending on which ATF office is handling it. But, for something like this, they typically just confiscate the part. In his words, they usually only arrest people after they spend months building a solid case on someone.


Or, you know, instead of investigating forever and then arresting someone, they can arrest them when they incriminate themselves by handing it over without the advice of counsel. ATF agents love not having to spend months building a solid case. OP, ‘your brother’ only gets one shot at this, don’t let them do it alone.


Shows up to turn it in, pulled over for “suspicious activity” before arriving. officer just happens to be affiliated with ATF, arrested for possession of NFA item. Promotions all around…


Or they go to do a search warrant, realize the guy isn’t home, wait and come back a week later. Then shoot him in the head 30 seconds into the no knock night-time raid.


Thank you!


I asked my boy "Glizzy Glen" with a bunch of priors, he said lawyer up, dog


I just want to say "hi" to the jury, who will read this post when it is submitted as evidence against your brother.


If the switch don’t fit, please acquit 


Sounds like atf gonna help him find the missing piece…


>Edit: My brother now says that the part is “lost” Your brother is going to prison if he sticks to that story


I’m trying to tell him the same thing! I’ll keep the post updated as to what happens!


when i hear 'illegal gun part' i think one of those gun switches,..he's prob fucked if so. he needs to talk to an attorney immediately


My brain went to those oil filter thingies that is one-step removed becoming a silencer. 


**DO NOT TALK TO THE ATF WITHOUT CONSULTING AN ATTORNEY FIRST. EVEN IF THEY SAY YOU WONT BE CHARGED IF YOU FORFEIT THE PART, THEY MAY STILL FILE CHARGES.** Sorry for yelling but it's extremely important. Edit: missed the "part is now lost" edit.


Yeah, that's going to be a big problem for him. Did he sell it? Did he document destroying it? Will they care before cleaning his house looking for it? The cover-up is always worse.


I’m confused, if the atf were monitoring the website, why would they allow the website to be up or why would they allow the store to sell the illegal item?


From the name of the website I dont think this was a typical store to get a part from, im thinking the website was maybe illegal too! I went to the website today its now a online flower store.


It’s most likely an ATF trap website. They’re actually pretty common now for any controlled item that’s usually sold under a stamp and or blatant illegal stuff that’s sold as legal. IMO it’s pretty scummy for them to go after people buying stuff that is deemed legal to sell then them turning around and attempting to entrap people in some time of criminal case. But I guess it’s easier for them to go after ordinary people instead of real criminals


Maybe it was a honeypot


Hard, HARD STOP! NAL. Admit nothing to anyone claiming association with ATF without YOUR attorney's authorization. Get an attorney. As in yesterday! Personally, I'd not just go "turn it in." That sounds too much like a set-up/sting operation. How perfect for them! All they have to do is kick back, drink coffee and eat donuts while they wait for you to bring them that special part and yourself into their web... Get that attorney!!!


He probably just has to turn it over. While he should talk to a lawyer, I was an FFL for years. Cooperating with the ATF is always good policy.


Federal crime is no joke and if convicted you must serve at least 75% of the sentence. He needs to get a lawyer and sort this out asap.


I’d hug your dog really tight the next few days


"Lost" lol sure.


I am an attorney. I practiced firearm law for four years, but don’t anymore. You don’t just need a criminal lawyer. You need a firearms law specialist.


Go save your brothers dog before it’s too late!


I had this happen to me. It wasn't worth it to do anything other than just hand it over. It's probably an frt. $500 bucks down the drain but whatever, it's better than 10 years in federal and being 250k underwater


Stupid that it can’t be returned to seller for a full refund and then that refund info submitted to the ATF..


Ikr. It's whatever though. The two agents I dealt with were clowns lmao. One of them looked like a middle school piano teacher and the other looked like a 17yo Hispanic wannabe rapper. Homie had a Nike shirt and basketball shorts on. When the teacher looking dude asked the other what an frt was and how it worked I knew it was a clown show. Other guy gave a bs response that was wrong and I just tuned them out. Fuckin schmucks


That’s why you don’t answer the door if they ain’t got a warrant.


I doubt your brother did this. If he did. I doubt he actually received it. That should all be between him and his attorney and a privileged conversation. It the event the fictitious widget is in his position it should be put somewhere off his property and out of his possession immediately. Any search warrant should not find this fictitious item. I suspect it is a fraud communication. ATF shows up at your door.


If it’s an oil filter suppressor, put it on your car to be sure it fits, then take it off, fill it with oil, and deliver it to the ATF office.


If it was an oil filter adapter, or FRT trigger or something that an idiot might think could be legal then turning it over will probably be the end of things. Having a lawyer who specializes in 2A issues would be beneficial. All communication needs go go through the lawyer. If the item was a Glock switch or auto-sear then prosecution seems likely.


Was it a Glock switch?


NAL He needs to call a lawyer that deals specifically (or damn close to it) with firearms law/constitutional law. Any more contact with the ATF needs to be through that lawyer.


Well a few things. Be polite to the agents but don’t talk to them. Get a lawyer on this ASAP. Seems like your brother has 30 days. I would not let that expire. Follow your lawyers directions to the T and don’t do anything like this again. He’s on a list somewhere now


I guess you could test the FBI out and find out! Stupid games, stupid prizes


Lawyer up fast. that's the advise.


I’d send them the one he wanted to replace


I dunno. I feel like they would just show up. Not call. Perhaps someone hacked the website or whoever sold it is running a scam. I don’t know if any particular gun part in itself that’s illegal stand alone. Install the part ya. Sounds suspect to me


Was it really the ATF that contacted him or was it a phone call from an “ atf agent” who had a very thick accent?


Sounds like your brother shouldn't be a gun owner period.


I'm sure the ATF will just apologize and drop the whole thing once he tells them that the part is "lost" totally believable..... he needs to "find" the part and talk to a lawyer


Hope your brother doesn't have any dogs


His dog is as good as dead. Rip puppy.


Never speak to an alphabet agency, never “assist” an alphabet agency, contact a lawyer and say noting other than 🖕👀


Who woulda thunk ordering something illegal on the interwebs could be traced back to you? Better call Saul


I had my door kicked and I went to prison over illegal gun parts, do not play with this at all. Do what the atf asks and seek an attorney so you don’t get bullied by the government


Better Call Saul


I was visited more than once by the painfully young, closely-barbered, neatly dressed, excruciatingly polite, and heavily-armed representatives of the BATF, and they knocked on the door, and killed neither of my dogs. Yes, their rules are draconian, but the actual guys and girls are very chill, and know their weaponry. I even got a laugh out of one of them, when on the 2nd visit, I said "I assume you are not here about the smokes or the booze..."


Your brother sound like an irresponsible idiot


Buys illegal stuff online with his own credit/debit card... amateur


Your “brother” never got contacted, and made this entire scenario up to supply ammo for his “they’re out to get me” revenge fantasy.


Run this by his attorney first. Whatever they recommend do. He should be ok.


Uhhh...good. Don't buy illegal gun parts.


Could just be a scam, I’d post the letter that your brother received from ATF and see. Also how do they want it returned? Does he have to ship it to the “ATF” or does he have to turn it into them at their office? I assume you can’t just mail something that is illegal and you’d have to physically hand it to someone from ATF. If I was you I’d just response to whatever contact that you received and offer to come in person to one of their offices. If they persist that you have to mail it I’d question the legitimacy of it.


Don’t trust them they can why about anything and everything and help convict you get a lawyer today that your lawyer take care of surrendering the part when he has proper documentation to prove that you guys Complied with the request


Google run-on sentence.


Fishing attempt by the atf. They've been known to do this even to people who had no correlation to "illegal" parts. If they actually had something on him, they would arrest him. Him turning over anything they deem illegal is him admitting guilt in their eyes. They don't have anything on him.


This is dumb logic.


I mean it sounds like the "illegal part" was a switch. Those are treated as machine guns by the ATF, if he has an online trail of buying an illegal machine gun online they'll find it. If it's almost anything else he's unlikely to be made an example of.


Is he gonna get arrested? Yes. Why are we having this discussion? He needs to man up and deal with this. Get a lawyer. But he needs to go into this understanding that he really did wrong.


Your brother is a fucking moron. He told them he lost it. So he just admitted he did indeed purchase it and he did indeed have it in his possession and there for in possession of an illegal gun part. They now have an admission of guilt in addition to everything else. They have given him a 30 day pass to return the part and not face consequences. He had better find that part or he will now be going to jail part or no part. It would have been an easy case before but your brother made it and open and shut case. Better start doing butt hole stretching if he can’t find that part. Make it easier for him in jail.


The ATF has deemed parts illegal without having any jurisdiction or ability to actually write any laws. They have no right to demand anything without a warrant, and they are not able to get a warrant for "parts".


Ok, I am a former criminal defense attorney. What kind of part is the atf ALLEGING he purchased? If it’s a forced reset trigger, that’s debatably legal. If it’s a switch, he’s in deep shit, potentially.


I have seen several videos like this. Not saying it's right, or wrong. https://youtu.be/Kn7HBVjQLRw?si=Qu67hfJBil5cJkg8


he needs a lawyer, but um, they woulda already came and got the part from him if they thought he was gonna be an issue


You need a real layer not reddit. There is a lot of ifs here. Depending on what the part is and what about it specifically is illegal can drastically change how big of a deal this is.


All jokes aside (which will get you shot by the ATF) why would they go after the people buying them instead of shutting down the business?


Anyone saying anything other than “Firearm specialist Lawyer” is dumb and wrong.


Without more details no one here can help you. Without know if this was a switch from wish.com or some of the muzzle devices that ATF said was too close to a suppressor, there is no way to give meaningful advice.


Depends on the part.  Some things the ATF can nail people dead go rights on such as muzzle devices that are clearly baffles, glock switches (they are illegal by themselves).   Contact an attorney


I would think if he bought it in good faith, not knowing it was illegal, and turned it over, he should be fine. I'd also ask if they can go after the seller to get his money back.


If it was a glock switch, he probably should search hard and find it. If it was an FRT or solvent trap, I'd just ignore it, especially if it's lost.


Was the part illegal when he bought it?


Plenty of YouTube channels like Washington Gun Law and Armed Attorneys etc. to help explain what’s happening and how to handle it. He’s not under arrest - YET - but he is under investigation. Never talk to the police/feds, they are not your friend and are not there to help you. If they show up, don’t talk to them. “I don’t answer questions.” “Am I under arrest? No, ok then I am free to go.” “Do you have a search warrant? No? Please exit my property since you do not have a warrant, I assert my 4th Amendment rights.” ATF does not have bodyworn cameras, so he must pull out his phone and record any interaction himself to prevent any Gman “shenanigans” - look at what a dumbass Louisville cop just tried to do to the #1 golfer in the world! Be polite but firm. If they have a search warrant they will just kick in the door, nothing he can do. If they have an arrest warrant they wouldn’t send a letter, he would already be in cuffs. They are in the investigation stage, watching and waiting for the dumbass criminals to do their job for them. Be aware that if he does foolishly start talking to them, he can trap himself into another charge if he lies to them. Its called obstruction. Martha Stewart didn’t go to jail for insider trading, though everyone thinks she did. She actually went to jail for lying to the FBI during their investigation into her trading activity. They had her phone records to prove she made a call to her broker that she denied making. ATF already knows what he bought and from where and how much he paid for it and how he paid (probably his credit card) - they didn’t find him by accident. Even if he already threw whatever it was into the ocean, lying about it can land him in the pokey even though they can’t get him on possession of the “part.” You can’t talk your way out of jail, but you sure as hell can talk your way into it.


What is the part? He definitely needs a lawyer, but ATF likes to change definitions and rules on a whim without any congressional oversight, so there’s a chance the part he bought may not actually be illegal.


If it was an honest mistake, something that was legal but has since become illegal, etc. turning over the part is usually good enough will. But "I lost it" likely ain't gonna cut it. Either way, he needs a lawyer yesterday.


Tell your brother to HODL the fort!


6am no knock warrant, ready to kill. Lookup Malinowski Submit or risk a bullet.


It really depends on what the part was. The atf changed the rules on bump stocks and pistol braces essentially making them illegal, they have been contacting the people that purchased them to either get them turned in or confirm their destruction. The bump stocks were all supposed to surrendered or destroyed, the pistol braces could either be destroyed and the rifle returned to a legal condition, or kept and the rifle registered as a short barreled rifle. If he had either one of those and tells the atf that they were destroyed and is then caught with one, he will have a bad day, otherwise he’ll be fine. If he did something stupid like order a Glock switch, he’s going to have a lot of bad days and needs an attorney.


He needs a lawyer and so desperately now. Today if possible. Thr ATF /Federal do not play, and the first thing you know they coming is when your door is smashed through and your looking up to a flashlight and a command to surrender of they want to bring you in. He needs to take this serious.


I would advise him to contact an attorney immediately. These guys will show up and shoot him in the head.


Did ATF call him on the phone? If so, it’s probably a scam.




What’s the part he bought. I’m gonna buy me the same one and then make National News!


Lawyer up, for sure. If he is able to find the part, the lawyer could negotiate a non-prosecution deal to protect him. Otherwise, he could get in big trouble. A couple of years back, I was working at a federal court when we had a similar type of case come through. Guy had bought parts that could be used to make a gun fire automatically, so the parts were deemed machine guns. ATF got the customer list, and this guy refused to cooperate and claimed he lost the parts. Feds found other bad stuff when they arrested him and searched the house. He went to trial, was found guilty in like 30 minutes, and got a lot of time (something like 20+ years). Other people on the customer list who cooperated and turned things over weren’t even prosecuted.


First off, make sure it’s not a scam. The ATF is serious shit and they often don’t get involved with people for one gun part. Second, he should talk to an attorney. If he bought an illegal gun part they could charge him. If he sold it and is lying that he lost it, they could charge him. Surrendering the gun part is the “right” thing to do if he still has it but this can often be a legal minefield. An attorney can help him navigate things to ensure he’s not charged, but he needs to get one involved ASAP.