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One year? The penalty for deliberately framing innocent people should be a *minimum* of 3X the sentence his victims got or were facing.


Just wait until you find out that this was 2021 and he only served two weeks before being sent home.


That's flipping disgusting. Ugh, I hope he lives the life he deserves.


Stfu...I don't even wanna know if that's a lie or not. Jfc


Fine but never search "mark handy louisville".  You're gonna be mad.


Just fucking ridiculous....


For those wondering, I searched and here ya go! [Mark Handy Louisville](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=GkDHC9ShrNiSA9D6)


Ya got me.


Nice 👍 ya got me


I aint gonna watch it...


I promise, it won't let you down.


Just absolutely blows my FUCKING MIND!! Soooo blatantly out there!! And noone cares. If they did, all them fucks would be in jail. With all these videos, rulings, innocents being released....fuck man, ALL the shit going on, and everyone sees it...and it KEEPS happening...my biggest beef...keeps happening




SHUT THE FUCK UP OH MY GOD Edit: (I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at the situation)


Fuuuuuck off... For real?!


Oh god I think I just threw up in my mouth. That's so disgusting. Wtf is wrong with our court system 🤦‍♂️


I mean, when you think of taking nearly 70 years of life, it’s almost like he committed a murder spread a gross multiple victims


Imagine if relied on proof to convict people of crimes, instead of taking someone's word for it. Bottom line here is that anyone that actually served time based on one of these lies, did so based on NO REAL EVIDENCE. Why should a cops word be enough to convict anyone?? A lie without evidence shouldn't hold any weight.


Or you just execute him and remove the garbage from society for good and permanently solve the problem and be done with it.


Honestly, I really hope the families this man destroyed end up finding justice,... one way or another.


I agree but I don't want him to be some one else problem in the future.


That’s gonna be one wild year 🤪


The minimum for this needs to be life in prison, no parole.


1yr for 62yrs served? Send that man to prison for 62yrs.


Lol, you really think that sentence stuck? He's a white cop who put black men in jail for murder. They got him out of there quick. Try [two weeks](https://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/crime/2021/05/28/corrupt-detective-mark-handy-sent-home-after-2-weeks-behind-bars/5252569001/).


Jesus Christ. Using your badge to commit crimes should be a capital offense.


Crazy thing, it is.


Handy’s lawyer, Brian Butler, said it is “common for low-level non-violent offenders to be released on home incarceration based upon state budgetary issues as well as overcrowding.” There wouldn’t be overcrowding if they stopped framing innocent people.


Believe all police!! See how stupid that sounds?


And where is that being said?


Only 1 year ??


Published May 28, 2021 *LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Lawyers for the victims call it utterly appalling.* *Just two weeks after corrupt former Louisville detective Mark Handy was sentenced to serve a year in prison for perjury and tampering with evidence in cases that put innocent men behind bars, he has been released to home incarceration.* *Handy’s lawyer, Brian Butler, said it is “common for low-level non-violent offenders to be released on home incarceration based upon state budgetary issues as well as overcrowding.”* *But Special Prosecutor Shane Young, who learned about the release from reporters, said he was not happy about it.* *“The way corrections is letting people go and subverting justices pisses me off,” he said.* *County Attorney Mike O'Connell, who objected to an attempt to give Handy probation, said: "I think it is appalling and shameful that someone who caused so much misery in the lives of innocent people is permitted to sit at home watching television serving out a sentence for perjury."* *Attorney Elliot Slosar, who represents two of the four innocent men who Handy put behind bars, said his early release is an “affront to all victims.”* *And Nick Brustin, a lawyer for the other two, including Edwin Chandler, who served nine years in prison based on Handy’s lies, said it “belittles” what he did to his victims and the “brave actions” of the judge and prosecutors who brought him to justice.* *“This sends another message, that police officers are still giving favored treatment, regardless of the seriousness of their misconduct,” Brustin said.* *Lisa Lamb, a spokeswoman for the Corrections Department, did not immediately respond to a request for comment, but according to the VINE network, Handy is on electronic monitoring.* *It is not uncommon for the department to release to electronic monitoring low-level felons with no prior convictions.* *Young said under the separation of powers doctrine, the Corrections Department can alter sentences imposed by the courts.* *Handy had been behind bars since May 11.* *Slosar said the quick conversion of the punishment to electronic monitoring subverts the plea agreement that called for Handy to spend a year in prison for perjury in the trial of Edwin Chandler and tampering with evidence in the case against Keith West.* *Slosar also noted the move by the state is inconsistent with the sentence imposed by Jefferson Circuit Judge Olu Stevens, who previously had rejected a plea deal that would have included no prison time for Handy.* *Stevens said the deal was too lenient, given the years Handy's victims spent in prison. Handy and his attorneys withdrew the guilty plea.* *Under the terms of the most recent plea agreement, Handy was not able to ask for probation for his one-year prison sentence.* *Slosar represents West, who spent about seven years behind bars for the shooting deaths of two men he said he killed in self-defense when he said they tried to kidnap and rape him.* *Handy pleaded guilty to tampering with physical evidence by taping over the recording of a witness statement in the West case, according to the plea agreement.* *Handy also pleaded guilty to perjury for falsely testifying in the case against Chandler,* *Chandler spent nine years in prison for the murder of Brenda Whitfield, which a court later found he did not commit. He was exonerated in 2012, and the Louisville Metro Government went on to pay him $8.5 million as a result of a wrongful conviction lawsuit.* *Handy also was implicated in the wrongful convictions of Jeffrey Clark and Keith Hardin for the 1995 murder of Rhonda Sue Warford. In 2016, a judge threw out the conviction and the men were released.* *Slosar and Brustin, respectively, represent Clark and Hardin in a federal lawsuit that accuses Handy and a former Meade County sheriff and others of falsely spinning a story that Warford was killed in a Satanic ritual.*


NOT LONG ENOUGH!!! Matching sentences!


His sentence was in 2021, he was released to home incarceration after just 2 weeks


Even better the courts were considered the “harsh” ones here and had their decision overturned by corrections. Dude only ended up serving 2 weeks


Motherfucker. Why not 62 years? Gee, I can’t imagine why anyone wouldn’t trust cops.


At the end the cop was offered a plea deal with no jail time.... The judge rejected that, and that was justice


This kind of stuff really bothers me because the one thing none of us can get back is the time we have to spend on this earth. To me, time is the most precious part of our lives and knowing they were innocent the whole time while the officer also knew is heartbreaking. One year doesn't seem like nearly enough as a punishment.


Someone above said he only served 2 weeks.....


Wow, just 🍌🍌🍌


I checked it, btw. They were right.


I looked too, just unreal all around I think.


It's depressing.






Please don't suggest violence as a solution to a problem.


Not only that, but as a guy who's done ONLY four days in jail for two separate offenses... It sounds like hell on Earth to have to do years... Let alone 10. This is a horrifying story at it's core.


It is horrifying and worse is the offender worked out a plea deal where he wasn't going to see any jail time initially until the judge stepped in. Then to find the offender was released after 2 weeks when these people lost years of their freedom is just. I have no words.


“A deceptive man , has guilt far chaotic then his deception”. -Joseph Vooz


Probably beside the point but if I were making a movie and needed someone to play the judge, this judge would be him.


It's good to see someone being punished for their abuse of power and everything else they did BUT he should serve a minimum of what he made another serve unjustly


Looks like he served two weeks. JuSTicE sErvEd!


Do they have to release this victims from jail before they put him in jail because I’ve asked around and the guys on the cell block said they want some overlap before they get released.


As always, ACAB


Only one year is crazy. That is not enough


Only served 2 weeks of it


Just 1 year?


He only sat two weeks of it


It a sad justice system we have , should be changed to Injustice system. I would have to sue the government or that town, police dept , legal dept and all that over see this clown show of a system.


Just comparing to the believe all women slogan. No one group should be believed unequivocally


This bastard needs more time


Crazy world


Can I help in any way


LMPD is trash


1 mother fucking YEAR!?!?!?!?!?


Was actually 2 weeks and they released him


1 year for completely ruining peoples lives. The American justice system is terribly flawed when it comes to punishing police.


He only had to do 2 weeks of it


Free Scottie


Only 1 year? C’mon!


Was actually only 2 weeks


Dude should serve the same amount of time as every one of his victims, to run consecutively and then add another year


This is everything that is wrong with the “justice system”. The cops, the judges, the attorneys work hand in hand with each other. Of course there is going to be leniency towards someone you know- it’s human nature. There should be some type of community poll taken on how long the prison sentence should be, take the average of those numbers, and that would be your sentence. No favoritism, no back room deals!


It gets even better. After all the navigating they went through to get him sentenced to a year, the courts then had their own authority undermined by corrections who gave him probation after just 2 weeks. Even for a white cop this is absurd. Im betting the guy has shadowy connections which would explain why he was framing black men for murders in the first place.


Hopefully word gets out in prison.


He only did 2 weeks in jail


He should serve their cumulative sentences as punishment at the bare minimum.


I wonder how long it will take for the guy to be rehired by a police department once he gets out?


Hope he drops the soap.


Gross. Make police accountable. End qualified immunity and make them carry personal liability insurance 


A year... Dude should have gotten the four sentences for the wrongful convictions he caused.


Ended up only being 2 weeks


This is horrible for police image at large. But at least we hear about it. Why do I feel like, in some other countries, this story wouldnt see daylight.


All the lawsuits should be settled using money from their retirement pension.


Hate to say it but Capital punishment seems fitting here


This is sick. The punishment isn't even close to enough. What kind of disgusting person does something to put innocent people in prison?


I wonder what the facts of the case were. One year seems pretty light given the presentation on the news.


That man is a disgrace, he embodies the reason people don't trust the justice system. I hope his children lose all respect for him and his grass dies.


Summary execution.


1 year? Throw the Judge and the AD in the blender with this pos.


Was absooooofuckinglutly disgusted when I heard his sentence of one year but then hearing just the first man's sentence of 10 years robbed from him. That pos needs more then a life sentence. Public corporal punishment needs to be a thing again!


The sentence should be the cumulative time his victims spent in custody.


They need to add up the total time of the men he sent to prison and make that his sentence.


I've done more time for being pulled up on by police at my house while trying to exit my vehicle, that apparently after an hour of searching with police k9s, was found to have contained a whopping .2g of weed in the middle console, according to the fine police officers of Elkhart County Indiana. Yup, just magically appeared there and though the dog never showed interest in any fucking part of that car, I was told the judge would never take my word over the officers(my lawyer said that and found out the POS used to work for the police department). Funny thing is, idk what .2g of weed looks like but boy, 2 months of jail, one year of probation and thousands of dollars in court fines later, I sure learned to never ever drive my vehicle and park in my driveway at night again..... Oh I forgot to mention that after the police had their fuck fest and left, I searched the car myself and sure enough, my buddy in the seat behind me DID have weed and placed it in the full bottle of Coca-Cola in the seat compartment. It was floating on the top of the liquid, sealed in a bag, plain as day in that see through bottle. K9 found that .2g tho. Real heros out there doing the Lord's work......


This country is a fucking joke




Ridiculous, released early, served less than 3 weeks.


That dudes gotta go to prison man. No fucking bullshit pleads. Actual time needs to be served


His sentence should be no less than the total amount of time his victims served in prison.


Mark is going to be giving a lot of handies in prison


What in the one year fuck!


ONE YEAR???? God I fucking hate Louisville and I am SO GLAD I left that busted ass lame ass broke ass dumb ass corrupt ass city.


OH HELL NO, this is a perfect example of how the LEO's are getting away with Murder. And if by chance they get caught. They get off with a slap on the wrist. There not going to get tough on Cops breaking the Law until we have total anarchy in the streets. The problem with that is once you destroy the fabric of morality of your citizens to the point that they are willing to use force to protect themselves. How in the Hell do you ever regain the public trust ever again. Police who break the Law must be held accountable.


This should be a public hanging scenario


Really that officer should have to do the combined amount of time those men spend behind bars. 1 year is a fkin joke he'll be out in 3 months.


Before anyone asks, yes it's legal for police to frame people.


Trump would let him off. But yeah, he ain’t racist


Might want to check who the mayor is there before you start with the whole "trump" bullshit. This is a democrat run city and has been since 1969. The orangutan is certainly a fucking idiot, but this isn't his doing. They're ALL racist elitist scumbags.


What’s the deal with the masks?


One? Is he a democrat or something?